From 456fa5dc34cef96112bf6ca4d233024323f1603d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: miles-grant-ibigroup Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 15:20:50 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] DO NOT MERGE --- i18n/german.yml | 1635 ----------------------------------------------- i18n/polish.yml | 1606 ---------------------------------------------- 2 files changed, 3241 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 i18n/german.yml delete mode 100644 i18n/polish.yml diff --git a/i18n/german.yml b/i18n/german.yml deleted file mode 100644 index fbdbca111..000000000 --- a/i18n/german.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1635 +0,0 @@ -_id: de -_name: Deutsch -components: - Actions: - error: Fehler beim %method% Aufruf von %url% - errorGraphQL: Fehler beim GTFS-Abruf via GraphQL - errorWithStatus: Fehler (%status%) beim %method% Aufruf von %url% - networkError: Netzwerk-Fehler (%status%)!\n\n(%method% Aufruf von %url%) - noFile: Keine Datei zum Hochladen! - AddCustomFile: - addCustomCsvData: Add the custom CSV data. - customFileName: Custom file name - saveCsvAndFileName: Save CSV and file name - AdminPage: - applicationLogs: Anwendungs-Logs - backToDashboard: Zurück zum Dashboard - deploymentServers: Deployment Server - noAccess: Sie haben keine ausreichenden Berechtigung zum Zugriff auf diesen Bereich. - organizations: Organisationen - title: Administration - userManagement: Konten-Verwaltung - ApplicationStatusView: - actions: Aktionen - columns: - id: ID - name: Name - path: Pfad - status: Status - time: Zeit - user: Konto - feed: - filterByLabels: Filtere Feeds nach Etiketten - isPublic: Ist öffentlich - lastFetched: Letzter Zeitpunkt des Feedabrufs von Feed-URL - lastUpdated: Zuletzt aktualisiert - lastApiRequests: Letzte API Anfrage nach Nutzenden - lastUpdatedAt: letzte Aktualisierung um - latestValidation: - endDate: 'Aktuellste Version: End-Datum' - errorCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Fehler' - routeCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Routen' - startDate: 'Aktuellste Version: Start-Datum' - stopCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Haltestellen' - stopTimesCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Abfahrtszeiten' - tripCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Trips' - name: Name - noDataText: Keine aktiven Jobs. - refresh: Aktualisieren - serverJobs: Aktive Server Jobs - sortBy: Sortiere nach - unauthenticated: (unangemeldet) - url: Feed-Abruf-URL - userLogs: Nutzer-Authentisierungs-Logs - viewUserLogs: Nutzenden-Logs auf ansehen - Brand: - dataTools: Data Tools - Breadcrumbs: - deployments: Deployments - projects: Projekte - root: Erkunden - CalendarSelect: - exceptionBasedCalendar: (Exception based calendar) - selectCalendar: " Select calendar..." - ConfirmModal: - cancel: Abbrechen - ok: OK - CreateProject: - new: Neues Projekt erstellen - CreateSnapshotModal: - cancel: Abbrechen - description: Schnappschüsse sind gespeicherte Zwischenstände, die Sie immer wiederherstellen - können, während Sie eine GTFS Feed bearbeiten. Erstellen Sie einen Schnappschuss - mit der aktivierter Option um automatisch eine neue GTFS-Datei zu veröffentlichen - (und diese als neue Feed-Version zu prozessieren). - fields: - comment: - label: Kommentar - placeholder: Zusätzliche Information (optional) - confirmPublishWithUnapproved: - label: Veröffentlichung mit nicht freigegebenen Routen bestätigen - name: - label: Name - placeholder: Name des Schnappschusses (erforderlich) - publishNewVersion: - label: Veröffentliche Schnappschuss als neue Feed-Version - publishProprietaryFiles: - helpText: Proprietary files allow you to maintain certain Datatools features, such as pattern names, when re-importing a feed. - label: Publish new feed version with proprietary (extra) Datatools files. - missingNameAlert: Gültiger Schnappschuss-Name erforderlich! - ok: OK - title: Neuen Schnappschuss erstellen - unapprovedRoutesDesc: 'Diese Routen werden nicht im Export enthalten sein:' - unapprovedRoutesHeader: Die folgenden Routen sind nicht freigegeben - CreateUser: - email: - label: Email-Adresse - placeholder: Email-Adresse eingeben - new: Nutzerkonto erstellen - password: - label: Passwort - placeholder: Passwort für neues Konto eingeben - title: Erstelle Nutzerkonto - DatatoolsNavbar: - account: Mein Konto - alerts: Warnungen - editor: Editor - guide: Leitfaden - login: Anmelden - logout: Abmelden - manager: Manager - resetPassword: Passwort zurücksetzen - signConfig: eTID Konfiguration - users: Benutzende - DeploymentConfirmModal: - alert: - alreadyDeployed: ist bereits auf diesen Server und den gleiche Routing-Dienst - deployed. (Deployen würde den aktuellen Graph löschen.) - boundsTooLarge: Grenzen sind viel zu groß um erfolgreich in OpenTripPlanner - bereitgestellt zu werden. Deployment ist deaktiviert. - expiredFeeds: Die folgenden Feeds sind abgelaufen (alle Trips liegen in der - Vergangenheit) - missingBounds: Für diese Feeds sind keinge Grenzen definiert. Deployment ist - deaktiviert. - missingFeeds: Für dieses Deployment sind keine Feeds definiert. Deployment ist - deaktiviert. - success: Deployment erfolgreich ausgeführt. - cancel: Abbrechen - close: Schließen - danger: Gefahr! - deploy: Deployen - invalidBounds: Grenzen sind ungültig! - success: Erfolg! - to: zu - warning: Warnung! - DeploymentConfirmModalAlert: - danger: Gefahr! - success: Erfolg! - warning: Warnung! - DeploymentSettings: - boundsPlaceholder: min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat - buildConfig: - elevationBucket: - accessKey: Zugangs-Schlüssel - bucketName: S3 Bucket Name - secretKey: Secret Key - fares: Tarife - fetchElevationUS: Höhenmodell abrufen - save: Speichern - stationTransfers: Umstiege - subwayAccessTime: U-Bahn-Zugangszeiten - title: Build-Konfiguration - clear: Zurücksetzen - manageServers: Deployment-Server verwalten - osm: - bounds: Selbst-definierte Extrakt-Grenzen - custom: Benutze selbst-definierte Extrakt-Grenzen - gtfs: Grenzen aus GTFS ableiten - title: OSM-Extrakt - routerConfig: - brandingUrlRoot: Branding-URL Wurzel - carDropoffTime: PKW-Rückgabe-Zeit - numItineraries: '# of Reisevorschläge' - requestLogFile: Log-Datei anfordern - stairsReluctance: Treppen-Abneigung - title: Router Konfiguration - updaters: - $index: - defaultAgencyId: Standard-Betreiber ID - frequencySec: Frequenz (in Sekunden) - sourceType: Quellen-Typ - type: Typ - url: URL - new: Aktualisierer hinzufügen - placeholder: Aktualisierer-Name - title: Echtzeit-Aktualisierungs-Updater - walkSpeed: Geh-Geschwindigkeit - save: Speichern - title: Deployment - DeploymentVersionsTable: - dateRetrieved: Abrufdatum - errorCount: Fehlerzahl - expires: Läuft aus - loadStatus: Erfolgreich geladen - name: Name - routeCount: Routen-Anzahl - stopTimesCount: Anzahl StopTimes - tripCount: Trip-Anzahl - validFrom: Gültig von - version: Version - DeploymentViewer: - addFeedSource: Feed-Quelle hinzufügen - allFeedsAdded: Alle Feeds hinzugefügt - deploy: Deploy - download: Herunterladen - noServers: Keine Server definiert - search: Suche nach Name - table: - dateRetrieved: Abrufdatum - errorCount: Fehler-Anzahl - expires: Läuft aus - loadStatus: Erfolgreich geladen - name: Name - routeCount: Route-Anzahl - stopTimesCount: Anzahl StopTimes - tripCount: Trip-Anzahl - validFrom: Gültig von - version: Version - to: nach - versions: Feed Versionen - DeploymentsList: - delete: Deployment entfernen - new: Neues Deployment - search: Nach Deployments suchen - table: - creationDate: Erstellt - deployedTo: Deployed nach - feedCount: '# Feeds' - lastDeployed: Zuletzt deployed - name: Name - testDeployment: Testen? - title: Deployments - DeploymentsPanel: - autoDeploy: - deployWithErrors: - checklabel: Deployen, auch falls einige Feeds kritische Fehler aufweisen? - help: | - Wenn abgewählt, wird Auto-Deployment will anhalten, falls mindestens eine der Feed-Versionen im Deployment einen kritischen Fehler aufweist - title: Critical Errors Handling - help: | - Ein Deployment wird automatisch gestartet (angenommen es treten keine kritischen Fehler auf) wenn eines der oben definierten Ereignisse auftritt. - label: Auto-Deploy Ereignisse - placeholder: Auto-Deploy Ereignisse spezifizieren - title: Auto-Deployment - types: - ON_FEED_FETCH: Eine neue Version wurde abgerufen - ON_PROCESS_FEED: Eine neue Version wird verarbeitet - config: - body: | - Deployments können projekt-spezifische Konfigurationen nutzen (z.B. für Graphbau- der Router-Konfigurations-Dateien) oder individuell konfiguriert werden. - editSettings: Deployment-Einstellungen bearbeiten - manageServers: Deployment-Server verwalten - title: Deployments konfigurieren - delete: Entferne Deployment - new: Neues Deployment - pinnedDeployment: - help: Deployment pinnen (und zumindest einmaliges Deployment auf einen Server - ausführen) um Auto-Deployment zu aktivieren. - label: Gepinntes Deployment - placeholder: Wählen Sie ein zu pinnendes Deployment - search: Suche nach Deployments - table: - creationDate: Erstellt - deployedTo: Deployed nach - feedCount: '# Feeds' - lastDeployed: Zuletzt deployed - name: Name - testDeployment: Testen? - title: Deployments - EC2InstanceCard: - aws: AWS - confirmTermination: 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %count% Instanz(en) beenden möchten?\n\n - ACHTUNG: Dies wird OTP Dienste aller auf diesem Server gestarteten Deployments - beenden.' - log: Log-Datei - noPublicIP: Keine öffentliche IP - notApplicable: N/A - status: - booting: Startet. - running: Server läuft. - terminated: Beendet. - terminatedAt: Beendet %moment% - terminate: Instanz beenden - view: Deployment ansehen - EditableTextField: - invalidInput: Gültige Eingabe erforderlich. - none: (leer) - EditorFeedSourcePanel: - active: Aktiv - availableSnapshots: Verfügbare Schnappschüssse - confirmDelete: Dies wird den Schnappschuss dauerhaft löschen. Alle damit gespeicherten - Date können nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren - möchten? - confirmLoad: Dies wird alle aktiven GTFS Editor Daten dieser Feed-Quelle mit den - Daten dieser Version überschreiben. Wenn Sie im Editor ungespeicherte Änderungen - behalten möchten, müssen Sie für diese Daten zuerst einen Schnappschuss erstellen. - Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten? - createFromScratch: Erstelle leeren GTFS-Feed - created: erstellt - date: Datum - delete: Löschen - download: Herunterladen - editFeed: Feed bearbeiten - feed: Feed - help: - body: - - Schnappschüsse sind gespeicherte Zwischenstände, die Sie immer wiederherstellen - können, während Sie eine GTFS Feed bearbeiten. - - Ein Schnapschuss kein eine Arbeitsstand, ein zukünftiges Planungsszenario - oder sogar verschiedene Fahrpläne abbilden (z.B. Sommerfahrplan). - title: Was sind Schnappschüsse? - load: Zur Bearbeitung laden - loadLatest: Aktuellsten zur Bearbeitung herunterladen - name: Name - noOtherSnapshots: No other snapshots - noSnapshotsExist: Für diese Feed-Quelle existieren noch keine Schnappschüsse. - Schnappschüsse können im Editor erstellt werden. Wählen Sie "Feed bearbeiten" - um den Bearbeitungsmodus zu starten. - noVersions: (Keine Versionen) - noVersionsExist: Für diese Feed-Quelle existieren noch keine Versionen. - of: von - publish: Veröffentlichen - restore: Wiederherstellen - snapshot: Schnappschuss - snapshotLatest: Schnappschuss erstellen - title: Schnappschüsse - version: Version - EditorInput: - daysOfService: Service-Tage - dropImage: Ziehen Sie ein %activeComponent%-Bild hier hin, oder klicken Sie um - ein Bild hochzuladen. - optional: (optional) - selectAgency: Betreiber auswählen... - selectDate: Bitte wählen Sie ein Datum - selectOption: -- Option auswählen -- - uploadAsset: '%activeComponent%-Branding-Asset hochladen' - EditorSidebar: - backToFeed: Zurück zum Feed - EntityDetailsHeader: - attributes: Attribute - feedInfo: Feed Info - noValidationIssues: Keine Validierungsfehler - requiredField: '* kenzeichnet Pflichtfeld' - routeDetails: Routen-Details - rules: Regeln - saveChanges: Änderungen speicheren - tripPatterns: Trip-Muster - undoChanges: Änderungen rückgängig machen - validationIssues: Validatungsfehler - zoomTo: Zoome auf - EntityList: - createFirst: Erstelle erste/n - createStop: Um eine neue Haltestelle zu erstellen, klicken Sie per rechter Maustaste - auf eine Örtlickeit in der Karte - editSchedules: Abfahrzeiten erstellen - name: Name - ExceptionCalendarSelector: - selectCalendar: Select calendar... - unnamedDefault: "[unnamed]" - ExceptionDate: - addRange: Add range - dateRemoved: ⓘ Date has been removed. Date entered is already included in an existing range or single date! - selectDate: Select date - ExceptionDateRange: - andOtherErrors: ...and %errors% other errors - deleteEndDate: Delete end date - deleteRange: Delete range - ExceptionValidationErrorsList: - andOtherErrors: ...and %errors% other errors - ExportPatternsModal: - exportPatterns: Publish version with proprietary patterns? - no: No - yes: Yes - FeedActionsDropdown: - delete: Löschen - deleteFeedSource: Feed-Quelle löschen? - deploy: Deployen - deployFeed: Feed-Quelle deployen. - deployNoPermission: Sie haben keine Berechtigungen, um den Feed zu deployen - fetch: Abrufen - menu: Menü - noVersions: Keine Versionen. Erstellen Sie eine neue Version um den Feed zu deployen - notDeployable: Feed-Quelle nicht deploybar. Ändern Sie die Feed-Quelle-Einstellungen. - openInEditor: Im Editor öffnen - upload: Hochladen - uploadFeed: Feed hochladen - view: Öffentliche Seite ansehen - FeedFetchFrequency: - DAYS: Tage - HOURS: Stunden - MINUTES: Minuten - fetchFeedEvery: Feed-Abruf alle - FeedInfo: - autoFetch: Automatischer Abruf - autoPublish: Automatische Veröffentlichung - dateFormat: DD.MM.YYYY - deployable: Deploybar - edit: Bearbeiten - lastUpdatedDate: Zuletzt aktualisiert am %date% - noUpdates: Keine Aktualisierungen - private: Privat - public: Öffentlich - FeedInfoPanel: - add: '%id% hinzufügen' - backToFeedSource: Zurück zur Feed-Quelle - backToProject: Zurück zum Projekt - editingFeed: '%feed% bearbeiten' - noSnapshot: Keine Schnappschüsse erstellt - restoreSnapshot: - body: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Schnappschuss wiederherstellen möchten? - title: '%key% wiederherstellen?' - revert: '%snapshot% wiederherstelllen' - takeSnapshot: Schnappschuss erstelllen - toolbar: - hide: Verberge Werkzeugleiste - show: Zeige Werkzeugleiste - unnamed: Unbenannt - uploadShapefile: - body: 'Wählen Sie eine gezippte Shape-Datei zur Darstellung in der Karte. Hinweis: - Dies dient nur zur visuellen Unterstützung.' - error: Hochgeladene Datei muss gültige zip-Datei sein (.zip). - title: Routen-Shapefile hochladen - FeedLabel: - delete: - body: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Etikett %name% löschen möchten? Diese Aktion - wird das Etikett von allen Feed-Quellen, denen es zugewiesen ist, entfernen. - title: Etikett löschen? - FeedSourceAttributes: - lastUpdated: Aktualisiert - FeedSourcePanel: - chooseProject: '[Projekt auswählen]' - chooseProjectToView: Projekt wählen um Feeds anzusehen - createOne: Projekt erstellen. - filters: - ALL: Alle - PRIVATE: Privat - PUBLIC: Öffentlich - STARRED: Favoriten - forFeed: Feeds für - noFeedsYet: Noch keine Feeds. - search: Suche Feeds - unnamed: unbenannt - FeedSourceSettings: - autoPublish: Auto-Veröffentlichung - feedTransformations: Feed-Transformationen - general: Allgemein - noPermission: Sie verfügen nicht über die