container with that runs integration tests in dockerhelp
container helper docker container to run iptables without sudobase
container to run RaftKeeperrunnner/compose
contains docker_compose YaML files that are used in tests
#You can pull those images, or build those yourself.
docker pull raftkeeper/raftkeeper-integration-tests:latest
docker pull raftkeeper/raftkeeper-network-partition:latest
docker pull zookeeper:3.7.1
cd RaftKeeper/docker/test/integration/runner
#We just save all images we need, and copy those to image raftkeeper-integration-tests-runner.
#So that we can use raftkeeper-integration-tests-runner even if you are in an internal network environment.
#You can see more detail in runner/Dockerfile and runner/
docker save -o raftkeeper-integration-tests.tar zookeeper:3.7.1
docker save -o raftkeeper-network-partition.tar raftkeeper/raftkeeper-network-partition:latest
docker save -o raftkeeper-integration-tests.tar raftkeeper/raftkeeper-integration-tests:latest
docker build -t raftkeeper/raftkeeper-integration-tests-runner .
How to run integration tests is described in tests/integration/