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ADR 001: Quint Transpiler Architecture

Revision Date Author
1 02.11.2021 Igor Konnov

This document describes a preliminary architecture of the Quint transpiler. As a rule, we are using a data-flow approach to parsing, in contrast to the pipeline approach, which can be found in textbooks. Our main assumption is that external contributors should be able to plug-in their code/passes to our pipeline. Hence, we have to be very careful when defining our assumptions about the input and output of every pass.

The use cases of this architecture are as follows:

  1. A transpiler from Quint to Apalache IR (TLA+).

  2. A VSCode plugin that enables fast feedback about syntax, types, etc.

  3. An LSP server that could be used with other text editors (vim, emacs).

  4. Custom linters and translators by external contributors. For instance, to translate Quint to a programming language, in order to write a simulator.

1. Transpiler context

Our transpiler maintains its progress in a data structure that we call the transpiler context. This context may be queried and updated by tasks that perform smaller translation jobs. When the transpiler is run with a module named MyModule at its input, the initial transpiler context looks as follows:

  "root": "MyModule",
  "units": {
    "MyModule": {
      "status": "external",
      "name": "MyModule",
      "unresolvedErrors": [ error1 ]
  "nextId": 1i,
  "warnings": []

In the above data structure:

  • The name of the root module is set to "MyModule",
  • The units contain the only unit for "MyModule", which is not resolved,
  • The sequence number for IR identifiers is set to 1, and
  • There are no warnings.

In the following, we refer to the transpiler context by the name context.

As the transpiler is running, it is updating the dictionary units with one entry per file that is being processed. In general, the parser does not have to load modules from files. Hence, we call this data structure units and not files. For example, once the text of "MyModule" has been loaded, e.g., by reading it from a text file, context looks like follows:

  "root": "MyModule",
  "units": {
    "MyModule": {
      "status": "loaded",
      "text": "..."
  "nextId": 1i

A complex specification may require the transpiler to process several logical units, for example, when the root module imports definitions from another module, which, in turn, imports definitions from a third module. The order of processing these logical units is defined by the task list.

2. Task List and Task Scheduler

The task list maintains the list of smaller transpiling jobs (tasks) to be performed, in order to completely parse a Quint specification and turn it into a TLA+ specification. Normally, tasks are added in the head of the list and consumed from the head. In some cases, a task may be returned back to the list, e.g., when name resolution requires loading another unit. Initially, the task list contains only one entry:

[ {
  "task": "load",
  "name": "MyModule"

The only task to be executed is hence the task to load the text of the module "MyModule".

In the following, we refer to the task list as taskList. The task list is maintained by the task scheduler. The task scheduler defines the tasks that have to be executed. By overloading the task scheduler, the user may inject their own tasks in the task queue.

In the above example, after the "load" task has been executed, it may return one of the two results:

  1. An error, e.g.:

      "result": "error",
      "messages": [ { "explanation": "QNT404: Module MyModule not found", ...} ]
  2. A success, e.g.:

    { "result": "OK" }

When an error is returned, the task scheduler stops processing and returns the error. In case of success, the task scheduler adds another task to the list:

[ {
  "task": "parse",
  "name": "MyModule"

3. Tasks

We define a minimal set of tasks that are required for transpiling a Quint specification into a TLA+ specification. As discussed in Task List, it should be possible for the contributors to write their own task scheduler, in order to inject their own tasks.

The list of tasks is as follows:

  1. Loading a unit, e.g., from a file:

    { "task": "load", "name": "<module name>" }
  2. Parsing a loaded unit:

    { "task": "parse", "name": "<module name>" }
  3. Resolving names in a parsed unit:

    { "task": "resolve", "name": "<module name>" }
  4. Inferring types in a module:

    { "task": "typecheck" }
  5. Flattening all modules and instances into a single root module:

    { "task": "flatten" }
  6. Translating to Apalache IR (in the JSON format):

    { "task": "toApalache" }

In the above text, we did not specify the functions that are handling the tasks. We provide a default implementation for task handlers, which can be redefined by the user.