notwendigen Berechtigungen um Eigenschaften - dieser Feed-Quelle zu bearbeiten. - properties: Eigenschaften - warning: Achtung! - FeedSourceTable: - comparisonColumn: - DEPLOYED: Deployte Version - PUBLISHED: Veröffentlichte Version - createFirst: Erste Feed-Quelle erstellen! - datesValid: Gültigkeits-Zeitraum - feedInfo: Feed Info - issues: Fehler - latestVersion: Aktuellste Version - status: Status - FeedSourceTableRow: - dateFormat: DD.MM.YYYY - delete: Löschen - expired: Vor %duration% ausgelaufen - lastUpdated: Zuletzt aktualsiert vor %lastVersionUpdate% - noUpdates: Noch keine Aktualisierungen - none: Keine - startingIn: Beginnt in %duration% - status: - active: Aktiv - all: Alle - expired: Veraltet - expiring-within-5-days: Veraltet in 5 Tagen - expiring-within-20-days: Veraltet in 20 Tagen - feedNotInDeployment: Feed nicht deployed - feedNotPublished: Feed nicht veröffentlicht - future: Zukunft - no-version: Keine Version - same-as-deployed: Entspricht deploytem - same-as-published: Entspricht veröffentlichtem - validFor: Gültig für weitere %duration% - FeedSourceViewer: - deploy: Deployen - edit: GTFS bearbeiten - gtfs: GTFS - notesTitle: Notizen - private: Private Ansicht - properties: - deployable: Deploybar? - name: Name - noneSelected: (Nichts ausgewählt) - property: Eigenschaft - public: Öffentlich? - retrievalMethod: - fetchedAutomatically: Automatisch abgerufen - manuallyUploaded: Manuell hochgeladen - producedInHouse: Selbst produziert - producedInHouseGtfsPlus: Selbst produziert (GTFS+) - regionalMerge: Regionale Zusammenführung - servicePeriodMerge: Service -Zeitraum Zusammenführung - title: Abruf-Methode - versionClone: Version klonen - snapshot: Editor Schnappschuss - title: Einstellungen - value: Wert - snapshotsTitle: Schnappschüsse - update: Aktualisieren - upload: Hochladen - versions: Versionen - viewPublic: Öffentliche Seite ansehen - FeedTransformationDescriptions: - DeleteRecordsTransformation: - label: Lösche Einträge von %tablePlaceholder% - name: Lösche Datensatz-Transformation - NormalizeFieldTransformation: - filePlaceholder: Zu normalisierende Datei/Tabelle auswählen - label: Feld normalisieren - name: Feld-Normalisierungs-Abbildung - ReplaceFileFromStringTransformation: - filePlaceholder: Zu ersetzende Datei/Tabelle auswählen - label: Ersetze %tablePlaceholder% durch %filePlaceholder% - name: Ersetze Datei von String-Transformation - ReplaceFileFromVersionTransformation: - filePlaceholder: Zu ersetzende Datei/Tabelle auswählen - label: Ersetze %tablePlaceholder% durch %versionPlaceholder% - name: Ersetze Datei von Versions-Transformation - general: - fileDefined: unterhalb des Textes - filePlaceholder: '[Datei auswählen]' - table: Tabelle - tablePlaceholder: '[Tabelle auswählen]' - version: Version - versionPlaceholder: '[Version auswählen]' - AddCustomFileTransformation: - label: Add custom file in GTFS. - name: Add custom file transformation - PreserveCustomFieldsTransformation: - filePlaceholder: Choose the file/table with custom field - label: Preserve fields in %tablePlaceholder% from %filePlaceholder% - name: Preserve custom fields transformation - FeedVersionNavigator: - confirmDelete: Sind Sie sicher, dass sie diese Version endgültig löschen möchten? - confirmLoad: Dies wird alle aktiven GTFS Editor Daten dieser Feed-Quelle mit den - Daten dieser Version überschreiben. Wenn Sie im Editor ungespeicherte Änderungen - behalten möchten, müssen Sie für diese Daten zuerst einen Schnappschuss erstellen. - Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten? - delete: Löschen - deployFeed: Feed deployen - download: Herunterladen - editFeed: Feed bearbeiten - feed: Feed - fetch: Abrufen - fromSnapshot: Von Schnapschuss - load: Zur Bearbeitung laden - newVersion: Erstelle neue Version - next: Nächster - of: von - previous: Voriger - selectFeed: 'Hochzuladenden GTFS-Feed auswählen:' - selectVersion: Wählen Sie eine Version umd Zusammenfassung anzuzeigen - upload: Hochladen - uploadFeed: Feed hochladen - version: Version - zipWarning: Hochgeladene Datei muss gültige Zip-Datei sein (.zip). - FeedVersionTabs: - agencyCount: Betreiber-Anzahl - daysActive: aktive Tage - routeCount: Routen-Anzahl - stopCount: Haltestellen-Anzahl - stopTimesCount: Abfahrtszeiten-Anzahl - tripCount: Trip-Anzahl - validDates: Gültige Daten - FeedVersionViewer: - confirmDelete: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Version löschen möchten? Dies kann - nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. - confirmLoad: Dies wird alle aktiven GTFS Editor Daten dieser Feed-Quelle mit den - Daten dieser Version überschreiben. Wenn Sie im Editor ungespeicherte Änderungen - behalten möchten, müssen Sie für diese Daten zuerst einen Schnappschuss erstellen. - Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten? - delete: Löschen - download: Herunterladen - feed: Feed - load: Laden - noVersionsExist: Für diese Feed-Quelle existieren keine Versionen. - status: Status - timestamp: Datei Zeitstempel - version: Version - FormInput: - buildConfig: - elevationBucket: - accessKey: Zugriffs-Schlüssel (access) - bucketName: S3 Bucket Name - secretKey: Geheim-Schlüssel (secret) - fares: Tarife - fetchElevationUS: Höheninformation abrufen - stationTransfers: Umstiege - subwayAccessTime: Zeitaufschlag U-Bahn-Zugang - title: Graph-Bau-Konfiguration - deployment: - osm: - bounds: Benutzerdefinierte Extrakt-Grenzen - custom: Benutze benutzerdefinierte Extrakt-Grenzen - gtfs: Benutze GTFS-abgeleitete Extrakt-Grenzen - title: OSM Extrakt - title: Deployment - otpServers: - $index: - admin: Nur Admin-Zugriff? - delete: Entfernen - ec2Info: - amiId: AMI ID - buildAmiId: Graphbau AMI ID - buildImageDescription: Neue Image-Beschreibung - buildImageName: Neuer Image-Name - buildInstanceType: Graph build instance type - iamInstanceProfileArn: IAM Instanz Profil ARN - instanceCount: Instanz-Anzahl - instanceType: Instanztyp - keyName: Name Schlüsseldatei - recreateBuildImage: Build-Image nach Graphbau eu erstellen? - region: Name der Region - securityGroupId: ID der Sicherheitsgrupp - subnetId: Subnetz ID - targetGroupArn: Zielgruppen ARN (Load-Aalancer) - internalUrl: Interne URLs - name: Name - namePlaceholder: Produktion - publicUrl: Öffentliche URL - role: AWS Rolle - s3Bucket: S3 Bucket-Name - serverPlaceholder: Server-Name - title: Server - routerConfig: - brandingUrlRoot: Branding Wurzel-URL - carDropoffTime: Zeitaufschlag PKW abstellen - numItineraries: '# Reisevorschläge' - requestLogFile: Log-Datei anfordern - stairsReluctance: Treppen-Abneigung - title: Router Konfiguration - updaters: - $index: - defaultAgencyId: Standard-Betreiber-ID - frequencySec: Frequenz (in Sekunden) - sourceType: Quell-Type - type: Typ - url: URL - new: Updater hinzufügen - placeholder: Updater name - title: Real-time Updater - walkSpeed: Geh-Geschwindigkeit - GeneralSettings: - autoFetch: - checkbox: Feed-Quelle automatisch abrufen - hint: Aktiviert den automatischen Feed-Abruf. (Feed-Quelle-URL must angegeben - sein und Projekteinstellung Automatischer Abruf muss aktiviert sein.) - title: Automatischer Abruf - url: Feed-Quelle Abruf-URL - urlButton: URL ändern - confirmDelete: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Projekt löschen möchten? Diese - Aktion kan nicht rückgängig gemacht werden und alle Feed-Quellen und ihre Versionen - werden dauerhaft gelöscht. - dangerZone: Gefahrenzone - deleteFeedSource: Feed-Quelle löschen - deleteFeedSourceDesc: Diese Feed-Quelle löschen. - deleteFeedSourceHint: Wenn Sie eine Feed-Quelle löschen, kann diese nicht wiederhergestellt - werden. - deleteProject: Projekt löschen? - deployment: - buildConfig: - elevationBucket: - accessKey: Zugriffs-Schlüssel (access) - bucketName: S3 Bucket Name - secretKey: Geheim-Schlüssel (secret) - fares: Tarife - fetchElevationUS: Höheninformation abrufen - stationTransfers: Umstiege - subwayAccessTime: Zeitaufschlag U-Bahn-Zugang - title: Graph-Bau-Konfiguration - osm: - bounds: Benutzerdefinierte Extrakt-Grenzen - custom: Benutze benutzerdefinierte Extrakt-Grenzen - gtfs: Benutze GTFS-abgeleitete Extrakt-Grenzen - title: OSM Extrakt - otpServers: - $index: - admin: Nur Admin-Zugriff? - delete: Entfernen - internalUrl: Interne URLs - name: Name - namePlaceholder: Produktion - publicUrl: Öffentliche URL - s3Bucket: S3 Bucket-Name - new: Server hinzufügen - serverPlaceholder: Server-Name - title: Server - routerConfig: - brandingUrlRoot: Branding Wurzel-URL - carDropoffTime: PKW-Abstell-Zeit - numItineraries: '# of Reisevorschläge' - requestLogFile: Log-Datei anfordern - stairsReluctance: Treppen-Abneigung - title: Router Konfiguration - updaters: - $index: - defaultAgencyId: Standard-Betreiber-ID - frequencySec: Frequenz (in Sekunden) - sourceType: Quell-Type - type: Type - url: URL - new: Updater hinzufügen - placeholder: Updater-Name - title: Real-time Updater - walkSpeed: Geh-Geschwindigkeit - title: Deployment - feedSourceName: Feed-Quellen-Name - general: - location: - boundingBox: Geographische Grenzen (W,S,E,N) - defaultLanguage: Standard-Sprache - defaultLocation: Standard-Örtlichkeit (Breitengrad, Längengrad) - defaultTimeZone: Standard-Zeitzone - title: Örtlichkeit - name: Projektname - title: Allgemein - updates: - autoFetchFeeds: Feed-Quellen automatisch abrufen? - title: Aktualisierungen - labels: - title: Ettiketten - make: - private: Privat setzen - privateDesc: Setzt diese Feed-Quelle auf Privat. - privateState: Diese Feed-Quelle ist aktuell privat. - public: Öffentlich setzen - publicDesc: Setzt diese Feed-Quelle auf Öffentlich. - publicState: Diese Feed-Quelle ist aktuell öffentlich. - makeDeployable: Deploybar machen - makeDeployableHint: Setzen Sie diese Feed-Quelle auf Deploybar, um Sie zu einer - (in den Organisations-Einstellungen definierten) OpenTripPlanner (OTP) Instanz - als Teil einer Feed-Quelle oder als einzelen Feed zu deployen. - rename: Umbenennen - save: Speichern - title: Einstellungen - GtfsIcons: - agency: - label: Betreiber - title: Betreiber bearbeiten - calendar: - label: Abfahrtzeiten - title: Abfahrtzeiten bearbeiten - fare: - label: Tarife - title: Tarife bearbeiten - feedinfo: - label: Feed Info - title: Feed-Info bearbeiten - route: - label: Routen - title: Routen bearbeiten - scheduleExceptions: - label: Fahrplan-Ausnahmen - title: Fahrplan-Ausnahmen bearbeiten - stop: - label: Haltestellen - title: Haltestellen bearbeiten - GtfsValidationExplorer: - accessibilityValidation: Erreichbarkeits-Explorer - table: - count: Anzahl - file: Datei - issue: Fehler - priority: Priorität - timeValidation: Zeit-basierte Validierung - title: Validierungs-Explorer - validationIssues: Validatierungs-Fehler - GtfsValidationViewer: - explorer: Validierungs-Explorer - issues: - other: Andere Fehler - routes: Routen-Fehler - shapes: Streckenverlauf-Fehler - stop_times: Abfahrtszeiten-Fehler - stops: Haltestellen-Fehler - trips: Trip-Fehler - noResults: Keine anzuzeigenden Validierungsergebnisse. - tips: - DATE_NO_SERVICE: Wenn die Linie nicht an Wochenenden verkehrt, können einige - oder alle dieser Validierungsergebnisse ignoriert werden. Analog können Feiertage, - an denen keine Fahrten verkehren, in dieser Liste erscheinen. - FEED_TRAVEL_TIMES_ROUNDED: Dies ist eine übliche Eigenschaft von GTFS-Feeds, - die keine sekundengenaue Präzision für Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeite nutzen. - Wenn diese Präzision jedoch erwartet wird, könnte beim Feed-Export ein Problem - entstehen. - MISSING_TABLE: Eine fehlende Pflicht-Tabelle ist ein größeres Problem, das behoben - werden muss, bevor die meisten GTFS-Konsumenten diese Daten für Reiseauskünfte - oder in anderen Anwendungen nutzen können. - title: Validierungs-Fehler - HomeProjectDropdown: - new: Neues Projekt - select: Projekt auswählen - view: '%name% ansehen' - InfoModal: - ok: OK - JobMonitor: - clearCompleted: Abgeschlossene löschen - jobs: - none: Kein aktiver Job - one: Ein aktiver Job - some: '%count% aktive Jobs' - jobsCompleted: Alle Jobs abgeschlossen - serverJobs: Server Jobs - waiting: Wartend - LabelPanel: - labels: Etiketten - new: Neues Etikett hinzufügen - noLabels: Es gibt keine Etiketten in diesem Projekt. - LanguageSelect: - placeholder: Sprache wählen... - Login: - title: Anmelden - ManagerHeader: - noUpdateYet: keine - noUrl: (keine URL) - private: Diese Feed-Quelle und all ihre Versionen sind privat. - ManagerPage: - alerts: Alarme - changelog: Änderungs-Liste - contact: Kontakt - copyright: Copyright - datatools: Data Tools - guide: Leitfaden - home: Startseite - MapModal: - cancel: Cancel - ok: OK - MergeFeedsResult: - CHECK_STOP_TIMES: Einige Trip IDs wurden in beiden Quell-Feeds gefunden. Der zusammengeführte - Feed wurde erfolgreich erstellt. - DEFAULT: Trip IDs waren in den Quell-Feeds eindeutig. Der zusammengeführte Feed - wurde erfolgreich erstellt. - body: - failure: Zusammenführung mit %errorCount% Fehlern fehlgeschlagen. - success: Zusammenführung erfolgreich durchgeführt. Eine neue Version mit dem - Ergebnios-Feed wird verarbeitet/validiert. - remappedIds: 'Abgebildete IDs: %remappedIdCount%' - skipped: 'Übersprungene Datensätze:' - skippedTableRecords: '%table%: %skippedCount%' - strategyUsed: 'Benutzte Strategie: %strategy%' - title: - failure: 'Warnung: Während der Feed-Zusammenführung sind Fehler aufgetreten!' - success: Feed-Zusammeführung war erfolgreich! - tripIdsToCheck: 'Zu prüfende Trip IDs: %tripIdCount%' - NormalizeField: - issues: - fieldUndefined: Zu normalisierendes Feld muss angegeben werden. - substitutionInvalid: Substitutions-Muster ungültig. - substitutionUndefined: Substitution-Muster müssen angegeben werden. - NormalizeStopTimesModal: - close: Close - interpolateStopTimes: Interpolate stop times between timepoints? - normalizeStopTimes: Normalize stop times - normalizeStopTimesQuestion: Normalize stop times? - selectBeginningPatternStop: "Select beginning pattern stop:" - tooFewTimepoints: "You must have more than 1 timepoint to interpolate times" - usageExplanationOne: This feature is useful when the travel times for one or more - pattern stops change. Take for example a pattern - that has been re-routed along to travel a longer distance, has had a - stop added (or removed), or has had a layover introduced mid-trip. - Once you have adjusted the travel times to account for these changes, - you can normalize the stop times to bring them into alignment with the - updated travel times reflected in the pattern stops. - usageExplanationTwo: Interpolating stop times calculates the implicit speed between timepoints - based on the shape distance and the default travel times. This speed is - then applied to the shape distance traveled for each intermediate non-timepoint - stop to provide interpolated travel times. The default travel time for non-timepoint - stops will not be modified. - usageNotes: " Usage notes" - NormalizeStopTimesTip: - info: 'Tipp: Wenn Sie Reisezeiten ändern, erwägen Sie die Benutzung des "Stop - times normalisieren"-Buttons oberhalb, um automatisch alle Stop Times auf die - aktualisierte Reisezeit anzupassen.' - NoteForm: - adminOnly: Nur für Admins? - new: Senden - postComment: Neuen Kommentar absenden - NotesViewer: - adminOnly: Diese Nachricht ist nur für Administratoren sichtbar. - all: Alle Kommentare - feedSource: Feed-Quelle - feedVersion: Version - none: Keine Kommentare. - refresh: Aktualisieren - title: Kommentare - OrganizationList: - create: Organisation erstellen - missingName: Sie müssen einen Namen für die Organisations