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Lorenzo Jiménez edited this page Apr 14, 2017 · 9 revisions

import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import ShowPopupMessage from './mensaje'; import Custom from './custom';

const showcase = [ { title: 'Hey, it's good to see you!', message: 'Now you can see how easy it is to use notifications in React!', level: 'warning', position: 'tr', action: { label: 'Awesome!', callback: function () { console.log('Clicked'); } } }, { title: 'Hey, it's good to see you!', message: 'I come with custom content!', level: 'success', position: 'tr', children: () }, { title: 'I'll be here forever!', message: 'Just kidding, you can click me.', level: 'success', position: 'tr', autoDismiss: 0 }, { title: 'Bad things can happen too!', message: 'Four notification types: success, error, warning and info', level: 'error', position: 'tl' }, { title: 'Advise!', message: 'Showing all possible notifications works better on a larger screen', level: 'info', position: 'tc' }, { title: 'Warning!', message: 'It's not a good idea show all these notifications at the same time!', level: 'warning', position: 'bc', action: { label: 'Got it!' } }, { title: 'Success!', message: 'I'm out of ideas', level: 'success', position: 'bl' }, { title: 'I'm here forever...', message: 'Until you click me.', autoDismiss: 0, level: 'error', position: 'br' } ]; const data = { title: 'Individual msg', message: 'Is Alive!', level: 'info', position: 'tl', action: { label: 'Awesome!', callback: function () { console.log('Clicked'); } } }

ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('app1')); ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('app1'));

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