Install from PyPI:
pip install invenio-xrootd
Invenio-XRootD is dependent on XRootDPyFS and the XRootD Python bindings which can be somewhat difficult to install. Please consult the XRootDPyFS installation guide for further details.
The easiest way of running the tests is via Docker due to the difficulties in installing the Python XRootD bindings locally.
Build the image:
$ docker build --platform linux/amd64 --build-arg xrootd_version=4.12.7 -t invxrootd --progress=plain .
Run the container:
$ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -h invxrootd -it -v <absolute path to this project>:/code invxrootd bash
You will the logs in the stdout. Next, in another shell, connect the container and fire up an ipython shell:
$ docker ps # find the container id
$ docker exec -it <container-id> bash
[invxrootd@invxrootd code]$ ipython