The BRSTM struct
struct Brstm {
//Byte order mark
bool BOM;
//File type, 0 = WAV, 1 = BRSTM, see brstm.h file for full list
unsigned int file_format;
//Audio codec, 0 = PCM8, 1 = PCM16, 2 = DSPADPCM
unsigned int codec;
bool loop_flag;
unsigned int num_channels;
unsigned long sample_rate;
unsigned long loop_start;
unsigned long total_samples;
unsigned long audio_offset;
unsigned long total_blocks;
unsigned long blocks_size;
unsigned long blocks_samples;
unsigned long final_block_size;
unsigned long final_block_samples;
unsigned long final_block_size_p;
//track information
unsigned int num_tracks;
unsigned int track_desc_type;
unsigned int track_num_channels[8];
unsigned int track_lchannel_id [8];
unsigned int track_rchannel_id [8];
unsigned int track_volume [8];
unsigned int track_panning [8];
int16_t* PCM_samples[16];
int16_t* PCM_buffer[16];
unsigned char* ADPCM_data [16];
unsigned char* ADPCM_buffer[16]; //Not used yet
int16_t ADPCM_coefs [16][16];
int16_t* ADPCM_hsamples_1 [16];
int16_t* ADPCM_hsamples_2 [16];
unsigned char* encoded_file;
unsigned long encoded_file_size;
//Things you probably shouldn't touch
//block cache
int16_t* PCM_blockbuffer[16];
int PCM_blockbuffer_currentBlock = -1;
bool getbuffer_useBuffer = true;
unsigned int audio_stream_format = 0; //See full description in brstm.h
//Read warning flags
//Invalid track information, guessed track information
bool warn_invalid_track_info = 0;
//Invalid sample rate, used default sample rate
bool warn_invalid_sample_rate = 0;
//Invalid loop, removed loop point and flag
bool warn_invalid_loop = 0;
//Unsupported file chunk
bool warn_unsupported_chunk = 0;
//Unsupported channels (more than 2 in a single track)
bool warn_unsupported_channels = 0;
//File doesn't include track information
bool warn_guessed_track_info = 0;
//File format does not support realtime decoding
bool warn_realtime_decoding = 0;
Include the files:
#include "brstm.h"
If you want to use the encoder then include this too:
#include "brstm_encode.h"
Create your BRSTM struct:
Brstm* brstm = new Brstm;
Initialize the BRSTM struct (always do this after creating it):
Read a file:
brstm_read (
Your BRSTM struct pointer (Brstm*),
Raw file data (const unsigned char*),
Console debug level:
-1 = Never output anything
0 = Only output errors/warnings
1 = Output information about the BRSTM
2 = Output all information about the BRSTM (offsets, sizes, ADPCM information etc.)
(signed int),
Decode audio data flag:
0 = Don't decode the audio data (Don't read the DATA chunk)
1 = Decode the audio data into PCM_samples[channel][sample offset]
2 = Write the raw ADPCM data into ADPCM_data
(unsigned char)
Returns error code (>127) or warning code (<128) (see brstm.h file for full list of error/warning codes). (unsigned char)
You can then read information about the BRSTM from your struct.
Decode a small part of the audio data into a buffer:
brstm_getbuffer (
Your BRSTM struct pointer (Brstm*),
Raw file data (const unsigned char*),
Sample offset (unsigned long),
Amount of samples in the buffer
(can't be bigger than the amount of samples per block (HEAD1_blocks_samples)!)
(unsigned int)
You can then read the requested buffer from PCM_buffer[channel][sample offset (from the sample offset passed to brstm_getbuffer)].
Read a file:
brstm_fstream_read (
Your BRSTM struct pointer (Brstm*),
std::ifstream with an open BRSTM file (std::ifstream&),
Console debug level (same as brstm_read) (signed int)
Returns error/warning codes like brstm_read. (unsigned char)
You can then read information about the BRSTM just like with brstm_read.
Get buffer:
brstm_fstream_safe_getbuffer (
Your BRSTM struct pointer (Brstm*),
std::ifstream with an open BRSTM file (std::ifstream&),
Sample offset (unsigned long),
Amount of samples in the buffer
(can't be bigger than the amount of samples per block (HEAD1_blocks_samples)!)
