There are 2 paths which use the same layout.
- Angular is smart enough to not download the same Layout twice. So, importing a Layout in 2 Pages is ok.
Create a Layout file.
<div class="overlay" [class.overlay-show]="showOverlay"></div> <div class="main"> <img class="logo" src="/assets/google-logo.svg" alt="google logo" /> <div class="section"> <div class="left-content"> <span class="com-headline-5">{{ title }}</span> <span class="com-headline-6">{{ description }}</span> </div> <div class="right-content"> <ng-content select="[right-content-input]" /> <div class="actions"> <ng-content select="[right-content-action]" /> </div> </div> </div> </div>
use the Layout in the Page.
<acc-accounts title="Sign In" description="Use your Google Account" [showOverlay]="isLoading" > <com-input-text #inputEmail placeholder="Email" [(value)]="email" [errorMessage]="errorMessage" right-content-input /> @if (isCreateAccountEnabled) { <com-button-basic (buttonClick)="onCreateAccount()" right-content-action >Create account</com-button-basic > } @if (isChallengePwdEnabled) { <com-button-flat (buttonClick)="onNext()" [disabled]="isLoading" right-content-action >Next</com-button-flat > } </acc-accounts>
<acc-accounts title="Welcome"></acc-accounts>