3.1. Load

Load a Quint specification into a string.

Precondition: context.units[] is of the form:

  "status": "external",
  "name": "<module name>",
  "unresolvedErrors": [ error1, ... ]

Postcondition: context.units contains an entry for of the form:

    "status": "loaded",
    "text": "..."

Its field text contains the text of the loaded unit. The result is { "result": "OK" }.

Errors: If the unit cannot be loaded, e.g., the file does not exist, the result is { "result": "error", "messages": errors }, where errors equals to unresolvedErrors of context.units[].

The "load" task loads the text of the unit. The details are implementation-dependent. For example, the CLI version loads the text from a text file called ${}.qnt in the current working directory. The VScode plugin may do it differently.

3.2. Parse

Parse a Quint specification from a string.

Precondition: context.units[] is of the form:

{ "status": "loaded", "text": "..." }

Postcondition: If the Quint grammar accepts the task.text, then context.units[] equals to:

    "status": "parsed",
    "module": IR

IR is the IR representation of the parsed module. The result is { "result": "OK" }.

Errors: If there is a parse error, the result is { "result": "error", "messages": [...] }. See Errors.

The parser does two things:

  1. The parser checks, whether the string is a syntactically correct sentence that represents a Quint module. If it is not, the parser returns at least one error.

  2. The parser translates the ANTLR-specific abstract syntax tree into Quint IR.

The parser does not do any name resolution. It simply parses a string and produces a module in Quint IR. Expressions in the module may refer to undeclared names. The module may contain imports from the modules that are defined outside of the parsed module.

3.3. Resolve

Resolve names in a module represented with Quint IR.

Precondition: context.units[] is of the form:

  "status": "parsed",
  "module": IR,
  "unresolvedErrors": errors

Postcondition: If all used names are defined and all imports can be resolved with the units in context.units, then context.units[] equals to:

  { "status": "resolved", "module": IR }

Errors: Several error results are possible:

  1. If the module refers to a name that has been neither defined, nor imported, e.g., an operator name, then the result equals to { "result": "error", "messages": [ error ] }. The field error is of the form (see Errors):

        "explanation": "QNT405: name ...  not found",
  2. If the module imports another module that is not present in context.units, then the result equals to:

      "result": "lookup",
      "messages": [{
        "explanation": "QNT404: Module <name> not found",

    In this case, the task scheduler is expected to schedule a "load" task for the unresolved module and keep the failed "resolve" task in the list.

3.4. Typecheck

Infer types in the Quint IR.

Precondition: context.units[] is of the form:

{ "status": "resolved", "module": IR }

Postcondition: If types of all definitions and expressions are well-defined, then context.units[] equals to:

  { "status": "typed", "module": IR }

Errors: If there is a type error, the result is { "result": "error", "messages": [...] }. See Errors.

As a result, all definitions and expressions in the IR carry a type. Note that type inference may modify the original IR in place, that is, without copying all data structures.

3.5. Flatten

Flatten the module structure in the root module and instantiate all modules.

Precondition: context.units[] is of the form:

{ "status": "typed", "module": IR }

Postcondition: This task embeds in the root module all definitions from imported modules, as well as the definitions that are transitively used by those definitions. All names that are imported from the modules different from the root module are fully qualified, that is, they are prepended with the full path from the root module to the module, where the name is defined, e.g., The result equals to:

  { "status": "flat", "module": IR }

Errors: In case of an instantiation error, the result is (see Errors):

    "result": "error",
    "messages": [{
      "explanation": "QNT406: ...",
    }] }

Note that other units that are present in context.units are not removed from the context. This is required for incremental updates of the modules, e.g., in the VScode plugin.

3.6. ToApalache

Translate the IR of the root module to the Apalache JSON.

Precondition: context.units[] is of the form:

{ "status": "flat", "module": IR }

Postcondition: This task extends the record for the root module with the field apalacheJson:

    "status": "exported",
    "module": IR,
    "apalacheJson": { ... }

Errors: If the transpiler does not support a specific language feature, it may emit an error, see Errors.