(unsigned int)
Debug level for error output (same as brstm_read) (signed int)
Can return an error code for file stream errors. (unsigned char)
You can then read the requested buffer from PCM_buffer[channel][sample offset (from the sample offset passed to the function)].
Remember to close the file (free any buffers and allocated memory) with brstm_close(Brstm*) before deleting your struct!
delete brstm;
unsigned char brstm_fstream_getBaseInformation(Brstm*,std::ifstream&,signed int debugLevel)
Get base file information (file format, codec, offset to audio) so you can decide how to read the file
Similar to brstm_fstream_read but it doesn't call the full brstm_read function
unsigned char brstm_getBaseInformation(Brstm*, unsigned char* data, unsigned long dataSize ,signed int debugLevel)
Get base file information (like brstm_fstream_getBaseInformation), but using a part of a file from memory instead.
data: Pointer to the beginning of file data
dataSize: Bytes of available data in the data pointer
const char* brstm_getErrorString(unsigned char code)
Returns error string from error code
const char* brstm_getShortFormatString(Brstm*)
const char* brstm_getShortFormatString(unsigned int format)
Returns short file format string
const char* brstm_getLongFormatString(Brstm*)
const char* brstm_getLongFormatString(unsigned int format)
Returns long file format string
const char* brstm_getCodecString(Brstm*)
const char* brstm_getCodecString(unsigned int codec)
Returns codec string
const char* brstm_getVersionString()
Returns library version string
Create a BRSTM struct like with reading (or even read into that struct to reencode/rebuild a file)
Write your Int16 PCM audio data to PCM_samples[c] for each channel
You can also write raw DSPADPCM data to ADPCM_data[c] and the coefs to ADPCM_coefs[c]
Set audio and BRSTM details:
file_format = Encoded file format
codec = BRSTM codec
loop_flag = 0 or 1, loop flag
num_channels = Number of audio channels
sample_rate = Audio sample rate
loop_start = Loop start point (sample number in a single channel)
total_samples = Total samples (in a single channel)
/*/--- TRACKS ---/*/
num_tracks = Number of tracks
track_desc_type = Track description type
//You can set this to 0 or 1 (1 can store volume and panning information, 0 doesn't)
//See the WiiBrew page about BRSTM files for more information.
track_num_channels[track] = Number of channels in the track. (1 or 2)
track_lchannel_id [track] = BRSTM Channel ID for the left channel of this track.
track_rchannel_id [track] = BRSTM Channel ID for the right channel of this track.
//Set to 0 if this is a mono track. It's recommended to always set the channel IDs in order
//(from 0) because some decoders probably don't care about this information and all
//BRSTM files are like that.
track_volume [track] = Volume of the track. (0x00 to 0x7F)
track_panning[track] = Left to right panning of the track. (0x00 to 0x7F)
//Description type 1 only.
//Most decoders/players (including this one) probably don't care about this information.
// Example - standard stereo BRSTM
Brstm* brstm = new Brstm;
brstm->file_format = 1;
brstm->codec = 2;
brstm->loop_flag = 1;
brstm->num_channels = 2;
brstm->sample_rate = 44100;
brstm->loop_start = 41234;
brstm->total_samples = 500000;
brstm->PCM_samples[0] = new int16_t[500000];
brstm->PCM_samples[1] = new int16_t[500000];
brstm->num_tracks = 1;
brstm->track_desc_type = 1;
brstm->track_num_channels[0] = 2;
brstm->track_lchannel_id [0] = 0;
brstm->track_rchannel_id [0] = 1;
brstm->track_volume [0] = 0x7F;
brstm->track_panning [0] = 0x40;
Your BRSTM struct pointer (Brstm*)
Console debug level:
-1 = Never output anything
0 = Only output errors/warnings
1 = Log encoding progress
(signed int),
Encode ADPCM flag:
0 = Use the ADPCM data from ADPCM_data (requires coefs in ADPCM_coefs[ch][coef])
1 = Use PCM_samples (and encode into ADPCM)
(Optional) Byte order for the output file:
0 = Little endian
1 = Big endian
If not used, the default for the chosen file format will be used.
Returns error code (>127) or warning code (<128)
(see brstm_encode.h file for full list of error/warning codes). (unsigned char)
brstm_close(brstm); //This will delete the encoded data and PCM_samples
delete brstm;