# set space to allow ssh (one-time)
> cf allow-space-ssh <space-name>
# set app to enable ssh (one-time)
> cf enable-ssh <app-name>
# restage app (one-time)
> cf restage <app-name>
# ssh to app
> cf ssh <app-name>
# list PIDs and look for node app's PID
$ ps aux
# enable remote debugging
$ kill -s SIGUSR1 <pid>
# exit ssh
$ exit
# start tunnel debugging and forward it to local port
cf ssh <app-name> -N -T -L 9229:
# start debugging in VS Code
- VS Code debugger settings
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"name": "Attach cloud app ",
"address": "localhost",
"port": 9229,
"localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
"remoteRoot": "/home/vcap/app"