Friday, 2021/12/03
3:00 pm ET
Terrell Russell, Kory Draughn, Alan King, Justin James, Illyoung Choi (CyVerse), Tony Edgin (CyVerse)
- Updates
- Minio gateway link…
- Learned that we cannot get into upstream
- Gateway is working, cloned from HDFS gateway
- HDFS currently ignores files in root directory
- Not quite what we want
- Mapping the top level to buckets (or not)...
- Options
- A) Continue ignoring top level
- B) Uni-bucket projection, top level of access IS the bucket
- May be the winner due to ticket access already associated with a single iRODS collection
- This would mean a minio login would 'land' at the root, and be presented with a single bucket to click on...
- whose name would be the 'bottom/last' collection name of the iRODS full logical path being accessed.
- if a ticket could provide access to multiple collections
- they could all be listed here...
- but tickets don't do that at the moment... they're 1-to-1
- Ticket access is recursive
- Once you're 'in', you can navigate around 'underneath' that top level location
- Minio itself can 'share' a stable URL for a listed file
- Should be relatively stable over time for re-login
- Still subject to iRODS enforcement on the backend
- Next steps
- Using real iRODS tickets to login
- currently only using hard-coded username/password
- Using real iRODS tickets to login
- Next Meeting
- Friday, Feb 4, 2022