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File metadata and controls

43 lines (27 loc) · 1.92 KB


Testing your cloud infrastructure and deployment scripts before you actually provision servers and deploy code is a good idea. Vagrant makes this easy.

In order to use vagrant you will need to have VirtualBox installed. Once you've completed that you'll need to install Vagrant. Note: it is better to run the binary version of Vagrant. If you have a gem version, uninstall it, then []download it](

You can download and install a default box or you can start with a good Vagrantfile and use that to fetch the box you want. In your Rails root create a file called Vagrantfile:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  # By default, I am using ubuntu because I prefer it
  # Lots of people use centos instead = "ubuntu"

  # Specifying the url means that if the box is not installed
  # Vagrant knows where to get it. Here I am using a 64-bit
  # version of 14.04 LTS (long-term support)
  config.vm.box_url = ""
  # Some basic config for later "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
  config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 2048]

Now, you could have created this with vagrant init and that would give you a much better template with all of the options and documentation. Once you've got Vagrant and a Vagrantfile, you are going to need to start the box (this can take a while):

vagrant up

Great, you should now have a running vagrant box. You can run vagrant ssh to test it. If you want to shut that box down:

vagrant halt

Bootstrapping and Provisioning

This box is pretty boring at the moment.

Now we need to prepare the box (which will setup chef and ruby)