diff --git a/.babelrc b/.babelrc
deleted file mode 100755
index b61f60aa8d..0000000000
--- a/.babelrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- "presets": [
- "@babel/preset-env",
- "@babel/preset-react",
- "@babel/preset-typescript"
- ],
- "plugins": [
- ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "legacy": true }],
- ["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", { "loose": true }],
- ["@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object", { "loose": true }],
- [
- "@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods",
- {
- "loose": true
- }
- ],
- ["@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining"],
- ["@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread", {}],
- ["@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", {}],
- ["@babel/plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex", { "useUnicodeFlag": false }],
- ["react-intl", {
- "messagesDir": "./translations/messages/",
- "enforceDescriptions": false,
- "extractSourceLocation": true
- }]
- ],
- "ignore": [
- "node_modules"
- ]
diff --git a/.buildkite/pipeline.yml b/.buildkite/pipeline.yml
index caf04cc89d..2c074b450f 100644
--- a/.buildkite/pipeline.yml
+++ b/.buildkite/pipeline.yml
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ env:
ARTIFACT_BUCKET: s3://ci-output-sink
- label: 'daedalus-x86_64-darwin'
- command: 'scripts/build-installer-unix.sh--nix-2.5 --build-id $BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER'
+ command: 'scripts/with-nix-2.5.sh scripts/build-installer-unix.sh --build-id $BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER'
NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE: /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
queue: daedalus
system: x86_64-darwin
- label: 'daedalus-aarch64-darwin'
- command: 'scripts/build-installer-unix.sh--nix-2.5 --build-id $BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER'
+ command: 'scripts/with-nix-2.5.sh scripts/build-installer-unix.sh --build-id $BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER'
NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE: /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ steps:
queue: daedalus
system: aarch64-darwin
- label: 'daedalus-x86_64-linux-nix'
- command: 'scripts/build-installer-nix.sh $BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER'
+ command: 'scripts/with-nix-2.5.sh scripts/build-installer-nix.sh $BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER'
system: x86_64-linux
- label: 'daedalus-x86_64-windows-nix'
- command: 'scripts/build-cross-windows.sh $BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER'
+ command: 'scripts/with-nix-2.5.sh scripts/build-cross-windows.sh $BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER'
system: x86_64-linux
diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc
index 2c8f848de4..b0bbed500f 100755
--- a/.eslintrc
+++ b/.eslintrc
@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@
- "prettier/babel",
- "prettier/@typescript-eslint",
- "prettier/react",
"env": {
@@ -22,9 +19,11 @@
"jest": true
"rules": {
+ "arrow-body-style": 0,
"class-methods-use-this": 0,
"consistent-return": "warn",
"@typescript-eslint/generic-spacing": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/space-after-type-colon": 0,
"jsx-a11y/alt-text": 0,
"lines-between-class-members": 0,
"global-require": 0,
@@ -60,6 +59,7 @@
"react/destructuring-assignment": 0,
"react/display-name": 0,
"react/jsx-curly-brace-presence": 0,
+ "react/jsx-curly-newline": 0,
"react/jsx-filename-extension": 0,
"react/jsx-fragments": 0,
"react/jsx-no-bind": "warn",
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function": 1,
"@typescript-eslint/ban-types": 1,
"import/no-unresolved": 1,
- "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": 1,
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": 0,
"camelcase": 1,
"no-empty": 1,
"@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": 1,
@@ -84,14 +84,20 @@
"react/no-did-update-set-state": 1,
"react/sort-comp": 0,
"react/state-in-constructor": 0,
- "react/static-property-placement": 0
+ "react/static-property-placement": 0,
+ "react/jsx-no-useless-fragment": 0,
+ "prefer-regex-literals": 0,
+ "no-unused-vars": "warn",
+ "react/no-unused-class-component-methods": "warn",
+ "react/no-unstable-nested-components": "warn",
+ "no-promise-executor-return": "warn",
+ "default-param-last": "warn"
"plugins": ["@typescript-eslint", "import", "promise", "react", "jest"],
"globals": {
"API": true,
"API_VERSION": true,
"NETWORK": true,
- "MOBX_DEV_TOOLS": true,
"Process": true // TODO: remove after fix
diff --git a/.github/workflows/chromatic.yml b/.github/workflows/chromatic.yml
index a9b27403a6..fc5a939007 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/chromatic.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/chromatic.yml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
- node-version: "14"
+ node-version: "16"
- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn
- name: Publish to Chromatic
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 00bbbe3b9e..bdde8d9278 100755
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ build/Release
# Dependency directory
# https://www.npmjs.org/doc/misc/npm-faq.html#should-i-check-my-node_modules-folder-into-git
@@ -46,6 +47,9 @@ installers/config.yaml
# temporary certs for daedalus dev
diff --git a/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore
index eec1fd43c0..169b64d262 100644
--- a/.prettierignore
+++ b/.prettierignore
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# Now we ignore all files
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index a68a21289b..5aacf7ac11 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
### Chores
+- Upgraded webpack to version 5 ([PR 2772](https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/pull/2772))
+- Bumped vulnerable dependencies versions ([PR 2943](https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/pull/2943))
- Added support for Trezor firmware 2.5.1 ([PR 2991](https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/pull/2991))
- Added steps on how to link with `react-polymorph` and other external UI libraries ([PR 2948](https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/pull/2948))
- Published selfnode installers for all 3 platforms ([PR 2971](https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/pull/2971))
diff --git a/declaration.d.ts b/declaration.d.ts
index e598e2a913..716c6e9c14 100644
--- a/declaration.d.ts
+++ b/declaration.d.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+import { IpcRenderer } from 'electron';
+import type { request as httpRequest } from 'http';
+import type { request as httpsRequest, globalAgent } from 'https';
+import { Environment } from './source/common/types/environment.types';
declare module '*.svg' {
const content: any;
export default content;
@@ -22,6 +27,15 @@ type Daedalus = {
+interface Http {
+ request: httpRequest;
+interface Https {
+ request: httpsRequest;
+ Agent: globalAgent;
export type $ElementType<
T extends { [P in K & any]: any },
K extends keyof T | number
@@ -39,7 +53,18 @@ declare global {
+ /* eslint-disable no-var, vars-on-top */
var daedalus: Daedalus;
+ var environment: Environment;
+ var http: Http;
+ var https: Https;
+ var legacyStateDir: string;
+ var isFlight: boolean;
+ var ipcRenderer: Pick<
+ IpcRenderer,
+ 'on' | 'once' | 'send' | 'removeListener' | 'removeAllListeners'
+ >;
+ /* eslint-enable no-var, vars-on-top */
export {};
diff --git a/gulpfile.js b/gulpfile.js
index 23fc1d0709..01bc875f91 100755
--- a/gulpfile.js
+++ b/gulpfile.js
@@ -1,123 +1,5 @@
const gulp = require('gulp');
-const webpack = require('webpack');
-const webpackStream = require('webpack-stream');
const shell = require('gulp-shell');
-const electronConnect = require('electron-connect');
-const mainWebpackConfig = require('./source/main/webpack.config');
-const rendererWebpackConfig = require('./source/renderer/webpack.config');
-// Setup electron-connect server to start the app in development mode
-let electronServer;
-const electronServerAgs = ['--inspect=9229'];
-// Gulp input sources for main and renderer compilation
-const mainInputSource = () => gulp.src('source/main/index.ts');
-const rendererInputSource = () => gulp.src('source/renderer/index.ts');
-// Webpack watch configs
-const mainWebpackWatchConfig = Object.assign({}, mainWebpackConfig, {
- watch: true,
-const rendererWebpackWatchConfig = Object.assign({}, rendererWebpackConfig, {
- watch: true,
-// Gulp output destinations for main and renderer compilation
-const mainOutputDestination = () => gulp.dest('dist/main');
-const rendererOutputDestination = () => gulp.dest('dist/renderer');
- * Creates an electron-connect server instance that enables
- * us to control our app (restarting / reloading)
- * @param env - electron app environment
- * @param args - additional spawn options
- */
-const createElectronServer = (env, args = []) => {
- electronServer = electronConnect.server.create({
- spawnOpt: {
- env: Object.assign({}, process.env, env),
- args,
- },
- });
-const buildMain = () => () =>
- mainInputSource()
- .pipe(webpackStream(mainWebpackConfig, webpack))
- .pipe(mainOutputDestination());
-const buildMainWatch = () => (done) =>
- mainInputSource()
- .pipe(
- webpackStream(mainWebpackWatchConfig, webpack, () => {
- // Restart app every time after main script has been re-compiled
- electronServer.restart(electronServerAgs);
- done();
- })
- )
- .pipe(mainOutputDestination());
-const buildRenderer = () => () =>
- rendererInputSource()
- .pipe(webpackStream(rendererWebpackConfig, webpack))
- .pipe(rendererOutputDestination());
-const buildRendererWatch = () => (done) =>
- rendererInputSource()
- .pipe(
- webpackStream(rendererWebpackWatchConfig, webpack, () => {
- if (electronServer) {
- // Reload app every time after renderer script has been re-compiled
- electronServer.reload();
- }
- done();
- })
- )
- .pipe(rendererOutputDestination());
- 'clear:cache',
- shell.task('rimraf ./node_modules/.cache && rimraf .cache-loader')
-gulp.task('clean:dist', shell.task('rimraf ./dist'));
-gulp.task('server:start', (done) => {
- electronServer.start(electronServerAgs);
- done();
-gulp.task('server:create:dev', (done) => {
- createElectronServer({
- NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV,
- XCURSOR_PATH: '/usr/share/icons' || 'development',
- });
- done();
-gulp.task('server:create:debug', (done) => {
- createElectronServer({
- NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV,
- XCURSOR_PATH: '/usr/share/icons' || 'development',
- });
- done();
-gulp.task('build:main', buildMain());
-gulp.task('build:main:watch', buildMainWatch());
-gulp.task('build:renderer:html', () =>
- gulp.src('source/renderer/index.html').pipe(gulp.dest('dist/renderer/'))
-gulp.task('build:renderer:assets', buildRenderer());
- 'build:renderer',
- gulp.series('build:renderer:html', 'build:renderer:assets')
-gulp.task('build:renderer:watch', buildRendererWatch());
-gulp.task('build', gulp.series('clean:dist', 'build:main', 'build:renderer'));
gulp.task('prepare:themes:utils', () =>
@@ -169,20 +51,7 @@ gulp.task(
-gulp.task('typedef:sass', shell.task('yarn typedef:sass --watch'));
- 'build:watch',
- gulp.series(
- 'clean:dist',
- 'server:create:dev',
- 'build:renderer:html',
- process.argv.includes('--disable-electron-reload')
- ? 'build:main'
- : 'build:main:watch',
- 'build:renderer:watch'
- )
+gulp.task('clean:dist', shell.task('rimraf ./dist'));
gulp.task('build:themes', gulp.series('clean:dist', 'prepare:themes'));
@@ -193,33 +62,6 @@ gulp.task(
-gulp.task('test:e2e:watch', gulp.series('build:watch', 'test:e2e:nodemon'));
-gulp.task('purge:translations', shell.task('rimraf ./translations/messages'));
-gulp.task('electron:inspector', shell.task('yarn electron:inspector'));
- 'start',
- shell.task(
- `cross-env NODE_ENV=${process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'} electron ./`
- )
- 'dev',
- gulp.parallel(
- gulp.series('server:create:dev', 'build:watch', 'server:start'),
- gulp.series('typedef:sass')
- )
+gulp.task('e2e:watch', gulp.series('clean:dist', shell.task('yarn dev')));
- 'debug',
- gulp.series(
- 'server:create:debug',
- 'build:watch',
- 'server:start',
- 'electron:inspector'
- )
+gulp.task('test:e2e:watch', gulp.series('e2e:watch', 'test:e2e:nodemon'));
diff --git a/installers/common/MacInstaller.hs b/installers/common/MacInstaller.hs
index c737924b59..d0913080bb 100644
--- a/installers/common/MacInstaller.hs
+++ b/installers/common/MacInstaller.hs
@@ -162,6 +162,9 @@ sign_cmd "$ABS_PATH/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/blake2/bin/darwin-arm64-
sign_cmd "$ABS_PATH/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/tiny-secp256k1/build/Release/secp256k1.node"
sign_cmd "$ABS_PATH/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/tiny-secp256k1/bin/darwin-x64-"*"/tiny-secp256k1.node"
sign_cmd "$ABS_PATH/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/tiny-secp256k1/bin/darwin-arm64-"*"/tiny-secp256k1.node"
+sign_cmd "$ABS_PATH/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/usb-detection/build/Release/detection.node"
+sign_cmd "$ABS_PATH/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/node-hid/bin/darwin-x64-"*"/node-hid.node"
+sign_cmd "$ABS_PATH/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/node-hid/build/Release/HID.node"
# Sign the whole component deeply
sign_cmd "$ABS_PATH"
@@ -226,12 +229,15 @@ buildElectronApp darwinConfig@DarwinConfig{dcAppName, dcAppNameApp} installerCon
[ "@babel"
, "@protobufjs"
, "@trezor"
+ , "agent-base"
+ , "babel-runtime"
, "base-x"
, "base64-js"
, "bchaddrjs"
, "bech32"
, "big-integer"
, "bignumber.js"
+ , "bindings"
, "bip66"
, "bitcoin-ops"
, "blake-hash"
@@ -240,32 +246,48 @@ buildElectronApp darwinConfig@DarwinConfig{dcAppName, dcAppNameApp} installerCon
, "blake2b-wasm"
, "bn.js"
, "brorand"
+ , "brotli"
, "bs58"
, "bs58check"
, "buffer"
, "bytebuffer"
, "call-bind"
, "cashaddrjs"
+ , "cbor-web"
+ , "clone"
, "create-hash"
, "create-hmac"
, "cross-fetch"
+ , "debug"
, "decimal.js"
+ , "deep-equal"
, "define-properties"
+ , "dfa"
, "elliptic"
, "es-abstract"
+ , "eventemitter2"
+ , "file-uri-to-path"
+ , "fontkit"
, "function-bind"
+ , "functions-have-names"
, "get-intrinsic"
, "has"
+ , "has-property-descriptors"
, "has-symbols"
+ , "has-tostringtag"
, "hash.js"
, "hmac-drbg"
, "ieee754"
, "inherits"
, "int64-buffer"
, "ip"
+ , "is-arguments"
+ , "is-date-object"
+ , "is-regex"
, "js-chain-libs-node"
, "json-stable-stringify"
, "jsonschema"
+ , "linebreak"
, "lodash"
, "long"
, "minimalistic-assert"
@@ -273,13 +295,19 @@ buildElectronApp darwinConfig@DarwinConfig{dcAppName, dcAppNameApp} installerCon
, "ms"
, "nanoassert"
, "node-fetch"
+ , "node-hid"
+ , "object-is"
, "object-keys"
, "object.values"
, "parse-uri"
+ , "pdfkit"
+ , "png-js"
, "protobufjs"
, "pushdata-bitcoin"
, "randombytes"
, "regenerator-runtime"
+ , "regexp.prototype.flags"
+ , "restructure"
, "ripple-address-codec"
, "ripple-binary-codec"
, "ripple-keypairs"
@@ -291,9 +319,13 @@ buildElectronApp darwinConfig@DarwinConfig{dcAppName, dcAppNameApp} installerCon
, "smart-buffer"
, "socks"
, "socks-proxy-agent"
+ , "tiny-inflate"
, "tiny-secp256k1"
, "trezor-connect"
, "typeforce"
+ , "unicode-properties"
+ , "unicode-trie"
+ , "usb-detection"
, "util-deprecate"
, "varuint-bitcoin"
, "wif"
@@ -389,6 +421,13 @@ makeComponentRoot Options{oBackend,oCluster} appRoot darwinConfig@DarwinConfig{d
when (oCluster == Selfnode) $ do
void $ chain (encodeString dir) $ fmap tt [ dir > "mock-token-metadata-server", dir > "local-cluster" ]
+ -- copy some libraries to new expected locations, as a temporary fix,
+ -- so those locations have proper dylib links -- FIXME:
+ forM_ [ "Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/usb-detection/build/Release/detection.node" ] $ \file -> do
+ let targetPath = appRoot > file
+ let withoutDir = filename targetPath
+ cp (appRoot > "Contents/MacOS" > withoutDir) targetPath
-- Prepare launcher
de <- testdir (dir > "Frontend")
unless de $ mv (dir > (fromString $ T.unpack $ dcAppName)) (dir > "Frontend")
diff --git a/jest.config.js b/jest.config.js
index 536e373727..668310b1e3 100644
--- a/jest.config.js
+++ b/jest.config.js
@@ -170,15 +170,28 @@ module.exports = {
// testRunner: "jest-circus/runner",
// This option sets the URL for the jsdom environment. It is reflected in properties such as location.href
- // testURL: "http://localhost",
+ // testURL: 'http://localhost/',
// Setting this value to "fake" allows the use of fake timers for functions such as "setTimeout"
// timers: "real",
// A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers
transform: {
- '\\.[jt]sx?$': 'babel-jest',
- '^.+\\.svg$': 'jest-svg-transformer',
+ '^.+\\.(t|j)sx?$': [
+ '@swc/jest',
+ {
+ jsc: {
+ parser: {
+ syntax: 'typescript',
+ tsx: true,
+ decorators: true,
+ },
+ target: 'es2019',
+ loose: false,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ '^.+\\.svg$': 'svg-jest',
'.+\\.(css|styl|less|sass|scss)$': 'jest-css-modules-transform',
diff --git a/lib.nix b/lib.nix
index 186e62f7ba..e8af77bc94 100644
--- a/lib.nix
+++ b/lib.nix
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
sources = import ./nix/sources.nix;
iohkNix = import sources.iohk-nix { sourcesOverride = sources; };
+ nixpkgs = import sources.nixpkgs { sourcesOverride = sources; };
# TODO: can we use the filter in iohk-nix instead?
cleanSourceFilter = with pkgs.stdenv;
name: type: let baseName = baseNameOf (toString name); in ! (
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ let
(type == "symlink" && lib.hasPrefix "result" baseName)
isDaedalus = name: false;
- pkgs = iohkNix.pkgs;
+ pkgs = nixpkgs.pkgs;
lib = pkgs.lib;
lib // {
diff --git a/netlify.toml b/netlify.toml
index 8254c61e82..92ac5b2008 100644
--- a/netlify.toml
+++ b/netlify.toml
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
- environment = { YARN_VERSION = "1.22.4", NODE_VERSION = "14.17.0" }
+ environment = { YARN_VERSION = "1.22.4", NODE_VERSION = "14.19.1" }
+ command = "yarn && yarn storybook:build"
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index a8da1d56a7..ed8831f452 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -5,15 +5,21 @@
"description": "Cryptocurrency Wallet",
"main": "./dist/main/index.js",
"scripts": {
- "build": "gulp build",
+ "dev": "concurrently --names renderer,main 'yarn dev:renderer' 'wait-on http://localhost:8080 && yarn dev:main'",
+ "dev:windows": "cross-env DAEDALUS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY=\"C:\\Program Files\\Daedalus Testnet\" LAUNCHER_CONFIG=\"C:\\Program Files\\Daedalus Testnet\\launcher-config.yaml\" yarn dev",
+ "dev:main": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development yarn build:main --watch",
+ "dev:renderer": "concurrently 'yarn typedef:sass --watch' 'cross-env NODE_ENV=development yarn webpack serve -c source/renderer/webpack.config.js --progress'",
+ "build": "yarn build:cleanup && yarn build:main && yarn build:renderer",
+ "build:main": "yarn webpack -c source/main/webpack.config.js --progress",
+ "build:renderer": "yarn webpack -c source/renderer/webpack.config.js --progress",
+ "build:cleanup": "rimraf ./dist",
"build:electron": "electron-rebuild -w usb --useCache -s --debug",
- "check:all": "yarn prettier:check && yarn lint && yarn compile && yarn stylelint && yarn lockfile:check && yarn manage:translations && yarn storybook:build",
- "start": "gulp start",
- "start:dev": "NODE_ENV=development gulp start",
- "dev": "IS_WATCH_MODE=true gulp dev",
+ "check:all": "yarn prettier:check && yarn lint && yarn compile && yarn stylelint && yarn lockfile:check && yarn i18n:manage && yarn storybook:build",
+ "start": "yarn electron ./",
+ "start:dev": "nodemon --watch 'dist/main' --exec 'NODE_ENV=development yarn start'",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test yarn build && yarn test:unit && yarn test:e2e:fail-fast",
- "test:jest": "cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules jest",
- "test:generate:report": "ts-node tests/reporter.ts",
+ "test:jest": "jest",
+ "test:generate:report": "yarn node-swc tests/reporter.ts",
"test:unit": "yarn cucumber:run --require 'tests/**/unit/**/*.ts' --tags '@unit and not @skip and not @wip'",
"test:unit:rerun": "yarn cucumber:rerun --require 'tests/**/unit/**/*.ts' --tags '@unit and not @skip and not @wip'",
"test:unit:watch": "nodemon --watch source --watch tests --exec \"yarn test:unit --tags '@unit and @watch'\"",
@@ -25,16 +31,17 @@
"test:e2e:watch": "gulp test:e2e:watch",
"test:e2e:watch:once": "KEEP_APP_AFTER_TESTS=true yarn test:e2e --tags '@e2e and @watch'",
"test:hardware-wallets": "ts-node hardware-wallet-tests/index.ts",
- "cucumber": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test cucumber-js --require 'tests/setup-common.ts' --require-module @babel/register -f json:tests-report/report-data.json -f summary:tests-report/summary.log -f node_modules/cucumber-pretty:tests-report/results.log --format-options '{\"snippetInterface\": \"async-await\"}' -f node_modules/cucumber-pretty --format-options '{\"snippetInterface\": \"async-await\"}' -f rerun:tests/@rerun.txt",
+ "cucumber": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test cucumber-js --require-module '@swc-node/register' --require 'tests/setup-common.ts' -f json:tests-report/report-data.json -f summary:tests-report/summary.log -f node_modules/cucumber-pretty:tests-report/results.log --format-options '{\"snippetInterface\": \"async-await\"}' -f node_modules/cucumber-pretty --format-options '{\"snippetInterface\": \"async-await\"}' -f rerun:tests/@rerun.txt",
"cucumber:run": "yarn cucumber tests",
"cucumber:fail-fast": "yarn cucumber tests --fail-fast",
"cucumber:rerun": "yarn cucumber tests-report/@rerun.txt",
"cucumber:rerun:fail-fast": "yarn cucumber tests-report/@rerun.txt --fail-fast",
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"precompile": "yarn typedef:sass",
"prettier": "./node_modules/.bin/prettier \"**/*.*\"",
@@ -42,154 +49,151 @@
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"storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006 -c storybook --ci /",
"storybook:build": "build-storybook -c storybook -o dist/storybook",
"storybook:build:chromatic": "build-storybook -c storybook",
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"nix:mainnet": "./nix/yarn-nix-shell.sh mainnet mainnet",
"nix:flight": "./nix/yarn-nix-shell.sh mainnet mainnet_flight",
"nix:selfnode": "./nix/yarn-nix-shell.sh selfnode selfnode",
"nix:testnet": "./nix/yarn-nix-shell.sh testnet testnet",
- "byron:wallet:importer": "ts-node utils/api-importer/byron-wallet-importer.ts",
- "shelley:wallet:importer": "ts-node utils/api-importer/shelley-wallet-importer.ts",
- "mary:wallet:importer": "ts-node utils/api-importer/mary-wallet-importer.ts",
- "itn:byron:wallet:importer": "ts-node utils/api-importer/itn-byron-wallet-importer.ts",
- "itn:shelley:wallet:importer": "ts-node utils/api-importer/itn-shelley-wallet-importer.ts",
- "yoroi:wallet:importer": "ts-node utils/api-importer/yoroi-wallet-importer.ts",
- "create-news-verification-hashes": "ts-node utils/create-news-verification-hashes/index.ts",
- "lockfile:check": "ts-node utils/lockfile-checker/index.ts --check",
- "lockfile:fix": "ts-node utils/lockfile-checker/index.ts --fix",
+ "byron:wallet:importer": "yarn node-swc utils/api-importer/byron-wallet-importer.ts",
+ "shelley:wallet:importer": "yarn node-swc utils/api-importer/shelley-wallet-importer.ts",
+ "mary:wallet:importer": "yarn node-swc utils/api-importer/mary-wallet-importer.ts",
+ "itn:byron:wallet:importer": "yarn node-swc utils/api-importer/itn-byron-wallet-importer.ts",
+ "itn:shelley:wallet:importer": "yarn node-swc utils/api-importer/itn-shelley-wallet-importer.ts",
+ "yoroi:wallet:importer": "yarn node-swc utils/api-importer/yoroi-wallet-importer.ts",
+ "create-news-verification-hashes": "yarn node-swc utils/create-news-verification-hashes/index.ts",
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deleted file mode 100755
index 514c2e6fa0..0000000000
--- a/scripts/build-installer-unix.sh--nix-2.5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
-echo '~~~ Obtaining pkgs.nixUnstable'
-myDir=$(dirname "$0")
-nixUnstable=$(nix-build "$myDir"/../default.nix -A pkgs.nixUnstable)
-export NIX_CONFIG='
- experimental-features = nix-command flakes
-nix --version
-exec "$myDir/build-installer-unix.sh" "$@"
diff --git a/scripts/package.js b/scripts/package.js
index 71f4e6aa2a..4a0922be5a 100755
--- a/scripts/package.js
+++ b/scripts/package.js
@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
const appName = argv.name || argv.n || pkg.productName;
const shouldUseAsar = argv.asar || argv.a || false;
const shouldBuildAll = argv.all || false;
+const sourceDir = argv.dir || './';
const DEFAULT_OPTS = {
- dir: './',
+ dir: sourceDir,
name: appName,
asar: shouldUseAsar,
ignore: [
diff --git a/scripts/with-nix-2.5.sh b/scripts/with-nix-2.5.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3d4b9228f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/with-nix-2.5.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
+ echo >&2 "fatal: usage: $0
- {intl.formatMessage(messages.depositLabel)} -
-- - {formattedWalletAmount(fees.depositsReclaimed, false)} - - - {` `} - {intl.formatMessage(globalMessages.adaUnit)} - -
-+ {intl.formatMessage(messages.depositLabel)} +
++ + {formattedWalletAmount(fees.depositsReclaimed, false)} + + + {` `} + {intl.formatMessage(globalMessages.adaUnit)} + +
+Your system specifications do not meet Daedalus’ recommended hardware requirements.
You can enable RAM management (RTS Flags), an experimental setting that can reduce memory usage on computers with less than 16GB of RAM.
You can enable it now by clicking the ‘Enable and quit’ button. Note that you will have to restart Daedalus for this change to take effect. To enable or disable it at any time, go to the Help menu.
", - "description": "Content of the RTS flags recommendation overlay", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.rtsRecommendationOverlay.content", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Type", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - Type", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.type" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enable and quit", - "description": "Enable and quit button label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 32 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.rtsRecommendationOverlay.enableAndQuitButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 28 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!TOTAL (ADA)", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - TOTAL", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.amount.total" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Decide later", - "description": "Decide later button label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.rtsRecommendationOverlay.decideLaterButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 33 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Sent amount (ADA)", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - Sent amount", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.amount.sent" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enable RTS flags (RAM management system)", - "description": "Headline for the RTS flags dialog - when enabling", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 15 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.dialog.enableRtsFlagsMode.title", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 11 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Deposit amount (ADA)", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - Deposit amount", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.amount.deposit" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!When enabled, the Cardano node will attempt to reduce its RAM usage. You will need to restart Daedalus for this change to take effect.", - "description": "Main body of the dialog - when enabling", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.dialog.enableRtsFlagsMode.explanation", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 16 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Fee (ADA)", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - Fee", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.amount.fee" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enable and quit", - "description": "Enable RTS flags button label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 26 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.dialog.enableRtsFlagsMode.actionButton", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens (unformatted amount)", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - Tokens", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.tokens" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Disable RTS flags (RAM management system)", - "description": "Headline for the RTS flags dialog - when disabling", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.dialog.disableRtsFlagsMode.title", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 27 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Date & time", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - DateTime", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.dateTime" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!When disabled, the Cardano node will start in default mode. You will need to restart Daedalus for this change to take effect.", - "description": "Main body of the dialog - when disabling", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.dialog.disableRtsFlagsMode.explanation", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 32 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Status", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - Status", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.status" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Disable and quit", - "description": "Disable RTS flags button label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.dialog.disableRtsFlagsMode.actionButton", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 38 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Addresses from", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - AddressesFrom", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.addressesFrom" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I will need to launch Daedalus manually", - "description": "Manual relaunch confirmation checkbox label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 49 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog.tsx", - "id": "knownIssues.dialog.toggleRtsFlagsMode.manualRelaunchConfirmationCheckboxLabel", - "start": { - "column": 43, - "line": 43 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Addresses to", + "description": "Transactions CSV column - AddressesTo", + "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.addressesTo" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus requires at least {diskSpaceRequired} of hard drive space to operate. Your computer is missing {diskSpaceMissing} of available space. Please delete some files to increase available hard drive space to continue using Daedalus.Daedalus currently supports Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, and Trezor Model T hardware wallet devices.
If you are pairing your device with Daedalus for the first time, please follow the instructions below.
If you have already paired your device with Daedalus, you don’t need to repeat this step. Just connect your device when you need to confirm a transaction.
", + "description": "Follow instructions label", + "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.instructions" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Info", - "description": "Label for the \"Info\" nav button in the staking navigation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/navigation/StakingNavigation.tsx", - "id": "staking.navigation.info", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 29 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/navigation/StakingNavigation.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Redemption of Incentivized Testnet rewards is not available as you currently do not have any Shelley-compatible wallets.", - "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/NoWalletsDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.noWallets.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus currently supports only Trezor Model T hardware wallet devices.
If you are pairing your device with Daedalus for the first time, please follow the instructions below.
If you have already paired your device with Daedalus, you don’t need to repeat this step. Just connect your device when you need to confirm a transaction.
", + "description": "Follow instructions label", + "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.instructionsTrezorOnly" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Add wallet", - "description": "addWalletButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/NoWalletsDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.noWallets.addWalletButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 20 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/NoWalletsDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!If you are experiencing issues pairing your hardware wallet device, please {supportLink}", + "description": "Connecting issue support description", + "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.connectingIssueSupportLabel" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Redeem Incentivized Testnet rewards", - "description": "Title for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - redemptionUnavailable", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/RedemptionUnavailableDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.redemptionUnavailable.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!read the instructions.", + "description": "Connecting issue support link", + "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.connectingIssueSupportLink" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Close", - "description": "closeButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - redemptionUnavailable", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/RedemptionUnavailableDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.redemptionUnavailable.closeButton.label", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 20 - } + "defaultMessage": "https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005165269", + "description": "Link to support article", + "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.connectingIssueSupportLinkUrl" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/RedemptionUnavailableDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletConnectDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Redeem Incentivized Testnet rewards", - "description": "Title for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 38 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!If you participated in the {itnLink} and earned rewards by running a stake pool or delegating your stake, you can use this feature to redeem your rewards as ada on the Cardano mainnet.", - "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 48 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.description1", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 43 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You will need the wallet recovery phrase for the Incentivized Testnet wallet used to earn rewards and an existing mainnet wallet in Daedalus to which the rewards will be transferred. This wallet will also be used to pay any applicable transaction fees.", - "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 54 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.description2", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 49 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Incentivized Testnet", - "description": "descriptionItnLinkLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 60 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.descriptionItnLinkLabel", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 55 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://staking.cardano.org/", - "description": "descriptionItnLinkUrl for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 66 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.descriptionItnLinkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 61 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet recovery phrase:", - "description": "recoveryPhraseLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 71 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.recoveryPhraseLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 67 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Redeem rewards to:", - "description": "walletsDropdownLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 77 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.walletsDropdownLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 72 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that redeeming rewards from the Incentivized Testnet requires paying transaction fees.", - "description": "checkbox1Label for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 83 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.checkbox1Label", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 78 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that fees will be paid from the wallet I am redeeming my rewards to.", - "description": "checkbox2Label for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 89 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.checkbox2Label", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 84 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Create a new wallet", + "description": "Title \"Create a new wallet\" in the wallet create dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", - "description": "continueButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 94 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.continueButton.label", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 90 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Step {currentStep} of {totalSteps}", + "description": "Step counters in the wallet create dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.stepsCounter" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn More", - "description": "learnMoreLinkLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 99 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.learnMoreLink.label", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 95 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Instructions", + "description": "Step \"Instructions\" in the wallet create dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.instructionsStep" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900001656586", - "description": "learnMoreLinkUrl for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 105 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.learnMoreLink.url", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 100 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Template", + "description": "Step \"Template\" in the wallet create dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.templateStep" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter recovery phrase", - "description": "Hint \"Enter recovery phrase\" for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 111 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.recoveryPhraseInputHint", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 106 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Mnemonics", + "description": "Step \"Mnemonics\" in the wallet create dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.mnemonicsStep" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Select Wallet", - "description": "Placeholder \"Select Wallet\" for select input on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 117 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.selectWalletInputPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 112 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Validate", + "description": "Step \"Validate\" in the wallet create dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.validateStep" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", - "description": "\"No results\" message for the recovery phrase input search results.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 123 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.noResults", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 118 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Hash & Image", + "description": "Step \"HashImage\" in the wallet create dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.hashImageStep" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", - "description": "Error message shown when invalid recovery phrase was entered.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 129 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.invalidRecoveryPhrase", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 124 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Config", + "description": "Step \"Config\" in the wallet create dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.configStep" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-create/WalletCreateSteps.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm rewards redemption", - "description": "title for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet name", + "description": "Label for the \"Wallet Name\" text input in the wallet create form.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.name.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To", - "description": "walletToLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.walletToLabel", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter wallet name", + "description": "Hint for the \"Wallet Name\" text input in the wallet create form.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.walletNameHint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{walletName} wallet", - "description": "walletToName for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 38 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.walletToName", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 34 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Create Shelley wallet", + "description": "Label for the \"Create Shelley wallet\" button on create wallet dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.create.personal.wallet.button.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction fees", - "description": "transactionFees for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.transactionFees", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 39 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "Password creation label.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.passwordSectionLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet spending password ({walletName} wallet)", - "description": "spendingPasswordLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 50 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.spendingPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 44 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Keep your wallet secure by setting a spending password", + "description": "Password creation description.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.passwordSectionDescription" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", - "description": "spendingPasswordPlaceholder for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 56 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.spendingPasswordPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 51 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter password", + "description": "Label for the \"Wallet password\" input in the create wallet dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.spendingPasswordLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm rewards redemption", - "description": "continueButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 61 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.continueButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 57 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat password", + "description": "Label for the \"Repeat password\" input in the create wallet dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.repeatPasswordLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Back", - "description": "Label for the back button in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 67 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.backButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 62 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", + "description": "Placeholder for the \"Password\" inputs in the create wallet dialog.", + "id": "wallet.create.dialog.passwordFieldPlaceholder" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No rewards were found in your Incentivized Testnet Rewards wallet. Please make sure that you have entered the correct wallet recovery phrase.", - "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3FailureDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.description1NoRewards", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!It is really good to use Password Manager apps to improve security. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris mattis diam non nulla sollicitudin, ac ultrices purus luctus.", + "description": "Tooltip for the password input in the create wallet dialog.", + "id": "wallet.dialog.passwordTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards from the wallet corresponding to the recovery phrase you have provided have already been redeemed.", - "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3FailureDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.description2InvalidWallet", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 20 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Name your restored wallet and set a spending password to keep your wallet secure.", + "description": "Description1 for Configuration Step", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.description1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No rewards were found in your Incentivized Testnet Rewards wallet. Please make sure that you have entered the correct wallet recovery phrase and that rewards have not already been redeemed.", - "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3FailureDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.description3Generic", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet names and spending passwords are only stored locally and are not stored on the blockchain. You can give your restored wallet a new name and set a new spending password, you don’t need to match the wallet name and spending password you were using before. Only the recovery phrase from your original wallet is needed to restore a wallet.", + "description": "Description2 for Configuration Step", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.description2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Back", - "description": "backButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3FailureDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.backButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 32 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet name", + "description": "Label for Wallet Name Input", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.walletName.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Close window", - "description": "closeWindowLinkLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3FailureDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.closeWindowLinkLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 37 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3FailureDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Name the wallet you are restoring", + "description": "Placeholder for Wallet Name Input", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.walletName.placeholder" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Incentivized Testnet rewards redeemed!", - "description": "title for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3SuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.success.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter password", + "description": "Label for the \"Wallet password\" input in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.spendingPassword.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You have successfully redeemed {redeemedRewards} to your {walletName} wallet. This transaction incurred {transactionFees} in transaction fees", - "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3SuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.success.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat password", + "description": "Label for the \"Repeat password\" input in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.repeatPassword.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Open the wallet", - "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 32 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3SuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.success.openWalletButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 28 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", + "description": "Placeholder for the \"Password\" inputs in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.passwordFields.placeholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Download PDF certificate", - "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3SuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.success.downloadPDFButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 33 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "Placeholder for the dialog \"Continue\" button", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.continueButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3SuccessDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Earned delegation rewards", - "description": "Title \"Earned delegation rewards\" label on the staking rewards page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 32 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore a wallet", + "description": "Label \"Restore wallet\" on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.title.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards", - "description": "Filename prefix for the \"Export CSV\" on the staking rewards page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.csvFilenamePrefix", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 38 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet name", + "description": "Label for the wallet name input on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.wallet.name.input.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Export CSV", - "description": "Label for the \"Export CSV\" button on the staking rewards page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 49 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.exportButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 44 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Name the wallet you are restoring", + "description": "Hint \"Name the wallet you are restoring\" for the wallet name input on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.wallet.name.input.hint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No rewards", - "description": "\"No rewards\" rewards label on staking rewards page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 54 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.no.rewards", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 50 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Number of words in the recovery phrase", + "description": "Label for the recovery phrase type options on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.type.options.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet", - "description": "Table header \"Wallet\" label on staking rewards page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 59 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.tableHeader.wallet", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 55 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!! words", + "description": "Word for the recovery phrase type on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.type.word" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Total rewards earned (ADA)", - "description": "Table header \"Total Reward\" label on staking rewards page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 64 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.tableHeader.total", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 60 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards wallet", + "description": "Label for the recovery phrase type 15-word option on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.type.15word.option" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Unspent (ADA)", - "description": "Table header \"Unspent\" label on staking rewards page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.tableHeader.unspent", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 65 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Balance wallet", + "description": "Label for the recovery phrase type 12-word option on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.type.12word.option" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards address", - "description": "Table header \"Rewards address\" label on staking rewards page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 74 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.tableHeader.rewardsAddress", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 70 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Recovery phrase", + "description": "Label for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.input.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Date", - "description": "Table header \"Date\" label in exported csv file", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 79 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.tableHeader.date", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 75 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter recovery phrase", + "description": "Hint \"Enter recovery phrase\" for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.input.hint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards earned by delegating your stake are automatically collected into your reward account.
Rewards earned on the Incentivized Testnet are not added to your Rewards wallet balance. They will be paid to you in real ada on the Cardano mainnet after the end of the Incentivized Testnet.
If you are using funds from this wallet to operate a stake pool, the rewards displayed here may include your pledged stake, which will not be counted when reward balances are paid out on the Cardano mainnet.
", - "description": "Rewards description text on staking rewards page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 85 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.note", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 80 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!New", + "description": "Label \"new\" on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.newLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Syncing {syncingProgress}%", - "description": "unknown stake pool label on staking rewards page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 90 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.delegationCenter.syncingTooltipLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 86 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", + "description": "\"No results\" message for the recovery phrase input search results.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.input.noResults" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!View in explorer", - "description": "View in explorer button label on staking rewards page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 95 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.actionViewInExplorer", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 91 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore wallet", + "description": "Label for the \"Restore wallet\" button on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.restore.wallet.button.label" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools to which you are delegating", - "description": "\"delegatingListTitle\" for the Stake Pools page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.delegatingListTitle", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", + "description": "Error message shown when invalid recovery phrase was entered.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.form.errors.invalidRecoveryPhrase" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools", - "description": "\"listTitle\" for the Stake Pools page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 38 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.listTitle", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 34 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "Password creation label.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.passwordSectionLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Loading stake pools", - "description": "\"listTitleLoading\" for the Stake Pools page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.listTitleLoading", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 39 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Keep your wallet secure by setting the spending password", + "description": "Password creation description.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.passwordSectionDescription" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools. Search results:", - "description": "\"listTitleSearch\" for the Stake Pools page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 48 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.listTitleSearch", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 44 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter password", + "description": "Label for the \"Wallet password\" input in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.spendingPasswordLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!({pools})", - "description": "\"listTitleStakePools\" for the Stake Pools page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 53 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.listTitleStakePools", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 49 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat password", + "description": "Label for the \"Repeat password\" input in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.repeatPasswordLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Loading stake pools", - "description": "Loading stake pool message for the Delegation center body section.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 59 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.loadingStakePoolsMessage", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 54 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", + "description": "Placeholder for the \"Password\" inputs in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.passwordFieldPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Moderated by", - "description": "moderatedBy message for the Delegation center body section.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 64 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.moderatedBy", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 60 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus wallet", + "description": "Tab title \"Daedalus wallet\" in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.tab.title.recoveryPhrase" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Unmoderated", - "description": "unmoderated message for the Delegation center body section.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.unmoderated", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 65 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus paper wallet", + "description": "Tab title \"Daedalus paper wallet\" in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.tab.title.certificate" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yoroi wallet", + "description": "Tab title \"Yoroi wallet\" in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.tab.title.yoroi" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!27-word paper wallet recovery phrase", + "description": "Label for the shielded recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.shielded.recovery.phrase.input.label" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter your {numberOfWords}-word paper wallet recovery phrase", + "description": "Hint \"Enter your 27-word paper wallet recovery phrase.\" for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.shielded.recovery.phrase.input.hint" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter word #{wordNumber}", + "description": "Placeholder \"Enter word #\" for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.shielded.recovery.phrase.input.placeholder" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore paper wallet", + "description": "Label for the \"Restore paper wallet\" button on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.paper.wallet.button.label" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!all your wallets", - "description": "All wallets item of dropdown.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 44 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingAllWallets", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 40 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Back to top", + "description": "\"backToTop\" button label.", + "id": "backToTopButton.label" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/BackToTopButton.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!.", - "description": "All wallets description after dropdown.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 49 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingAllWalletsEnd", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 45 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Newsfeed", + "description": "Newsfeed", + "id": "news.newsfeed.iconTooltip" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/NewsFeedIcon.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools are currently ranked based on the combined amount in", - "description": "All wallets description before dropdown.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 55 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingAllWalletsStart", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 50 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Blocks synced {percentage}%", + "description": "Label for the blocks synced info overlay on node sync status icon.", + "id": "cardano.node.sync.status.blocksSynced" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/NodeSyncStatusIcon.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Preparing logs for download", + "description": "Notification for download logs in progress in the Loading and Settings pages.", + "id": "notification.downloadLogsProgress" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Use the slider to rank the stake pools and check the potential rewards based on the amount of stake you intend to delegate.", - "description": "Ranking description.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 61 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingDescription", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 56 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Logs successfully downloaded", + "description": "Notification for download logs in the Loading and Settings pages.", + "id": "notification.downloadLogsSuccess" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us", - "description": "Ranking learn more url.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 66 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingLearnMoreUrl", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 62 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!CSV file successfully downloaded", + "description": "Notification for download Rewards CSV file.", + "id": "notification.downloadRewardsCSVSuccess" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!wallet.", - "description": "One wallet description after dropdown.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 71 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingOneWalletEnd", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 67 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!CSV file successfully downloaded", + "description": "Notification for download Transactions CSV file.", + "id": "notification.downloadTransactionsCSVSuccess" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools are currently ranked based on the amount in", - "description": "One wallet description before dropdown.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 77 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingOneWalletStart", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 72 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Public key: {publicKey} copied to clipboard", + "description": "Notification for the wallet public key copy success in the Wallet Settings page.", + "id": "notification.copyWalletPublicKey" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!select a wallet", - "description": "Select wallet item of dropdown.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 82 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingSelectWallet", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 78 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!ICO Public key: {publicKey} copied to clipboard", + "description": "Notification for the ICO public key copy success in the Wallet Settings page.", + "id": "notification.copyICOPublicKey" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!to set the amount you intend to delegate.", - "description": "Select wallet description after dropdown.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 87 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingSelectWalletEnd", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 83 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Address: {address} copied to clipboard", + "description": "Notification for the wallet address copy success in the Wallet Receive page.", + "id": "notification.copyAddress" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Or", - "description": "Select wallet description before dropdown.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 92 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingSelectWalletStart", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 88 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{param}: {shortValue} copied to clipboard", + "description": "Notification for the wallet assetItem copy success in the Wallet Receive page.", + "id": "notification.copyAssetParam" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Circulating supply", - "description": "Circulating supply slider tooltip.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 97 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingExtraTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 93 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Address: {walletAddress} PDF successfully downloaded", + "description": "Notification for the wallet address PDF download success in the Wallet Receive page.", + "id": "notification.downloadAddressPDFSuccess" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Saturation point", - "description": "Saturation point slider tooltip.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 102 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingMaxTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 98 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!PDF successfully downloaded", + "description": "Notification for the wallet voting PDF download success in the Voting Registration dialog.", + "id": "notification.downloadVotingPDFSuccess" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Minimum ADA required for staking", - "description": "Minimum ADA required for staking slider tooltip.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 107 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingMinTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 103 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Address: {walletAddress} QR code image successfully downloaded", + "description": "Notification for the wallet address PDF download success in the Wallet Receive page.", + "id": "notification.downloadQRCodeImageSuccess" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", - "description": "Learn more action of ranking panel.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 112 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.learnMore", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 108 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus state directory copied to clipboard", + "description": "Notification for the state directory copy success in the Diagnostics page.", + "id": "notification.copyStateDirectoryPath" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Search stake pools", - "description": "\"Delegating List Title\" for the Stake Pools search.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 8 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsSearch.messages.ts", - "id": "staking.stakePools.search.searchInputPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 4 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools to which you are delegating", - "description": "\"delegatingListTitle\" for the Stake Pools search.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 13 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsSearch.messages.ts", - "id": "staking.stakePools.search.delegatingListTitle", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 9 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools ({pools})", - "description": "\"listTitle\" for the Stake Pools search.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsSearch.messages.ts", - "id": "staking.stakePools.search.listTitle", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 14 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Grid View", - "description": "\"gridIconTooltip\" for the Stake Pools search.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsSearch.messages.ts", - "id": "staking.stakePools.search.gridIconTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 19 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc", + "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL in the staking countdown page", + "id": "staking.countdown.learnMore.linkUrl" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/StakingCountdownPage.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Grid Rewards View", - "description": "\"gridRewardsIconTooltip\" for the Stake Pools search.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsSearch.messages.ts", - "id": "staking.stakePools.search.gridRewardsIconTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 24 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://staking.cardano.org/", + "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL in the staking rewards page", + "id": "staking.rewards.learnMore.linkUrl" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/StakingRewardsPage.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!List View", - "description": "\"listIconTooltip\" for the Stake Pools search.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsSearch.messages.ts", - "id": "staking.stakePools.search.listIconTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 29 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Address", + "description": "\"Address\" word in the Address PDF export", + "id": "wallet.receive.pdf.filenamePrefix" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/WalletReceivePage.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Clear", - "description": "\"clearTooltip\" for the Stake Pools search.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 38 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsSearch.messages.ts", - "id": "staking.stakePools.search.clearTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 34 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No recent transactions", + "description": "Message shown when wallet has no transactions on wallet summary page.", + "id": "wallet.summary.page.no.transactions" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsSearch.messages.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/WalletSummaryPage.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Rank", - "description": "Table header \"Rank\" label on stake pools list view page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 8 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.rank", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 4 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Recommended hardware requirements status", + "description": "Title of the RTS flags recommendation overlay", + "id": "knownIssues.rtsRecommendationOverlay.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!A hierarchical ranking based on the potential rewards you will earn if you delegate the intended amount of stake to this pool, assuming that it reaches saturation.
*Stake pools with the potential rewards estimated at zero have the same ranking. Please set the stake slider to a higher value for more pools to get potential rewards estimated at more than zero.
", - "description": "\"Rank\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Table.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.rankingTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your system specifications do not meet Daedalus’ recommended hardware requirements.
You can enable RAM management (RTS Flags), an experimental setting that can reduce memory usage on computers with less than 16GB of RAM.
You can enable it now by clicking the ‘Enable and quit’ button. Note that you will have to restart Daedalus for this change to take effect. To enable or disable it at any time, go to the Help menu.
", + "description": "Content of the RTS flags recommendation overlay", + "id": "knownIssues.rtsRecommendationOverlay.content" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Ticker", - "description": "Table header \"Ticker\" label on stake pools list view page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.ticker", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enable and quit", + "description": "Enable and quit button label", + "id": "knownIssues.rtsRecommendationOverlay.enableAndQuitButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Saturation", - "description": "Table header \"Saturation\" label on stake pools list view page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.saturation", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 20 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Decide later", + "description": "Decide later button label", + "id": "knownIssues.rtsRecommendationOverlay.decideLaterButtonLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay/RTSFlagsRecommendationOverlay.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Saturation measures the stake in the pool and indicates the point at which rewards stop increasing with increases in stake. This capping mechanism encourages decentralization by discouraging users from delegating to oversaturated stake pools.", - "description": "\"Saturation\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Table.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.saturationTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enable RTS flags (RAM management system)", + "description": "Headline for the RTS flags dialog - when enabling", + "id": "knownIssues.dialog.enableRtsFlagsMode.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Performance", - "description": "Table header \"Performance\" label on stake pools list view page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.performance", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 32 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!When enabled, the Cardano node will attempt to reduce its RAM usage. You will need to restart Daedalus for this change to take effect.", + "description": "Main body of the dialog - when enabling", + "id": "knownIssues.dialog.enableRtsFlagsMode.explanation" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Uptime (days)", - "description": "Table header \"Uptime\" label on stake pools list view page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.uptime", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 38 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enable and quit", + "description": "Enable RTS flags button label", + "id": "knownIssues.dialog.enableRtsFlagsMode.actionButton" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Margin", - "description": "Table header \"Margin\" label on stake pools list view page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.margin", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 43 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Disable RTS flags (RAM management system)", + "description": "Headline for the RTS flags dialog - when disabling", + "id": "knownIssues.dialog.disableRtsFlagsMode.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The pool's profit, defined as the rewards percentage kept by the pool from the stake that was delegated to it.", - "description": "\"Pool margin\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Table.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 53 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.profitMarginTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 48 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!When disabled, the Cardano node will start in default mode. You will need to restart Daedalus for this change to take effect.", + "description": "Main body of the dialog - when disabling", + "id": "knownIssues.dialog.disableRtsFlagsMode.explanation" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Roi", - "description": "Table header \"Roi\" label on stake pools list view page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 58 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.roi", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 54 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Disable and quit", + "description": "Disable RTS flags button label", + "id": "knownIssues.dialog.disableRtsFlagsMode.actionButton" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cost (ADA)", - "description": "Table header \"Cost\" label on stake pools list view page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 63 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.cost", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 59 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I will need to launch Daedalus manually", + "description": "Manual relaunch confirmation checkbox label", + "id": "knownIssues.dialog.toggleRtsFlagsMode.manualRelaunchConfirmationCheckboxLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/knownIssues/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog/ToggleRTSFlagsDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Fixed operational costs that the stake pool retains from any rewards earned during each epoch.", - "description": "\"Cost per epoch\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Table.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.costPerEpochTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 64 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus requires at least {diskSpaceRequired} of hard drive space to operate. Your computer is missing {diskSpaceMissing} of available space. Please delete some files to increase available hard drive space to continue using Daedalus.A hierarchical ranking based on the potential rewards you will earn if you delegate the intended amount of stake to this pool, assuming that it reaches saturation.
*Stake pools with the potential rewards estimated at zero have the same ranking. Please set the stake slider to a higher value for more pools to get potential rewards estimated at more than zero.
", - "description": "\"Rank\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 54 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.rankingTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 49 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is starting!", + "description": "Message \"Node is starting\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.nodeIsStarting" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Live stake:", - "description": "\"Live stake\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 59 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.relativeStake", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 55 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is exiting!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is exiting\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.nodeIsExiting" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Measures the amount of stake pledged by the pool plus the amount of stake currently delegated to the pool, versus the total amount in the system.", - "description": "\"Live stake\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 65 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.relativeStakeTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 60 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is stopping!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is stopping\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.nodeIsStopping" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Pool margin:", - "description": "\"Pool margin\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 70 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.profitMargin", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 66 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node has stopped!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node has stopped\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.nodeHasStopped" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The pool's profit, defined as the rewards percentage kept by the pool from the stake that was delegated to it.", - "description": "\"Pool margin\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 76 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.profitMarginTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 71 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is updating!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is updating\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.nodeIsUpdating" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cost per epoch:", - "description": "\"Cost per epoch\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 81 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.costPerEpoch", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 77 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node has been updated!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node has been updated\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.nodeHasBeenUpdated" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Fixed operational costs that the stake pool retains from any rewards earned during each epoch.", - "description": "\"Cost per epoch\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 87 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.costPerEpochTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 82 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node has crashed!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node has crashed\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.nodeHasCrashed" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Produced blocks:", - "description": "\"Blocks\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 92 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.producedBlocks", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 88 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node has errored!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node has errored\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.nodeHasErrored" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The total number of blocks the stake pool has produced.", - "description": "\"Blocks\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 98 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.producedBlocksTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 93 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is unrecoverable!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is unrecoverable\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.nodeIsUnrecoverable" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Potential rewards:", - "description": "\"Rewards\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 103 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.potentialRewards", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 99 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Check your Internet connection!", + "description": "Message \"Check your Internet connection\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.checkYourInternetConnection" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!An estimation of the potential rewards you will earn per epoch if you delegate the intended amount of stake. The system looks at the pool's parameters and historical performance data to calculate potential rewards, assuming that the pool reaches optimal saturation.", - "description": "\"Rewards\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 109 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.potentialRewardsTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 104 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is responding!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is responding\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeRespondingOn" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Retirement in {retirementFromNow}", - "description": "\"Retirement\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 114 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.retirement", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 110 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is not responding!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is not responding\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeRespondingOff" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Saturation:", - "description": "\"Saturation\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 119 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.saturation", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 115 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Checking if Cardano node is responding!", + "description": "Message \"Checking if Cardano node is responding\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeRespondingLoading" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Saturation measures the stake in the pool and indicates the point at which rewards stop increasing with increases in stake. This capping mechanism encourages decentralization by discouraging users from delegating to oversaturated stake pools.", - "description": "\"Saturation\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 125 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.saturationTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 120 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is subscribed!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is subscribed\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeSubscribedOn" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Pledge:", - "description": "\"Pledge\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 130 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.pledge", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 126 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is not subscribed!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is not subscribed\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeSubscribedOff" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The amount of stake that a pool operator contributes to a pool. Pools with higher pledge amounts earn more rewards for themselves and their delegators. Pools that do not honor their pledge earn zero rewards and accrue low ranking.", - "description": "\"Pledge\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 136 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.pledgeTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 131 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Checking if Cardano node is subscribed!", + "description": "Message \"Checking if Cardano node is subscribed\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeSubscribedLoading" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegate to this pool", - "description": "\"Delegate to this pool\" Button for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 142 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.delegateButton", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 137 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node time is correct!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node time is correct\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeTimeCorrectOn" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy the stake pool ID", - "description": "copyId tooltip label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 147 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.copyIdTooltipLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 143 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node time is not correct!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node time is not correct\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeTimeCorrectOff" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Copied", - "description": "copyId tooltip label copied", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 152 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.copiedIdTooltipLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 148 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Checking if Cardano node time is correct!", + "description": "Message \"Checking if Cardano node time is correct\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeTimeCorrectLoading" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Data not available yet", - "description": "Data not available yet label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 157 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx", - "id": "staking.stakePools.noDataDashTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 153 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is syncing!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is syncing\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeSyncingOn" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano node is not syncing!", + "description": "Message \"Cardano node is not syncing\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeSyncingOff" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Checking if Cardano node is syncing!", + "description": "Message \"Checking if Cardano node is syncing\" on the status icon tooltip", + "id": "status.icons.isNodeSyncingLoading" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/loading/syncing-connecting/StatusIcons.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus", - "description": "About \"title\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/static/About.tsx", - "id": "static.about.title", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Starting Cardano node", + "description": "Message \"Starting Cardano node\" on the loading screen.", + "id": "loading.screen.startingCardanoMessage" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus Team:", - "description": "About page daedalus team headline", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/static/About.tsx", - "id": "static.about.content.daedalus.headline", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This process validates the integrity of local blockchain data.", + "description": "Message \"Starting Cardano node\" on the loading screen.", + "id": "loading.screen.startingCardanoDescription" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano Team:", - "description": "About page cardano team headline", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/static/About.tsx", - "id": "static.about.content.cardano.headline", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stopping Cardano node", + "description": "Message \"Stopping Cardano node\" on the loading screen.", + "id": "loading.screen.stoppingCardanoMessage" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Alan McNicholas, Aleksandar Djordjevic, Alexander Rukin, Brian McKenna, Charles Hoskinson, Daniel Main, Danilo Prates, Darko Mijić, Dmitrii Gaico, Dominik Guzei, Elin Liu, Gabriela Ponce, Jane Wild, Jeremy Wood, Juli Sudi, Junko Oda, Laurie Wang, Lucas Araujo, Manus McCole, Marcin Mazurek, Michael Bishop, Michael Chappell, Mior Sufian, Nikola Glumac, Piotr Stachyra, Przemysław Włodek, Renan Ferreira, Rhys Bartels-Waller, Richard Wild, Robert Moore, Rodney Lorrimar, Sam Jeston, Samuel Leathers, Serge Kosyrev, Szymon Masłowski, Tatyana Valkevych, Tomas Vrana, Tomislav Horaček, Yakov Karavelov", - "description": "About page daedalus team members", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/static/About.tsx", - "id": "static.about.content.daedalus.members", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This process updates the databases and could take several minutes.Rewards earned by delegating your stake are automatically collected into your reward account.
Rewards earned on the Incentivized Testnet are not added to your Rewards wallet balance. They will be paid to you in real ada on the Cardano mainnet after the end of the Incentivized Testnet.
If you are using funds from this wallet to operate a stake pool, the rewards displayed here may include your pledged stake, which will not be counted when reward balances are paid out on the Cardano mainnet.
", + "description": "Rewards description text on staking rewards page", + "id": "staking.rewards.note" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Save as PDF", - "description": "\"Save as PDF\" button label on the voting registration \"qr code\" step.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 62 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsQrCode.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.qrCode.step.saveAsPdfButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 57 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!View in explorer", + "description": "View in explorer button label on staking rewards page.", + "id": "staking.rewards.actionViewInExplorer" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsQrCode.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/rewards/StakingRewards.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please sign the voting registration transaction. This transaction links your wallet balance with your Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} voting registration, as a proof of your voting power. Funds will not leave your wallet, but registration requires paying transaction fees, as displayed on-screen.", - "description": "Description on the voting registration \"sign\" step.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Choose a stake pool", + "description": "Title \"Choose a stake pool\" on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Submit registration transaction", - "description": "Label for continue button on the voting registration \"sign\" step.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.continueButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 32 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Currently selected stake pool:", + "description": "Description on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Fees", - "description": "Fees label on the voting registration \"sign\" step.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.feesLabel", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 38 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Select a stake pool to receive your delegated funds in the {selectedWalletName} wallet.", + "description": "Select / Selected pool section label on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.selectStakePoolLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", - "description": "Placeholder for \"spending password\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.spendingPasswordPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 43 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You have selected [{selectedPoolTicker}] stake pool to delegate to for {selectedWalletName} wallet.", + "description": "\"Selected Pools\" Selected pool label on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.selectedStakePoolLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", - "description": "Label for \"spending password\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 52 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.spendingPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 48 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The [{selectedPoolTicker}] stake pool which you have selected to delegate your {selectedWalletName} wallet funds is about to retire.", + "description": "\"Selected Pools\" Selected pool label on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.selectedStakePoolLabelRetiring" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Calculating fees", - "description": "\"Calculating fees\" message in the \"sign\" step.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 57 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.calculatingFees", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 53 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You are already delegating {selectedWalletName} wallet to [{selectedPoolTicker}] stake pool. If you wish to re-delegate your stake, please select a different pool.", + "description": "\"You are already delegating to stake pool\" label on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.delegatedStakePoolLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", - "description": "\"Learn more\" link on the \"sign\" step.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 62 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.learnMoreLink", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 58 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You are already pending delegation {selectedWalletName} wallet to [{selectedPoolTicker}] stake pool. If you wish to re-delegate your stake, please select a different pool.", + "description": "\"You are already delegating to stake pool\" label on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.delegatedStakePoolNextLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900006490763", - "description": "Learn more\" link URL on the \"sign\" step.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 68 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.learntMoreLinkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 63 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Choose one of your recent stake pool choices:", + "description": "Recent \"Pool\" choice section label on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.recentPoolsLabel" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} voting registration?", - "description": "Headline for the voting registration cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 15 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.confirmation.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 10 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Or select a stake pool from the list of all available stake pools:", + "description": "Search \"Pools\" input label on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.searchInput.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Are you sure that you want to cancel Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} voting registration? The transaction fee you paid for the voting registration transaction will be lost and you will need to repeat the registration from the beginning.", - "description": "Content for the voting registration cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.confirmation.content", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 16 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Search stake pools", + "description": "Search \"Pools\" input placeholder on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.searchInput.placeholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel registration", - "description": "\"Cancel registration\" button label for the voting registration cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.confirmation.button.cancelButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 23 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "Label for continue button on the delegation setup \"choose stake pool\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.continueButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue registration", - "description": "\"Continue registration\" button label for the voting registration cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.confirmation.button.confirmButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 30 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!STEP {currentStep} OF {totalSteps}", + "description": "Step indicator label on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.stepIndicatorLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!The stake pool you have selected is about to be retired. If you continue the delegation process, you will need to delegate your stake to another pool at least one complete epoch before the current pool’s retirement date to avoid losing rewards.", + "description": "Retiring Pool Footer label on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseStakePool.step.dialog.retiringPoolFooter" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/delegation-setup-wizard/DelegationStepsChooseStakePoolDialog.messages.ts" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Register for Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} voting", - "description": "Tile \"Register to vote\" for voting registration", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/VotingRegistrationDialog.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.dialogTitle", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 17 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Step {step} of {stepCount}", - "description": "Sub title for voting registration", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 26 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/VotingRegistrationDialog.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.subtitle", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 22 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/VotingRegistrationDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "Newsletter", - "description": "\"Newsletter\" link for Project Catalyst footer", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 20 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/VotingFooterLinks.tsx", - "id": "voting.catalystFooterLinks.newsletter", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 16 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegate wallet", + "description": "Title \"Delegate wallet\" on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseWallet.step.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "Announcements Channel", - "description": "\"Announcements Channel\" link for Project Catalyst footer", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/VotingFooterLinks.tsx", - "id": "voting.catalystFooterLinks.announcements", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 21 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Choose a wallet that holds the funds you want to delegate. The selected wallet must contain a minimum amount of {minDelegationFunds} ADA for delegation to be an option.", + "description": "Description on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseWallet.step.dialog.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "Community Chat", - "description": "\"Community Chat\" link for Project Catalyst footer", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/VotingFooterLinks.tsx", - "id": "voting.catalystFooterLinks.community", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet", + "description": "Label \"Wallet\" for select input on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseWallet.step.dialog.selectWalletInputLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "Projects", - "description": "\"Projects\" link for Project Catalyst footer", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/VotingFooterLinks.tsx", - "id": "voting.catalystFooterLinks.projects", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 31 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/VotingFooterLinks.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Voting registration for Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} is not available as you currently do not have any Shelley-compatible wallets.", - "description": "\"No wallets\" headLine on the voting info page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 16 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/VotingNoWallets.tsx", - "id": "voting.info.noWallets.headLine", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 11 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Select Wallet", + "description": "Placeholder \"Select Wallet\" for select input on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseWallet.step.dialog.selectWalletInputPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Create a new wallet and transfer a minimum of {minVotingFunds} ADA (or restore an existing wallet with funds), then return here to register for voting.", - "description": "\"No wallets\" instructions on the voting info page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/VotingNoWallets.tsx", - "id": "voting.info.noWallets.instructions", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!STEP {currentStep} OF {totalSteps}", + "description": "Step indicator label on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseWallet.step.dialog.stepIndicatorLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Create wallet", - "description": "Label for \"Create New Wallet\" button on the voting info page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/VotingNoWallets.tsx", - "id": "voting.info.noWallets.createWalletButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 23 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/VotingNoWallets.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!On the following screen, you will be given a list of {walletRecoveryPhraseWordCount} words to write down on paper and keep in a safe place. This list of words is the wallet recovery phrase for the wallet you are creating.", - "description": "Instructions for backing up wallet recovery phrase on dialog that displays wallet recovery phrase.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletBackupPrivacyWarningDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.recoveryPhraseInstructions1", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet does not contain the minimum amount of {minDelegationFunds} ADA which is required for delegation to be available. Please select a wallet with a minimum amount of {minDelegationFunds} ADA and click continue.", + "description": "errorMinDelegationFunds Error Label on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseWallet.step.dialog.errorMinDelegationFunds" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The simplest way to keep your wallet recovery phrase secure is to never store it digitally or online. If you decide to use an online service, such as a password manager with an encrypted database, it is your responsibility to make sure that you use it correctly.", - "description": "Instructions for backing up wallet recovery phrase on dialog that displays wallet recovery phrase.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletBackupPrivacyWarningDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.recoveryPhraseInstructions2", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet contains only rewards balances so it cannot be delegated.", + "description": "errorMinDelegationFundsRewardsOnly Error Label on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseWallet.step.dialog.errorMinDelegationFundsRewardsOnly" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Using your recovery phrase is the only way to recover your wallet if your computer is lost, broken, stolen, or stops working.", - "description": "Instructions for backing up wallet recovery phrase on dialog that displays wallet recovery phrase.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletBackupPrivacyWarningDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.recoveryPhraseInstructions3", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet can’t be used for delegation while it’s being synced.", + "description": "RestoringWallet Error Label on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseWallet.step.dialog.errorRestoringWallet" }, { "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", - "description": "Label for button \"Continue\" on wallet backup dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletBackupPrivacyWarningDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.button.labelContinue", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 36 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I confirm that nobody can see my screen, because anyone who knows my recovery phrase will be able to spend the ada in my new wallet.", - "description": "Label for the checkbox on wallet backup dialog describing that nobody should be watching when recovery phrase is shown", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletBackupPrivacyWarningDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.checkbox.label.nobodyWatching", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 41 - } + "description": "Label for continue button on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.chooseWallet.step.dialog.continueButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletBackupPrivacyWarningDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/delegation-setup-wizard/DelegationStepsChooseWalletDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please make sure you write down the {walletRecoveryPhraseWordCount} words of your wallet recovery phrase on a piece of paper in the exact order shown here.", - "description": "Instructions for backing up wallet recovery phrase on dialog that displays wallet recovery phrase.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseDisplayDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.display.dialog.backup.instructions", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm Delegation", + "description": "Title \"Confirm Delegation\" on the delegation setup \"confirmation\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, I have written down my wallet recovery phrase.", - "description": "Label for button \"Yes, I have written down my wallet recovery phrase.\" on wallet backup dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseDisplayDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.display.dialog.button.label.iHaveWrittenItDown", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 22 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseDisplayDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!STEP {currentStep} OF {totalSteps}", + "description": "Step indicator label on the delegation setup \"confirmation\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.stepIndicatorLabel" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter your {wordCount}-word wallet recovery phrase. Make sure you enter the words in the correct order.", - "description": "Instructions for verifying wallet recovery phrase on dialog for entering wallet recovery phrase.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.verification.instructions", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 28 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm your delegation choice to [{selectedPoolTicker}] stake pool for your {selectedWalletName} wallet.", + "description": "Description on the delegation setup \"confirmation\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify your recovery phrase", - "description": "Label for the recovery phrase input on dialog for entering wallet recovery phrase.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInputLabel", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 35 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pool ID", + "description": "Stake pool ID label on the delegation setup \"confirmation\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.stakePoolIdLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter your {numberOfWords}-word recovery phrase", - "description": "Placeholder hint for the mnemonics autocomplete.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 45 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInputHint", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 41 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Fees", + "description": "Fees label on the delegation setup \"confirmation\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.feesLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter word #{wordNumber}", - "description": "Placeholder for the mnemonics autocomplete.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 51 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInputPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 46 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Deposit", + "description": "Deposit label on the delegation setup \"confirmation\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.depositLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", - "description": "\"No results\" message for the recovery phrase input search results.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 58 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInputNoResults", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 52 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "Placeholder for \"spending password\"", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.spendingPasswordPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", - "description": "Error message shown when invalid recovery phrase was entered.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 65 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInvalidMnemonics", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 59 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "Label for \"spending password\"", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.spendingPasswordLabel" }, { "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm", - "description": "Label for button \"Confirm\" on wallet backup dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 70 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.recovery.phrase.show.entry.dialog.button.labelConfirm", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 66 - } + "description": "Label for continue button on the delegation setup \"confirmation\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.confirmButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that the simplest way to keep my wallet recovery phrase secure is to never store it digitally or online. If I decide to use an online service, such as a password manager with an encrypted database, it is my responsibility to make sure that I use it correctly.", - "description": "Term on wallet creation to store recovery phrase offline", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 77 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.terms.and.condition.offline", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 71 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel", + "description": "Label for \"Cancel\" button on the delegation setup \"confirmation\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.cancelButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that the only way to recover my wallet if my computer is lost, broken, stolen, or stops working is to use my wallet recovery phrase.", - "description": "Term and condition on wallet backup dialog describing that wallet can only be recovered with a security phrase", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 85 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.terms.and.condition.recovery", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 78 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Calculating fees", + "description": "\"Calculating fees\" message in the \"confirmation\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.calculatingFees" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Calculating deposit", + "description": "\"Calculating deposit\" message in the \"confirmation\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.calculatingDeposit" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/delegation-setup-wizard/DelegationStepsConfirmationDialog.messages.ts" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Summary", - "description": "Label for the \"Summary\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 20 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.tsx", - "id": "wallet.navigation.summary", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 16 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegate wallet", + "description": "Title \"Delegation Setup\" on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Send", - "description": "Label for the \"Send\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.tsx", - "id": "wallet.navigation.send", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 21 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Follow these steps to configure delegation preferences for your wallet. Please be aware that the last step of delegation confirmation will incur transaction fees.", + "description": "Description on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Receive", - "description": "Label for the \"Receive\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.tsx", - "id": "wallet.navigation.receive", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "\"Learn more\" button label on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.learnMore.buttonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transactions", - "description": "Label for the \"Transactions\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.tsx", - "id": "wallet.navigation.transactions", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet selection", + "description": "Steps explanation list item 1 label on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.stepsExplanation.step1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens", - "description": "Label for the \"Tokens\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 41 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.tsx", - "id": "wallet.navigation.tokens", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 37 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pool selection", + "description": "Steps explanation list item 2 label on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.stepsExplanation.step2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Settings", - "description": "Label for the \"Settings\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.tsx", - "id": "wallet.navigation.settings", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 42 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegation confirmation", + "description": "Steps explanation list item 3 label on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.stepsExplanation.step3" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet UTXO distribution", - "description": "Label for the \"Wallet UTXO distribution\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 53 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.tsx", - "id": "wallet.navigation.utxo", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 48 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel", + "description": "Label for close button on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.cancelButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!More", - "description": "Label for the \"More\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 58 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.tsx", - "id": "wallet.navigation.more", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 54 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "Label for continue button on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.continueButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/delegation-setup-wizard/DelegationStepsIntroDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The wallet is not responding.", - "description": "Title on the NotResponding dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/not-responding/NotResponding.tsx", - "id": "wallet.notResponding.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 18 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The {walletName} wallet is not responding. This is caused by a known but rare issue, which is currently being fixed. Please restart the Cardano node by clicking the button below, which should resolve the issue. If the issue persists, or if it happens again, please submit a support request.", - "description": "Description on the NotResponding dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/not-responding/NotResponding.tsx", - "id": "wallet.notResponding.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 23 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restart Cardano Node", - "description": "Restart Node Button Label on the NotResponding dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/not-responding/NotResponding.tsx", - "id": "wallet.notResponding.restartNodeButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegation is currently unavailable", + "description": "Title \"Delegation Setup\" on the delegation setup not available dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.notAvailable.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Submit a support request", - "description": "Submit Support Request Label on the NotResponding dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 38 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/not-responding/NotResponding.tsx", - "id": "wallet.notResponding.submitSupportRequestLabel", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 34 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!None of your Shelley wallets currently hold the minimum amount of {minDelegationFunds} ADA required for delegation.", + "description": "Description on the delegation setup not available dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.notAvailable.dialog.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/", - "description": "Submit Support Request Url on the NotResponding dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/not-responding/NotResponding.tsx", - "id": "wallet.notResponding.submitSupportRequestUrl", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 39 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Close", + "description": "Label for close button on the delegation setup not available dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.notAvailable.dialog.closeButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/not-responding/NotResponding.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/delegation-setup-wizard/DelegationStepsNotAvailableDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Paper wallet certificate", - "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" headline.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 18 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet Delegated", + "description": "Title \"Wallet Delegated\" on the delegation setup \"success\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.success.step.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You may wish to fold your paper wallet certificate and glue together the edges to store it securely. Please keep your certificate safe.", - "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" subtitle.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.subtitle", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 24 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!When you wish to import your wallet back into Daedalus crop any glued edges of the certificate to open it.\n To check your balance on the paper wallet at any time, you may use the link below. Copy or save the URL to your browser bookmarks to do this easily", - "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" link instructions.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.linkInstructions", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The stake from your wallet {delegatedWalletName} is now delegated to the [{delegatedStakePoolTicker}] {delegatedStakePoolName} stake pool.", + "description": "Description \"line 1\" on the delegation setup \"success\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.success.step.dialog.description.line1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To receive funds to your paper wallet simply share your wallet address with others.", - "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" address instructions.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 44 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.addressInstructions", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 38 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your new delegation preferences are now posted on the Cardano blockchain. These preferences will take effect after both the current and the next Cardano epochs have completed in {timeUntilNextEpochStart}. During this time, your previous delegation preferences remain active.", + "description": "Description \"line 2\" on the delegation setup \"success\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.success.step.dialog.description.line2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano explorer link", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" cardano link label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 50 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.cardanoLinkLabel", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 45 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Close", + "description": "Label for Close button on the delegation setup \"success\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.success.step.dialog.closeButtonLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/delegation-setup-wizard/DelegationStepsSuccessDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!copied", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" address copied.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 56 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.addressCopiedLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 51 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The selected stake pool will become oversaturated by {oversaturationPercentage}%, which will reduce future rewards for all delegators to that pool.", + "description": "Warning shown if pool is going to be saturated if delegation happens", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.confirmation.step.dialog.oversaturationWarning" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/delegation-setup-wizard/OversaturationText.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!current epoch", + "description": "Headline for the current epoch.", + "id": "staking.epochs.currentHeading" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet address", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" wallet address label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 62 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.addressLabel", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 57 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!previous epoch", + "description": "Headline for the previous epoch.", + "id": "staking.epochs.previousHeading" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/epochs/StakingEpochs.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pool", + "description": "Table header \"Stake pool\" label on staking epochs page", + "id": "staking.epochs.currentEpoch.tableHeader.pool" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Finish", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" finish button label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 68 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.finishButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 63 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Slots elected", + "description": "Table header \"Slots elected\" label on staking epochs page", + "id": "staking.epochs.currentEpoch.tableHeader.slotsElected" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/epochs/StakingEpochsCurrentEpochData.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Abort paper wallet certificate creation?", - "description": "Headline for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", + "description": "\"No results\" results label on staking epochs page.", + "id": "staking.epochs.no.results" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/epochs/StakingEpochsNoData.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pool", + "description": "Table header \"Stake pool\" label on staking epochs page", + "id": "staking.epochs.previousEpoch.tableHeader.pool" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!At this point, your paper wallet certificate is not complete and verifications steps are not yet done.", - "description": "Content for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.contentPart1", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Slots elected", + "description": "Table header \"Slots elected\" label on staking epochs page", + "id": "staking.epochs.previousEpoch.tableHeader.slotsElected" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!At this point, your paper wallet certificate is not complete and verifications steps are not yet done.", - "description": "Content for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.contentPart2", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Performance", + "description": "Table header \"Performance\" label on staking epochs page", + "id": "staking.epochs.tableHeader.performance" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Back", - "description": "\"Cancel\" button label for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.button.backLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Shared rewards", + "description": "Table header \"Shared rewards\" label on staking epochs page", + "id": "staking.epochs.tableHeader.sharedRewards" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Abort", - "description": "\"Abort\" button label for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.button.abortLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 35 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!slots", + "description": "\"slots\" text in table body on staking epochs page", + "id": "staking.epochs.tableBody.slots" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!of", + "description": "\"of\" text in table body on staking epochs page", + "id": "staking.epochs.tableBody.of" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/ConfirmationDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/epochs/StakingEpochsPreviousEpochData.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Create a paper wallet certificate", - "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate instructions dialog\".", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 26 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 21 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano is transitioning into a decentralized system", + "description": "Headline for the Decentralization progress notification.", + "id": "staking.info.heading" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Create a paper wallet certificate to store funds offline.", - "description": "Subtitle for the \"Paper wallet create certificate instructions dialog\".", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.subtitle", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 27 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano is transitioning from a federated system operated by its creators to a decentralized system operated by a community of stake pool operators. During this transition, blocks will be produced both by the federated nodes and by stake pools. The percentage of blocks produced by stake pools will increase every epoch until block production in the Cardano network becomes fully decentralized.", + "description": "Info description for the Decentralization progress notification.", + "id": "staking.info.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The paper wallet certificate will not be associated with any of your existing wallets. A new, empty wallet will be created.", - "description": "subtitle2 for the \"Paper wallet create certificate instructions dialog\".", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.subtitle2", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 34 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Currently, {percentage}% of the blocks are produced by the stake pools.", + "description": "Percentage info description for the Decentralization progress notification.", + "id": "staking.info.percentage" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Instructions", - "description": "Instructions list label for the \"Paper wallet create certificate instructions dialog\".", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.label", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 41 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your printed certificate will include your paper wallet recovery phrase\n of {paperWalletRecoveryPhraseWordCount} words. Note that your paper wallet recovery phrase is\n different to the {walletRecoveryPhraseWordCount}-word recovery phrases used to restore your\n regular Daedalus wallet.", - "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 1.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 56 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition1", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 48 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!For security reasons, the last {paperWalletWrittenWordsCount} words of your\n paper wallet recovery phrase will not be printed on the paper wallet certificate itself. You\n will need to write them on your certificate by hand in a moment.", - "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 2.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 64 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition2", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 57 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Use the address on your certificate to send funds to your paper wallet.", - "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 3.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 71 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition3", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 65 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your paper wallet will be offline so will not be held in Daedalus.\n To check the balance of the wallet, input the address on the certificate into", - "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 4.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 78 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition4", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 72 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Store your certificate containing your paper wallet recovery phrase in a safe place.", - "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 5.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 85 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition5", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 79 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!When you click “Save PDF file for printing” you will be prompted\n to choose a location on your computer where the PDF file will be saved. After that\n open the saved PDF file and print it.", - "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog - printing instructions.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 94 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.printingInstructions", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 86 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano Explorer", - "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog \"Cardano Explorer\" label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 100 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.cardanoExplorer", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 95 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "Button Label for the Decentralization progress notification.", + "id": "staking.info.buttonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Save PDF file for printing", - "description": "\"Wallet certificate create instructions dialog\" print button label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 106 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.button.printLabel", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 101 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc", + "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL in the staking info page", + "id": "staking.info.learnMore.linkUrl" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/info/StakingInfo.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify printed certificate", - "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\".", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/PrintDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 17 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Check your paper wallet certificate and make sure everything\n is readable and correctly printed. You can test this by scanning the QR code with\n a QR scanner application on your mobile phone.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" subtitle.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/PrintDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.subtitle", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 23 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your certificate is not yet complete and does not contain all\n the data needed to restore your paper wallet. In the next step, you will need to\n write down an additional {paperWalletWrittenWordsCount} words to your paper wallet recovery phrase.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" info.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/PrintDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.info", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 30 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Alonzo upgrade", + "description": "Headline for the \"Staking Info\" page screen.", + "id": "staking.infoCountdown.heading" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, the paper wallet certificate printed successfully.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" certificate printed confirmation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 44 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/PrintDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.certificatePrintedConfirmation", - "start": { - "column": 39, - "line": 37 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The ‘Alonzo’ protocol upgrade will bring highly-anticipated new smart contract capabilities to Cardano, by integrating Plutus scripts onto the blockchain. This important milestone will open up a whole new world of smart contracts, DeFi capabilities, and dApp development on Cardano.", + "description": "Info description for the \"Staking Info\" page screen.", + "id": "staking.infoCountdown.description.before" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, first {paperWalletPrintedWordsCount} words of the paper wallet recovery phrase are readable.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" certificate readable confirmation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 52 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/PrintDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.certificateReadableConfirmation", - "start": { - "column": 40, - "line": 45 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The ‘Alonzo’ protocol upgrade is now live on Cardano, enabling highly-anticipated new smart contract capabilities, by integrating Plutus scripts onto the blockchain. This important milestone opens up a whole new world of smart contracts, DeFi capabilities, and dApp development on Cardano.", + "description": "Info description for the \"Staking Info\" page screen.", + "id": "staking.infoCountdown.description.after" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, the QR code is scannable.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" QR scannable confirmation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 58 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/PrintDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.qrScannableConfirmation", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 53 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/PrintDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Complete your certificate", - "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate securing password dialog\".", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/SecuringPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.securingPassword.dialog.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 16 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To complete your paper wallet certificate you will need to\n write the remaining {paperWalletWrittenWordsCount} words of your paper wallet recovery\n phrase on your certificate.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate securing password dialog\" first info label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/SecuringPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.securingPassword.dialog.infoLabel1", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Alonzo upgrade in", + "description": "Countdown Title for the \"Staking Info\" page screen.", + "id": "staking.infoCountdown.countdownTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The password can optionally be written on the certificate or kept securely in other location. Here is the placeholder on the certificate intended for your password.", - "description": "You may write the remaining words here:", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/SecuringPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.securingPassword.dialog.infoLabel2", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 30 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "Button Label for the \"Staking Info\" page screen.", + "id": "staking.infoCountdown.buttonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I have written the remaining {paperWalletWrittenWordsCount} words on the certificate.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate securing password dialog\" secure password confirmation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/SecuringPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.securingPassword.dialog.securingPasswordConfirmation", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 36 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2021/04/08/smart-contracts-%E2%80%93-here-we-come/", + "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL in the \"Staking Info\" screen.", + "id": "staking.infoCountdown.learnMore.linkUrl" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/SecuringPasswordDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/info/StakingInfoCountdown.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify certificate", - "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\".", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 25 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter your paper wallet recovery phrase to verify your paper wallet certificate.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" subtitle.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.subtitle", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 31 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Make sure you enter all {fullPhraseWordCount} words for the paper wallet recovery phrase,\n first {printedWordCount} words printed on the certificate followed by the {writtenWordCount} words you wrote by hand.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" subtitle.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 44 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.instructions", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 38 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Paper wallet recovery phrase", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" recovery phrase label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 51 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.recoveryPhrase.label", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 45 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!slot", + "description": "\"slot\" label on staking chart tooltip.", + "id": "staking.chart.tooltip.slot.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter recovery phrase", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" recovery phrase hint.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 58 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.recoveryPhrase.hint", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 52 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!transactions", + "description": "\"transactions\" label on staking chart tooltip.", + "id": "staking.chart.tooltip.transactions.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" recovery phrase no results label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 65 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.recoveryPhrase.noResults", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 59 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!MPC phase", + "description": "\"MPC phase\" label on staking chart tooltip.", + "id": "staking.chart.tooltip.mpc.phase.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Clear", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" button clear label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 71 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.button.clearLabel", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 66 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!commitments", + "description": "\"commitments\" label on staking chart tooltip.", + "id": "staking.chart.tooltip.commitments.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that the paper wallet I create will not be stored in Daedalus.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" storing understandance confirmation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 79 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.storingUnderstandanceConfirmationLabel", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 72 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!openings", + "description": "\"openings\" label on staking chart tooltip.", + "id": "staking.chart.tooltip.openings.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that my paper wallet can be recovered only by using my paper wallet certificate.", - "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" recovering understandance confirmation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 87 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx", - "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.recoveringUnderstandanceConfirmationLabel", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 80 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!shares", + "description": "\"shares\" label on staking chart tooltip.", + "id": "staking.chart.tooltip.shares.label" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/legacy/StakingChartTooltip.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Available wallet addresses", - "description": "Instructions Title on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/AddressActions.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.instructions.instructionsTitle", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 15 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them.", - "description": "Instructions Description on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/AddressActions.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.instructions.instructionsDescription", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 20 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Addresses", - "description": "Addresses Title on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/AddressActions.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.addresses.addressesTitle", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegation center", + "description": "Label for the \"Delegation\" nav button in the staking navigation.", + "id": "staking.navigation.delegation_center" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Show used", - "description": "Label for \"show used\" wallet addresses link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/AddressActions.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.showUsedLabel", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools", + "description": "Label for the \"Stake\" nav button in the staking navigation.", + "id": "staking.navigation.stake_pools" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Share", - "description": "Label for \"Share\" link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 41 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/AddressActions.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.shareAddressLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 37 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards", + "description": "Label for the \"Rewards\" nav button in the staking navigation.", + "id": "staking.navigation.rewards" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy address", - "description": "Label for \"Copy address\" link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 46 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/AddressActions.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.copyAddressLabel", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 42 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Epochs", + "description": "Label for the \"Epochs\" nav button in the staking navigation.", + "id": "staking.navigation.epochs" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Info", + "description": "Label for the \"Info\" nav button in the staking navigation.", + "id": "staking.navigation.info" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/AddressActions.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/navigation/StakingNavigation.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!PDF note", - "description": "placeholder on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.inputLabel", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 32 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Redemption of Incentivized Testnet rewards is not available as you currently do not have any Shelley-compatible wallets.", + "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.noWallets.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Add a note to the sender", - "description": "inputPlaceholder on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 41 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.inputPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 37 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Add wallet", + "description": "addWalletButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.noWallets.addWalletButtonLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/NoWalletsDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Save QR code image", - "description": "saveQRCodeImage on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 46 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.saveQRCodeImage", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 42 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Redeem Incentivized Testnet rewards", + "description": "Title for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - redemptionUnavailable", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.redemptionUnavailable.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Download as PDF", - "description": "downloadPDFButton on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 51 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.downloadPDFButton", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 47 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Close", + "description": "closeButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - redemptionUnavailable", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.redemptionUnavailable.closeButton.label" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/RedemptionUnavailableDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Share wallet address", - "description": "dialogTitle on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 56 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.dialogTitle", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 52 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Redeem Incentivized Testnet rewards", + "description": "Title for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy address", - "description": "Label for \"Copy address\" link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 61 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.copyAddressLabel", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 57 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!If you participated in the { itnLink } and earned rewards by running a stake pool or delegating your stake, you can use this feature to redeem your rewards as ada on the Cardano mainnet.", + "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.description1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiving address path", - "description": "Tooltip for the receiving address path", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 66 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.spendingPathTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 62 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You will need the wallet recovery phrase for the Incentivized Testnet wallet used to earn rewards and an existing mainnet wallet in Daedalus to which the rewards will be transferred. This wallet will also be used to pay any applicable transaction fees.", + "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.description2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards address path", - "description": "Tooltip for the rewards address path", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 71 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.stakingPathTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 67 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Incentivized Testnet", + "description": "descriptionItnLinkLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.descriptionItnLinkLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Submit a request to IOHK Support", - "description": "Support request button label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 76 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.supportRequestButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 72 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://staking.cardano.org/", + "description": "descriptionItnLinkUrl for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.descriptionItnLinkUrl" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/", - "description": "Support request link URL", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 81 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.supportRequestLinkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 77 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet recovery phrase:", + "description": "recoveryPhraseLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.recoveryPhraseLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, I am sure I have compared the address displayed in Daedalus with the address displayed on the {deviceType} device by comparing the beginning and ending of the address.", - "description": "Invalid address confirmation checkbox label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 87 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.invalidAddressConfirmationLabel", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 82 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Redeem rewards to:", + "description": "walletsDropdownLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.walletsDropdownLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Is the address you have verified correct?", - "description": "Verification options section label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 92 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.verificationCheckOptionsLabel", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 88 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that redeeming rewards from the Incentivized Testnet requires paying transaction fees.", + "description": "checkbox1Label for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.checkbox1Label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes", - "description": "Verification option \"Valid\" label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 97 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.verificationCheckOptionValid", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 93 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that fees will be paid from the wallet I am redeeming my rewards to.", + "description": "checkbox2Label for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.checkbox2Label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No, I am sure that address displayed in Daedalus is different from the address displayed on my {deviceType} device", - "description": "Verification option \"Invalid\" label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 103 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.verificationCheckOptionInvalid", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 98 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "continueButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.continueButton.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No, reverify", - "description": "Verification option \"Reverify\" label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 108 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.verificationCheckOptionReverify", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 104 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn More", + "description": "learnMoreLinkLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.learnMoreLink.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus verified the address", - "description": "Daedalus verification status check label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 113 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.softwareCheckLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 109 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900001656586", + "description": "learnMoreLinkUrl for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 1", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.learnMoreLink.url" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You have verified the address", - "description": "User verification status check label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 118 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.confirmationCheckLabel", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 114 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter recovery phrase", + "description": "Hint \"Enter recovery phrase\" for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.recoveryPhraseInputHint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please compare the address displayed here on the screen with the address displayed on the {deviceType} device by comparing at least the first 5 characters at the start of the address after the \"addr\" part and at least 5 characters at the end of the address.", - "description": "Address verification instructions", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 124 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.addressVerificationInstructions", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 119 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Select Wallet", + "description": "Placeholder \"Select Wallet\" for select input on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.selectWalletInputPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Warning, your copy of Daedalus may be hacked!", - "description": "Invalid address \"Warning\" title", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 129 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.invalidAddressWarningTitle", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 125 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", + "description": "\"No results\" message for the recovery phrase input search results.", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.noResults" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You have manually compared the address shown in Daedalus with the address shown on the hardware wallet device and reported that they are different. If this is the case, please contact support and make sure you download and attach logs.", - "description": "Invalid address \"Warning\" description", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 135 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.invalidAddressWarningDescription", - "start": { - "column": 36, - "line": 130 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", + "description": "Error message shown when invalid recovery phrase was entered.", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.invalidRecoveryPhrase" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your wallet address", - "description": "Label for wallet address on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveRandom.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.walletAddressLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm rewards redemption", + "description": "title for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, always use a new address when requesting funds. To generate a new address please enter your spending password and press the ‘Generate a new address’ button.", - "description": "Wallet receive payments instructions on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveRandom.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.walletReceiveInstructions", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!To", + "description": "walletToLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.walletToLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Generate a new address", - "description": "Label for \"Generate new address\" button on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveRandom.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.generateNewAddressButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 38 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{walletName} wallet", + "description": "walletToName for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.walletToName" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiving addresses", - "description": "\"Generated addresses\" section title on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 49 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveRandom.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.receivingAddressesSectionTitle", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 44 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction fees", + "description": "transactionFees for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.transactionFees" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Show used", - "description": "Label for \"show used\" wallet addresses link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 55 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveRandom.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.showUsedLabel", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 50 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet spending password ({walletName} wallet)", + "description": "spendingPasswordLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.spendingPasswordLabel" }, { "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", - "description": "Placeholder for \"spending password\" on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 61 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveRandom.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.spendingPasswordPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 56 - } + "description": "spendingPasswordPlaceholder for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.spendingPasswordPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy address", - "description": "Label for \"Copy address\" link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 66 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveRandom.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.copyAddressLabel", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 62 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm rewards redemption", + "description": "continueButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 2", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.continueButtonLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Back", + "description": "Label for the back button in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step2.backButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveRandom.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step2ConfirmationDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Available wallet addresses", - "description": "Instructions Title on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveSequential.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.instructions.instructionsTitle", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No rewards were found in your Incentivized Testnet Rewards wallet. Please make sure that you have entered the correct wallet recovery phrase.", + "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.description1NoRewards" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Share any of these wallet addresses to receive payments in ada or a native Cardano token.", - "description": "Instructions Description on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveSequential.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.instructions.instructionsDescription", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards from the wallet corresponding to the recovery phrase you have provided have already been redeemed.", + "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.description2InvalidWallet" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Privacy warning: Please note that all of your receiving addresses include your stake key. When you share a receiving address, the recipient can search the blockchain using your stake key to locate all addresses associated with your wallet, and also discover your wallet balance and transaction history.", - "description": "Privacy warning on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveSequential.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.instructions.privacyWarning", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 25 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No rewards were found in your Incentivized Testnet Rewards wallet. Please make sure that you have entered the correct wallet recovery phrase and that rewards have not already been redeemed.", + "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.description3Generic" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiving addresses", - "description": "Addresses Title on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveSequential.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.addresses.addressesTitle", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Back", + "description": "backButtonLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.backButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Show used", - "description": "Label for \"show used\" wallet addresses link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 41 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveSequential.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.page.showUsedLabel", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 36 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Close window", + "description": "closeWindowLinkLabel for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.failure.closeWindowLinkLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveSequential.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3FailureDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Title", - "description": "Label for the \"Title\" text input in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 8 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.title.label", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 4 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Incentivized Testnet rewards redeemed!", + "description": "title for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.success.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!E.g: Money for Frank", - "description": "Hint inside the \"Receiver\" text input in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.title.hint", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You have successfully redeemed {redeemedRewards} to your {walletName} wallet. This transaction incurred {transactionFees} in transaction fees", + "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.success.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiver", - "description": "Label for the \"Receiver\" text input in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.receiver.label", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Open the wallet", + "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.success.openWalletButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Paste an address", - "description": "Hint inside the \"Receiver\" text input in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.receiver.placeholder", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 20 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Token", - "description": "Label for the \"Token\" number input in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.asset.label", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 26 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Download PDF certificate", + "description": "description for Redeem Incentivized Testnet - Step 3", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step3.success.downloadPDFButtonLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/redeem-itn-rewards/Step3SuccessDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Ada", - "description": "Label for the \"Ada\" input in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.asset.adaLabel", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools to which you are delegating", + "description": "\"delegatingListTitle\" for the Stake Pools page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.delegatingListTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Remove", - "description": "Label for the \"Remove\" button in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.button.removeLabel", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 36 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools", + "description": "\"listTitle\" for the Stake Pools page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.listTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Clear", - "description": "Label for the \"Clear\" button in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 45 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.button.clearLabel", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 41 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Loading stake pools", + "description": "\"listTitleLoading\" for the Stake Pools page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.listTitleLoading" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This receiver address belongs to the same wallet from which you are sending funds. If you proceed with this transaction, the transferred funds will remain in this wallet, and you will incur transaction fees, as outlined in Estimated fees.", - "description": "Label for the same wallet tooltip in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 51 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.sameWalletLabel", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 46 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools. Search results:", + "description": "\"listTitleSearch\" for the Stake Pools page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.listTitleSearch" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!+ Add a token", - "description": "Label for the \"+ Add a token\" button in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 57 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.button.addAssetButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 52 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!({pools})", + "description": "\"listTitleStakePools\" for the Stake Pools page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.listTitleStakePools" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Estimated fees", - "description": "Label for the \"Estimated fees\" number input in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 63 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.estimatedFee.label", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 58 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Loading stake pools", + "description": "Loading stake pool message for the Delegation center body section.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.loadingStakePoolsMessage" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!of", - "description": "Label for the \"of\" max ADA value in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 68 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.of.label", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 64 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Moderated by", + "description": "moderatedBy message for the Delegation center body section.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.moderatedBy" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!a minimum of {minimumAda} ADA required", - "description": "Label for the min ADA required value in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 74 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.minAdaRequired", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 69 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Unmoderated", + "description": "unmoderated message for the Delegation center body section.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.unmoderated" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePools.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This transaction requires a minimum of {minimumAda} ADA to be sent.", - "description": "Tooltip for the min ADA required value in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 81 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.minAdaRequiredWithAssetTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 75 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!all your wallets", + "description": "All wallets item of dropdown.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingAllWallets" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!A minimum of {minimumAda} ADA needs to be sent with every transaction.", - "description": "Tooltip for the min ADA required value in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 88 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.minAdaRequiredWithNoAssetTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 36, - "line": 82 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!.", + "description": "All wallets description after dropdown.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingAllWalletsEnd" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Description", - "description": "Label for the \"description\" text area in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 94 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.description.label", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 89 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools are currently ranked based on the combined amount in", + "description": "All wallets description before dropdown.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingAllWalletsStart" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You can add a message if you want", - "description": "Hint in the \"description\" text area in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 99 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.description.hint", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 95 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Use the slider to rank the stake pools and check the potential rewards based on the amount of stake you intend to delegate.", + "description": "Ranking description.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingDescription" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Reset", - "description": "Label for the reset button on the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 104 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.reset", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 100 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us", + "description": "Ranking learn more url.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingLearnMoreUrl" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Send", - "description": "Label for the send button on the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 109 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.send", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 105 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!wallet.", + "description": "One wallet description after dropdown.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingOneWalletEnd" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter a valid amount.", - "description": "Error message shown when invalid amount was entered.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 114 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.errors.invalidAmount", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 110 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools are currently ranked based on the amount in", + "description": "One wallet description before dropdown.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingOneWalletStart" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter a title with at least 3 characters.", - "description": "Error message shown when invalid transaction title was entered.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 120 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.errors.invalidTitle", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 115 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!select a wallet", + "description": "Select wallet item of dropdown.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingSelectWallet" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The balance and transaction history of this wallet is being synced with the blockchain.", - "description": "Syncing transactions message shown during async wallet restore in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 127 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.syncingTransactionsMessage", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 121 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!to set the amount you intend to delegate.", + "description": "Select wallet description after dropdown.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingSelectWalletEnd" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Calculating fees", - "description": "Label for the \"Calculating fees\" message for amount input field.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 133 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.calculatingFeesLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 128 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Or", + "description": "Select wallet description before dropdown.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingSelectWalletStart" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!UPDATE", - "description": "Label for the \"UPDATE\" button responsible to set minimum amount required for transaction .", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 139 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.asset.updateAdaAmountButton", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 134 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Circulating supply", + "description": "Circulating supply slider tooltip.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingExtraTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!to the minimum of {minimumAda} ADA required", - "description": "Description for the \"UPDATE\" button when ADA amount is less than required", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 145 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.updateAdaAmountDescription", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 140 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Saturation point", + "description": "Saturation point slider tooltip.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingMaxTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Note: the ada field was automatically updated because this transaction requires a minimum of {minimumAda} ADA.", - "description": "Minimum amount update notice", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 151 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.minimumAmountNote", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 146 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Minimum ADA required for staking", + "description": "Minimum ADA required for staking slider tooltip.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.rankingMinTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Note: the ada field was automatically updated to {adaAmount} ADA because now it fulfills the minimum amount of {minimumAda} ADA for the transaction.", - "description": "Restored ada amount to original user input", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 157 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.form.restoredAdaAmount", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 152 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "Learn more action of ranking panel.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.learnMore" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/send-form/messages.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsRanking.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Set a password for {walletName} wallet", - "description": "Title for the \"Change wallet password\" dialog when there is no password set.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.changePassword.dialog.title.setPassword", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 26 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Change password", - "description": "Title for the \"Change wallet password\" dialog when there is already password set.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.changePassword.dialog.title.changePassword", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 32 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", - "description": "Label for the \"Spending password\" input in the change wallet password dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.changePassword.dialog.spendingPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 38 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Search stake pools", + "description": "\"Delegating List Title\" for the Stake Pools search.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.search.searchInputPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Current password", - "description": "Label for the \"Current password\" input in the change wallet password dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 49 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.changePassword.dialog.currentPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 44 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools to which you are delegating", + "description": "\"delegatingListTitle\" for the Stake Pools search.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.search.delegatingListTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!New password", - "description": "Label for the \"New password\" input in the change wallet password dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 55 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.changePassword.dialog.newPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 50 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pools ({pools})", + "description": "\"listTitle\" for the Stake Pools search.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.search.listTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat password", - "description": "Label for the \"Repeat password\" input in the change wallet password dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 61 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.changePassword.dialog.repeatPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 56 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Grid View", + "description": "\"gridIconTooltip\" for the Stake Pools search.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.search.gridIconTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Type current password", - "description": "Placeholder for the \"Current password\" inputs in the change wallet password dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 67 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.changePassword.dialog.currentPasswordFieldPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 62 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Grid Rewards View", + "description": "\"gridRewardsIconTooltip\" for the Stake Pools search.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.search.gridRewardsIconTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Type new password", - "description": "Placeholder for the \"New password\" inputs in the change wallet password dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 73 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.changePassword.dialog.newPasswordFieldPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 68 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!List View", + "description": "\"listIconTooltip\" for the Stake Pools search.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.search.listIconTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat new password", - "description": "Placeholder for the \"Repeat password\" inputs in the change wallet password dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 79 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.changePassword.dialog.repeatPasswordFieldPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 74 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "We recommend using a password manager app to manage and store your spending password. Generate a unique password using a password manager and paste it here. Passwords should never be reused.", - "description": "Tooltip for the password input in the wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 85 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.dialog.passwordTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 80 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Clear", + "description": "\"clearTooltip\" for the Stake Pools search.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.search.clearTooltip" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ChangeSpendingPasswordDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsSearch.messages.ts" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegate", - "description": "Label for the delegate button on wallet settings", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 11 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/DelegateWalletButton.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.delegateWalletButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 7 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/DelegateWalletButton.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Rank", + "description": "Table header \"Rank\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.rank" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Delete wallet", - "description": "Delete wallet header on the wallet settings page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 17 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/DeleteWallet.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.deleteWallet.header", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 13 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Ticker", + "description": "Table header \"Ticker\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.ticker" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Once you delete this wallet it will be removed from the Daedalus interface and you will lose access to any remaining funds in the wallet. The only way to regain access after deletion is by restoring it using your wallet recovery phrase.", - "description": "Delete wallet warning explaining the consequences.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/DeleteWallet.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.deleteWallet.warning1", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 18 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Saturation", + "description": "Table header \"Saturation\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.saturation" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You may wish to verify your recovery phrase before deletion to ensure that you can restore this wallet in the future, if desired.", - "description": "Delete wallet warning explaining the consequences.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/DeleteWallet.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.deleteWallet.warning2", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Performance", + "description": "Table header \"Performance\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.performance" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Delete wallet", - "description": "Label for the delete button on wallet settings", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/DeleteWallet.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.deleteWalletButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 30 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/DeleteWallet.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Uptime (days)", + "description": "Table header \"Uptime\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.uptime" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Export Wallet", - "description": "headline for \"export wallet to file\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ExportWalletToFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.exportToFile.dialog.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 21 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Margin", + "description": "Table header \"Margin\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.margin" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You are exporting {walletName} to a file.", - "description": "headline for \"export wallet to file\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ExportWalletToFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.exportToFile.dialog.introduction", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Roi", + "description": "Table header \"Roi\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.roi" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Export", - "description": "Label for export wallet to file submit button.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ExportWalletToFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.exportToFile.dialog.submit.label", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 32 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ExportWalletToFileDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cost (ADA)", + "description": "Table header \"Cost\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.cost" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!ICO public key", - "description": "Wallet public key label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 16 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyBox.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKey", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 12 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Produced Blocks", + "description": "Table header \"Produced Blocks\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.producedBlocks" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your wallet's ICO public key enables participation in the initial coin offering presales.", - "description": "ICO public key header on the wallet settings page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyBox.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKey.description", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Potential rewards", + "description": "Table header \"Potential rewards\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.potentialRewards" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Click the icon on the right to view your ICO public key.", - "description": "ICO public key show instruction.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyBox.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKeyShowInstruction", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 23 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Pledge (ADA)", + "description": "Table header \"Pledge\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.pledge" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Show QR code", - "description": "Show QR code tooltip.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyBox.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.showQRCode", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Retiring in", + "description": "Table header \"Retiring\" label on stake pools list view page", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tableHeader.retiring" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyBox.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools/StakePoolsTable.messages.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Reveal ICO public key", - "description": "Title \"Choose a stake pool\" on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKeyDialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 18 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!A hierarchical ranking based on the potential rewards you will earn if you delegate the intended amount of stake to this pool, assuming that it reaches saturation.
*Stake pools with the potential rewards estimated at zero have the same ranking. Please set the stake slider to a higher value for more pools to get potential rewards estimated at more than zero.
", + "description": "\"Rank\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.rankingTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter your spending password to reveal your ICO’s public key.", - "description": "Description on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKeyDialog.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 23 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Saturation measures the stake in the pool and indicates the point at which rewards stop increasing with increases in stake. This capping mechanism encourages decentralization by discouraging users from delegating to oversaturated stake pools.", + "description": "\"Saturation\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.saturationTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Reveal ICO public key", - "description": "Description on the reveal ICO Id dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKeyDialog.button", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 29 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!ICO Public Key", - "description": "Title for the \"ICO Public Key QR Code\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 9 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyQRCodeDialog.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKey", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 5 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The pool's profit, defined as the rewards percentage kept by the pool from the stake that was delegated to it.", + "description": "\"Pool margin\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.profitMarginTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy ICO public key", - "description": "Copy ICO public key label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyQRCodeDialog.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.settings.copyICOPublicKey", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 10 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Fixed operational costs that the stake pool retains from any rewards earned during each epoch.", + "description": "\"Cost per epoch\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.costPerEpochTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Derivation path", - "description": "Tooltip for the derivation path", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyQRCodeDialog.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.settings.dialog.derivationPathTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 15 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyQRCodeDialog.messages.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!The total number of blocks the stake pool has produced.", + "description": "\"Blocks\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.producedBlocksTooltip" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Set a password", - "description": "Label for the \"Set a password\" button in the set wallet password dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 16 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/SetWalletPassword.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.setWalletPassword.dialog.setPasswordButton", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 11 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!An estimation of the potential rewards you will earn per epoch if you delegate the intended amount of stake. The system looks at the pool's parameters and historical performance data to calculate potential rewards, assuming that the pool reaches optimal saturation.", + "description": "\"Rewards\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.potentialRewardsTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To keep your wallet secure and start using it in Daedalus, you need to set a spending password.", - "description": "Message for the \"Set a password\" button in the set wallet password dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/SetWalletPassword.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.setWalletPassword.dialog.setPasswordMessage", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The amount of stake that a pool operator contributes to a pool. Pools with higher pledge amounts earn more rewards for themselves and their delegators. Pools that do not honor their pledge earn zero rewards and accrue low ranking.", + "description": "\"Pledge\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.pledgeTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your wallet is not protected with a password", - "description": "Title for the \"Set wallet password\" dialog when there is not password set.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/SetWalletPassword.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.setWalletPassword.dialog.setPasswordTitle", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 24 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/SetWalletPassword.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Rank:", + "description": "\"Rank\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.ranking" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Undelegate", - "description": "Label for the undelegate button on wallet settings", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 11 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletButton.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegateWalletButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 7 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletButton.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Undelegate", - "description": "Title for the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Live stake:", + "description": "\"Live stake\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.relativeStake" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Undelegate", - "description": "Label for the \"Undelegate\" button in the undelegate wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.confirmButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Measures the amount of stake pledged by the pool plus the amount of stake currently delegated to the pool, versus the total amount in the system.", + "description": "\"Live stake\" tooltip for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.relativeStakeTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The stake from your wallet {walletName} is currently delegated to the [{stakePoolTicker}] {stakePoolName} stake pool.
Do you want to undelegate your stake and stop earning rewards?
", - "description": "Description of current delegation of wallet in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.descriptionWithTicker", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 37 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Pool margin:", + "description": "\"Pool margin\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.profitMargin" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The stake from your wallet {walletName} is currently delegated to the {stakePoolTicker} stake pool.
Do you want to undelegate your stake and stop earning rewards?
", - "description": "Description of current delegation of wallet in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 50 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.descriptionWithUnknownTicker", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 44 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cost per epoch:", + "description": "\"Cost per epoch\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.costPerEpoch" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!unknown", - "description": "unknown stake pool label in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 55 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.unknownStakePoolLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 51 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Produced blocks:", + "description": "\"Blocks\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.producedBlocks" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I am not supporting the Cardano network when my stake is undelegated.", - "description": "Notice to confirm if the user understands unsupporting Cardano network after undelegation", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 62 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.confirmUnsupportNotice", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 56 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Potential rewards:", + "description": "\"Rewards\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.potentialRewards" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I will not be eligible to earn rewards when my stake is undelegated.", - "description": "Notice to confirm if the user understands non-earning rewards after undelegation", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.confirmIneligibleNotice", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 63 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Retirement in {retirementFromNow}", + "description": "\"Retirement\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.retirement" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Fees", - "description": "Fees label in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 74 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.feesLabel", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 70 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Saturation:", + "description": "\"Saturation\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.saturation" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Deposits reclaimed", - "description": "Deposits reclaimed label in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 79 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.depositLabel", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 75 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Pledge:", + "description": "\"Pledge\" for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.pledge" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", - "description": "Spending password label in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 84 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.spendingPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 80 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegate to this pool", + "description": "\"Delegate to this pool\" Button for the Stake Pools Tooltip page.", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.delegateButton" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Type your spending password here", - "description": "Spending password placeholder in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 90 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.spendingPasswordPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 85 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy the stake pool ID", + "description": "copyId tooltip label", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.copyIdTooltipLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Incorrect spending password.", - "description": "Label for password error in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 95 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.passwordError", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 91 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Copied", + "description": "copyId tooltip label copied", + "id": "staking.stakePools.tooltip.copiedIdTooltipLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Calculating fees", - "description": "\"Calculating fees\" message in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 101 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.calculatingFees", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 96 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Data not available yet", + "description": "Data not available yet label", + "id": "staking.stakePools.noDataDashTooltip" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/staking/widgets/TooltipPool.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet undelegated", - "description": "Title for the \"Undelegate Result\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletSuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.result.dialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Catalyst API unavailable", + "description": "Title", + "id": "voting.apiError.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The stake from your wallet {walletName} is no longer delegated and you will soon stop earning rewards for this wallet.", - "description": "Description 1 for the \"Undelegate Result\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletSuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.result.dialog.description1", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 20 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Unable to communicate with the API that retrieves the Catalyst date information.", + "description": "Description 1", + "id": "voting.apiError.description1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your new delegation preferences are now posted on the blockchain and will take effect after both the current and next Cardano epochs have completed in {timeUntilNextEpochStart}. During this time, your previous delegation preferences are still active.", - "description": "Description 2 for the \"Undelegate Result\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletSuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.result.dialog.description2", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please, try again later.", + "description": "Description 2", + "id": "voting.apiError.description2" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletSuccessDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-info/ApiError.messages.ts" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Unpair wallet", - "description": "Unpair wallet header on the wallet settings page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UnpairWallet.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.unpairWallet.header", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 18 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Once you unpair this wallet it will be removed from the Daedalus interface and you will lose access to any remaining funds in the wallet. The only way to regain access after deletion is by restoring it using your wallet recovery phrase.", - "description": "Unpair wallet warning explaining the consequences.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UnpairWallet.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.unpairWallet.warning", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 23 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.iohk.vitvoting", + "description": "\"androidAppButtonUrl\" for the Catalyst voting app", + "id": "voting.info.androidAppButtonUrl" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Unpair wallet", - "description": "Label for the unpair button on wallet settings", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UnpairWallet.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.unpairWalletButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://apps.apple.com/in/app/catalyst-voting/id1517473397", + "description": "\"appleAppButtonUrl\" for the Catalyst voting app", + "id": "voting.info.appleAppButtonUrl" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UnpairWallet.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-info/AppStore.messages.ts" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet public key", - "description": "Wallet public key label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 16 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyBox.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKey", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 12 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Project Catalyst", + "description": "Headline Project Catalyst", + "id": "voting.catalyst.heading" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Click Reveal on the right-hand side to display the public key of the wallet.", - "description": "Wallet public key show instruction.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyBox.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKeyShowInstruction", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Decide which innovative ideas for Cardano will receive funding.", + "description": "Description Project Catalyst", + "id": "voting.catalyst.descriptionRow1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Show QR code", - "description": "Show QR code tooltip.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyBox.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.showQRCode", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 23 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyBox.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Reveal wallet public key", - "description": "Title \"Choose a stake pool\" on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKeyDialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{reward} worth of ada rewards will be distributed between ada holders who register their vote.", + "description": "Description Project Catalyst", + "id": "voting.catalyst.descriptionRow2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter your spending password to reveal your wallet’s public key.", - "description": "Description on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKeyDialog.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "Learn more link label for registration steps", + "id": "voting.info.learnMoreLinkLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Reveal wallet public key", - "description": "Description on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 32 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKeyDialog.button", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 28 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://cardano.ideascale.com/a/index", + "description": "Learn more link url for registration steps", + "id": "voting.info.learnMoreLinkUrl" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-info/Headline.messages.ts" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet recovery phrase verification", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep1Title on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 15 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep1Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep1Title", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 11 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Snapshot date:", + "description": "Voting info snapshot date label", + "id": "voting.registerToVote.dateLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To verify that you have the correct recovery phrase for this wallet, you can enter it on the following screen.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep1Paragraph1 on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep1Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep1Paragraph1", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 16 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Follow these steps to vote:", + "description": "Steps to follow title", + "id": "voting.registerToVote.stepsTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Are you being watched? Please make sure that nobody can see your screen while you are entering your wallet recovery phrase.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep1Paragraph2 on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep1Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep1Paragraph2", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 23 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Download the Catalyst Voting app on your smartphone", + "description": "First step to follow in order to vote", + "id": "voting.registerToVote.step1CheckBoxLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep1Button on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep1Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep1Button", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 30 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Ensure that you register and hold the necessary 500 ADA at the time of the snapshot.", + "description": "Second step to follow in order to vote", + "id": "voting.registerToVote.step2CheckBoxLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Register to vote", + "description": "Button Label for voting registration steps", + "id": "voting.registerToVote.registerToVoteButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep1Dialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-info/RegisterToVote.messages.ts" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet recovery phrase verification", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep2Title on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2Title", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 20 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!End of voting:", + "description": "Headline for end date", + "id": "voting.resultsPhase.endDateLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter your wallet recovery phrase. Make sure you enter the words in the correct order.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep2Description on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2Description", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 25 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!View results", + "description": "View results link label", + "id": "voting.resultsPhase.viewResultsLinkLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Recovery phrase", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep2Subtitle on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2Subtitle", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 32 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "https://cardano.ideascale.com/a/pages/results", + "description": "View results link", + "id": "voting.resultsPhase.viewResultsLinkURL" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-info/ResultsPhase.messages.ts" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep2Button on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2Button", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 38 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Snapshot date:", + "description": "Snapshot date label", + "id": "voting.snapshotPhase.snapshotDateLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter word #{wordNumber}", - "description": "Placeholder \"Enter word #{wordNumber}\" for the recovery phrase input on the verification dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 48 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseInputPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 43 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Next voting period:", + "description": "Next voting date label", + "id": "voting.snapshotPhase.votingDateLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-info/SnapshotPhase.messages.ts" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", - "description": "\"No results\" message for the recovery phrase input search results.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 54 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseInputNoResults", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 49 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Voting ended:", + "description": "Voting end date label", + "id": "voting.tallyingPhase.endDateLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", - "description": "Error message shown when invalid recovery phrase was entered.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 60 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2InvalidMnemonics", - "start": { - "column": 39, - "line": 55 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Check back for results on:", + "description": "Results date label", + "id": "voting.tallyingPhase.resultsLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep2Dialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-info/TallyingPhase.messages.ts" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!verification successful", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep3Title on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 17 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep3Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep3Title", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 13 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You have verified the recovery phrase for this wallet. You can use it at any time to recover the funds in this wallet on another computer, even if using a different version of Daedalus.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep3Paragraph1 on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep3Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep3Paragraph1", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 18 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Fund{votingFundNumber}", + "description": "Current fund name", + "id": "voting.fundName" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-info/VotingInfo.messages.ts" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Please make sure to return your wallet recovery phrase to a secure place for safekeeping. Anyone with access to your wallet recovery phrase can take control of your funds.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep3Paragraph2 on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep3Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep3Paragraph2", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 25 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Voting period open between:", + "description": "Voting date label", + "id": "voting.votingOpenPhase.dateLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Finish", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep3Button on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep3Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep3Button", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 32 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Use mobile app to vote", + "description": "Voting instruction", + "id": "voting.votingOpenPhase.instruction" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep3Dialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-info/VotingPhase.messages.ts" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!verification failure", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4Title on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 16 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep4Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4Title", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 12 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You can only use one wallet when registering. To maximize rewards and voting power, choose the wallet with the largest balance.", + "description": "Description on the voting registration \"choose wallet\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.chooseWallet.step.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The wallet recovery phrase you have entered does not match the recovery phrase of this wallet. Make sure you have entered the wallet recovery phrase which was written down during the wallet creation process for this wallet and make sure the words are in the correct order.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4Paragraph1 on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep4Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4Paragraph1", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Select a wallet", + "description": "Label \"Wallet\" for select input on the voting registration \"choose wallet\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.chooseWallet.step.selectWalletInputLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!If you are unable to verify your wallet recovery phrase, you should create a new wallet and move all of the funds from this wallet to the new wallet. If you do this, make sure you keep the wallet recovery phrase for the new wallet safe and secure.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4Paragraph2 on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep4Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4Paragraph2", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Select a wallet", + "description": "Placeholder \"Select Wallet\" for select input on the voting registration \"choose wallet\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.chooseWallet.step.selectWalletInputPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify recovery phrase again", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4Button on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep4Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4Button", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet does not contain the minimum required amount of {minVotingRegistrationFunds} ADA. Please select a different wallet with a minimum balance of {minVotingRegistrationFunds} ADA.", + "description": "errorMinVotingFunds Error Label on the voting registration \"choose wallet\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.chooseWallet.step.errorMinVotingFunds" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Read support portal article", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4SupportTitle on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 41 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep4Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4SupportTitle", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 36 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet cannot be registered for voting as it contains rewards balance only.", + "description": "errorMinVotingFundsRewardsOnly Error Label on the voting registration \"choose wallet\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.chooseWallet.step.errorMinVotingFundsRewardsOnly" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035341914", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4SupportUrl on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 48 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep4Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4SupportUrl", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 42 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet cannot be registered for voting as it is a legacy Byron wallet.", + "description": "Byron wallet error message on the voting registration \"choose wallet\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.chooseWallet.step.errorLegacyWallet" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!The wallet cannot be registered for voting while it is being synced with the blockchain.", + "description": "Restoring wallet error message on the voting registration \"choose wallet\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.chooseWallet.step.errorRestoringWallet" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "Label for continue button on the voting registration \"choose wallet\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.chooseWallet.step.continueButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep4Dialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsChooseWallet.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Do you have your wallet recovery phrase?", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationTitle on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirmation of voting registration requires approximately 5 minutes. Please leave Daedalus running.", + "description": "Description voting registration \"confirm\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.confirm.step.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Funds in this wallet can only be recovered using the correct wallet recovery phrase, which is a unique {wordCount}-word string you were shown and asked to write down when creating this wallet. You can re-enter your wallet recovery phrase to verify that you have the correct recovery phrase for this wallet.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationDescription on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 38 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 32 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please restart the voting registration process by clicking Restart voting registration.", + "description": "Message for restart voting registration on the voting registration \"confirm\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.confirm.step.descriptionRestart" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase in {timeUntilWarning}.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverOk on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 45 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverOkTimeUntil", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 39 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The voting registration process was not completed correctly.", + "description": "Error message on the voting registration \"confirm\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.confirm.step.errorMessage" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase in a few months.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverOk on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 52 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverOkFewMonths", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 46 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "Label for continue button on the voting registration \"confirm\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.confirm.step.continueButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase in a few weeks.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverOk on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 59 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverOkFewWeeks", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 53 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Restart voting registration", + "description": "Label for restart button on the voting registration \"confirm\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.confirm.step.restartButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase in a few days.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverOk on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 66 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverOkFewDays", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 60 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction pending...", + "description": "Label for pending transaction state on the voting registration \"confirm\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.confirm.step.transactionPendingLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverWarning on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 73 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverWarning", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 67 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction confirmed", + "description": "Label for confirmed transaction state on the voting registration \"confirm\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.confirm.step.transactionConfirmedLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverNotification on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 80 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverNotification", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 74 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Waiting for confirmation...", + "description": "Label for confirming transaction state on the voting registration \"confirm\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.confirm.step.waitingForConfirmationsLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You verified the recovery phrase for this wallet {timeAgo}.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationCheckedOk on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 87 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.checkedOk", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 81 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{currentCount} of {expectedCount}", + "description": "Label for number of confirmations on the voting registration \"confirm\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.confirm.step.confirmationsCountLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsConfirm.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter a PIN for your Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} voting registration. The PIN you set here, and the QR code which you will get in the next step, will be required for you to vote using the Catalyst Voting app on your smartphone.", + "description": "Description on the voting registration \"enter pin code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.enterPinCode.step.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You verified the recovery phrase for this wallet {timeAgo}.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationCheckedWarning on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 94 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.checkedWarning", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 88 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!It is important to remember your PIN. If you forget your PIN, you will not be able to use this registration for voting, and you will need to repeat the registration process.", + "description": "Reminder on the voting registration \"enter pin code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.enterPinCode.step.reminder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You verified the recovery phrase for this wallet {timeAgo}. We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase again.", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationCheckedNotification on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 101 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.checkedNotification", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 95 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter PIN", + "description": "Label for pin code input on the voting registration \"enter pin code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.enterPinCode.step.enterPinCodeLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!If this wallet was restored from a paper wallet certificate, you cannot use this feature to verify your wallet recovery phrase. Paper wallet recovery phrase to regular wallet recovery phrase conversion will be available in Daedalus soon.", - "description": "Description for the paperWallet instructions on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 108 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.paperWalletDescription", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 102 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat PIN", + "description": "Label for repeat pin code on the voting registration \"enter pin code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.enterPinCode.step.repeatPinCodeLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Paper wallet", - "description": "Title for the paperWallet instructions on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 113 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.paperWalletTitle", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 109 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid PIN", + "description": "Error message shown when repeat pin code is invalid.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.enterPinCode.step.errors.invalidPinCode" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify wallet recovery phrase", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationButton on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 119 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.button", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 114 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!PIN doesn’t match", + "description": "Error message shown when repeat pin code is invalid.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.enterPinCode.step.errors.invalidRepeatPinCode" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!ヶ月,か月", - "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationButton on wallet settings.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 126 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.timeUntilWarningReplacement", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 120 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "Label for continue button on the voting registration \"enter pin code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.enterPinCode.step.continueButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseVerificationWidget.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsEnterPinCode.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction assurance security level", - "description": "Label for the \"Transaction assurance security level\" dropdown.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.assurance", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 37 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please complete your registration now.", + "description": "Qr code title on the voting registration \"qr code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.qrCode.step.qrCodeTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Undelegating your wallet", - "description": "Undelegate wallet header on the wallet settings page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegateWallet.header", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 43 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Open the Catalyst Voting app on your smartphone, scan the QR code, and enter your PIN to complete the voting registration process.", + "description": "Part 1 of Qr code description of use on the voting registration \"qr code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.qrCode.step.qrCodeDescription1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!If you are planning to stop using this wallet and remove all funds, you should first undelegate it to recover your 2 ada deposit. You will continue getting delegation rewards during the three Cardano epochs after undelegating your wallet.", - "description": "Undelegate wallet warning explaining the consequences.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 53 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegateWallet.warning", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 48 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your registration remains valid across all Catalyst funding rounds. Ensure that you save your QR code and PIN so you can reconnect your wallet to the voting app if you are logged out, or if you want to connect a new device.", + "description": "Part 2 of Qr code description of use on the voting registration \"qr code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.qrCode.step.qrCodeDescription2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet is synchronizing with the blockchain, so this wallet's delegation status is currently unknown, and undelegation is not possible.", - "description": "Undelegate wallet disabled warning explaining why it is disabled.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 60 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.undelegateWallet.disabledWarning", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 54 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Warning: After closing this window the QR code will no longer be available. If you do not keep a PDF copy of the QR code, you might not be able to participate in voting.", + "description": "Qr code warning on the voting registration \"qr code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.qrCode.step.qrCodeWarning" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegate your wallet", - "description": "Delegate wallet header on the wallet settings page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 65 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.delegateWallet.header", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 61 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I will not be able to retrieve this QR code again after closing this window.", + "description": "First checkbox label on the voting registration \"qr code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.qrCode.step.checkbox1Label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet is not delegated. Please, delegate the stake from this wallet to earn rewards and support the Cardano network's security.", - "description": "Delegate wallet warning.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 71 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.delegateWallet.warning", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 66 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I acknowledge that I must have the downloaded PDF with the QR code, to vote with Fund{nextVotingFundNumber}.", + "description": "Second checkbox label on the voting registration \"qr code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.qrCode.step.checkbox2Label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet is synchronizing with the blockchain, so this wallet's delegation status is currently unknown, and delegation is not possible.", - "description": "Delegate wallet disabled warning explaining why it is disabled.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 78 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.delegateWallet.disabledWarning", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 72 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Close", + "description": "\"Close\" button label on the voting registration \"qr code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.qrCode.step.closeButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Name", - "description": "Label for the \"Name\" text input on the wallet settings page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 83 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.name.label", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 79 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Save as PDF", + "description": "\"Save as PDF\" button label on the voting registration \"qr code\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.qrCode.step.saveAsPdfButtonLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsQrCode.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please sign the voting registration transaction. This transaction links your wallet balance with your Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} voting registration, as a proof of your voting power. Funds will not leave your wallet, but registration requires paying transaction fees, as displayed on-screen.", + "description": "Description on the voting registration \"sign\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", - "description": "Label for the \"Password\" field.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 88 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.password", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 84 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Submit registration transaction", + "description": "Label for continue button on the voting registration \"sign\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.continueButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Last updated", - "description": "Last updated X time ago message.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 93 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.passwordLastUpdated", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 89 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Fees", + "description": "Fees label on the voting registration \"sign\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.feesLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You still don't have password", - "description": "You still don't have password set message.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 98 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.passwordNotSet", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 94 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "Placeholder for \"spending password\"", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.spendingPasswordPlaceholder" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!+ {amount} of fees", - "description": "Label for the \"+ 12.042481 of fees\" message above amount input field.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 13 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/skins/AmountInputSkin.tsx", - "id": "wallet.amountInput.feesLabel", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 8 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "Label for \"spending password\"", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.spendingPasswordLabel" }, { "defaultMessage": "!!!Calculating fees", - "description": "Label for the \"Calculating fees\" message above amount input field.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/skins/AmountInputSkin.tsx", - "id": "wallet.amountInput.calculatingFeesLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 14 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/skins/AmountInputSkin.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "description": "\"Calculating fees\" message in the \"sign\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.calculatingFees" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens", - "description": "Tokens title in the wallet summary", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummary.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.assets.tokensTitle", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "\"Learn more\" link on the \"sign\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.learnMoreLink" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900006490763", + "description": "Learn more\" link URL on the \"sign\" step.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.register.step.learntMoreLinkUrl" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummary.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/VotingRegistrationStepsRegister.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Converts as", - "description": "\"Currency - title\" label on Wallet summary currency page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryCurrency.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.currency.title", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!On the following screen, you will be given a list of {walletRecoveryPhraseWordCount} words to write down on paper and keep in a safe place. This list of words is the wallet recovery phrase for the wallet you are creating.", + "description": "Instructions for backing up wallet recovery phrase on dialog that displays wallet recovery phrase.", + "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.recoveryPhraseInstructions1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!converted {fetchedTimeAgo}", - "description": "\"Currency - last fetched\" label on Wallet summary currency page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryCurrency.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.currency.lastFetched", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The simplest way to keep your wallet recovery phrase secure is to never store it digitally or online. If you decide to use an online service, such as a password manager with an encrypted database, it is your responsibility to make sure that you use it correctly.", + "description": "Instructions for backing up wallet recovery phrase on dialog that displays wallet recovery phrase.", + "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.recoveryPhraseInstructions2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!fetching conversion rates", - "description": "\"Currency - Fetching\" label on Wallet summary currency page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 32 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryCurrency.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.currency.isFetchingRate", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 28 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryCurrency.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Using your recovery phrase is the only way to recover your wallet if your computer is lost, broken, stolen, or stops working.", + "description": "Instructions for backing up wallet recovery phrase on dialog that displays wallet recovery phrase.", + "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.recoveryPhraseInstructions3" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{total} transactions, {pending} pending", - "description": "\"Number of transactions\" label on Wallet summary header page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryHeader.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.header.transactionsLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "Label for button \"Continue\" on wallet backup dialog", + "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.button.labelContinue" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!I confirm that nobody can see my screen, because anyone who knows my recovery phrase will be able to spend the ada in my new wallet.", + "description": "Label for the checkbox on wallet backup dialog describing that nobody should be watching when recovery phrase is shown", + "id": "wallet.backup.privacy.warning.dialog.checkbox.label.nobodyWatching" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryHeader.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletBackupPrivacyWarningDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{total} rewards earned, {unspent} unspent rewards", - "description": "Headline for the Decentralisation notification.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryHeaderRewards.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.header.rewardsSummary", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 20 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!All the ada in this wallet is in the rewards account.\n Since transaction fees cannot be paid with rewards, please send 2 or\n more ada to this wallet to cover transaction fees.", - "description": "Tooltip describing that rewards are unspendable on the Wallet summary header", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 32 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryHeaderRewards.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.header.unspendableTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 25 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please make sure you write down the {walletRecoveryPhraseWordCount} words of your wallet recovery phrase on a piece of paper in the exact order shown here.", + "description": "Instructions for backing up wallet recovery phrase on dialog that displays wallet recovery phrase.", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.display.dialog.backup.instructions" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, I have written down my wallet recovery phrase.", + "description": "Label for button \"Yes, I have written down my wallet recovery phrase.\" on wallet backup dialog", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.display.dialog.button.label.iHaveWrittenItDown" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryHeaderRewards.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseDisplayDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens", - "description": "Number of tokens title on Wallet summary assets page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 13 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-no-tokens/WalletNoTokens.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.assets.tokensTitle", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter your {wordCount}-word wallet recovery phrase. Make sure you enter the words in the correct order.", + "description": "Instructions for verifying wallet recovery phrase on dialog for entering wallet recovery phrase.", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.verification.instructions" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Want to find out more about native tokens?", - "description": "\"Learn more\" text in the Wallets Summary No Tokens component", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-no-tokens/WalletNoTokens.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.noTokens.learnMore.textTop", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify your recovery phrase", + "description": "Label for the recovery phrase input on dialog for entering wallet recovery phrase.", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInputLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Start by visiting the IOHK blog for a useful primer.", - "description": "\"Learn more\" text in the Wallets Summary No Tokens component", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-no-tokens/WalletNoTokens.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.noTokens.learnMore.textBottom", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter your {numberOfWords}-word recovery phrase", + "description": "Placeholder hint for the mnemonics autocomplete.", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInputHint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", - "description": "\"Learn more\" label or button in the Wallets Summary No Tokens component", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-no-tokens/WalletNoTokens.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.noTokens.learnMore.linkLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter word #{wordNumber}", + "description": "Placeholder for the mnemonics autocomplete.", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInputPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2021/02/04/native-tokens-to-bring-new-utility-to-life-on-cardano/", - "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL in the Wallets Summary No Tokens component", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-no-tokens/WalletNoTokens.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.noTokens.learnMore.linkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 30 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", + "description": "\"No results\" message for the recovery phrase input search results.", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInputNoResults" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", + "description": "Error message shown when invalid recovery phrase was entered.", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.recoveryPhraseInvalidMnemonics" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm", + "description": "Label for button \"Confirm\" on wallet backup dialog", + "id": "wallet.recovery.phrase.show.entry.dialog.button.labelConfirm" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that the simplest way to keep my wallet recovery phrase secure is to never store it digitally or online. If I decide to use an online service, such as a password manager with an encrypted database, it is my responsibility to make sure that I use it correctly.", + "description": "Term on wallet creation to store recovery phrase offline", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.terms.and.condition.offline" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that the only way to recover my wallet if my computer is lost, broken, stolen, or stops working is to use my wallet recovery phrase.", + "description": "Term and condition on wallet backup dialog describing that wallet can only be recovered with a security phrase", + "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.entry.dialog.terms.and.condition.recovery" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-no-tokens/WalletNoTokens.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/backup-recovery/WalletRecoveryPhraseEntryDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Add tokens", - "description": "Token picker title", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 8 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 4 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!All tokens", - "description": "Label for all tokens option", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 13 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.allTokensLabel", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Import Wallet", + "description": "headline for \"Import wallet from file\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.file.import.dialog.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Favorites", - "description": "Label for favorite tokens option", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.favoriteTokensLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Import file", + "description": "Label \"Import file\" on the dialog for importing a wallet from a file.", + "id": "wallet.file.import.dialog.walletFileLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Select all", - "description": "Label for select all button label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.checkAllLabel", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Drop file here or click to choose", + "description": "Hint for the file upload field on the dialog for importing a wallet from a file.", + "id": "wallet.file.import.dialog.walletFileHint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{checkedCount} out of {maxTokens} tokens.", - "description": "Label of selected tokens count", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.checkedCountLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet name", + "description": "Label for the \"wallet name\" input in the wallet file import dialog.", + "id": "wallet.file.import.dialog.wallet.name.input.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel", - "description": "Label of cancel button", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.cancelButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!e.g: Shopping Wallet", + "description": "Hint for the \"Wallet name\" in the wallet file import dialog.", + "id": "wallet.file.import.dialog.wallet.name.input.hint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Add", - "description": "Label of add button", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 38 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.addButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 34 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Import wallet", + "description": "Label \"Import wallet\" submit button on the dialog for importing a wallet from a file.", + "id": "wallet.file.import.dialog.submitLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Clear selection", - "description": "Label of clear selection button", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.clearAll", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 39 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet password", + "description": "Label for the \"Wallet password\" input in the wallet file import dialog.", + "id": "wallet.file.import.dialog.spendingPasswordLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Results do not match search query", - "description": "Text for no results", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 48 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.noResults", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 44 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat password", + "description": "Label for the \"Repeat password\" input in the wallet file import dialog.", + "id": "wallet.file.import.dialog.repeatPasswordLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You have already reached a maximum of {maxTokens} tokens for your transaction. To add another token you need to remove one from a list.", - "description": "Max tokens warning", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 54 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.token.picker.maxTokensWarning", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 49 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", + "description": "Placeholder for the \"Password\" inputs in the wallet file import dialog.", + "id": "wallet.file.import.dialog.passwordFieldPlaceholder" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/file-import/WalletFileImportDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Summary", + "description": "Label for the \"Summary\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", + "id": "wallet.navigation.summary" + }, { "defaultMessage": "!!!Send", - "description": "Send button on Wallet summary assets page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 8 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token/WalletToken.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.summary.asset.tokenSendButton", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 4 - } + "description": "Label for the \"Send\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", + "id": "wallet.navigation.send" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Amount", - "description": "Amount label on Wallet summary assets page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 13 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token/WalletToken.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.summary.asset.amountLabel", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Receive", + "description": "Label for the \"Receive\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", + "id": "wallet.navigation.receive" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transactions", + "description": "Label for the \"Transactions\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", + "id": "wallet.navigation.transactions" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens", + "description": "Label for the \"Tokens\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", + "id": "wallet.navigation.tokens" }, { "defaultMessage": "!!!Settings", - "description": "Settings label on Wallet summary assets page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token/WalletToken.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.summary.asset.settings.button.label", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 14 - } + "description": "Label for the \"Settings\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", + "id": "wallet.navigation.settings" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Recommended configuration for decimal places for this native token is available.", - "description": "Asset settings recommended pop over content", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token/WalletToken.messages.ts", - "id": "assets.warning.available", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet UTXO distribution", + "description": "Label for the \"Wallet UTXO distribution\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", + "id": "wallet.navigation.utxo" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You are not using the recommended decimal place configuration for this native token.", - "description": "Asset settings recommended pop over content", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token/WalletToken.messages.ts", - "id": "assets.warning.notUsing", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 25 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!More", + "description": "Label for the \"More\" nav button in the wallet navigation.", + "id": "wallet.navigation.more" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token/WalletToken.messages.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/navigation/WalletNavigation.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No results matching your query", - "description": "No results on the WalletTokensList", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 8 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-list/WalletTokensList.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.tokens.list.search.noResults", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 4 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The wallet is not responding.", + "description": "Title on the NotResponding dialog.", + "id": "wallet.notResponding.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Search Results", - "description": "Search Results on the WalletTokensList", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 13 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-list/WalletTokensList.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.tokens.list.search.searchResults", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The {walletName} wallet is not responding. This is caused by a known but rare issue, which is currently being fixed. Please restart the Cardano node by clicking the button below, which should resolve the issue. If the issue persists, or if it happens again, please submit a support request.", + "description": "Description on the NotResponding dialog.", + "id": "wallet.notResponding.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Amount", - "description": "Amount header on the WalletTokensList", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-list/WalletTokensList.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.tokens.list.column.amount", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Restart Cardano Node", + "description": "Restart Node Button Label on the NotResponding dialog.", + "id": "wallet.notResponding.restartNodeButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Token", - "description": "Token header on the WalletTokensList", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-list/WalletTokensList.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.tokens.list.column.token", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Submit a support request", + "description": "Submit Support Request Label on the NotResponding dialog", + "id": "wallet.notResponding.submitSupportRequestLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!View all tokens", - "description": "View all button label on the WalletTokensList", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-list/WalletTokensList.messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.tokens.list.viewAllButton.label", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/", + "description": "Submit Support Request Url on the NotResponding dialog", + "id": "wallet.notResponding.submitSupportRequestUrl" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-list/WalletTokensList.messages.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/not-responding/NotResponding.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Search tokens", - "description": "Search placeholder for the Wallet Tokens search", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-search/WalletTokensSearch.tsx", - "id": "wallet.tokens.search.placeholder", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 14 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-search/WalletTokensSearch.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Paper wallet certificate", + "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" headline.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.headline" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Favorites", - "description": "Favorites list title label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 17 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens/WalletTokens.tsx", - "id": "wallet.tokens.list.favorites.title", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 13 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You may wish to fold your paper wallet certificate and glue together the edges to store it securely. Please keep your certificate safe.", + "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" subtitle.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.subtitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens", - "description": "Favorites list title label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens/WalletTokens.tsx", - "id": "wallet.tokens.list.tokens.title", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 18 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!When you wish to import your wallet back into Daedalus crop any glued edges of the certificate to open it. To check your balance on the paper wallet at any time, you may use the link below. Copy or save the URL to your browser bookmarks to do this easily", + "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" link instructions.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.linkInstructions" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The balance and transaction history of this wallet is being synced with the blockchain.", - "description": "Syncing transactions message shown during async wallet restore in the wallet send form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens/WalletTokens.tsx", - "id": "wallet.send.form.syncingTransactionsMessage", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 23 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens/WalletTokens.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!To receive funds to your paper wallet simply share your wallet address with others.", + "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" address instructions.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.addressInstructions" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel pending transaction", - "description": "Label for the cancel pending transaction button", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 12 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionButton.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.pending.cancelTransactionButton", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 8 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano explorer link", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" cardano link label.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.cardanoLinkLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Remove failed transaction", - "description": "Label for the remove failed transaction button", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 17 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionButton.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.failed.removeTransactionButton", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 13 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!copied", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" address copied.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.addressCopiedLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet address", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" wallet address label.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.addressLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Finish", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate completion dialog\" finish button label.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.completion.dialog.finishButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionButton.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/CompletionDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm transaction cancellation?", - "description": "Headline for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Abort paper wallet certificate creation?", + "description": "Headline for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This transaction was submitted to the Cardano network some time ago, but has not been finalized yet. You can try to cancel the transaction now to release the pending funds, but there is a chance that the transaction will be finalized regardless. In this case, the transaction will reappear in your wallet as a completed transaction.", - "description": "Content for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.content1", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!At this point, your paper wallet certificate is not complete and verifications steps are not yet done.", + "description": "Content for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.contentPart1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To ensure that this transfer of funds is processed as soon as possible, we recommend that you cancel this transaction and submit a new one to the network.", - "description": "Content for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.content2", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!At this point, your paper wallet certificate is not complete and verifications steps are not yet done.", + "description": "Content for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.contentPart2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No, keep the transaction pending", - "description": "\"Cancel\" button label for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.button.backLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Back", + "description": "\"Cancel\" button label for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.button.backLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, cancel the transaction", - "description": "\"Confirm\" button label for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.button.confirmLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 35 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Abort", + "description": "\"Abort\" button label for the paper wallet certificate cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.confirmation.dialog.button.abortLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionConfirmationDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/ConfirmationDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!All Transactions", - "description": "All Transactions button label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.allTransactions", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 38 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Reset Filter", - "description": "Reset Filter button label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.resetFilter", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 43 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Create a paper wallet certificate", + "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate instructions dialog\".", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Received", - "description": "Incoming filter type.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 52 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.incoming", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 48 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Create a paper wallet certificate to store funds offline.", + "description": "Subtitle for the \"Paper wallet create certificate instructions dialog\".", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.subtitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Sent", - "description": "Outgoing filter type.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 57 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.outgoing", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 53 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The paper wallet certificate will not be associated with any of your existing wallets. A new, empty wallet will be created.", + "description": "subtitle2 for the \"Paper wallet create certificate instructions dialog\".", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.subtitle2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Time", - "description": "Date range of filter.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 62 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.dateRange", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 58 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Instructions", + "description": "Instructions list label for the \"Paper wallet create certificate instructions dialog\".", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Select time range", - "description": "Select time range indication of filter.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 67 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.selectTimeRange", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 63 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your printed certificate will include your paper wallet recovery phrase of {paperWalletRecoveryPhraseWordCount} words. Note that your paper wallet recovery phrase is different to the {walletRecoveryPhraseWordCount}-word recovery phrases used to restore your regular Daedalus wallet.", + "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 1.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Last 7 days", - "description": "Last 7 days range of filter.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 72 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.last7Days", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 68 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!For security reasons, the last {paperWalletWrittenWordsCount} words of your paper wallet recovery phrase will not be printed on the paper wallet certificate itself. You will need to write them on your certificate by hand in a moment.", + "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 2.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Last 30 days", - "description": "Last 30 days range of filter.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 77 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.last30Days", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 73 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Use the address on your certificate to send funds to your paper wallet.", + "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 3.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition3" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Last 90 days", - "description": "Last 90 days range of filter.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 82 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.last90Days", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 78 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your paper wallet will be offline so will not be held in Daedalus. To check the balance of the wallet, input the address on the certificate into", + "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 4.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition4" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This year", - "description": "This year date range of filter.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 87 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.thisYear", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 83 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Store your certificate containing your paper wallet recovery phrase in a safe place.", + "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog definition 5.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.instructionsList.definition5" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Custom", - "description": "Custom date range of filter.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 92 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.custom", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 88 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!When you click “Save PDF file for printing” you will be prompted to choose a location on your computer where the PDF file will be saved. After that open the saved PDF file and print it.", + "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog - printing instructions.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.printingInstructions" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Amount of ada", - "description": "Amount range of filter.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 97 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.amountRange", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 93 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano Explorer", + "description": "Wallet certificate create instructions dialog \"Cardano Explorer\" label", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.cardanoExplorer" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Apply", - "description": "Filter button label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 102 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.apply", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 98 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{filtered} out of {total} transactions match your filter.", - "description": "Filter result info.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 12 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterResultInfo.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.resultInfo", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 7 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Save PDF file for printing", + "description": "\"Wallet certificate create instructions dialog\" print button label.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.instructions.dialog.button.printLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterResultInfo.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/InstructionsDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Card payment", - "description": "Transaction type shown for credit card payments.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.type.card", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 33 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify printed certificate", + "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\".", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{typeOfTransaction} transaction", - "description": "Transaction type shown for {currency} transactions.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.type", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 38 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Check your paper wallet certificate and make sure everything is readable and correctly printed. You can test this by scanning the QR code with a QR scanner application on your mobile phone.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" subtitle.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.subtitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Exchange", - "description": "Transaction type shown for money exchanges between currencies.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 48 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.type.exchange", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 43 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your certificate is not yet complete and does not contain all the data needed to restore your paper wallet. In the next step, you will need to write down an additional {paperWalletWrittenWordsCount} words to your paper wallet recovery phrase.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" info.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.info" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction ID", - "description": "Transaction ID.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 53 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionId", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 49 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, the paper wallet certificate printed successfully.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" certificate printed confirmation.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.certificatePrintedConfirmation" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction Metadata", - "description": "Transaction Metadata.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 58 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionMetadata", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 54 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, first {paperWalletPrintedWordsCount} words of the paper wallet recovery phrase are readable.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" certificate readable confirmation.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.certificateReadableConfirmation" }, { - "defaultMessage": "Transaction metadata is not moderated and may contain inappropriate content. Show unmoderated content.", - "description": "", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 64 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionMetadataDescription", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 59 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, the QR code is scannable.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate print dialog\" QR scannable confirmation.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.print.dialog.qrScannableConfirmation" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/PrintDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction metadata", - "description": "Transaction metadata label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.metadataLabel", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 65 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Complete your certificate", + "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate securing password dialog\".", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.securingPassword.dialog.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction metadata is not moderated and may contain inappropriate content.", - "description": "Transaction metadata disclaimer", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 75 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.metadataDisclaimer", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 70 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!To complete your paper wallet certificate you will need to write the remaining {paperWalletWrittenWordsCount} words of your paper wallet recovery phrase on your certificate.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate securing password dialog\" first info label.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.securingPassword.dialog.infoLabel1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Show unmoderated content", - "description": "Transaction metadata confirmation toggle", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 80 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.metadataConfirmationLabel", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 76 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The password can optionally be written on the certificate or kept securely in other location. Here is the placeholder on the certificate intended for your password.", + "description": "You may write the remaining words here:", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.securingPassword.dialog.infoLabel2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Conversion rate", - "description": "Conversion rate.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 85 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.conversion.rate", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 81 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!I have written the remaining {paperWalletWrittenWordsCount} words on the certificate.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate securing password dialog\" secure password confirmation.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.securingPassword.dialog.securingPasswordConfirmation" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/SecuringPasswordDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{transactionsType} sent", - "description": "Label \"{transactionsType} sent\" for the transaction.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 90 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.sent", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 86 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify certificate", + "description": "Headline for the \"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\".", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{transactionsType} received", - "description": "Label \"{transactionsType} received\" for the transaction.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 95 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.received", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 91 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter your paper wallet recovery phrase to verify your paper wallet certificate.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" subtitle.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.subtitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!From address", - "description": "From address", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 100 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.address.from", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 96 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Make sure you enter all {fullPhraseWordCount} words for the paper wallet recovery phrase, first {printedWordCount} words printed on the certificate followed by the {writtenWordCount} words you wrote by hand.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" subtitle.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.instructions" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!From addresses", - "description": "From addresses", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 105 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.addresses.from", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 101 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Paper wallet recovery phrase", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" recovery phrase label.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.recoveryPhrase.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!From rewards", - "description": "From rewards", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 110 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.rewards.from", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 106 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter recovery phrase", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" recovery phrase hint.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.recoveryPhrase.hint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To address", - "description": "To address", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 115 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.address.to", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 111 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" recovery phrase no results label.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.recoveryPhrase.noResults" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To addresses", - "description": "To addresses", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 120 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.addresses.to", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 116 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Clear", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" button clear label.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.button.clearLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiver", - "description": "Receiver", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 125 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.receiverLabel", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 121 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that the paper wallet I create will not be stored in Daedalus.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" storing understandance confirmation.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.storingUnderstandanceConfirmationLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Token", - "description": "Token label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 130 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.assetLabel", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 126 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that my paper wallet can be recovered only by using my paper wallet certificate.", + "description": "\"Paper wallet create certificate verification dialog\" recovering understandance confirmation.", + "id": "paper.wallet.create.certificate.verification.dialog.recoveringUnderstandanceConfirmationLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/paper-wallet-certificate/VerificationDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction fee", - "description": "Transaction fee", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 135 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionFee", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 131 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Available wallet addresses", + "description": "Instructions Title on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.instructions.instructionsTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Deposit", - "description": "Deposit", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 140 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.deposit", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 136 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Share any of these wallet addresses to receive payments in ada or a native Cardano token.", + "description": "Instructions Description on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.instructions.instructionsDescription" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction amount", - "description": "Transaction amount.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 145 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionAmount", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 141 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiving addresses", + "description": "Addresses Title on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.addresses.addressesTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Multiple tokens", - "description": "Multiple tokens.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 150 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.multipleTokens", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 146 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Show used", + "description": "Label for \"show used\" wallet addresses link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.showUsedLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens sent", - "description": "Tokens sent.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 155 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.tokensSent", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 151 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Privacy warning: Please note that all of your receiving addresses include your stake key. When you share a receiving address, the recipient can search the blockchain using your stake key to locate all addresses associated with your wallet, and also discover your wallet balance and transaction history.", + "description": "Privacy warning on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.instructions.privacyWarning" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveSequential.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens received", - "description": "Tokens received.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 160 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.tokensReceived", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 156 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Share", + "description": "Label for \"Share\" link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.shareAddressLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/AddressActions.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy address", + "description": "Label for \"Copy address\" link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.copyAddressLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Fetching token data", - "description": "\"Fetching token data...\" message.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 165 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.fetchingTokenData", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 161 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your wallet address", + "description": "Label for wallet address on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.walletAddressLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This transaction has been pending for a long time. To release the funds used by this transaction, you can try canceling it.", - "description": "Note to cancel a transaction that has been pending too long", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 171 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.pending.cancelPendingTxnNote", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 166 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, always use a new address when requesting funds. To generate a new address please enter your spending password and press the ‘Generate a new address’ button.", + "description": "Wallet receive payments instructions on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.walletReceiveInstructions" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Why should I cancel this transaction?", - "description": "Link to support article for canceling a pending transaction", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 176 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.pending.cancelPendingTxnSupportArticle", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 172 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Generate a new address", + "description": "Label for \"Generate new address\" button on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.generateNewAddressButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038113814", - "description": "Url to support article for canceling a pending transaction", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 182 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.pending.supportArticleUrl", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 177 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiving addresses", + "description": "\"Generated addresses\" section title on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.receivingAddressesSectionTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No addresses", - "description": "Input Addresses label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 187 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.noInputAddressesLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 183 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", + "description": "Placeholder for \"spending password\" on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.page.spendingPasswordPlaceholder" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveRandom.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!PDF note", + "description": "placeholder on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.inputLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Open this transaction in Cardano explorer", - "description": "Unresolved Input Addresses link label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 192 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.unresolvedInputAddressesLinkLabel", - "start": { - "column": 37, - "line": 188 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Add a note to the sender", + "description": "inputPlaceholder on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.inputPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!to see these addresses.", - "description": "Unresolved Input Addresses additional label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 197 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.unresolvedInputAddressesAdditionalLabel", - "start": { - "column": 43, - "line": 193 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Save QR code image", + "description": "saveQRCodeImage on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.saveQRCodeImage" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This transaction was submitted to the Cardano network, but it expired, so it failed. Transactions on the Cardano network have a ‘time to live’ attribute, which passed before the network processed the transaction. Please, remove it to release the funds (UTXOs) used by this transaction to use those funds in another transaction.", - "description": "Note to cancel a transaction that has been failed", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 203 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.failed.cancelFailedTxnNote", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 198 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Download as PDF", + "description": "downloadPDFButton on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.downloadPDFButton" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Why should I cancel failed transactions?", - "description": "Link to support article for removing a failed transaction", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 208 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.failed.cancelFailedTxnSupportArticle", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 204 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Share wallet address", + "description": "dialogTitle on the wallet \"Share Address\" dialog", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.dialogTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction confirmed", - "description": "Transaction state \"confirmed\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 215 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.state.confirmed", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 211 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy address", + "description": "Label for \"Copy address\" link on the wallet \"Receive page\"", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.copyAddressLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction pending", - "description": "Transaction state \"pending\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 220 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.state.pending", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 216 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiving address path", + "description": "Tooltip for the receiving address path", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.spendingPathTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction failed", - "description": "Transaction state \"failed\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 225 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.state.failed", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 221 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards address path", + "description": "Tooltip for the rewards address path", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.stakingPathTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirmed", - "description": "Transaction state \"confirmed\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 232 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.state.confirmedHeading", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 228 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Submit a request to IOHK Support", + "description": "Support request button label", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.supportRequestButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Pending", - "description": "Transaction state \"pending\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 237 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.state.pendingHeading", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 233 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/", + "description": "Support request link URL", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.supportRequestLinkUrl" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Failed", - "description": "Transaction state \"failed\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 242 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transaction.state.failedHeading", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 238 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, I am sure I have compared the address displayed in Daedalus with the address displayed on the {deviceType} device by comparing the beginning and ending of the address.", + "description": "Invalid address confirmation checkbox label", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.invalidAddressConfirmationLabel" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No transactions", - "description": "Message shown when wallet has no transactions yet.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactions.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transactions.no.transactions", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 18 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactions.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Is the address you have verified correct?", + "description": "Verification options section label", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.verificationCheckOptionsLabel" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transactions", - "description": "Label for the \"Transactions\" header.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsHeader.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transactions.header.transactions", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes", + "description": "Verification option \"Valid\" label", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.verificationCheckOptionValid" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Export CSV", - "description": "Label for the \"Export CSV\" button.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsHeader.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transactions.header.exportCSV.button.label", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 20 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsHeader.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!No, I am sure that address displayed in Daedalus is different from the address displayed on my {deviceType} device", + "description": "Verification option \"Invalid\" label", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.verificationCheckOptionInvalid" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Today", - "description": "Label for the \"Today\" label on the wallet summary page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsList.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.transactionsList.todayLabel", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 21 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No, reverify", + "description": "Verification option \"Reverify\" label", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.verificationCheckOptionReverify" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yesterday", - "description": "Label for the \"Yesterday\" label on the wallet summary page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsList.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.transactionsList.yesterdayLabel", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus verified the address", + "description": "Daedalus verification status check label", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.softwareCheckLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Show more transactions", - "description": "Label for the \"Show more transactions\" button on the wallet summary page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsList.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.transactionsList.showMoreTransactionsButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You have verified the address", + "description": "User verification status check label", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.confirmationCheckLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your transaction history for this wallet is being synced with the blockchain.", - "description": "Syncing transactions message on async wallet restore.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsList.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.transactionsList.syncingTransactionsMessage", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 37 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please compare the address displayed here on the screen with the address displayed on the {deviceType} device by comparing at least the first 5 characters at the start of the address after the \"addr\" part and at least 5 characters at the end of the address.", + "description": "Address verification instructions", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.addressVerificationInstructions" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Warning, your copy of Daedalus may be hacked!", + "description": "Invalid address \"Warning\" title", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.invalidAddressWarningTitle" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!You have manually compared the address shown in Daedalus with the address shown on the hardware wallet device and reported that they are different. If this is the case, please contact support and make sure you download and attach logs.", + "description": "Invalid address \"Warning\" description", + "id": "wallet.receive.dialog.invalidAddressWarningDescription" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsList.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/receive/WalletReceiveDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transfer funds", - "description": "Title in the transfer funds form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep1Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog1.title", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Title", + "description": "Label for the \"Title\" text input in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.title.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!From Byron legacy wallet", - "description": "sourceWallet in the transfer funds form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep1Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog1.sourceWallet", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!E.g: Money for Frank", + "description": "Hint inside the \"Receiver\" text input in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.title.hint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To Shelley-compatible wallet", - "description": "targetWallet in the transfer funds form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep1Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog1.targetWallet", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiver", + "description": "Label for the \"Receiver\" text input in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.receiver.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", - "description": "buttonLabel in the transfer funds form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep1Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog1.continueLabel", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 29 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep1Dialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Paste an address", + "description": "Hint inside the \"Receiver\" text input in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.receiver.placeholder" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transfer funds from the legacy wallet", - "description": "Title in the transfer funds form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.title", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Token", + "description": "Label for the \"Token\" number input in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.asset.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm transfer from {sourceWalletName}wallet to the {targetWalletName} wallet.", - "description": "description in the transfer funds form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.description.label", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Ada", + "description": "Label for the \"Ada\" input in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.asset.adaLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{sourceWalletName} amount", - "description": "Label Source wallet Amount in the transfer funds form", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 39 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.sourceWalletAmount.label", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 35 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Remove", + "description": "Label for the \"Remove\" button in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.button.removeLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Fees", - "description": "Label Fees in the transfer funds form", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 44 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.fees.label", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 40 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Clear", + "description": "Label for the \"Clear\" button in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.button.clearLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Total", - "description": "Total Fees in the transfer funds form", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 49 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.total.label", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 45 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This receiver address belongs to the same wallet from which you are sending funds. If you proceed with this transaction, the transferred funds will remain in this wallet, and you will incur transaction fees, as outlined in Estimated fees.", + "description": "Label for the same wallet tooltip in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.sameWalletLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Leftovers", - "description": "Label Leftovers in the transfer funds form", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 54 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.leftovers.label", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 50 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!+ Add a token", + "description": "Label for the \"+ Add a token\" button in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.button.addAssetButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", - "description": "Label Leftovers in the transfer funds form", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 59 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.leftovers.LearnMore.label", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 55 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Estimated fees", + "description": "Label for the \"Estimated fees\" number input in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.estimatedFee.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/", - "description": "Label Leftovers in the transfer funds form", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 64 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.leftovers.LearnMore.url", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 60 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!of", + "description": "Label for the \"of\" max ADA value in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.of.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transfer funds", - "description": "buttonLabel in the transfer funds form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.label.buttonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 65 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!a minimum of {minimumAda} ADA required", + "description": "Label for the min ADA required value in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.minAdaRequired" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", - "description": "passphraseFieldPlaceholder in the transfer funds form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 74 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.passphraseFieldPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 70 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This transaction requires a minimum of {minimumAda} ADA to be sent.", + "description": "Tooltip for the min ADA required value in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.minAdaRequiredWithAssetTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", - "description": "passphraseLabel in the transfer funds form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 79 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.passphraseLabel", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 75 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!A minimum of {minimumAda} ADA needs to be sent with every transaction.", + "description": "Tooltip for the min ADA required value in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.minAdaRequiredWithNoAssetTooltip" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet UTXO distribution", - "description": "Title for the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 32 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/utxo/WalletUtxo.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 28 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Description", + "description": "Label for the \"description\" text area in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.description.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet contains {formattedWalletAmount} ADA on {walletUtxosAmount} UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs). Examine the histogram below to see the distribution of UTXOs with different amounts of ada.", - "description": "Description for the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 38 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/utxo/WalletUtxo.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 33 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You can add a message if you want", + "description": "Hint in the \"description\" text area in the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.description.hint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet is empty so it does not contain any UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs).", - "description": "Empty wallet description for the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 44 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/utxo/WalletUtxo.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.emptyWallet", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 39 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Reset", + "description": "Label for the reset button on the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.reset" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Find out more", - "description": "\"Find out more\" link on the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 49 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/utxo/WalletUtxo.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.findOutMoreLink", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 45 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Send", + "description": "Label for the send button on the wallet send form.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.send" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034118013", - "description": "\"Find out more\" link URL on the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 55 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/utxo/WalletUtxo.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.findOutMoreLinkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 50 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter a valid amount.", + "description": "Error message shown when invalid amount was entered.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.errors.invalidAmount" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!amount", - "description": "Label X for the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 60 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/utxo/WalletUtxo.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.labelX", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 56 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter a title with at least 3 characters.", + "description": "Error message shown when invalid transaction title was entered.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.errors.invalidTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Nº UTXO", - "description": "Label Y for the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 65 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/utxo/WalletUtxo.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.labelY", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 61 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Calculating fees", + "description": "Label for the \"Calculating fees\" message for amount input field.", + "id": "wallet.send.form.calculatingFeesLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Pending transactions may affect the accuracy of data presented here.This feature enables you to import wallets from the production version of Daedalus, or from the Daedalus state directory.
If you don’t have the complete state directory, then you will need either the ‘Secrets’ or ‘Secrets-1.0’ folder containing the ‘secret.key’ file to be able to import a wallet, although without the complete state directory Daedalus won’t be able to detect your wallet names.
If you don’t have either the ‘Secrets’ or the ‘Secrets-1.0’ folder containing the ‘secret.key’ file, then you cannot import wallets using this feature.
", - "description": "This feature enables you to import wallets from the production version of Daedalus, or from the Daedalus state directory.
If you don’t have the complete state directory, then you will need either the ‘Secrets’ or ‘Secrets-1.0’ folder containing the ‘secret.key’ file to be able to import a wallet, although without the complete state directory Daedalus won’t be able to detect your wallet names.
If you don’t have either the ‘Secrets’ or the ‘Secrets-1.0’ folder containing the ‘secret.key’ file, then you cannot import wallets using this feature.
", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 31 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Select Daedalus state folder:", - "description": "Select Daedalus state folder:", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 42 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.stateFolderLabel", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 38 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Select Daedalus 'secret.key' file:", - "description": "Select Daedalus 'secret.key' file:", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.secretFileLabel", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 43 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Import wallets", - "description": "Import wallets", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 52 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.buttonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 48 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegate", + "description": "Label for the delegate button on wallet settings", + "id": "wallet.settings.delegateWalletButtonLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/DelegateWalletButton.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No wallets found. Make sure you have selected a Daedalus state directory which contains the ‘Secrets’ or `Secrets-1.0` folder with a `secret.key` file inside.", - "description": "No wallets found. Make sure you have selected a Daedalus state directory which contains the ‘Secrets’ or `Secrets-1.0` folder with a `secret.key` file inside.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 59 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.stateDirNoWallets", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 53 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delete wallet", + "description": "Delete wallet header on the wallet settings page.", + "id": "wallet.settings.deleteWallet.header" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No wallets found. Make sure you have selected a valid `secret.key` file.", - "description": "No wallets found. Make sure you have selected a valid `secret.key` file.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 66 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.secretFileNoWallets", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 60 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Once you delete this wallet it will be removed from the Daedalus interface and you will lose access to any remaining funds in the wallet. The only way to regain access after deletion is by restoring it using your wallet recovery phrase.", + "description": "Delete wallet warning explaining the consequences.", + "id": "wallet.settings.deleteWallet.warning1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", - "description": "Learn more", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 71 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.linkLabel", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 67 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You may wish to verify your recovery phrase before deletion to ensure that you can restore this wallet in the future, if desired.", + "description": "Delete wallet warning explaining the consequences.", + "id": "wallet.settings.deleteWallet.warning2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900000623463", - "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL on the wallet import file dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 77 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.linkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 72 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delete wallet", + "description": "Label for the delete button on wallet settings", + "id": "wallet.settings.deleteWalletButtonLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/DeleteWallet.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Import from:", - "description": "Import from:", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 82 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.importFromLabel", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 78 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Export Wallet", + "description": "headline for \"export wallet to file\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.exportToFile.dialog.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus state directory", - "description": "Daedalus state directory", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 87 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.stateDirOptionLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 83 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You are exporting {walletName} to a file.", + "description": "headline for \"export wallet to file\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.exportToFile.dialog.introduction" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus 'secret.key' file", - "description": "Daedalus 'secret.key' file", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 92 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.secretFileOptionLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 88 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Export", + "description": "Label for export wallet to file submit button.", + "id": "wallet.settings.exportToFile.dialog.submit.label" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ExportWalletToFileDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Found wallets", - "description": "Select import wallets dialog title", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 33 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!ICO Public Key", + "description": "Title for the \"ICO Public Key QR Code\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKey" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!These wallets were found in your Daedalus state directory.Please select the wallets you want to import.
", - "description": "These wallets were found in your Daedalus state directory. Please select the wallets you want to import.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 44 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 38 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy ICO public key", + "description": "Copy ICO public key label.", + "id": "wallet.settings.copyICOPublicKey" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyQRCodeDialog.messages.ts" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Unnamed wallets", - "description": "unnamedWalletsTitle", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 49 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.unnamedWalletsTitle", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 45 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your wallet's ICO public key enables participation in the initial coin offering presales.", + "description": "ICO public key header on the wallet settings page.", + "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKey.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Password protected", - "description": "Password protected", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 54 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.passwordProtected", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 50 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Click the icon on the right to view your ICO public key.", + "description": "ICO public key show instruction.", + "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKeyShowInstruction" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyBox.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet already exists", - "description": "Wallet already exists", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 59 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.walletExists", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 55 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Show QR code", + "description": "Show QR code tooltip.", + "id": "wallet.settings.showQRCode" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No password", - "description": "No password", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 64 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.noPassword", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 60 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Click Reveal on the right-hand side to display the public key of the wallet.", + "description": "Wallet public key show instruction.", + "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKeyShowInstruction" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyBox.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Importing wallet...", - "description": "Importing wallet...", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.importingWallet", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 65 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Reveal ICO public key", + "description": "Title \"Choose a stake pool\" on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKeyDialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter wallet name", - "description": "Enter wallet name", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 74 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.walletName", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 70 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter your spending password to reveal your ICO’s public key.", + "description": "Description on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKeyDialog.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Name not found", - "description": "Name not found", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 79 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.notFound", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 75 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Reveal ICO public key", + "description": "Description on the reveal ICO Id dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.icoPublicKeyDialog.button" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/ICOPublicKeyDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter a wallet name first", - "description": "Enter a wallet name first", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 84 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.enterWalletNameTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 80 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Derivation path", + "description": "Tooltip for the derivation path", + "id": "wallet.settings.dialog.derivationPathTooltip" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus supports up to {maxWalletsCount} wallets. You will need to remove another wallet before you can import this one.", - "description": "Max number of wallets reached", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 90 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.maxWalletsReachedTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 85 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet Public Key", + "description": "Title for the \"Wallet Public Key QR Code\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKey" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet imported", - "description": "Wallet imported", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 95 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.walletImported", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 91 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy public key", + "description": "Copy public key label.", + "id": "wallet.settings.copyWalletPublicKey" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/settings/PublicKeyQRCodeDialogContainer.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Import selected wallets", - "description": "Import selected wallets", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 100 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.buttonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 96 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Set a password", + "description": "Label for the \"Set a password\" button in the set wallet password dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.setWalletPassword.dialog.setPasswordButton" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", - "description": "Learn more", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 105 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.linkLabel", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 101 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!To keep your wallet secure and start using it in Daedalus, you need to set a spending password.", + "description": "Message for the \"Set a password\" button in the set wallet password dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.setWalletPassword.dialog.setPasswordMessage" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900000623463", - "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL on the wallet import file dialog", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 111 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.linkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 106 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your wallet is not protected with a password", + "description": "Title for the \"Set wallet password\" dialog when there is not password set.", + "id": "wallet.settings.setWalletPassword.dialog.setPasswordTitle" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/SetWalletPassword.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Close window", - "description": "Close window", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 116 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.closeWindow", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 112 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Undelegate", + "description": "Label for the undelegate button on wallet settings", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegateWalletButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletButton.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Name your restored wallet and set a spending password to keep your wallet secure.", - "description": "Description1 for Configuration Step", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.description1", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Undelegate", + "description": "Title for the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet names and spending passwords are only stored locally and are not stored on the blockchain. You can give your restored wallet a new name and set a new spending password, you don’t need to match the wallet name and spending password you were using before. Only the recovery phrase from your original wallet is needed to restore a wallet.", - "description": "Description2 for Configuration Step", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.description2", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 35 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Undelegate", + "description": "Label for the \"Undelegate\" button in the undelegate wallet dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.confirmButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet name", - "description": "Label for Wallet Name Input", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 45 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.walletName.label", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 41 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The stake from your wallet {walletName} is currently delegated to the [{stakePoolTicker}] {stakePoolName} stake pool.
Do you want to undelegate your stake and stop earning rewards?
", + "description": "Description of current delegation of wallet in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.descriptionWithTicker" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Name the wallet you are restoring", - "description": "Placeholder for Wallet Name Input", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 50 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.walletName.placeholder", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 46 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The stake from your wallet {walletName} is currently delegated to the {stakePoolTicker} stake pool.
Do you want to undelegate your stake and stop earning rewards?
", + "description": "Description of current delegation of wallet in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.descriptionWithUnknownTicker" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter password", - "description": "Label for the \"Wallet password\" input in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 56 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.spendingPassword.label", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 51 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!unknown", + "description": "unknown stake pool label in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.unknownStakePoolLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat password", - "description": "Label for the \"Repeat password\" input in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 62 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.repeatPassword.label", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 57 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I am not supporting the Cardano network when my stake is undelegated.", + "description": "Notice to confirm if the user understands unsupporting Cardano network after undelegation", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.confirmUnsupportNotice" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", - "description": "Placeholder for the \"Password\" inputs in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.input.passwordFields.placeholder", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 63 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I will not be eligible to earn rewards when my stake is undelegated.", + "description": "Notice to confirm if the user understands non-earning rewards after undelegation", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.confirmIneligibleNotice" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", - "description": "Placeholder for the dialog \"Continue\" button", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 74 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.configuration.continueButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 70 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Fees", + "description": "Fees label in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.feesLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!It is really good to use Password Manager apps to improve security. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris mattis diam non nulla sollicitudin, ac ultrices purus luctus.", - "description": "Tooltip for the password input in the create wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 80 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.dialog.passwordTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 75 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/ConfigurationDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter word #{wordNumber}", - "description": "Placeholder for the mnemonics autocomplete.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/MnemonicsDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.placeholder", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 23 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Deposits reclaimed", + "description": "Deposits reclaimed label in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.depositLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter your 12, 18 or 24-word recovery phrase", - "description": "Placeholder for the multi-length mnemonics autocomplete.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/MnemonicsDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.multiLengthPhrase.placeholder", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 28 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "Spending password label in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.spendingPasswordLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", - "description": "\"No results\" message for the mnemonics autocomplete search results.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 39 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/MnemonicsDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.noResults", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 34 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Type your spending password here", + "description": "Spending password placeholder in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.spendingPasswordPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Check recovery phrase", - "description": "Label for the mnemonics Continue button.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 44 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/MnemonicsDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.continueButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 40 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Incorrect spending password.", + "description": "Label for password error in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.passwordError" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", - "description": "Label for invalid recovery phrase", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 50 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/MnemonicsDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.invalidRecoveryPhrase", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 45 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Calculating fees", + "description": "\"Calculating fees\" message in the \"Undelegate wallet\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.dialog.calculatingFees" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/MnemonicsDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletConfirmationDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Close", - "description": "Label for Close button on the wallet restore \"success\" step dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/SuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.success.dialog.close", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 18 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet undelegated", + "description": "Title for the \"Undelegate Result\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.result.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your wallet has been successfully restored.", - "description": "Description \"line 1\" on the wallet restore \"success\" step dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/SuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.success.dialog.description.line1", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The stake from your wallet {walletName} is no longer delegated and you will soon stop earning rewards for this wallet.", + "description": "Description 1 for the \"Undelegate Result\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.result.dialog.description1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restored wallets should have all the funds and transaction history of the original wallet. If your restored wallet does not have the funds and transaction history you were expecting, please check that you have the correct wallet recovery phrase for the wallet you were intending to restore.", - "description": "Description \"line 2\" on the wallet restore \"success\" step dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/SuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.success.dialog.description.line2", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 30 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!If your restored wallet is empty, but you were expecting it to have funds, please check that you used the correct wallet recovery phrase during the restoration process.", - "description": "Description \"line 3\" on the wallet restore \"success\" step dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/SuccessDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.success.dialog.description.line3", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 37 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your new delegation preferences are now posted on the blockchain and will take effect after both the current and next Cardano epochs have completed in {timeUntilNextEpochStart}. During this time, your previous delegation preferences are still active.", + "description": "Description 2 for the \"Undelegate Result\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegate.result.dialog.description2" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/SuccessDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UndelegateWalletSuccessDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!What kind of wallet would you like to restore?", - "description": "Label for the \"labelwalletKind\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.walletKind", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 26 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus wallet", - "description": "Label for the \"labelWalletKindDaedalus\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.walletKindDaedalus", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 31 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yoroi wallet", - "description": "Label for the \"labelWalletKindYoroi\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.walletKindYoroi", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 36 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Hardware wallet", - "description": "Label for the \"labelWalletKindHardware\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 45 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.walletKindHardware", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 41 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!What kind of Daedalus wallet would you like to restore?", - "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 51 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 46 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Unpair wallet", + "description": "Unpair wallet header on the wallet settings page.", + "id": "wallet.settings.unpairWallet.header" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!12 words (Byron legacy wallet)", - "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind12WordByron\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 57 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind12WordByron", - "start": { - "column": 38, - "line": 52 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Once you unpair this wallet it will be removed from the Daedalus interface and you will lose access to any remaining funds in the wallet. The only way to regain access after deletion is by restoring it using your wallet recovery phrase.", + "description": "Unpair wallet warning explaining the consequences.", + "id": "wallet.settings.unpairWallet.warning" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!15 words (Incentivized Testnet Rewards wallet)", - "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind15WordShelley\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 65 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind15WordShelley", - "start": { - "column": 40, - "line": 58 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Unpair wallet", + "description": "Label for the unpair button on wallet settings", + "id": "wallet.settings.unpairWalletButtonLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/UnpairWallet.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!24 words (Shelley wallet)", - "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind24WordShelley\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 72 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind24WordShelley", - "start": { - "column": 40, - "line": 66 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Reveal wallet public key", + "description": "Title \"Choose a stake pool\" on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKeyDialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!27 words - paper wallet (Byron legacy wallet)", - "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind27WordPaper\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 78 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind27WordPaper", - "start": { - "column": 38, - "line": 73 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter your spending password to reveal your wallet’s public key.", + "description": "Description on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKeyDialog.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!What kind of Yoroi wallet would you like to restore?", - "description": "Label for the \"labelYoroiWalletKind\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 83 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.yoroiWalletKind", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 79 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Reveal wallet public key", + "description": "Description on the reveal Wallet Id dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.walletPublicKeyDialog.button" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletPublicKeyDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!15 words (Byron legacy wallet)", - "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind15WordByron\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 89 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.yoroiWalletKindByronLegacy15Word", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 84 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet recovery phrase verification", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep1Title on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep1Title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!15 words (Shelley wallet)", - "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind15WordShelley\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 96 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.yoroiWalletKindShelley15Word", - "start": { - "column": 37, - "line": 90 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!To verify that you have the correct recovery phrase for this wallet, you can enter it on the following screen.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep1Paragraph1 on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep1Paragraph1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!What kind of hardware wallet would you like to restore?", - "description": "Label for the \"labelHardwareWalletKind\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 102 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.hardwareWalletKind", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 97 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Are you being watched? Please make sure that nobody can see your screen while you are entering your wallet recovery phrase.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep1Paragraph2 on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep1Paragraph2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!24 words - Ledger (Byron legacy wallet)", - "description": "Label for the \"labelHardwareWalletKindLedger\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 107 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.hardwareWalletKindLedger", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 103 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep1Button on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep1Button" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep1Dialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!24 words - Trezor (Byron legacy wallet)", - "description": "Label for the \"labelHardwareWalletKindTrezor\" checkbox.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 112 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.hardwareWalletKindTrezor", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 108 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet recovery phrase verification", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep2Title on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2Title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Hardware wallets store your private keys securely on a physical device so they are immune to common computer threats such as viruses and software bugs. Recovery phrases for hardware wallets should always be kept offline. By entering your hardware wallet recovery phrase in Daedalus, you expose your hardware wallet private keys to the security risks associated with computers and software.", - "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletDisclaimer1\" disclaimer.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 118 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletDisclaimer1", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 113 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please enter your wallet recovery phrase. Make sure you enter the words in the correct order.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep2Description on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2Description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!All of your assets held on your hardware wallet device are associated with the same wallet recovery phrase and its corresponding private key. If you hold assets other than ada on your hardware wallet device, you expose all of those assets to security risks.", - "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletDisclaimer2\" disclaimer.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 124 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletDisclaimer2", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 119 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Recovery phrase", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep2Subtitle on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2Subtitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!We strongly recommend that you delete the Byron legacy wallet that was restored from your hardware wallet once you have moved funds into a Shelley wallet.", - "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletDisclaimer3\" disclaimer.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 130 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletDisclaimer3", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 125 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep2Button on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2Button" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand and accept responsibility for the security concerns of restoring a hardware wallet on a computer.", - "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletCheckbox1\" disclaimer.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 136 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletCheckbox1", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 131 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter word #{wordNumber}", + "description": "Placeholder \"Enter word #{wordNumber}\" for the recovery phrase input on the verification dialog.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseInputPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I should delete the Byron legacy wallet I am restoring from a hardware wallet after moving funds to a Shelley wallet.", - "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletCheckbox2\" disclaimer.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 142 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletCheckbox2", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 137 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", + "description": "\"No results\" message for the recovery phrase input search results.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseInputNoResults" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I am exposing all of the assets that are stored on my hardware wallet device, and not just ada, to security risks.", - "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletCheckbox2\" disclaimer.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 148 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletCheckbox3", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 143 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", + "description": "Error message shown when invalid recovery phrase was entered.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep2InvalidMnemonics" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep2Dialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Are you sure?", - "description": "Headline for the wallet restoration cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.confirmation.headline", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!verification successful", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep3Title on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep3Title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You haven’t submitted this information yet. If you close the window now, you will lose your progress and have to start again.", - "description": "Content for the wallet restoration cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.confirmation.content", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You have verified the recovery phrase for this wallet. You can use it at any time to recover the funds in this wallet on another computer, even if using a different version of Daedalus.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep3Paragraph1 on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep3Paragraph1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Back to wallet restoration", - "description": "\"Cancel\" button label for the wallet restoration cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.confirmation.button.cancelButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Please make sure to return your wallet recovery phrase to a secure place for safekeeping. Anyone with access to your wallet recovery phrase can take control of your funds.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep3Paragraph2 on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep3Paragraph2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Close window", - "description": "\"Abort\" button label for the wallet restoration cancellation confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.confirmation.button.confirmButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 28 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Finish", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep3Button on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep3Button" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep3Dialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore a wallet", - "description": "Title \"Create a new wallet\" in the wallet restore form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!verification failure", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4Title on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4Title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore a wallet", - "description": "Title \"Create a new wallet\" in the wallet restore form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.titleSuccess", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 20 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!The wallet recovery phrase you have entered does not match the recovery phrase of this wallet. Make sure you have entered the wallet recovery phrase which was written down during the wallet creation process for this wallet and make sure the words are in the correct order.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4Paragraph1 on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4Paragraph1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Step {currentStep} of {totalSteps}", - "description": "Step counters in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.stepsCounter", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 25 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!If you are unable to verify your wallet recovery phrase, you should create a new wallet and move all of the funds from this wallet to the new wallet. If you do this, make sure you keep the wallet recovery phrase for the new wallet safe and secure.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4Paragraph2 on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4Paragraph2" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Type", - "description": "Step \"Type\" in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 17 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreSteps.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.typeStep", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 13 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Verify recovery phrase again", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4Button on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4Button" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Recovery Phrase", - "description": "Step \"Recovery Phrase\" in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreSteps.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.mnemonicsStep", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 18 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Read support portal article", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4SupportTitle on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4SupportTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Configuration", - "description": "Step \"Configuration\" in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreSteps.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.configurationStep", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 23 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035341914", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseStep4SupportUrl on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseStep4SupportUrl" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreSteps.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletRecoveryPhraseStep4Dialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Add wallet", - "description": "Label for the \"Add wallet\" title on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.title.label", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Do you have your wallet recovery phrase?", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationTitle on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Create", - "description": "Label for the \"Create\" button on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.create.label", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 20 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Funds in this wallet can only be recovered using the correct wallet recovery phrase, which is a unique {wordCount}-word string you were shown and asked to write down when creating this wallet. You can re-enter your wallet recovery phrase to verify that you have the correct recovery phrase for this wallet.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationDescription on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Create a new wallet", - "description": "Description for the \"Create a new wallet\" button on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.create.description", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 25 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase in {timeUntilWarning}.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverOk on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverOkTimeUntil" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Join", - "description": "Label for the \"Join\" button on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.join.label", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase in a few months.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverOk on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverOkFewMonths" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Join a shared wallet with up to 5 people", - "description": "Description for the \"Join\" button on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.join.description", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 36 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase in a few weeks.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverOk on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverOkFewWeeks" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Pair", - "description": "Label for the \"Connect\" button on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 45 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.connect.label", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 41 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase in a few days.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverOk on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverOkFewDays" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Pair a hardware wallet device", - "description": "Description for the \"Connect\" button on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 51 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.connect.description", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 46 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverWarning on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverWarning" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore", - "description": "Label for the \"Restore\" button on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 56 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.restore.label", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 52 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationNeverNotification on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.neverNotification" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore a wallet or paper wallet using wallet recovery phrase", - "description": "Description for the \"Restore\" button with paper wallet certificate on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 63 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.restore.withCertificate.description", - "start": { - "column": 37, - "line": 57 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You verified the recovery phrase for this wallet {timeAgo}.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationCheckedOk on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.checkedOk" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore wallet from backup", - "description": "Description for the \"Restore\" button without paper wallet certificate on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.restore.withoutCertificate.description", - "start": { - "column": 40, - "line": 64 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You verified the recovery phrase for this wallet {timeAgo}.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationCheckedWarning on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.checkedWarning" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Import", - "description": "Label for the \"Import\" button on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 74 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.import.label", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 70 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You verified the recovery phrase for this wallet {timeAgo}. We recommend that you verify your wallet recovery phrase again.", + "description": "Label for the recoveryPhraseVerificationCheckedNotification on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.checkedNotification" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Import wallets from an earlier version of Daedalus or the Daedalus state directory", - "description": "Description for the \"Import\" button on the wallet add dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 81 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.import.description", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 75 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!If this wallet was restored from a paper wallet certificate, you cannot use this feature to verify your wallet recovery phrase. Paper wallet recovery phrase to regular wallet recovery phrase conversion will be available in Daedalus soon.", + "description": "Description for the paperWallet instructions on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.paperWalletDescription" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet restoration is currently in progress. Until it completes, it is not possible to restore or import new wallets.", - "description": "Restore notification message shown during async wallet restore on the wallet add screen.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 88 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletAdd.tsx", - "id": "wallet.add.dialog.restoreNotificationMessage", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 82 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Paper wallet", + "description": "Title for the paperWallet instructions on wallet settings.", + "id": "wallet.settings.recoveryPhraseVerification.paperWalletTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You have reached the maximum of 50 wallets.Daedalus currently supports Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, and Trezor Model T hardware wallet devices.
If you are pairing your device with Daedalus for the first time, please follow the instructions below.
If you have already paired your device with Daedalus, you don’t need to repeat this step. Just connect your device when you need to confirm a transaction.
", - "description": "Follow instructions label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 54 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletConnectDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.instructions", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 49 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!If you are planning to stop using this wallet and remove all funds, you should first undelegate it to recover your 2 ada deposit. You will continue getting delegation rewards during the three Cardano epochs after undelegating your wallet.", + "description": "Undelegate wallet warning explaining the consequences.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegateWallet.warning" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus currently supports only Trezor Model T hardware wallet devices.
If you are pairing your device with Daedalus for the first time, please follow the instructions below.
If you have already paired your device with Daedalus, you don’t need to repeat this step. Just connect your device when you need to confirm a transaction.
", - "description": "Follow instructions label", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 60 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletConnectDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.instructionsTrezorOnly", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 55 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet is synchronizing with the blockchain, so this wallet's delegation status is currently unknown, and undelegation is not possible.", + "description": "Undelegate wallet disabled warning explaining why it is disabled.", + "id": "wallet.settings.undelegateWallet.disabledWarning" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!If you are experiencing issues pairing your hardware wallet device, please {supportLink}", - "description": "Connecting issue support description", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 66 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletConnectDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.connectingIssueSupportLabel", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 61 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Delegate your wallet", + "description": "Delegate wallet header on the wallet settings page.", + "id": "wallet.settings.delegateWallet.header" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!read the instructions.", - "description": "Connecting issue support link", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 71 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletConnectDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.connectingIssueSupportLink", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 67 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet is not delegated. Please, delegate the stake from this wallet to earn rewards and support the Cardano network's security.", + "description": "Delegate wallet warning.", + "id": "wallet.settings.delegateWallet.warning" }, { - "defaultMessage": "https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005165269", - "description": "Link to support article", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 76 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletConnectDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.connect.dialog.connectingIssueSupportLinkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 72 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletConnectDialog.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet is synchronizing with the blockchain, so this wallet's delegation status is currently unknown, and delegation is not possible.", + "description": "Delegate wallet disabled warning explaining why it is disabled.", + "id": "wallet.settings.delegateWallet.disabledWarning" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Create a new wallet", - "description": "Title \"Create a new wallet\" in the wallet create form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.create.dialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 30 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Name", + "description": "Label for the \"Name\" text input on the wallet settings page.", + "id": "wallet.settings.name.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet name", - "description": "Label for the \"Wallet Name\" text input in the wallet create form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.create.dialog.name.label", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 35 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", + "description": "Label for the \"Password\" field.", + "id": "wallet.settings.password" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter wallet name", - "description": "Hint for the \"Wallet Name\" text input in the wallet create form.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 46 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.create.dialog.walletNameHint", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 41 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Last updated", + "description": "Last updated X time ago message.", + "id": "wallet.settings.passwordLastUpdated" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Create Shelley wallet", - "description": "Label for the \"Create Shelley wallet\" button on create wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 52 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.create.dialog.create.personal.wallet.button.label", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 47 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You still don't have password", + "description": "You still don't have password set message.", + "id": "wallet.settings.passwordNotSet" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/settings/WalletSettings.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!+ {amount} of fees", + "description": "Label for the \"+ 12.042481 of fees\" message above amount input field.", + "id": "wallet.amountInput.feesLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", - "description": "Password creation label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 57 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.create.dialog.passwordSectionLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 53 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Calculating fees", + "description": "Label for the \"Calculating fees\" message above amount input field.", + "id": "wallet.amountInput.calculatingFeesLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/skins/AmountInputSkin.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens", + "description": "Number of tokens title on Wallet summary assets page", + "id": "wallet.summary.assets.tokensTitle" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Keep your wallet secure by setting a spending password", - "description": "Password creation description.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 62 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.create.dialog.passwordSectionDescription", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 58 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Want to find out more about native tokens?", + "description": "\"Learn more\" text in the Wallets Summary No Tokens component", + "id": "wallet.summary.noTokens.learnMore.textTop" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter password", - "description": "Label for the \"Wallet password\" input in the create wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 68 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.create.dialog.spendingPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 63 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Start by visiting the IOHK blog for a useful primer.", + "description": "\"Learn more\" text in the Wallets Summary No Tokens component", + "id": "wallet.summary.noTokens.learnMore.textBottom" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat password", - "description": "Label for the \"Repeat password\" input in the create wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 74 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.create.dialog.repeatPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 69 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "\"Learn more\" label or button in the Wallets Summary No Tokens component", + "id": "wallet.summary.noTokens.learnMore.linkLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", - "description": "Placeholder for the \"Password\" inputs in the create wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 80 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.create.dialog.passwordFieldPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 75 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "We recommend using a password manager app to manage and store your spending password. Generate a unique password using a password manager and paste it here. Passwords should never be reused.", - "description": "Tooltip for the password input in the wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 86 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.dialog.passwordTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 81 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2021/02/04/native-tokens-to-bring-new-utility-to-life-on-cardano/", + "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL in the Wallets Summary No Tokens component", + "id": "wallet.summary.noTokens.learnMore.linkUrl" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletCreateDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-no-tokens/WalletNoTokens.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore a wallet", - "description": "Label \"Restore wallet\" on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.title.label", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 43 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Converts as", + "description": "\"Currency - title\" label on Wallet summary currency page", + "id": "wallet.summary.currency.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet name", - "description": "Label for the wallet name input on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 53 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.wallet.name.input.label", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 48 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!converted {fetchedTimeAgo}", + "description": "\"Currency - last fetched\" label on Wallet summary currency page", + "id": "wallet.summary.currency.lastFetched" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Name the wallet you are restoring", - "description": "Hint \"Name the wallet you are restoring\" for the wallet name input on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 59 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.wallet.name.input.hint", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 54 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!fetching conversion rates", + "description": "\"Currency - Fetching\" label on Wallet summary currency page", + "id": "wallet.summary.currency.isFetchingRate" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryCurrency.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Number of words in the recovery phrase", - "description": "Label for the recovery phrase type options on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 65 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.type.options.label", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 60 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!{total} transactions, {pending} pending", + "description": "\"Number of transactions\" label on Wallet summary header page", + "id": "wallet.summary.header.transactionsLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryHeader.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!! words", - "description": "Word for the recovery phrase type on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 71 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.type.word", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 66 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{total} rewards earned, {unspent} unspent rewards", + "description": "Headline for the Decentralisation notification.", + "id": "wallet.summary.header.rewardsSummary" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Rewards wallet", - "description": "Label for the recovery phrase type 15-word option on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 77 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.type.15word.option", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 72 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!All the ada in this wallet is in the rewards account. Since transaction fees cannot be paid with rewards, please send 2 or more ada to this wallet to cover transaction fees.", + "description": "Tooltip describing that rewards are unspendable on the Wallet summary header", + "id": "wallet.summary.header.unspendableTooltip" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/summary/WalletSummaryHeaderRewards.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Balance wallet", - "description": "Label for the recovery phrase type 12-word option on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 83 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.type.12word.option", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 78 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel pending transaction", + "description": "Label for the cancel pending transaction button", + "id": "wallet.transaction.pending.cancelTransactionButton" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Recovery phrase", - "description": "Label for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 89 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.input.label", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 84 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Remove failed transaction", + "description": "Label for the remove failed transaction button", + "id": "wallet.transaction.failed.removeTransactionButton" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionButton.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter recovery phrase", - "description": "Hint \"Enter recovery phrase\" for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 95 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.input.hint", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 90 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm transaction cancellation?", + "description": "Headline for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!New", - "description": "Label \"new\" on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 100 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.newLabel", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 96 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This transaction was submitted to the Cardano network some time ago, but has not been finalized yet. You can try to cancel the transaction now to release the pending funds, but there is a chance that the transaction will be finalized regardless. In this case, the transaction will reappear in your wallet as a completed transaction.", + "description": "Content for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.content1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", - "description": "\"No results\" message for the recovery phrase input search results.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 106 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.recovery.phrase.input.noResults", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 101 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!To ensure that this transfer of funds is processed as soon as possible, we recommend that you cancel this transaction and submit a new one to the network.", + "description": "Content for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.content2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore wallet", - "description": "Label for the \"Restore wallet\" button on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 112 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.restore.wallet.button.label", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 107 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No, keep the transaction pending", + "description": "\"Cancel\" button label for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.button.backLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", - "description": "Error message shown when invalid recovery phrase was entered.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 118 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.form.errors.invalidRecoveryPhrase", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 113 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yes, cancel the transaction", + "description": "\"Confirm\" button label for the pending transaction cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "cancel.transaction.confirmation.dialog.button.confirmLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/CancelTransactionConfirmationDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!All Transactions", + "description": "All Transactions button label.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.allTransactions" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", - "description": "Password creation label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 123 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.passwordSectionLabel", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 119 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Reset Filter", + "description": "Reset Filter button label.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.resetFilter" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Keep your wallet secure by setting the spending password", - "description": "Password creation description.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 129 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.passwordSectionDescription", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 124 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Received", + "description": "Incoming filter type.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.incoming" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter password", - "description": "Label for the \"Wallet password\" input in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 135 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.spendingPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 130 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Sent", + "description": "Outgoing filter type.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.outgoing" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Repeat password", - "description": "Label for the \"Repeat password\" input in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 141 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.repeatPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 136 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Time", + "description": "Date range of filter.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.dateRange" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", - "description": "Placeholder for the \"Password\" inputs in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 147 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.passwordFieldPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 142 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Select time range", + "description": "Select time range indication of filter.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.selectTimeRange" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus wallet", - "description": "Tab title \"Daedalus wallet\" in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 152 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.tab.title.recoveryPhrase", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 148 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Last 7 days", + "description": "Last 7 days range of filter.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.last7Days" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus paper wallet", - "description": "Tab title \"Daedalus paper wallet\" in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 158 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.tab.title.certificate", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 153 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Last 30 days", + "description": "Last 30 days range of filter.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.last30Days" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Yoroi wallet", - "description": "Tab title \"Yoroi wallet\" in the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 163 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.tab.title.yoroi", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 159 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Last 90 days", + "description": "Last 90 days range of filter.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.last90Days" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!27-word paper wallet recovery phrase", - "description": "Label for the shielded recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 169 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.shielded.recovery.phrase.input.label", - "start": { - "column": 36, - "line": 164 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This year", + "description": "This year date range of filter.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.thisYear" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter your {numberOfWords}-word paper wallet recovery phrase", - "description": "Hint \"Enter your 27-word paper wallet recovery phrase.\" for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 176 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.shielded.recovery.phrase.input.hint", - "start": { - "column": 35, - "line": 170 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Custom", + "description": "Custom date range of filter.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.custom" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter word #{wordNumber}", - "description": "Placeholder \"Enter word #\" for the recovery phrase input on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 182 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.shielded.recovery.phrase.input.placeholder", - "start": { - "column": 42, - "line": 177 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Amount of ada", + "description": "Amount range of filter.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.amountRange" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore paper wallet", - "description": "Label for the \"Restore paper wallet\" button on the wallet restore dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 188 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.paper.wallet.button.label", - "start": { - "column": 33, - "line": 183 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "We recommend using a password manager app to manage and store your spending password. Generate a unique password using a password manager and paste it here. Passwords should never be reused.", - "description": "Tooltip for the password input in the wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 194 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx", - "id": "wallet.dialog.passwordTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 189 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Apply", + "description": "Filter button label.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.apply" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/WalletRestoreDialog.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Back to top", - "description": "\"backToTop\" button label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 12 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/BackToTopButton.tsx", - "id": "backToTopButton.label", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 8 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{filtered} out of {total} transactions match your filter.", + "description": "Filter result info.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.filter.resultInfo" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/BackToTopButton.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/FilterResultInfo.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!change", - "description": "Label \"change\" on inline editing inputs in inactive state.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/InlineEditingInput.tsx", - "id": "inline.editing.input.change.label", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 25 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Card payment", + "description": "Transaction type shown for credit card payments.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.type.card" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!cancel", - "description": "Label \"cancel\" on inline editing inputs in inactive state.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 34 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/InlineEditingInput.tsx", - "id": "inline.editing.input.cancel.label", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 30 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{typeOfTransaction} transaction", + "description": "Transaction type shown for {currency} transactions.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.type" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Your changes have been saved", - "description": "Message \"Your changes have been saved\" for inline editing (eg. on Profile Settings page).", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/InlineEditingInput.tsx", - "id": "inline.editing.input.changesSaved", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 35 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/InlineEditingInput.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Syncing", - "description": "syncingLabel for ItemDropdownOption", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 17 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ItemDropdownOption.tsx", - "id": "widgets.itemsDropdown.syncingLabel", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 13 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Exchange", + "description": "Transaction type shown for money exchanges between currencies.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.type.exchange" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Syncing {syncingProgress}%", - "description": "syncingLabel for WalletsDropdown", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ItemDropdownOption.tsx", - "id": "widgets.itemsDropdown.syncingLabelProgress", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 18 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ItemDropdownOption.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Language", - "description": "Label for the language select.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ProfileSettingsForm.tsx", - "id": "profile.settings.languageSelect.label", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 21 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction ID", + "description": "Transaction ID.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionId" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Number format", - "description": "Label for the number select.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ProfileSettingsForm.tsx", - "id": "profile.settings.numberSelect.label", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 26 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction Metadata", + "description": "Transaction Metadata.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionMetadata" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Date format", - "description": "Label for the date select.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ProfileSettingsForm.tsx", - "id": "profile.settings.dateSelect.label", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "Transaction metadata is not moderated and may contain inappropriate content. Show unmoderated content.", + "description": "", + "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionMetadataDescription" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Time format", - "description": "Label for the time select.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ProfileSettingsForm.tsx", - "id": "profile.settings.timeSelect.label", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 36 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction metadata", + "description": "Transaction metadata label", + "id": "wallet.transaction.metadataLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", - "description": "Label for the \"Language select\" form submit button.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 45 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ProfileSettingsForm.tsx", - "id": "profile.settings.submitLabel", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 41 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ProfileSettingsForm.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Newsfeed", - "description": "Newsfeed", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/NewsFeedIcon.tsx", - "id": "news.newsfeed.iconTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 20 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/NewsFeedIcon.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Blocks synced {percentage}%", - "description": "Label for the blocks synced info overlay on node sync status icon.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/NodeSyncStatusIcon.tsx", - "id": "cardano.node.sync.status.blocksSynced", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 13 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/NodeSyncStatusIcon.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano mainnet - Daedalus Flight", - "description": "Label for Daedalus Flight with version.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 11 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/WalletTestEnvironmentLabel.tsx", - "id": "test.environment.daedalusFlightLabel", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 7 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction metadata is not moderated and may contain inappropriate content.", + "description": "Transaction metadata disclaimer", + "id": "wallet.transaction.metadataDisclaimer" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Testnet vx", - "description": "Label for testnet with version.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 16 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/WalletTestEnvironmentLabel.tsx", - "id": "test.environment.testnetLabel", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 12 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Show unmoderated content", + "description": "Transaction metadata confirmation toggle", + "id": "wallet.transaction.metadataConfirmationLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Staging vx", - "description": "Label for staging network with version.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/WalletTestEnvironmentLabel.tsx", - "id": "test.environment.stagingLabel", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Conversion rate", + "description": "Conversion rate.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.conversion.rate" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Shelley QA", - "description": "Label for shelley_qa with version.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 26 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/WalletTestEnvironmentLabel.tsx", - "id": "test.environment.shelleyQaLabel", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{transactionsType} sent", + "description": "Label \"{transactionsType} sent\" for the transaction.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.sent" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Alonzo Purple", - "description": "Label for alonzo_purple with version.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 31 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/WalletTestEnvironmentLabel.tsx", - "id": "test.environment.alonzoPurpleLabel", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 27 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{transactionsType} received", + "description": "Label \"{transactionsType} received\" for the transaction.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.received" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Selfnode vx", - "description": "Label for selfnode with version.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 36 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/WalletTestEnvironmentLabel.tsx", - "id": "test.environment.selfnodeLabel", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 32 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!From address", + "description": "From address", + "id": "wallet.transaction.address.from" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Development vx", - "description": "Label for development with version.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 41 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/WalletTestEnvironmentLabel.tsx", - "id": "test.environment.developmentLabel", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 37 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/WalletTestEnvironmentLabel.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!From addresses", + "description": "From addresses", + "id": "wallet.transaction.addresses.from" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Preparing logs for download", - "description": "Notification for download logs in progress in the Loading and Settings pages.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.downloadLogsProgress", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!From rewards", + "description": "From rewards", + "id": "wallet.transaction.rewards.from" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Logs successfully downloaded", - "description": "Notification for download logs in the Loading and Settings pages.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.downloadLogsSuccess", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 25 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!To address", + "description": "To address", + "id": "wallet.transaction.address.to" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!CSV file successfully downloaded", - "description": "Notification for download Rewards CSV file.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.downloadRewardsCSVSuccess", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 31 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!To addresses", + "description": "To addresses", + "id": "wallet.transaction.addresses.to" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!CSV file successfully downloaded", - "description": "Notification for download Transactions CSV file.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.downloadTransactionsCSVSuccess", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 36 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiver", + "description": "Receiver", + "id": "wallet.transaction.receiverLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Public key: {publicKey} copied to clipboard", - "description": "Notification for the wallet public key copy success in the Wallet Settings page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.copyWalletPublicKey", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 41 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Token", + "description": "Token label", + "id": "wallet.transaction.assetLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!ICO Public key: {publicKey} copied to clipboard", - "description": "Notification for the ICO public key copy success in the Wallet Settings page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 54 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.copyICOPublicKey", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 48 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction fee", + "description": "Transaction fee", + "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionFee" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Address: {address} copied to clipboard", - "description": "Notification for the wallet address copy success in the Wallet Receive page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 61 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.copyAddress", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 55 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Deposit", + "description": "Deposit", + "id": "wallet.transaction.deposit" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{param}: {shortValue} copied to clipboard", - "description": "Notification for the wallet assetItem copy success in the Wallet Receive page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 68 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.copyAssetParam", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 62 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction amount", + "description": "Transaction amount.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.transactionAmount" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Address: {walletAddress} PDF successfully downloaded", - "description": "Notification for the wallet address PDF download success in the Wallet Receive page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 75 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.downloadAddressPDFSuccess", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 69 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Multiple tokens", + "description": "Multiple tokens.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.multipleTokens" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!PDF successfully downloaded", - "description": "Notification for the wallet voting PDF download success in the Voting Registration dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 81 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.downloadVotingPDFSuccess", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 76 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens sent", + "description": "Tokens sent.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.tokensSent" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Address: {walletAddress} QR code image successfully downloaded", - "description": "Notification for the wallet address PDF download success in the Wallet Receive page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 88 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.downloadQRCodeImageSuccess", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 82 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens received", + "description": "Tokens received.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.tokensReceived" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus state directory copied to clipboard", - "description": "Notification for the state directory copy success in the Diagnostics page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 94 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.tsx", - "id": "notification.copyStateDirectoryPath", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 89 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Fetching token data", + "description": "\"Fetching token data...\" message.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.fetchingTokenData" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!This transaction has been pending for a long time. To release the funds used by this transaction, you can try canceling it.", + "description": "Note to cancel a transaction that has been pending too long", + "id": "wallet.transaction.pending.cancelPendingTxnNote" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Why should I cancel this transaction?", + "description": "Link to support article for canceling a pending transaction", + "id": "wallet.transaction.pending.cancelPendingTxnSupportArticle" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038113814", + "description": "Url to support article for canceling a pending transaction", + "id": "wallet.transaction.pending.supportArticleUrl" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!No addresses", + "description": "Input Addresses label.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.noInputAddressesLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Open this transaction in Cardano explorer", + "description": "Unresolved Input Addresses link label.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.unresolvedInputAddressesLinkLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!to see these addresses.", + "description": "Unresolved Input Addresses additional label.", + "id": "wallet.transaction.unresolvedInputAddressesAdditionalLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!This transaction was submitted to the Cardano network, but it expired, so it failed. Transactions on the Cardano network have a ‘time to live’ attribute, which passed before the network processed the transaction. Please, remove it to release the funds (UTXOs) used by this transaction to use those funds in another transaction.", + "description": "Note to cancel a transaction that has been failed", + "id": "wallet.transaction.failed.cancelFailedTxnNote" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Why should I cancel failed transactions?", + "description": "Link to support article for removing a failed transaction", + "id": "wallet.transaction.failed.cancelFailedTxnSupportArticle" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction confirmed", + "description": "Transaction state \"confirmed\"", + "id": "wallet.transaction.state.confirmed" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction pending", + "description": "Transaction state \"pending\"", + "id": "wallet.transaction.state.pending" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction failed", + "description": "Transaction state \"failed\"", + "id": "wallet.transaction.state.failed" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirmed", + "description": "Transaction state \"confirmed\"", + "id": "wallet.transaction.state.confirmedHeading" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Pending", + "description": "Transaction state \"pending\"", + "id": "wallet.transaction.state.pendingHeading" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Failed", + "description": "Transaction state \"failed\"", + "id": "wallet.transaction.state.failedHeading" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/notifications/NotificationsContainer.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/Transaction.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/", - "description": "\"submit a support request\" link URL in the \"Report a problem\" section on the support settings page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/settings/categories/SupportSettingsPage.tsx", - "id": "settings.support.reportProblem.linkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No transactions", + "description": "Message shown when wallet has no transactions yet.", + "id": "wallet.transactions.no.transactions" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/settings/categories/SupportSettingsPage.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactions.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/", - "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/DelegationSetupWizardDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.learnMore.url", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 17 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet", - "description": "Step 1 label text on delegation steps dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/DelegationSetupWizardDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "staking.delegationSetup.steps.step.1.label", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 23 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pool", - "description": "Step 2 label text on delegation steps dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 32 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/DelegationSetupWizardDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "staking.delegationSetup.steps.step.2.label", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 28 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transactions", + "description": "Label for the \"Transactions\" header.", + "id": "wallet.transactions.header.transactions" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirmation", - "description": "Step 3 label text on delegation steps dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 37 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/DelegationSetupWizardDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "staking.delegationSetup.steps.step.3.label", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 33 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Export CSV", + "description": "Label for the \"Export CSV\" button.", + "id": "wallet.transactions.header.exportCSV.button.label" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/DelegationSetupWizardDialogContainer.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsHeader.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet does not contain the minimum amount of {calculatedMinRewardsReceiverBalance} ADA which is required to cover the necessary transaction fees. Please select a wallet with a minimum amount of {calculatedMinRewardsReceiverBalance} ADA and click continue.", - "description": "errorMinRewardFunds Error Label on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationContainer.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.errorMessage", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 17 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Today", + "description": "Label for the \"Today\" label on the wallet summary page.", + "id": "wallet.summary.transactionsList.todayLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet can’t be used for rewards redemption while it’s being synced.", - "description": "RestoringWallet Error Label on the rewards redemption setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationContainer.tsx", - "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.errorRestoringWallet", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 24 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationContainer.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yesterday", + "description": "Label for the \"Yesterday\" label on the wallet summary page.", + "id": "wallet.summary.transactionsList.yesterdayLabel" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc", - "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL in the staking countdown page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 12 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/StakingCountdownPage.tsx", - "id": "staking.countdown.learnMore.linkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 8 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Show more transactions", + "description": "Label for the \"Show more transactions\" button on the wallet summary page.", + "id": "wallet.summary.transactionsList.showMoreTransactionsButtonLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your transaction history for this wallet is being synced with the blockchain.", + "description": "Syncing transactions message on async wallet restore.", + "id": "wallet.summary.transactionsList.syncingTransactionsMessage" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/StakingCountdownPage.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsList.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://staking.cardano.org/", - "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL in the staking rewards page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/StakingRewardsPage.tsx", - "id": "staking.rewards.learnMore.linkUrl", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 10 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Search transaction", + "description": "Hint in the transactions search box.", + "id": "wallet.transactions.search.hint" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/StakingRewardsPage.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transactions/WalletTransactionsSearch.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet", - "description": "Step 1 label text on voting registration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/voting/dialogs/VotingRegistrationDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.1.label", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 19 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Register", - "description": "Step 2 label text on voting registration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/voting/dialogs/VotingRegistrationDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.2.label", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transfer funds", + "description": "Title in the transfer funds form.", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog1.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm", - "description": "Step 3 label text on voting registration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/voting/dialogs/VotingRegistrationDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.3.label", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!From Byron legacy wallet", + "description": "sourceWallet in the transfer funds form.", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog1.sourceWallet" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!PIN", - "description": "Step 4 label text on voting registration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 38 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/voting/dialogs/VotingRegistrationDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.4.label", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 34 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!To Shelley-compatible wallet", + "description": "targetWallet in the transfer funds form.", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog1.targetWallet" }, { - "defaultMessage": "QR code", - "description": "Step 5 label text on voting registration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/voting/dialogs/VotingRegistrationDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.5.label", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 39 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "buttonLabel in the transfer funds form.", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog1.continueLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/voting/dialogs/VotingRegistrationDialogContainer.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep1Dialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm transaction", - "description": "Title for the \"Confirm transaction\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 9 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 5 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transfer funds from the legacy wallet", + "description": "Title in the transfer funds form.", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", - "description": "Label for the \"Spending password\" input in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 15 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.passphraseLabel", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 10 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm transfer from {sourceWalletName}wallet to the {targetWalletName} wallet.", + "description": "description in the transfer funds form.", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.description.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Type your spending password", - "description": "Placeholder for the \"Spending password\" inputs in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 21 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.passphraseFieldPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 30, - "line": 16 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{sourceWalletName} amount", + "description": "Label Source wallet Amount in the transfer funds form", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.sourceWalletAmount.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{Warning}, flight candidate versions of Daedalus are connected to Cardano mainnet. If you confirm this transaction, your ada will be sent for real.", - "description": "Text for the \"Flight candidate\" warning in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.flightCandidateWarning", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 22 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Fees", + "description": "Label Fees in the transfer funds form", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.fees.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that real ada will be moved as part of this transaction and that this action is irreversible.", - "description": "Label for the \"Flight candidate\" warning checkbox in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.flightCandidateCheckboxLabel", - "start": { - "column": 32, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Total", + "description": "Total Fees in the transfer funds form", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.total.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Send", - "description": "Label for the send button in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 41 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.submit", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 36 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Leftovers", + "description": "Label Leftovers in the transfer funds form", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.leftovers.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Back", - "description": "Label for the back button in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 47 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.back", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 42 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "Label Leftovers in the transfer funds form", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.leftovers.LearnMore.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Warning: This transaction will reduce your wallet's balance to less than 2 ada. Your wallet's balance should always be over 2 ada to spend future staking rewards.", - "description": "Warning: This transaction will reduce your wallet's balance", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 53 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.emptyingWarning", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 48 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/", + "description": "Label Leftovers in the transfer funds form", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.leftovers.LearnMore.url" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!To", - "description": "Label for the \"To\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 58 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.addressToLabel", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 54 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transfer funds", + "description": "buttonLabel in the transfer funds form.", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.label.buttonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Amount", - "description": "Label for the \"Amount\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 64 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.amountLabel", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 59 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "passphraseFieldPlaceholder in the transfer funds form.", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.passphraseFieldPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Token", - "description": "Token", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 69 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.assetLabel", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 65 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "passphraseLabel in the transfer funds form.", + "id": "wallet.transferFunds.dialog2.passphraseLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/transfer-funds/TransferFundsStep2Dialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction fee", - "description": "Label for the \"Fees\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 74 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.feesLabel", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 70 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet UTXO distribution", + "description": "Title for the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", + "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Total", - "description": "Label for the \"Total\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 80 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.totalLabel", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 75 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet contains {formattedWalletAmount} ADA on {walletUtxosAmount} UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs). Examine the histogram below to see the distribution of UTXOs with different amounts of ada.", + "description": "Description for the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", + "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiver", - "description": "Label for the \"Receiver\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 86 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.receiver.label", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 81 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet is empty so it does not contain any UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs).", + "description": "Empty wallet description for the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", + "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.emptyWallet" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!unformatted amount", - "description": "Label for \"unformatted amount\"", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 91 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/send-confirmation/messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.unformattedAmountLabel", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 87 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Find out more", + "description": "\"Find out more\" link on the \"Wallet Utxos\" screen.", + "id": "wallet.settings.utxos.findOutMoreLink" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Native assets may specify a number of decimal places, as defined in the Cardano token registry. Daedalus uses this information to format the amount that is being sent in the transaction.This feature enables you to import wallets from the production version of Daedalus, or from the Daedalus state directory.
