The HTTP/AMQP bridge library that allows you to change your HTTP requests into AMQP RPC calls.
Added support for prometheus metrics, see test/sys.config. Only iff app env broen.prometheus.prefix
have been defined.
We dropped support for erlang 20
. Minimum required version is 21
Since 2.0 Broen is cowboy
based, which also means it is available on Hex!
turns any HTTP requests into a AMQP message, using the path of the
HTTP request for the AMQP routing key. It is primarily designed to serve API
requests, but it is possible to serve any content through it. It has been
battletested through years of service here at Issuu, where we use broen
route frontend requets to the right microservice-backend.
For example, A GET request on /hello/service/42?foo=bar
is turned into a message with routing-key hello.service.42
, and will contain method=<<"GET">>
and querydata=<<"foo=bar">>
. See Request section for more information.
- Web server using cowboy
- Forwarding of HTTP requests to an AMQP broker
- Handling of multipart requests
- Optional authentication of requests
- Configurable serialization/deserialization of AMQP messages
- CORS protection
- Metrics using folsom
Since version 3.0.0
, broen
is configurable. Here is a (not-so-minimal) example:
{broen, [
% toplevel default configuration
{defaults, #{
% effectively disable multipart by default
max_multipart_size => 0,
serializer_mod => broen_serializer_json,
% 5s timeout
timeout => 5000,
% where to send broen requests
exchange => <<"my_exchange">>
{servers, #{
api_srv => #{
auth_mod => user_auth,
port => 8080,
paths => #{
<<"/api">> => #{},
<<"/important">> => #{
exchange => #{
name => <<"another_exch">>,
alternate_exchange => <<"another_exch_deadlettering">>},
timeout => 10000
backoffice_srv => #{
auth_mod => backoffice_auth,
port => 8081,
timeout => 30000,
paths => #{
<<"/backoffice">> => #{}
This will configure broen
to spawn two servers (with default timeout of 5s
, broen_serializer_json
as serializer and my_exchange
as exchange):
on port8080
, which uses theuser_auth
module asauth_mod
which has two paths:/api
, that overrides the default timeout to10s
and specifies exchangeanother_exch
, configured with dead-lettering
on port8081
, which uses thebackoffice_auth
timeout and a single path/backoffice
All pieces of configuration (except the server port
, which is specific to the servers
map items) can be specified down to the path
level. The configurations keys are:
: the authentication module that allows for optional authentication of each request. The authentication module will receive the HTTP request coming from the outside and can return arbitrary data that then will be attached to thebroen
request forwarded to AMQP.serializer_mod
: allows defining of arbitrary serialization protocols, that can be custom to your organisation. Thebroen
client services will have to implement the same protocol.broen
ships with a default JSON serializer.timeout
: requests timeout, in
: to whichamqp
exchange to send the requests. Can be just abinary
or a map#{name => binary(), alternate_exchange => binary()}
. Thealternate_exchange
will be used to send requests that could not be handled in the primary exchange.max_multipart_size
: maximum multipart post size (in bytes)
The minimal broen
config should can look like this:
{broen, [{amqp_connection,
[{host, "localhost"},
{port, undefined},
{username, <<"guest">>},
{password, <<"guest">>}]},
{listen, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{cors_white_list, []},
{servers, #{
api_srv => #{
port => 7083,
serializer_mod => broen_serializer_json,
auth_mod => broen_auth_dummy,
exchange => <<"http_exchange">>,
timeout => 5000,
max_multipart_size => 0,
paths => #{ <<"/call">> => #{} }
This defines a connection to a local AMQP broker with default guest/guest login, the IP address of the broen
server as well as defining /call
endpoint on port 7083
All configuration parameters are as follow:
{broen, [
{amqp_connection, [
{host, "amqp"},
{port, undefined},
{username, <<"myuser">>},
{password, <<"secretpassword">>}
{listen, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
{cors_white_list, [
{<<"friendly.request">>, <<"POST">>}
{cors_allowed_origins, [
[<<"mybroen">>, <<"com">>],
[<<"//mybroen">>, <<"com">>],
{metric_groups, [
{defaults, ...},
{servers, ...}
amqp_connection :: [{host, string()}, {port :: non_neg_integer() | undefined}, {username, binary()}, {password, binary()}]
- The configuration for the connection to the RabbitMQ brokerlisten :: inet:ip4_address()
- Defines the IP address the server will listen oncors_white_list :: list({binary(), http_method()})
- Defines routing keys that are exempt from CORS protection. Defined as a list of tuples, where the first element is the routing key (URL) and the second one is the HTTP method. Can be one<<"POST">>
are exempt from CORS protection)cors_allowed_origins :: list(list(regex()))
- List of all origins for which CORS protection does not apply. The origins must be split by the.
