Project contains four packages:
- Plugin, for simulating variable stiffness actuators (VSA) like qbmove, easily embedding them in a robot in a Gazebo simulator and control them using ROS.
- Real, package to work with real qbmoves
- Msgs, contains messages descriptions, plugin and real pkgs depend on it.
- Example, contains urdf with example how to add plugin.
To install them:
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-qb-move
Just add next code in your launch file
<node name="qb_topics_motor_2" pkg="qbmove_real" type="" output="screen">
<param name="id" value="2" type="int" />
<param name="command_topic" value="/qbmove_2/command" type="string" />
<param name="pos_topic" value="/qbmove_2/position" type="string" />
<param name="hz" value="10" type="int" />
Parameters to control (command_topic and pos_topic) - the same as for plugin, additional id - id of the qbmove; and hz - frequency for publishing pos_topic (reading qbmove positions).
roslaunch qbmove_real qbmove_real_test.launch
And now you have ros topics and can control your qbmove:
- /qbmove_2/command
- /qbmove_2/position
(Tested with ROS Kinetic and Gazebo7)
Just add next code in your urdf (do not forget to remove your controller for the appropriate joint):
<plugin name="qbmove_1" filename="">
catkin build
roslaunch qbmove_example two_cubes.launch
And now you have ros topics and can control your VSA:
- /qbmove_1/command
- /qbmove_1/position
- /qbmove_2/command
- /qbmove_2/position
valeria-parnenzini for the initial work on plugin: