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How to use the Admin?

Cezar Pendarovski edited this page Dec 1, 2021 · 6 revisions

When you land on the admin page you are required to provide your credentials: username and password. In case you have forgotten your password you can request to reset your password. Provide either your username or your email address associated with the account and within few minutes you should receive a message with a link for resetting your password. If you select "Remember me" your browser will preserver your authentication and at your next visit you don't need to log in again. Please use this option only on your own device, but not on any public computer.

After a successful authentication you will be forwarded to the admin dashboard. Here you can see all entities that you have permission to read or/and write. In the top right corner there is a user icon. If you click on it you can access your Profile or Logout. If you don't log out and have chosen "Remember me" before, you can access the admin without authenticating the next time.

If you have only read access then you can list the entries or show single entry. If you also have write access then you can create new entries, edit existing entries and/or delete existing entries, dependent on the permission levels.

On the left side there is a navigation menu showing the entities for which you have permissions. By clicking on the "hamburger" icon (3 horizontal dashes) you can blend in and out the side menu.
The "plus" icon in the top right corner just to the left of the "user" icon offers an overview of all entities too.

When you list all entries of one entity you have the possibility to search using different filters. Click on "Filters" and choose the criteria you want to search for.

All changes that are performed in the admin are audited. You can track the changes and see who and when did what. For this click on "Actions" when you're viewing a single entry and select "Revisions". This can be empty if there were no changes since the entry has been created.

By click on "Add new", which is available in few different places, you can open a form to create new entry, given that you have the appropriate permission. Some entities are more complex and the form is split in many tabs. Please take care to fill in all required fields in each tab. Once you are done you can click "Create" to create the entry and remain on the same page, "Create and return to list" to create the entry and go to the list of entries, or "Create and add another" to create the entry and continue creating another entry.

When you are in the list view, for every entry there are buttons "Show" and "Edit" in the last column (depending on your permissions). They allow you to view all details for the entry or edit it.

Special action for Sampling Documentations

There is a special action "Add many" for Sampling Documentations. This was intended for multiple upload of documents of the same Sampling Document Type belonging to one Sampling Activity. After expanding the Sampling Documentation entity with the properties country, startDate and endDate, this action might not work as desired. Please use it with prudence. If you use it, then please make sure to edit the Sampling Documentation entries afterwards and provide information on the above mentioned properties.


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