v0.2.0 - New Tuya Device Support
PyPI 0.2.0
Add support for Tuya protocols 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5 devices
PyPI 0.1.0
Added support for multi-switch devices
Update to use tinytuya in Docker by @stevoh6 in #16
Added err variable to output by @gamuama in #23
Bug fix in deviceRaw() not honoring timeout settings
Set sw response variable to False as default
deviceInfo() - Added better error handling for devices without expect outlet/power data in their dps response.
deviceRaw() - Added new function to return raw device data response.
test.py & plugpower.py - Updated to add device raw data to output.
Added support to use tinytuya, replacing pytuya:
dds support for Device IDs that are 22 characters long (pytuya only supports 20)
Removed misleading productKey (product SKU identity, not local Key) from scan() output
Attempts to import tinytuya but falls back to pytuya if unavailable
v0.0.22 - Scan Max Retry Option
Added option to allow users to specify maximum retries for scan functions:
# specify 50 retries via command line
python3 -m tuyapower 50
# invoke verbose interactive scan
tuyapower .scan (50 )
# return payload of devices
devices = tuyapower .deviceScan (false , 50 )