Thank you for your interest in contributing to WikiRisks! Contributions are welcome from everyone who wants to help improve the project. Here’s how to get involved:
- Fork the repository.
- Make your changes in a new branch.
- Create a pull request with a brief description of your changes.
- Contribute by adding new vulnerability types, attack vectors, or examples.
- Improve existing vulnerability descriptions, clarify the impact, or provide new references.
- Report or fix typographical or factual errors in vulnerability details or examples.
- Any other contributions that can help improve the project are welcome! Whether it's suggestions, new ideas, or fixes, feel free to contribute.
The template is as follows.
# Vulnerability Title
## Table of Contents
- [Short Description of the Impact](#short_description_of_the_impact)
## Short Description of the Impact
- case 1 [^1]
[Reference URL or code snippet showing the impact]
- case 2
[Reference URL or code snippet showing the impact]
[^1]: Use footnotes when there are specific requirements or constraints for the vulnerability
If the template requires an image, please upload the image to the 'resources' folder using a combination of 'Short Description of the Impact' and 'case' as the filename (replace spaces with underscores)