Yet another one.. I know... But it seems it is necessary for my needs. Luckily I can stand on the shoulders of talanted hackers that came before me David Newman and Radim Řehůřek.
Here is a small example of how to use liblda
- Prepare the corpus of documents
- Prepare the vocabulary
- Run the lda model
./ \ --docs liblda/test/arXiv_docs.txt \ --vocab liblda/test/arXiv_vocab.txt \ --numT 20 \ --seed 3 \ --iter 300 \ --alpha 0.01 \ --beta 0.01 \ --save_z --save_probs --print_topics 12
Yeah more info as we I know...
You can also use the LdaModel class in your own code.
import sys sys.path.insert(1, '/Projects/LatentDirichletAllocation/') from gensim import corpora, models, similarities import liblda from liblda.LDAmodel import LdaModel c = corpora.mmcorpus.MmCorpus("liblda/test/") lda = LdaModel( numT=3, corpus=c) lda.train() # results in lda.phi lda.theta
At this point we are calling out to Dave Newman's gibbs sampler. We can do 20 topics for 6M very short documents over a 1M vocabulary.