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Your name; Your GitHub user; Dataset name; Dataset URL; Dataset brief description
David Cabornero Pascual,Dcabornero,World Bank Guarantees since FY2016,https://finances.worldbank.org/Projects/World-Bank-Guarantees-since-FY2016/r8n7-8yc8,List of Guarantee Projects approved by World Bank Group since 2016,,,
Carlos Morote García,CarlosMorote,Human Instructions - Spanish (wikiHow),https://www.kaggle.com/paolop/human-instructions-spanish-wikihow,120.507 formalised step-by-step instructions in Spanish from wikiHow,,,
Miguel Angel Garcia-Gutierrez Espina, miguelangel43, linkedMDB, https://triplydb.com/Triply/linkedmdb, A linked data collection of movies, actors, directors, etc. And the relationships between
José Manuel Díaz Urraco, jmdu99, Accidentes de tráfico de la Ciudad de Madrid ,, Traffic accidents in the City of Madrid registered by the Municipal Police.,,,
Miguel Ventoso Fernández, miguelventoso, Principales marcas de whiskey en función del volumen de ventas a nivel mundial en 2020, https://es.statista.com/estadisticas/599104/mercado-del-whiskey-marcas-lideres-en-el-mundo-en-funcion-del-volumen-de-ventas/, This dataset shows the most popular brands of whiskey bought worldwide in 2020,,,
Sergio Mario Carulli Pérez,Sergio-Carulli,COVID-19 Coronavirus data - daily (up to 14 December 2020),https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/covid-19-coronavirus-data-daily-up-to-14-december-2020?locale=es,The dataset contains a daily situation update on COVID-19, the epidemiological curve and the global geographical distribution,,
Laura González López, lauraglo, Actuaciones del Cuerpo de Bomberos, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=fa677996afc6f510VgnVCM1000001d4a900aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, Interventions of the Fire Department in Madrid on a monthly basis since 2017,,,
María Ayuso Luengo, mariaayuso, Spotify Top 200 Charts (2020-2021), https://www.kaggle.com/sashankpillai/spotify-top-200-charts-20202021, Songs that have been on the Top 200 Weekly Global charts on spotify (2020-2021) and some of their features like genre, streams, release date, etc
Evelyn Morales Moreno, evemorales, Elecciones municipales.Participacion, https://analisi.transparenciacatalunya.cat/api/views/ques-gd6z/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD, Conjunto de datos referentes a la participacion de las elecciones municipales desde el 1979 hasta el 2019,,,
Javier Jiménez Blanco, javier-jblanco, Panel de indicadores de distritos y barrios de Madrid. Estudio sociodemográfico, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=71359583a773a510VgnVCM2000001f4a900aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default,This dataset contains several socio-demographic indicators referred to the city of Madrid which are organized by years (from 2016 to 2021) and districts,,,
Gorka Zabarte Moreno, GorkaZabarteMoreno, Deaths by week, sex and 20-year age group, http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-datasets/-/demo_r_mwk_20, Data on deaths in 20-year-olds each week from COVID,,
Hasan Yahya, hasanyah, Earthquake catalogue (National Geographical Institute), https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/spaigncatalogosismiconacional_eng_1?locale=en, The ranking of the National Geographical Institute (IGN) containing a list of factors which have been identified in Spain and nearby areas.,,,
Wenqi Jiang, JiangWenqi, Balance of payments, capital account, monthly data, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/estat-navtree-portlet-prod/BulkDownloadListing?file=data/teibp020.tsv.gz&unzip=true, The Balance of Payments is the statistical statement that systematically summarises transactions between residents and non-residents.,
Raúl González Duarte, Sixtrax, Aparcamientos públicos municipales, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=26e6cc885fcd3410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, Public parkings in the city of Madrid, including those that have areas reserved for residents,,
Celia Garcia Casalengua, celiagarcc, Olive oil export value in Spain 2013-2019, https://www.statista.com/statistics/453694/export-value-of-olive-oil-in-spain/, The exports of olive oil from Spain between 2013-2019,,,
Bruno Bazzi Sato, bbazzis, Residentes en la Comunidad de Madrid por Nacionalidad, https://datos.comunidad.madrid/catalogo/dataset/residentes_por_nacionalidad, Residents in Madrid by nationality,,,
Julio Nevado Delgado,julionevadodel,QBOAirbase version 2,https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.854536,This dataset contains air quality monitorized information from 40 different european countries,,,
Júlia Sánchez Martínez,Julia-up,Friends episodes,https://www.kaggle.com/apoorvgupta25/friends-episodes?select=friends.csv,"The dataset contains the title, writer, director, summary, rating, and viewership of each episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.. The dataset was created by a huge fan of the Friends series.",,,
Daniel Garcia Cebrian,danigc98,Actividades Gratuitas en Blibliotecas Municipales,https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=4412a47136826410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default,A list of free activities that will take place un public libraries in Madrid in the following 60 days and is updated daily
Zhan Banzekulivakha, JeanBanzekulivakha, Data Analyst Jobs, https://www.kaggle.com/andrewmvd/data-analyst-jobs, This contains more than 2000 job listing for data analyst positions, with features such as Salary Estimate, location, Rating, Sector, etc.
