(#898 by @jbolda) Accounts each have their own specific page. This allows for a simple "prefilter" of related data. It improves focus when drilling down into a specific subset of transactions.8174428
(#887 by @jbolda) The comparison for the account ID broke when we passed in the transactions with accounts wired up. The types were not sufficiently complete to catch. Fix the error and more of the types.f9089d2
(#891 by @jbolda) Switch to sidebar navigation for larger displays. This helps with a better "app feel" and allows more freely adding new pages.99b0699
(#885 by @jbolda) Add transaction timeline view to see all transaction in a running list.
(#652 by @depfu) Update parcel 2.9.3 → 2.10.3 (minor)2ea024c
(#660 by @depfu) Update react-router-dom 6.0.2 → 6.21.1 (minor)a08c3e8
(#669 by @jbolda) bumped ynab to v28ea59e8
(#670 by @jbolda) Switch web build to ESM based. This improves compatibility with the component testing, and hopefully the greater ecosystem as other libraries began to move over.b7a2334
(#673 by @jbolda) Upgrade to react-aria v1, tailwind v3 and bump other component libs.a361456
(#674 by @depfu) Update parcel 2.10.3 → 2.11.0 (minor)e7ad8fb
(#691 by @jbolda) Includereact-aria
tailwind starter kit for a whole host of components to use. We swapped out theSwitch
component, but all others are currently unused.a516112
(#727 by @jbolda) Add playwright reporter to add results to Github Action summary page.73502a2
(#733 by @jbolda) Swap from big.js to dinero. This will eventually allow us to better support a large multitude of currencies.e70d892
(#734 by @depfu) Update react-router-dom 6.21.1 → 6.23.0 (minor)2825707
(#737 by @jbolda) Update react-aria* and tailwaind* to latest.9facbd8
(#741 by @depfu) Update d3 7.8.5 → 7.9.0 (minor)2c489c7
(#762 by @renovate) Update dependency date-fns to v2.30.0d098b38
(#763 by @renovate) Update dependency formik to v2.4.60a9dfdc
(#764 by @renovate) Update dependency lucide-react to ^0.378.09ad657b
(#766 by @renovate) Update dependency parcel to v2.12.05d0e045
(#769 by @renovate) Update dependency starfx to v0.12.043b1976
(#770 by @renovate) Update react-aria to 2024-05-01 release.d12a3ca
(#774 by @jbolda) Remove heroicons, replace with lucide. Only one icon library is required, and lucide was included in many more components already.7b56ead
(#800 by @renovate) Update dependency starfx to v0.13.03b0cf44
(#850 by @renovate) Update dependency parcel to v2.13.036a4da8
(#803 by @jbolda) Fix bug withchartRange
not reconstituting and throwing errors as the dates were not parsed.d02ba69
(#841 by @jbolda) Expenses and transfers both allow a target account which considers an account decrement on debt, loans and credit lines. This represents the payback of accounts. It saves one from having to make a matching transaction to represent the "out" from one account and "in" in another.60bc35c
(#838 by @jbolda) Add inputs to allow filtering down flow chart account data to improve viewing experience.b85ca6e
(#806 by @jbolda) FlexTable toreact-aria
Table for high density content display.00d277b
(#473 by @depfu) Update @headlessui/react to
(#241 by @jbolda) We have pulled out the planning into a new route separate from the cash flow analysis. The planning page will help someone build up something that could serve as a budget, but with more granularity and time elements related to it. It is currently a snapshot of today, but we can expand it to multiple snapshots that lead into the future. Building up and refining leads one into the cash flow analysis more gradually rather than dumping someone into what is likely considered more advanced concepts.b689287
(#471 by @jbolda) Lazy load routes and code split through it. This let's us ship smaller chunks based on the routes that you visit.cbc785f
(#451 by @jbolda) Change license to Apache2. This had previously been an option in the discussions. While AGPL is appropriate here, those historically pushing it do not act in ways with which we would like to associate. Generally there is less concern around those looking to commit code under this license as well.6a2ab22
(#735 by @jbolda) Update the header with MenuItem and thereact-aria
router integration. This fixes the issue with links not being clickable.a176c8f
(#729 by @jbolda) Change nav mobile to react-aria popover to solve side scroll.6e9d934
(#462 by @depfu) Upgrade parcel to v2.0.0.25235de
(#470 by @jbolda) Upgrade parcel to v2.0.1.135bf9b
(#736 by @jbolda) Persist state in local storage through the adapter. This includes logic to reconstitute the dinero objects which are saved as plain objects (stringified) in the state.4d9e530
(#685 by @jbolda) Upgrade postcss to 8.3.11.a7329c2
(#644 by @jbolda) Convert to react-aria instead of @reach/ui as it is no longer actively maintained.3298122
(#805 by @jbolda) Fix the thrown errors due to the various ways values were "reconstituting". That is, all cases weren't correctly converting from primitives into a properDinero<number>
. Normalize on a function to handle this across all situations.6ff2027
(#840 by @jbolda) Adding a transfer now allows for noting two accounts to handle both the "in" and "out" side of a transfer. By default, the "main" account will handle the "out". Additionally we fixed the issue where transfers were not considered.820b656
(#839 by @jbolda) Allow transaction table to be sorted by selected column.4c35c2f
(#686 by @jbolda) Implement starfx as a wrapper to incrementally replace existing state. This new state management will better enable parallel and async tasks which will improve client side calculation percevied performance.8b94d9a
Switch state management to starfx. This improves our ability to handle side effects and control computational load.0763234
(#822 by @jbolda) Allow signin and persisting of accounts and transactions to the supabase DB. These features come with infrastructure cost, and will need to have considered offset.b7d04d6
(#468 by @depfu) Upgrade tailwindcss to2.2.19
(#685 by @jbolda) Upgrade @tailwindcss/forms to0.3.4
(#808 by @jbolda) Swap to use Transtack Forms and zod to provide greater flexibility in working with react-aria components and dynamic forms.4d89195
(#869 by @jbolda) Add card view functionality for both accounts and transactions. This is an alternative view to the table. In handling this, we removed the tab functionality in favor of tags to enable and disabling entries, categorically, from the view.2256b45
(#876 by @jbolda) Update marketing content on homepage to more directly address benefits.0794388
(#823 by @jbolda) The interest on accounts was not handled correctly and edit followed by immediate save would change the value. Fix the floating point and scaling issues. Also fixed the validation error display which were not shown.
- Update autoprefixer to 10.3.7.
- Update d3-array to 3.1.1.
- Update d3-scale to 4.0.2.
- A handful of footer items came in with the component that weren't used. Remove and/or replace them.
- Update tailwindcss to 2.2.16.
- Bump big.js to v6 (major), and bump @reach/tabs, date-fns, formik, and papaparse minors.
- Upgrade d3js to v7.
- Implement covector for publishing. This will let us achieve a similar outcome to gitflow, but with one branch.
- Switch from create-react-app to parcel@v2. We have outgrown the use of CRA, and parcel provides much more performant tooling with the opportunity to make more refined choices around testing as it isn't coupled.
- This update removes
and replaces it withtailwindcss
. This improves runtime performance with the tradeoff of greater reliance on classes. While there are opinions on the verbosity of the utility class based system, most of this will be hidden away within components and elements over time.