The default local planner is TEB
, please follow the steps in the next section to use GPF
# 1. Start gazebo, assure the gazebo world is configured in the launch file.
roslaunch closedloop_nav_slam gazebo_turtlebot.launch
# To use GPF, please run the following instead:
# roslaunch closedloop_nav_slam gazebo_turtlebot_gpf.launch
# 2. Start move base. Default planner (nav_name:=teb (default) | gpf)
roslaunch closedloop_nav_slam move_base.launch goal_reached_thresh:=0.3
# To use GPF, please move to the next section to install GPF first, then the following launch command.
# roslaunch closedloop_nav_slam move_base.launch nav_name:=gpf goal_reached_thresh:=0.3
# 3. Start slam_toolbox
roslaunch slam_toolbox online_sync.launch vis:=true
# 4. #
# a. Send Nav Goals through rviz and do mapping as in the ROS gmapping tutorial.
# b. Fine tune the nav planner parameters.
# 1. TEB: {YOUR_closedloop_nav_slam_PKG}/configs/params/nav
# 2. GPF: {YOUR_slam_nav_PKG}/config/turtlebot_nav/
# c. Fine tune the slam parameters.
# 1. SLAM: ${YOUR_slam_toolbox_PKG}/slam_toolbox/config
# 5. When mapping is done, run the following script to save the map.
cd scripts/tools/
# OR simple run ros map_saver
rosrun map_server map_saver
. -
Clone and compile
, which contains both launch and parameters files forGPF
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:ivabots/slam_nav.git
cd ../src
catkin build -j8