As a user, people can browse through the zombie collection in the website, see the services available
When user register an account: -> see more features of different zombies, prices and what the zombie can be used for -> buy/rent zombie (the rent/bought zombie will be unavailable for other users to view until it is returned(if rent)) -> other available packages to buy can be brains to feed the zombie, outfit for the zombie -> give reviews about the type of zombie bought/rent -> view order history, deadline to return zombie if renting -> return product option after purchasing when not happy
since we have no real zombie(oh no!!!!), for now the user can have the zombie picture shown on their profile, showing the zombies the user owned, how much brains they have left to feed the zombie.
since we have no real zombie(OH NO!!!!), then user do not pay real money for renting or buy the zombie. The money used for purchasing will be earned as reward for the duration spend on the website, or after writing reviews about zombies. Or maybe by applying for training position to train zombie and get money to buy zombie :))