If you don’t have the complete state directory, then you will need either the ‘Secrets’ or ‘Secrets-1.0’ folder containing the ‘secret.key’ file to be able to import a wallet, although without the complete state directory Daedalus won’t be able to detect your wallet names.
If you don’t have either the ‘Secrets’ or the ‘Secrets-1.0’ folder containing the ‘secret.key’ file, then you cannot import wallets using this feature.
", + "description": "This feature enables you to import wallets from the production version of Daedalus, or from the Daedalus state directory.
If you don’t have the complete state directory, then you will need either the ‘Secrets’ or ‘Secrets-1.0’ folder containing the ‘secret.key’ file to be able to import a wallet, although without the complete state directory Daedalus won’t be able to detect your wallet names.
If you don’t have either the ‘Secrets’ or the ‘Secrets-1.0’ folder containing the ‘secret.key’ file, then you cannot import wallets using this feature.
", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.description" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Derivation path", - "description": "Tooltip for the derivation path", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 30 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/settings/PublicKeyQRCodeDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.dialog.derivationPathTooltip", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 26 - } - } - ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/settings/PublicKeyQRCodeDialogContainer.json" - }, - { - "descriptors": [ + "defaultMessage": "!!!Select Daedalus state folder:", + "description": "Select Daedalus state folder:", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.stateFolderLabel" + }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Unpair Wallet", - "description": "Title for the \"Unpair wallet\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/settings/UnpairWalletDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.unpair.dialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 10 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Select Daedalus 'secret.key' file:", + "description": "Select Daedalus 'secret.key' file:", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.secretFileLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Delete", - "description": "Label for the \"Unpair (x)\" button in the unpair wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 20 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/settings/UnpairWalletDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.unpair.dialog.confirmButtonLabel", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 15 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Import wallets", + "description": "Import wallets", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.buttonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Do you really want to unpair {walletName} wallet?", - "description": "Question if the user really wants to unpair the wallet.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 26 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/settings/UnpairWalletDialogContainer.tsx", - "id": "wallet.settings.unpair.dialog.confirmationQuestion", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 21 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!No wallets found. Make sure you have selected a Daedalus state directory which contains the ‘Secrets’ or `Secrets-1.0` folder with a `secret.key` file inside.", + "description": "No wallets found. Make sure you have selected a Daedalus state directory which contains the ‘Secrets’ or `Secrets-1.0` folder with a `secret.key` file inside.", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.stateDirNoWallets" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!No wallets found. Make sure you have selected a valid `secret.key` file.", + "description": "No wallets found. Make sure you have selected a valid `secret.key` file.", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.secretFileNoWallets" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "Learn more", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.linkLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900000623463", + "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL on the wallet import file dialog", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.linkUrl" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Import from:", + "description": "Import from:", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.importFromLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus state directory", + "description": "Daedalus state directory", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.stateDirOptionLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus 'secret.key' file", + "description": "Daedalus 'secret.key' file", + "id": "wallet.import.file.dialog.secretFileOptionLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/dialogs/settings/UnpairWalletDialogContainer.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletImportFileDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Address", - "description": "\"Address\" word in the Address PDF export", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/WalletReceivePage.tsx", - "id": "wallet.receive.pdf.filenamePrefix", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 18 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Found wallets", + "description": "Select import wallets dialog title", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.title" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!These wallets were found in your Daedalus state directory.Please select the wallets you want to import.
", + "description": "These wallets were found in your Daedalus state directory. Please select the wallets you want to import.", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.description" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Unnamed wallets", + "description": "unnamedWalletsTitle", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.unnamedWalletsTitle" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Password protected", + "description": "Password protected", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.passwordProtected" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet already exists", + "description": "Wallet already exists", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.walletExists" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!No password", + "description": "No password", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.noPassword" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Importing wallet...", + "description": "Importing wallet...", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.importingWallet" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter wallet name", + "description": "Enter wallet name", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.walletName" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Name not found", + "description": "Name not found", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.notFound" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter a wallet name first", + "description": "Enter a wallet name first", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.enterWalletNameTooltip" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus supports up to {maxWalletsCount} wallets. You will need to remove another wallet before you can import this one.", + "description": "Max number of wallets reached", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.maxWalletsReachedTooltip" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet imported", + "description": "Wallet imported", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.walletImported" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Import selected wallets", + "description": "Import selected wallets", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.buttonLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Learn more", + "description": "Learn more", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.linkLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900000623463", + "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL on the wallet import file dialog", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.linkUrl" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Close window", + "description": "Close window", + "id": "wallet.select.import.dialog.closeWindow" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/WalletReceivePage.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-import/WalletSelectImportDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No recent transactions", - "description": "Message shown when wallet has no transactions on wallet summary page.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 25 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/WalletSummaryPage.tsx", - "id": "wallet.summary.page.no.transactions", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 20 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter word #{wordNumber}", + "description": "Placeholder for the mnemonics autocomplete.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.placeholder" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Enter your 12, 18 or 24-word recovery phrase", + "description": "Placeholder for the multi-length mnemonics autocomplete.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.multiLengthPhrase.placeholder" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", + "description": "\"No results\" message for the mnemonics autocomplete search results.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.noResults" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Check recovery phrase", + "description": "Label for the mnemonics Continue button.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.continueButtonLabel" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid recovery phrase", + "description": "Label for invalid recovery phrase", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.mnemonics.autocomplete.invalidRecoveryPhrase" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/wallet/WalletSummaryPage.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/MnemonicsDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Toggle discreet mode on.", - "description": "Text for the tooltip on \"discreet mode\" button when mode is on", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 9 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/features/discreet-mode/ui/discreet-toggle-top-bar/DiscreetToggleTopBar.messages.ts", - "id": "discreetMode.discreetToggle.on", - "start": { - "column": 6, - "line": 4 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Close", + "description": "Label for Close button on the wallet restore \"success\" step dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.success.dialog.close" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Toggle discreet mode off.", - "description": "Text for the tooltip on \"discreet mode\" button when mode is off", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 15 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/features/discreet-mode/ui/discreet-toggle-top-bar/DiscreetToggleTopBar.messages.ts", - "id": "discreetMode.discreetToggle.off", - "start": { - "column": 7, - "line": 10 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your wallet has been successfully restored.", + "description": "Description \"line 1\" on the wallet restore \"success\" step dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.success.dialog.description.line1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!You can toggle auto discreet mode in Settings.", - "description": "Text for the tooltip on \"discreet mode\" button description", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 20 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/features/discreet-mode/ui/discreet-toggle-top-bar/DiscreetToggleTopBar.messages.ts", - "id": "discreetMode.discreetToggle.description", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 16 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Restored wallets should have all the funds and transaction history of the original wallet. If your restored wallet does not have the funds and transaction history you were expecting, please check that you have the correct wallet recovery phrase for the wallet you were intending to restore.", + "description": "Description \"line 2\" on the wallet restore \"success\" step dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.success.dialog.description.line2" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!If your restored wallet is empty, but you were expecting it to have funds, please check that you used the correct wallet recovery phrase during the restoration process.", + "description": "Description \"line 3\" on the wallet restore \"success\" step dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.success.dialog.description.line3" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/features/discreet-mode/ui/discreet-toggle-top-bar/DiscreetToggleTopBar.messages.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/SuccessDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Ada", - "description": "\"Ada\" name", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 8 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.ada.name", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 4 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!What kind of wallet would you like to restore?", + "description": "Label for the \"labelwalletKind\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.walletKind" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!ADA", - "description": "\"ADA\" unit", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 13 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.ada.unit", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 9 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus wallet", + "description": "Label for the \"labelWalletKindDaedalus\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.walletKindDaedalus" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!ADA", - "description": "Name for \"Ada\" unit.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 18 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "environment.currency.ada", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 14 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Yoroi wallet", + "description": "Label for the \"labelWalletKindYoroi\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.walletKindYoroi" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!This field is required.", - "description": "Error message when required fields are left empty.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.errors.fieldIsRequired", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Hardware wallet", + "description": "Label for the \"labelWalletKindHardware\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.walletKindHardware" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{actual} of {required} words entered", - "description": "Info message displayed above mnemonic inputs about actual vs. required words entered", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.info.knownMnemonicWordCount", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!What kind of Daedalus wallet would you like to restore?", + "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!{actual} words entered", - "description": "Info message displayed above mnemonic inputs about how many words have been entered", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 35 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.info.unknownMnemonicWordCount", - "start": { - "column": 28, - "line": 30 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!12 words (Byron legacy wallet)", + "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind12WordByron\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind12WordByron" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Invalid email entered, please check.", - "description": "Error message shown when invalid email was entered.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 40 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.errors.invalidEmail", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 36 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!15 words (Incentivized Testnet Rewards wallet)", + "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind15WordShelley\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind15WordShelley" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet name requires at least 3 and at most 40 letters", - "description": "Error message shown when invalid wallet name was entered in create wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 46 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.errors.invalidWalletName", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 41 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!24 words (Shelley wallet)", + "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind24WordShelley\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind24WordShelley" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Insecure", - "description": "Error message shown when insecure wallet password was entered in a password input.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 52 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.errors.invalidSpendingPassword", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 47 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!27 words - paper wallet (Byron legacy wallet)", + "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind27WordPaper\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.daedalusWalletKind27WordPaper" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Weak", - "description": "Error message shown when weak wallet password was entered in a password input.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 58 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.errors.weakSpendingPassword", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 53 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!What kind of Yoroi wallet would you like to restore?", + "description": "Label for the \"labelYoroiWalletKind\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.yoroiWalletKind" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Strong", - "description": "Error message shown when strong wallet password was entered in a password input.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 64 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.errors.strongSpendingPassword", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 59 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!15 words (Byron legacy wallet)", + "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind15WordByron\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.yoroiWalletKindByronLegacy15Word" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Doesn't match.", - "description": "Error message shown when wallet password and repeat passwords don't match in create wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 70 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.errors.invalidRepeatPassword", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 65 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!15 words (Shelley wallet)", + "description": "Label for the \"labelDaedalusWalletKind15WordShelley\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.yoroiWalletKindShelley15Word" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The file you are trying to replace is open. Please close it and try again.", - "description": "Error message shown when the file the user tries to replace is open.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 77 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.errors.paperWalletOpenPdfError", - "start": { - "column": 27, - "line": 71 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!What kind of hardware wallet would you like to restore?", + "description": "Label for the \"labelHardwareWalletKind\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.hardwareWalletKind" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!The file you are trying to replace is open. Please close it and try again.", - "description": "Error message shown when the file the user tries to replace is open.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 84 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.errors.rewardsOpenCsvError", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 78 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!24 words - Ledger (Byron legacy wallet)", + "description": "Label for the \"labelHardwareWalletKindLedger\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.hardwareWalletKindLedger" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Note that password needs to be at least 10 characters and at most 255 characters long.", - "description": "Password instructions note.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 90 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.passwordInstructions", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 85 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!24 words - Trezor (Byron legacy wallet)", + "description": "Label for the \"labelHardwareWalletKindTrezor\" checkbox.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.label.hardwareWalletKindTrezor" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel", - "description": "The word \"cancel\" reused at several places (like cancel buttons)", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 96 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.cancel", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 91 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Hardware wallets store your private keys securely on a physical device so they are immune to common computer threats such as viruses and software bugs. Recovery phrases for hardware wallets should always be kept offline. By entering your hardware wallet recovery phrase in Daedalus, you expose your hardware wallet private keys to the security risks associated with computers and software.", + "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletDisclaimer1\" disclaimer.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletDisclaimer1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Close", - "description": "The word \"close\" reused at several places (like cancel buttons)", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 102 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.close", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 97 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!All of your assets held on your hardware wallet device are associated with the same wallet recovery phrase and its corresponding private key. If you hold assets other than ada on your hardware wallet device, you expose all of those assets to security risks.", + "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletDisclaimer2\" disclaimer.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletDisclaimer2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Change", - "description": "The word \"change\" reused at several places (like change buttons)", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 108 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.change", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 103 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!We strongly recommend that you delete the Byron legacy wallet that was restored from your hardware wallet once you have moved funds into a Shelley wallet.", + "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletDisclaimer3\" disclaimer.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletDisclaimer3" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Create", - "description": "The word \"create\" reused at several places (like create buttons)", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 114 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.create", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 109 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand and accept responsibility for the security concerns of restoring a hardware wallet on a computer.", + "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletCheckbox1\" disclaimer.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletCheckbox1" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Remove", - "description": "The word \"remove\" reused at several places (like remove buttons)", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 120 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.remove", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 115 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I should delete the Byron legacy wallet I am restoring from a hardware wallet after moving funds to a Shelley wallet.", + "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletCheckbox2\" disclaimer.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletCheckbox2" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Save", - "description": "The word \"save\" reused at several places (like save buttons)", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 125 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.save", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 121 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that I am exposing all of the assets that are stored on my hardware wallet device, and not just ada, to security risks.", + "description": "Label for the \"hardwareWalletCheckbox2\" disclaimer.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.step.walletKind.hardwareWalletCheckbox3" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/WalletTypeDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Drop file here", + "description": "Label \"Drop file here\" on the file upload widget.", + "id": "ImageUploadWidget.dropFileHint" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!English", - "description": "Language name for \"English\" language.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 130 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.language.english", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 126 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!or click to upload", + "description": "Label \"or click to upload\" on the file upload widget.", + "id": "ImageUploadWidget.clickToUploadLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ImageUploadWidget.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Your changes have been saved", + "description": "Message \"Your changes have been saved\" for inline editing (eg. on Wallet Settings page).", + "id": "inline.editing.dropdown.changesSaved" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/InlineEditingDropdown.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Syncing", + "description": "syncingLabel for ItemDropdownOption", + "id": "widgets.itemsDropdown.syncingLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Japanese", - "description": "Language name for \"Japanese\" language.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 135 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.language.japanese", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 131 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Syncing {syncingProgress}%", + "description": "syncingLabel for WalletsDropdown", + "id": "widgets.itemsDropdown.syncingLabelProgress" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ItemDropdownOption.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Language", + "description": "Label for the language select.", + "id": "profile.settings.languageSelect.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Chinese", - "description": "Language name for \"Chinese\" language.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 140 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.language.chinese", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 136 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Number format", + "description": "Label for the number select.", + "id": "profile.settings.numberSelect.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Korean", - "description": "Language name for \"Korean\" language.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 145 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.language.korean", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 141 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Date format", + "description": "Label for the date select.", + "id": "profile.settings.dateSelect.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!German", - "description": "Language name for \"German\" language.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 150 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.language.german", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 146 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Time format", + "description": "Label for the time select.", + "id": "profile.settings.timeSelect.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Croatian", - "description": "Language name for \"Croatian\" language.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 155 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.language.croatian", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 151 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", + "description": "Label for the \"Language select\" form submit button.", + "id": "profile.settings.submitLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/widgets/forms/ProfileSettingsForm.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/", + "description": "\"submit a support request\" link URL in the \"Report a problem\" section on the support settings page.", + "id": "settings.support.reportProblem.linkUrl" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/settings/categories/SupportSettingsPage.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/", + "description": "\"Learn more\" link URL on the delegation setup \"intro\" dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.intro.step.dialog.learnMore.url" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!:", - "description": "Colon punctuation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 160 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.punctuation.colon", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 156 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet", + "description": "Step 1 label text on delegation steps dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.steps.step.1.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!.", - "description": "Final dot punctuation.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 165 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.punctuation.dot", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 161 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Stake pool", + "description": "Step 2 label text on delegation steps dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.steps.step.2.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Recovery phrase", - "description": "Title for the \"Recovery Phrase\" dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 170 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "wallet.backup.recovery.phrase.dialog.title", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 166 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirmation", + "description": "Step 3 label text on delegation steps dialog.", + "id": "staking.delegationSetup.steps.step.3.label" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/DelegationSetupWizardDialogContainer.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet", + "description": "Step 1 label text on voting registration.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.1.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending Password", - "description": "Label for the \"Wallet password\" input in the create wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 176 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.spendingPasswordLabel", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 171 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Register", + "description": "Step 2 label text on voting registration.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.2.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", - "description": "Placeholder for the \"Password\" inputs in the create wallet dialog.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 182 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.spendingPasswordPlaceholder", - "start": { - "column": 31, - "line": 177 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm", + "description": "Step 3 label text on voting registration.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.3.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue", - "description": "Label \"Continue\" in dialogs.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 187 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.dialog.button.continue", - "start": { - "column": 29, - "line": 183 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!PIN", + "description": "Step 4 label text on voting registration.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.4.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011451693", - "description": "URL for the \"Known Issues\" link in the \"Help and support\" section on the support settings page", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 194 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "settings.support.faq.faqLinkURL", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 188 - } + "defaultMessage": "QR code", + "description": "Step 5 label text on voting registration.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.steps.step.5.label" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/voting/dialogs/VotingRegistrationDialogContainer.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Verifying on-disk blockchain state", + "description": "One of three progress names on the loading screen.", + "id": "loading.screen.validatingChunk" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano", - "description": "Name for \"Cardano\" client.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 199 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "environment.apiName.cardano", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 195 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Verifying the integrity of the blockchain calculating hashes", + "description": "Description of one of three progress names on the loading screen.", + "id": "loading.screen.validatingChunkDescription" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Mainnet", - "description": "\"mainnet\" Cardano network", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 204 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "environment.network.mainnet", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 200 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Replaying ledger from on-disk blockchain", + "description": "One of three progress names on the loading screen.", + "id": "loading.screen.replayedBlock" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Staging", - "description": "\"staging\" Cardano network", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 209 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "environment.network.staging", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 205 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Looking for a ledger snapshot and updating (recomputing) the latest state", + "description": "Description of one of three progress names on the loading screen.", + "id": "loading.screen.replayedBlockDescription" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Testnet", - "description": "\"testnet\" Cardano network", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 214 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "environment.network.testnet", - "start": { - "column": 19, - "line": 210 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Syncing blockchain", + "description": "One of three progress names on the loading screen.", + "id": "loading.screen.pushingLedger" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Shelley QA", - "description": "\"Shelley QA\" Cardano network", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 219 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "environment.network.shelley_qa", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 215 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Performing initial chain selection and finalizing blockchain state", + "description": "Description of one of three progress names on the loading screen.", + "id": "loading.screen.pushingLedgerDescription" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/loading/syncing-connecting/SyncingProgress/SyncingProgress.messages.ts" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} voting registration?", + "description": "Headline for the voting registration cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.confirmation.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Alonzo Purple", - "description": "\"Alonzo Purple\" Cardano network", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 224 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "environment.network.alonzo_purple", - "start": { - "column": 25, - "line": 220 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Are you sure that you want to cancel Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} voting registration? The transaction fee you paid for the voting registration transaction will be lost and you will need to repeat the registration from the beginning.", + "description": "Content for the voting registration cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.confirmation.content" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Development", - "description": "\"development\" Cardano network", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 229 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "environment.network.development", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 225 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel registration", + "description": "\"Cancel registration\" button label for the voting registration cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.confirmation.button.cancelButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Selfnode", - "description": "\"selfnode\" Cardano network", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 234 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "environment.network.selfnode", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 230 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Continue registration", + "description": "\"Continue registration\" button label for the voting registration cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.confirmation.button.confirmButtonLabel" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Register for Fund{nextVotingFundNumber} voting", + "description": "Tile \"Register to vote\" for voting registration", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.dialogTitle" + }, + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Step {step} of {stepCount}", + "description": "Sub title for voting registration", + "id": "voting.votingRegistration.dialog.subtitle" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/voting/voting-registration-wizard-steps/widgets/VotingRegistrationDialog.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!Add tokens", + "description": "Token picker title", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!years", - "description": "Label for years value in duration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 239 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.duration.years", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 235 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!All tokens", + "description": "Label for all tokens option", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.allTokensLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!months", - "description": "Label for months value in duration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 244 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.duration.months", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 240 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Favorites", + "description": "Label for favorite tokens option", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.favoriteTokensLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!days", - "description": "Label for days value in duration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 249 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.duration.days", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 245 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Select all", + "description": "Label for select all button label", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.checkAllLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!hours", - "description": "Label for hours value in duration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 254 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.duration.hours", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 250 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{checkedCount} out of {maxTokens} tokens.", + "description": "Label of selected tokens count", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.checkedCountLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!minutes", - "description": "Label for minutes value in duration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 259 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.duration.minutes", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 255 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Cancel", + "description": "Label of cancel button", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.cancelButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!seconds", - "description": "Label for seconds value in duration.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 264 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.duration.seconds", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 260 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Add", + "description": "Label of add button", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.addButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!from", - "description": "From label of range.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 269 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.range.from", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 265 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Clear selection", + "description": "Label of clear selection button", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.clearAll" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!to", - "description": "To label of range.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 274 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.range.to", - "start": { - "column": 11, - "line": 270 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Results do not match search query", + "description": "Text for no results", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.noResults" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Filter", - "description": "Filter label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 279 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.filter", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 275 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You have already reached a maximum of {maxTokens} tokens for your transaction. To add another token you need to remove one from a list.", + "description": "Max tokens warning", + "id": "wallet.token.picker.maxTokensWarning" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-token-picker/WalletTokenPicker.messages.ts" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ + { + "defaultMessage": "!!!No results matching your query", + "description": "No results on the WalletTokensList", + "id": "wallet.tokens.list.search.noResults" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!All", - "description": "All label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 284 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.all", - "start": { - "column": 7, - "line": 280 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Search Results", + "description": "Search Results on the WalletTokensList", + "id": "wallet.tokens.list.search.searchResults" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Reset", - "description": "Reset label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 289 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.reset", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 285 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Amount", + "description": "Amount header on the WalletTokensList", + "id": "wallet.tokens.list.column.amount" }, { "defaultMessage": "!!!Token", - "description": "Token description.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 294 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.token", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 290 - } + "description": "Token header on the WalletTokensList", + "id": "wallet.tokens.list.column.token" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Reveal", - "description": "Reveal label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 299 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.reveal", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 295 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!View all tokens", + "description": "View all button label on the WalletTokensList", + "id": "wallet.tokens.list.viewAllButton.label" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-list/WalletTokensList.messages.ts" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Hide", - "description": "Hide label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 304 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.hide", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 300 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Search tokens", + "description": "Search placeholder for the Wallet Tokens search", + "id": "wallet.tokens.search.placeholder" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/tokens/wallet-tokens-search/WalletTokensSearch.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!View", - "description": "View label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 309 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.view", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 305 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Are you sure?", + "description": "Headline for the wallet restoration cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.confirmation.headline" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Copy", - "description": "Copy label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 314 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.labels.copy", - "start": { - "column": 8, - "line": 310 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!You haven’t submitted this information yet. If you close the window now, you will lose your progress and have to start again.", + "description": "Content for the wallet restoration cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.confirmation.content" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus is synchronizing with the Cardano blockchain, and the process is currently {syncPercentage}% complete. This feature will become available once Daedalus is fully synchronized.", - "description": "Info message displayed for features which are unavailable while Daedalus is syncing", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 321 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.info.featureUnavailableWhileSyncing", - "start": { - "column": 34, - "line": 315 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Back to wallet restoration", + "description": "\"Cancel\" button label for the wallet restoration cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.confirmation.button.cancelButtonLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!No results", - "description": "Dropdown search \"No results\" message", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 326 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.ts", - "id": "global.search.noResultsMessage", - "start": { - "column": 26, - "line": 322 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Close window", + "description": "\"Abort\" button label for the wallet restoration cancellation confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.confirmation.button.confirmButtonLabel" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/ConfirmationDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!PDF creation date {date} {time}", - "description": "PDF title", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 12 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/addressPDFGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.receive.pdf.creationDate", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 8 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Note:", - "description": "PDF title", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 17 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/addressPDFGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.receive.pdf.noteLabel", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 13 - } - }, - { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus Cardano ada address", - "description": "PDF title", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 22 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/addressPDFGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.receive.pdf.title", - "start": { - "column": 9, - "line": 18 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore a wallet", + "description": "Title \"Create a new wallet\" in the wallet restore form.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus wallet", - "description": "PDF author", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 27 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/addressPDFGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.receive.pdf.author", - "start": { - "column": 10, - "line": 23 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Restore a wallet", + "description": "Title \"Create a new wallet\" in the wallet restore form.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.titleSuccess" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Cardano Network:", - "description": "PDF networkLabel", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 32 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/addressPDFGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.receive.pdf.networkLabel", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 28 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Step {currentStep} of {totalSteps}", + "description": "Step counters in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.stepsCounter" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/utils/addressPDFGenerator.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreDialog.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Wallet address", - "description": "Paper wallet pdf \"Wallet address\" label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 9 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/paperWalletPdfGenerator.ts", - "id": "paper.wallet.pdf.walletAddress.label", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 5 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Type", + "description": "Step \"Type\" in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.typeStep" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Paper wallet recovery phrase", - "description": "Paper wallet pdf \"Paper wallet recovery phrase\" label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 14 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/paperWalletPdfGenerator.ts", - "id": "paper.wallet.pdf.recoveryPhrase.label", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 10 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Recovery Phrase", + "description": "Step \"Recovery Phrase\" in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.mnemonicsStep" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Password", - "description": "Paper wallet pdf \"Password\" label.", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 19 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/paperWalletPdfGenerator.ts", - "id": "paper.wallet.pdf.password.label", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 15 - } - }, + "defaultMessage": "!!!Configuration", + "description": "Step \"Configuration\" in the wallet restore dialog.", + "id": "wallet.restore.dialog.configurationStep" + } + ], + "path": "source/renderer/app/components/wallet/wallet-restore/widgets/WalletRestoreSteps.tsx" + }, + { + "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus paper wallet certificate", - "description": "PDF title", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 24 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/paperWalletPdfGenerator.ts", - "id": "paper.wallet.pdf.info.title", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 20 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet does not contain the minimum amount of {calculatedMinRewardsReceiverBalance} ADA which is required to cover the necessary transaction fees. Please select a wallet with a minimum amount of {calculatedMinRewardsReceiverBalance} ADA and click continue.", + "description": "errorMinRewardFunds Error Label on the delegation setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.errorMessage" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Daedalus wallet", - "description": "PDF author", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 29 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/paperWalletPdfGenerator.ts", - "id": "paper.wallet.pdf.info.author", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 25 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!This wallet can’t be used for rewards redemption while it’s being synced.", + "description": "RestoringWallet Error Label on the rewards redemption setup \"choose wallet\" step dialog.", + "id": "staking.redeemItnRewards.step1.errorRestoringWallet" } ], - "path": "source/renderer/app/utils/paperWalletPdfGenerator.json" + "path": "source/renderer/app/containers/staking/dialogs/redeem-itn-rewards/Step1ConfigurationContainer.tsx" }, { "descriptors": [ { - "defaultMessage": "!!!ID", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - ID", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 23 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.id", - "start": { - "column": 12, - "line": 19 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirm transaction", + "description": "Title for the \"Confirm transaction\" dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.title" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Type", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - Type", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 28 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.type", - "start": { - "column": 14, - "line": 24 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Spending password", + "description": "Label for the \"Spending password\" input in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.passphraseLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!TOTAL (ADA)", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - TOTAL", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 33 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.amount.total", - "start": { - "column": 15, - "line": 29 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Type your spending password", + "description": "Placeholder for the \"Spending password\" inputs in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.passphraseFieldPlaceholder" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Sent amount (ADA)", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - Sent amount", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 38 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.amount.sent", - "start": { - "column": 20, - "line": 34 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!{Warning}, flight candidate versions of Daedalus are connected to Cardano mainnet. If you confirm this transaction, your ada will be sent for real.", + "description": "Text for the \"Flight candidate\" warning in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.flightCandidateWarning" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Deposit amount (ADA)", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - Deposit amount", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 43 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.amount.deposit", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 39 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!I understand that real ada will be moved as part of this transaction and that this action is irreversible.", + "description": "Label for the \"Flight candidate\" warning checkbox in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.flightCandidateCheckboxLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Fee (ADA)", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - Fee", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 48 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.amount.fee", - "start": { - "column": 13, - "line": 44 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Send", + "description": "Label for the send button in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.submit" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Tokens (unformatted amount)", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - Tokens", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 53 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.tokens", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 49 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Back", + "description": "Label for the back button in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.back" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Date & time", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - DateTime", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 58 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.dateTime", - "start": { - "column": 18, - "line": 54 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Warning: This transaction will reduce your wallet's balance to less than 2 ada. Your wallet's balance should always be over 2 ada to spend future staking rewards.", + "description": "Warning: This transaction will reduce your wallet's balance", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.emptyingWarning" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Status", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - Status", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 63 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.status", - "start": { - "column": 16, - "line": 59 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!To", + "description": "Label for the \"To\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.addressToLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Addresses from", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - AddressesFrom", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 68 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.addressesFrom", - "start": { - "column": 23, - "line": 64 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Amount", + "description": "Label for the \"Amount\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.amountLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Addresses to", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - AddressesTo", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 73 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.addressesTo", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 69 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Token", + "description": "Token", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.assetLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Withdrawals", - "description": "Transactions CSV column - Withdrawals", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 78 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.column.withdrawals", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 74 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Transaction fee", + "description": "Label for the \"Fees\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.feesLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Sent", - "description": "Transactions CSV value - Type Sent", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 83 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.value.type.sent", - "start": { - "column": 17, - "line": 79 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Total", + "description": "Label for the \"Total\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.totalLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Received", - "description": "Transactions CSV value - Type Received", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 88 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.value.type.received", - "start": { - "column": 21, - "line": 84 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Receiver", + "description": "Label for the \"Receiver\" in the wallet send confirmation dialog.", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.receiver.label" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Confirmed", - "description": "Transactions CSV value - Status Confirmed", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 93 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.value.statusConfirmed", - "start": { - "column": 24, - "line": 89 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!unformatted amount", + "description": "Label for \"unformatted amount\"", + "id": "wallet.send.confirmationDialog.unformattedAmountLabel" }, { - "defaultMessage": "!!!Pending", - "description": "Transactions CSV value - Status Pending", - "end": { - "column": 3, - "line": 98 - }, - "file": "source/renderer/app/utils/transactionsCsvGenerator.ts", - "id": "wallet.transactions.csv.value.statusPending", - "start": { - "column": 22, - "line": 94 - } + "defaultMessage": "!!!Native assets may specify a number of decimal places, as defined in the Cardano token registry. Daedalus uses this information to format the amount that is being sent in the transaction.