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Real World Examples
In Progress as of July 10, 2012
This page capture the most common use cases, of which we'll try our best to make into actual DSL methods to greatly simplify use them. Please add your own uses cases, there is a high likelihood that if you provide an sample here, it'll get made into a DSL method.
First every job has to be encased in a job block with a name. Feel free to add variables, e.g.
def jobName =
job {
name jobName
job {
name 'SomeJob'
- Git
job {
name 'GitJob'
scm {
job {
name 'GitJobForFeatureBranch'
scm {
git('git://github.com/JavaPosseRoundup/job-dsl-plugin', 'feature-branch')
job {
name 'GitJobXmlConfigured'
scm {
git('git://github.com/JavaPosseRoundup/job-dsl-plugin') { node ->
// These names come straight from the xml, <scm class="hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM">
node / authorOrCommitter << 'true'
node / gitConfigName << 'Justin Ryan'
node / gitConfigEmail << '[email protected]'
- Set jobs for suites of tests
def giturl = 'git://github.com/quidryan/aws-sdk-test.git'
for(i in 0..10) {
job {
name "DSL-Tutorial-1-Test-${i}"
scm {
steps {
maven("test -Dtest.suite=${i}")
- Set Perforce View Spec
def viewspec = '''
//depot/Tools/build/... //jryan_car/Tools/build/...
//depot/commonlibraries/rest-server-utils/... //jryan_car/commonlibraries/rest-server-utils/...
//depot/webapplications/helloworld/... //jryan_car/webapplications/helloworld/...
job {
name 'PerforceJob'
scm {
- Maintain Jenkins jobs for each branch of a project on Github - TBD
def project = 'Netflix/asgard'
def branchApi = new URL("https://api.github.com/repos/${project}/branches")
def branches = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(branchApi.newReader())
branches.each {
def branchName = it.name
job {
name "${project}-${branchName}".replaceAll('/','-')
scm {
git("git://github.com/${project}.git", branchName)
Set up a chain of builds - compile & unit test, integration test, static analysis; each passing the build results of the former to the next step in the chain - TBD
Add Gradle Build Step
job {
name 'GradleJob'
steps {
- Maven build
job {
name 'MavenJob'
steps {
maven('clean build')
- Import other files (i.e. with class definitions) into your script
- Make a directory at the same level as the DSL called "utilities"
- Make a file called MyUtilities.groovy in the utilities directory
- Put the following contents in it:
package utilities
import javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.Job
public class MyUtilities {
def addEnterpriseFeature(Job job) {
job.with {
description('Arbitrary feature')
- Then from the DSL, add something like this:
import utilities.MyUtilities
MyUtilities.addEnterpriseFeature(job {})
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Release Notes
Talks and Blog Posts
Dynamic DSL
Configure Blocks
Job DSL Commands
Script Security
Handling Credentials
Configuration as Code
Real World Examples
User Power Moves
IDE Support
Testing DSL Scripts
For Developers
Extending the DSL
Job DSL Architecture