in the URL so
should be defined as["mybroen", "com"]
can be defined as["//mybroen", "com"]
metric_groups :: list(string())
- Defines the URLs for which automaticfolsom
metrics wil be taken. Any URL called that matches any of the defined ones will be logged in the metrics. New metrics can also be discovered: if a requests for an unknown group is successfully handled,broen
will start collecting metrics for that group too. Only the first part of the routing key is needed here.defaults
have been discussed in theEndpoint
uses folsom to record metrics. For each URL called, that is in the metric_groups
list broen
will record the following metrics:
Any other URL (i.e. not inmetric_group
Additionally broen
also records the following metrics:
- When the RPC call returnsbroen_core.failure.500
- Whenbroen
returns a500
code. This happens if RPC fails or the RPC response is of wrong type.broen_core.failure.503
- Whenbroen
cannot forward the message as RabbitMQ broker cannot find the route, i.e. there is no service listening to that pathbroen_auth.failure
- When the authentication module returns an error.
You can add any other functionality on top of folsom
that will e.g. forward the metrics to statsd.
allows you to define your own serializer module as needed. This allows for full customization of the protocol between broen
and the clients. A serializer must implement the following two functions:
-spec serialize(broen_core:broen_request()) -> {Serialized :: binary(), broen_core:content_type()}.
that takes a broen_request()
and returns serialized content along with its MIME content type (that will be forwarded to the clients, so a serializer could support multiple content types).
-spec deserialize(binary(), broen_core:content_type()) -> {ok, broen_core:broen_response()} | {error, invalid_content_type}.
that takes serialized blob with its content type and returns a broen_response()
Types used by both responses and requests are defined as follows:
-type broen_string() :: unicode:unicode_binary().
-type broen_nullable_string() :: unicode:unicode_binary() | null.
-type broen_object() :: #{broen_string() => broen_string()}.
The request type is defined as follows (see the Erlang type documentation for details )
-type broen_request() :: #{
cookies := broen_object(), % Cookies attached to the HTTP request
http_headers := broen_object(), % HTTP request headers
request := broen_string(), % The HTTP method
method := broen_string(), % Same as above
client_data := broen_nullable_string(),
fullpath := broen_string(), % Full path of the request
appmoddata := broen_string(), % The URL that is turned into the routing key (i.e. what follows /call)
referer := broen_nullable_string(), % The referer URL
useragent := broen_string(), % User agent data
client_ip := broen_string(), % IP of the client
routing_key := broen_string(), % The routing key the request will be sent to
queryobj := broen_object(), % The query object containing the query parameters
auth_data := term(), % Data returned by the authentication module
querydata => broen_string(), % Same as queryobj, but in a string format
postobj => broen_object(), % Data attached to a POST request
multipartobj => term()}. % Data for the multipart request
The serializer may choose to ommit any of these fields as required, but it must return the serialized request in binary format and the MIME content type.
The response type is defined as follow:
-type broen_response() :: #{
payload := term(), % The payload of the response
status_code => integer(), % Status code of the response
media_type => content_type(), % The MIME content type of the payload
cookies => broen_cookies(), % Additional cookies to be sent to user
cookie_path => broen_string(), % The cookie path
headers => broen_object()} % Additional headers for the HTTP response
| #{redirect := unicode:unicode_binary()}. % Used to send a redirect to the given URL
The response can include the above fields. The serializer is meant to deserialize the binary format, given the content type in the AMQP message and return that map.