Alexandre Morel;AlexandreMorel;Amazon Product Reviews;https://www.kaggle.com/arhamrumi/amazon-product-reviews;This dataset contains more than 568k consumer reviews on different amazon products.
Adrien SIMARD;adrien-simard;Seattle Airbnb Open Data;http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data.html;These datasets contain information such as date and price on airbnb rentals in different cities.
David Lorenzo Alfaro, ddavidlorenzo, Bibliotecas y bibliobuses en la ciudad de Madrid, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=ed35401429b83410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, List of all the Public Libraries located in the city of Madrid, both of national, community or local ownership. Information about bibliobus services are also included.
Christian Paneque, ChrisPaneque, Calidad del aire en los puntos de medida manuales de la Red de Vigilancia y Previsión de la Contaminació Atmosférica, https://analisi.transparenciacatalunya.cat/api/views/qg74-87s9/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD, En este apartado están disponibles los datos diarios de los contaminantes determinados mediante captadores manuales, integrados en la Red de Vigilancia y Previsión de la Contaminación Atmosférica.
Alvaro Ramirez Sixtos; alvaroame; Actividades Culturales y de Ocio Municipal en los próximos 100 días; https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=6c0b6d01df986410VgnVCM2000000c205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default; Relación de actividades de carácter cultural y de ocio, que se van a celebrar en los próximos 100 días y/o que se están celebrando, en centros Municipales.
Carlo Magnani; carlomagnani; Capital Projects (NY); https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Capital-Projects/n7gv-k5yt/data; Dataset containing all major infrastructure and information technology projects with a budget of $25 million or more that are currently active (in the design, procurement, or construction phase) - City of NY;;;;
Gorka Amezua; gork4mezua; Aforos de peatones y bicicletas;; Information regarding the number of pedestrians and bicycles corresponding to different streets on different days and times of the week.
Fernando Madrazo Bringas, DLDLsensation, Papeleras solares inteligentes. Datos en tiempo real del estado de llenado y alarmas, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=76bd66ac96cd3710VgnVCM1000001d4a900aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, This data set offers data on the status of smart solar bins available in the city of Madrid.
Anna Nikolskaya; Coffode; The Covid-19 pandemic in Norway and Sweden- threats, trust, and impact on daily life; https://www.omicsdi.org/dataset/biostudies/S-EPMC7582026 ; Norway and Sweden have similar populations and health care systems, but different reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic. Norway closed educational institutions, and banned sports and cultural activities; Sweden kept most institutions and training facilities open. Dataset represents results of comparing peoples' attitudes towards authorities and control measures, and perceived impact of the pandemic and implemented control measures on life in Norway and Sweden;
Luis Valdivielso Capell; Luisvc99; Deaths by week, sex and 10-year age group; https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/8xcjkzjfhsbtisrtyizyyw?locale=en; Dataset about deaths stadistics in a specific range of age.
Pablo Hernandez Carrascosa;pablohdez98;Paid Parking Transaction Data;https://data.seattle.gov/Transportation/Paid-Parking-Transaction-Data/gg89-k5p6;This dataset contains information about paid parking transactions in the City of Seattle.;
Javier Paniagua Montes; javipmontes; Absenteeism at work dataset; https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Absenteeism+at+work; The dataset was created with records of absenteeism at work between July 2007 to July 2010 at a brazilian company.
Doga Cengiz; dogacengiz; SPD Crime Data: 2008-Present; https://data.seattle.gov/Public-Safety/SPD-Crime-Data-2008-Present/tazs-3rd5; The dataset contains the details of the reported crimes in Seattle between 2008-present according to the Seattle Police Department.
Elia Alonso Rueda; elia-alonso-rueda; Principales parques y jardines municipales; https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=dc758935dde13410VgnVCM2000000c205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default; List of all the most significant parks and gardens of every area of Madrid. Smaller green zones are not included.
Jenifer Tabita Ciuciu-Kiss;kuefmz;Telegraphis;"http://telegraphis.net/data/";"Countries, continents, capitals, currencies collected from GeoNames and Wikipedia data";
Javier Gallego Gutiérrez,javiegal,The Microsoft Academic Graph in RDF,https://zenodo.org/record/4617285#.YVL67XvtZH6,A linked data source with 8 billion triples of scholarly data,,,,,,
Pablo Antonio Cabargas Carvajal,pablocabargas,Netflix Movies and TV Shows,https://www.kaggle.com/shivamb/netflix-shows,This dataset consists of tv shows and movies available on Netflix as of 2019. The dataset is collected from Flixable which is a third-party Netflix search engine.
Ricardo María Longares Díez;Rlongares;Table of COVID-19 specific indicators; https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/2014-2020/Table-of-COVID-19-specific-indicators/e8ar-v68b; The dataset contains codes which reference the different actions taken by states members of the EU as part of the COVID 19 respose.
aicha cheridi; Aicha-cher;Mobile Phone Usage ;https://data.world/crawdad/mobile-phone-usage