Mostly, you have a constructor to create individual pagemaki objects with different options, parse to find options and content, and make to compile templates and return the complete HTML pages.
Constructor function sets up the Pagemaki instance you'll use for 'parsing' input files and 'making' output files.
The options object has the following available options:
optionsCheck (boolean)
default: true
Set to false if you don't want Pagemaki to look for options content in the input files.
optionsDelimiter (string)
default: "---"
If you're parsing options, you can set the regex delimiter to whatever you want. Anything between the delimiters will be passed to the optionsParse
Note: If you want to use JSON, you can't use {
as a delimiter since the delimiters are stripped from the options string before it's passed to optionsParse
optionsParse (function)
// default
function (string) {
return yaml.safeLoad(string);
Pass in a custom parsing function that takes a string and returns an options object. options.layout
needs to be set if you're going to use the make
function available in Pagemaki, but if you only want to use parse
, you can pass back any kind of object you want.
contentParse (function)
// default
function (string) {
return string;
Pass in a custom content-parsing function that takes a string and returns a template-parsed string. Very useful for dropping page content into an outer layout. By default, it just passes the string back but if you want to parse for markdown, do that here.
TODO: Make this function able to parse in different ways according to a file's .extension
templatesDir (string)
default: path.join(process.cwd(), "src", "layouts")
Where Pagemaki can find the layout templates accessed by the layout
option, which has to be returned as a string with the key of 'layout' in the options object that is returned by optionsParse
templateCompile (function)
// default
function (string) {
return _.template(string);
Pass in a custom template compiling function that takes a template string, compiles it, and returns a function with a signature of fn({})
templateData (object)
default: {}
Any data passed in here will be passed along to every template (don't use 'content', 'page', or 'layout' as they will be overwritten)
TODO: Maybe put these in a nested object to avoid overwrite problems with content, page, layout, etc.
Parses a string looking for options between the optionsDelimiter
and returns an object with 'options' and 'content' keys. The callback will be given two parameters, an error if any exists and a 'parsed' object. parsed.options
will be an object pulled from the options written into the file, and parsed.content
will be everything else in the file, passed through the contentParse
So with this index.html file:
layout: default
title: My title
<a href="">A link</a>
maki.parse(fs.readFileSync("src/index.html"), function (err, parsed) {
// Outputs, by default:
options: {
layout: "default",
title: "huh"
content: "<a href=\"\">A link</a>"
Remember: if you pass a custom contentParse
function, you can use syntaxes like Markdown or Jade here.