The cookies must follow this format:
-type cookie_name() :: broen_string().
-type cookie_value() :: #{
value := broen_string(),
domain => broen_string(),
path => broen_string(),
http_only => boolean(),
secure => boolean(),
expires => broen_string()}.
-type broen_cookies() :: #{cookie_name() => cookie_value()}.
allows for an optional authentication mechanism for each request. The authentication module can be plugged in by using auth_mod
configuration option. The authentication module will receive the raw request in the cowboy
format and can then perform any operations. By default broen
ships with broen_auth_dummy
module, which simply does nothing.
An authentication module must implement the following function:
-type cookies() :: [{Name :: binary(), #{value := binary(), max_age => integer(), path => binary(), domain => binary(), secure => boolean(), http_only => boolean()}}]
-spec authenticate(Req :: map()) -> {ok, Result :: term(), Cookies :: cookies() } | {error, {csrf_verification_failed, cookies()}} | {error, term()}.
is a request coming fromcowboy
The possible returns are:
{ok, Result :: term(), Cookies:: cookies()}
- When the authentication is successfull.Result
may contain an arbitrary data that will then be passed in theauth_data
key of the request. See Request section for details. Cookies are a list of key value pairs of strings.{error, {csrf_verification_failed, cookies()}}
- Special error clause for CSRF validation that authentication may provide. This will cause a 403 error to be returned to the client together with any cookies that the error can contain.{error, term()}
- Any other authentication error. In this case the request will still be forwarded towards AMQP, butauth_data
will be empty.
Currently no client-side libraries for broen
are available, but creating your own client is very easy, using just an AMQP library.
The client must simply connect to the RabbitMQ broker and create bind its queue to the http_exchange
with the routing key representing the URL it is to handle and then follow the same serialization protocol as configured for broen
For example, a broen
client written using Erlang may make use of amqp_director and do the following:
start(ConnInfo) ->
Url = start_server(ConnInfo, "routing_test.working", fun working_key/3),
{ok, {Resp, Props, Payload}} = httpc:request(get, {Url, []}, [], []),
{_, 200, _} = Resp,
"application/json" = proplists:get_value("content-type", Props),
#{<<"message">> := <<"Hello!">>} = jsx:decode(list_to_binary(Payload), [return_maps])
working_key(Payload, <<"application/json">>, _Type) ->
Unpacked = jsx:decode(Payload, [return_maps]),
<<"GET">> = maps:get(<<"method">>, Unpacked),
{reply, jsx:encode(#{
media_type => <<"application/json">>,
payload => jsx:encode(#{message => <<"Hello!">>})
}), <<"application/json">>}.
start_server(ConnInfo, RoutingKey, Handler) ->
{ok, Hostname} = inet:gethostname(),
UrlBit = lists:flatten(string:replace(RoutingKey, ".", "/", all)),
QueueName = iolist_to_binary([RoutingKey, "-", Hostname]),
WorkingUrl = "http://localhost:7083/call/" ++ UrlBit,
AmqpConfig = [{exchange, <<"http_exchange">>},
{consume_queue, QueueName},
{queue_definitions, [#'exchange.declare'{exchange = <<"http_exchange">>,
type = <<"topic">>},
#'queue.declare'{queue = QueueName,
exclusive = true,
auto_delete = true
#'queue.bind'{exchange = <<"http_exchange">>,
queue = QueueName,
routing_key = iolist_to_binary([RoutingKey, ".#"])}
{ok, Pid} = amqp_server_sup:start_link(list_to_atom(RoutingKey ++ "_test"), ConnInfo, AmqpConfig, Handler, 1),
More examples can be found in the tests for broen
The only difference in 2.0 is that broen
no longer uses Yaws, switching instead to cowboy
. That means yaws
configuration is no longer relevant.
Additionally, cors_allowed_origins
option in sys.config
must now be binary strings.