angeben. - new: Organisation anlegen - search: Organisation suchen - OrganizationSettings: - extensions: Erweiterungen - logoUrl: - label: Logo URL - placeholder: - name: - label: Name - placeholder: Big City Transit - orgDetails: Organisations-Details - projects: Projekte - subDetails: Subskriptions-Details - subscriptionBeginDate: Subskription beginnt - subscriptionEndDate: Subskription endet - usageTier: - high: Hoch - low: Niedrig - medium: Mittel - title: Nutzungsstufe - PageNotFound: - homePage: Startseite - pageNotFound: Seite nicht gefunden. - Permissions: - approve-alert: GTFS-RT Alerts freigeben - approve-gtfs: GTFS Feeds freigeben - edit-alert: GTFS-RT Alerts bearbeiten - edit-gtfs: GTFS Feeds bearbeiten - manage-feed: Feed-Konfiguration verwalten - PreserveCustomFields: - addCsvWithCustomFields: "Add the CSV data with custom fields to preserve in the final output." - saveCsv: Save CSV - ProjectAccessSettings: - admin: Admin - cannotFetchFeeds: Feeds nicht abrufbar - custom: Benutzerdefiniert - feeds: Feed-Quellen - noAccess: Kein Zugriff - permissions: Berechtigungen - title: Projekt-Einstellungen für - ProjectFeedListToolbar: - actions: Aktionen - all: alle - any: mind. einer - comparison: - DEPLOYED: deployter - LATEST: aktuellster - PUBLISHED: veröffentlichter - deployedVersion: 'Deployte Version:' - deployments: Deployments - downloadCsv: Zusammenfassung als CSV herunterladen - feeds: - createFirst: Erste Feed-Quelle erstellen! - new: Neu - search: Suche nach Name - table: - deployable: Deploybar? - errorCount: Fehler - lastUpdated: Aktualisiert - name: Name - public: Öffentlich? - retrievalMethod: Abruf-Methode - validRange: Gültigkeits-Zeitraum - title: Feed-Quellem - update: Alle abrufen - filter: - active: Aktiv - all: Alle - expired: Abgelaufen - expiring: Ablaufend - future: Zukünftig - filterByLabels: Filtere Feeds nach Label - filterFeedSources: Filtere Feed-Quellen nach - hasDeployedVersion: Hat deployete Version? - hasLatestVersion: Hat aktuellste Version? - hasPublishedVersion: Hat veröffentlichte Version? - isPublic: Ist Öffentlich - labelEndDate: '%labelPrefix% End-Datum' - labelNumberIssues: '%labelPrefix% Anzahl Fehler' - labelNumberRoutes: '%labelPrefix% Anzahl Routen' - labelNumberStopTimes: '%labelPrefix% Anzahl Abfahrtszeiten' - labelNumberStops: '%labelPrefix% Anzahl Haltestellen' - labelNumberTrips: '%labelPrefix% Anzahl Trips' - labelStartDate: '%labelPrefix% Start-Datum' - lastFetched: Zeitpunkt des letzten Datenabrufs des Feeds von URL - lastUpdated: Zuletzt aktualisiert - latestValidation: - endDate: 'Aktuellste Version: End-Datum' - errorCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Fehler' - routeCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Routen' - startDate: 'Aktuellste Version: Start-Datum' - stopCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Haltestellen' - stopTimesCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Abfahrtszeiten' - tripCount: 'Aktuellste Version: Anzahl Trips' - makePublic: Öffentliche Feeds veröffentlichen - mergeFeeds: Alle Zusammenführen - name: Name - noteSorting: 'Hinweis: Sortieren ist nur anhand der jeweils aktuellste Feed-Version - möglich' - ofTheLabels: 'der Labels:' - publishedVersion: 'Veröffentlichte Version:' - settings: Einstellungen - showFeedsWith: Zeige Feeds mit - sort: - alphabetically: - asc: A-Z - desc: Z-A - title: Alphabetisch - endDate: - asc: Frühest-Spätest - desc: Spätest-Frühest - title: Auslauf-Datum - lastUpdated: - asc: Veraltet-Aktuell - desc: Aktuell-Veraltet - title: Letzte Aktualisierung - numErrors: - asc: Wenigste-Meiste - desc: Meiste-Wenigste - title: Anzahl Auffälligkeiten - startDate: - asc: Frühest-Spätest - desc: Spätest-Frühest - title: Start-Datum - sortBy: Sortiere nach - sync: - mtc: Sync von MTC - transitfeeds: Sync von transitfeeds - transitland: Sync von - url: Feed-Abruf URL - version: Version - ProjectSettings: - deployment: - buildConfig: - elevationBucket: - accessKey: Zugriffs-Schlüssel (access) - bucketName: S3 Bucket Name - secretKey: Geheim-Schlüssel (secret) - fares: Tarife - fetchElevationUS: Rufe Geländemodell ab - stationTransfers: Umstiege - subwayAccessTime: U-Bahn-Zugangszeiten - title: Build Konfiguration - osm: - bounds: Benutzerdefinierte Extraktions-Grenzen - custom: Benutzerdefinierte Extraktions-Grenzen verwenden - gtfs: Benutzerdefinierte Extraktions-Grenzen verwenden - title: OSM Extrakt - otpServers: - $index: - admin: Nur Admin-Zugriff? - delete: Entfernen - internalUrl: Interne URLs - name: Name - namePlaceholder: Produktion - publicUrl: Öffentliche URL - r5: R5 Server? - s3Bucket: S3 Bucket Name - targetGroupArn: Zielgruppen ARN - new: Server hinzufügen - serverPlaceholder: Server-Name - title: Server - routerConfig: - brandingUrlRoot: Branding-URL Wurzel - carDropoffTime: PKW-Abstell-Zeit - numItineraries: '# Reisevorschläge' - requestLogFile: Log-Datei anfordern - stairsReluctance: Treppen-Vermeidung - title: Router Konfiguration - updaters: - $index: - defaultAgencyId: Default Betreiber-ID - frequencySec: Frequenz (in Sekunden) - sourceType: Quellen-Typ - type: Typ - url: URL - new: Updater hinzufügen - placeholder: Updater-Name - title: Real-time Updater - walkSpeed: Lauf-Geschwindigkeit - title: Deployment - project: - cannotFetchFeeds: Feeds können nicht abgerufen werden - feeds: Feeds - permissions: Berechtigungen - rename: Umbennenen - save: Speichern - title: Einstellungen - ProjectSettingsForm: - cancel: Abbrechen - confirmDelete: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Projekt löschen möchten? Diese - Aktion kan nicht rückgängig gemacht werden und alle Feed-Quellen und ihre Versionen - werden dauerhaft gelöscht. - dangerZone: Gefarenzone - deleteProject: Projekt löschen? - deleteProjectAction: Projekt löschen - deleteThisProject: Dieses Projekt löschen. - deleteWarning: Wenn Sie ein Projekt löschen, kann das Projekt und all seine Feed-Quellen - nicht wieder hergestellt werden. - fields: - localPlacesIndex: - title: Adress-Index - webhookUrl: Webhook URL - sharedStops: - title: Shared Stops - placeholder: Shared stops config CSV - location: - boundingBox: Gebiets-Grenzen (W,S,E,N) - boundingBoxPlaceHolder: min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat - defaultLanguage: Standard-Sprache - defaultLocation: Standard-Ort (lat, lng) - defaultTimeZone: Standard-Zeitzone - title: Bereich - name: Projektname - title: Allgemein - updates: - autoFetchFeeds: Feed-Quelle automatisch abrufen? - title: Aktualisierungen - noPermissions: Sie haben keine Bearbeitungs-Rechte für die Eigenschaften dieser - Feed-Quelle. - required: Erforderlich. - save: Speichern - selectBounds: Wähle Projekt-Grenzen - selectBoundsHint: Spiegele Karte vor - title: Einstellungen - warning: Warnung! - ProjectSummaryPanel: - hoursPerWeekday: Stunden pro Wochentag - numberOfFeeds: 'Anzahl Feeds:' - summary: Zusammenfassung - totalErrors: 'Anzahl Fehler:' - totalService: 'Anzahl Services:' - ProjectViewer: - autoFetchDisabled: Automatischer Abruf deaktiviert - deployments: Deployments - feedSourceDesc: Eine Feed-Quelle defininert den Veröffentlichungsort eines GTFS-Feeds. - GTFS kann durch automatischen Abruf, direktes Bearbeiten, oder das manuelle - Hochladen einer GTFS-Zip-Datei befüllt werden. - feedSourceTitle: Was ist eine Feed-Quelle? - feeds: - createFirst: Erste Feed-Quelle erstellen! - new: Neue Feed Quelle - search: Suchen nach Name - table: - deployable: Deploybar? - errorCount: Fehler - lastUpdated: Aktualisiert - name: Name - public: Öffentlich? - retrievalMethod: Abruf-Method - validRange: Gültiger Bereich - title: Feed Quellen - update: Alle abrufen - here: hier - makePublic: Öffentliche Feeds publizieren - mergeFeeds: Alle zusammeführen - noProjectFound: Keine Projekte gefunden für - note: 'Hinweis:' - publicViewed: "Öffentliche Feed-Seite ist sichtbar " - returnToProjects: Zurück zur Projektliste - settings: Einstellungen - ProjectsList: - createFirst: Erstelle mein erstes Projekt - help: - content: Ein Projekt dient dazu, GTFS-Feeds zu gruppieren. Zum Beispiel können - die Feeds eines Projekts alle zur gleichen Region gehören oder sie definieren - zusammen ein Planungs-Szenario. - title: Was ist ein Projekt? - new: Neues Projekt - noProjects: Sie haben derzeit noch keine Projekte. - search: Suche nach Projektname - table: - name: Projektname - title: Projekte - PublicFeedsTable: - country: Ablaufend - lastUpdated: Letzte Aktualisierung - link: Link zum GTFS - name: Feed-Name - region: Region - search: Suche - stateProvince: Staat oder Bundesland - PublicFeedsViewer: - title: Katalog - PublicLandingPage: - appLogo: Applikations-Logo - copyright: Copyright - existingUsers: Existiende Nutzer - here: hier - learnMore: Erfahre mehr über Daten-Werkzeuge - signInHere: hier anmelden - viewDashboard: Dashboard ansehen - RegionSearch: - placeholder: Suche nach Regionen oder Unternehmen - ReplaceFileFromString: - addCsvData: "Add the CSV data to add to/replace in the incoming GTFS:" - saveCsv: Save CSV - ResultTable: - affectedIds: Betroffene ID(s) - description: Beschreibung - line: Linie - priority: Priorität - problemType: Problemtyp - RetiredJob: - bug: Oh nein! Es sieht so aus, als wäre ein Fehler aufgetreten. - support: Um einen Fehlerbericht einzusenden, übermitteln Sie bitte einen Screenshot - ihres Browser-Fensters, de folgenden Text (aktuelle URL and Fehler-Details), - und eine detailierte Beschreibung der Schritte, die Sie zuvor ausgeführt haben - an %supportEmail%. - view: Ansehen - RouteLayout: - errorOccurred: An error occurred while trying to fetch the data - jumpToRoute: Jump to a Route - route: "Route:" - RouteRow: - patterns: "%num% Patterns" - stops: "%num% Stops" - trips: "%num% Trips" - ScheduleExceptionForm: - addDate: " Add date" - customServiceID: Custom service ID - dates: Dates - exceptionBasedService: Exception Based Service - exceptionName: Exception name* - noDatesSpecified: No dates specified - noService: No Service - onTheseDates: On these dates* - ranges: Ranges - runFollowing: "Run the following schedule:" - selectCalendar: Select calendar to run* - selectCalendarToAdd: "Select calendars to add (optional):" - selectCalendarToRemove: "Select calendars to remove (optional):" - selectExemplar: -- Select exception type -- - swapAddOrRemove: Swap, add, or remove - thanksgivingDay: Thanksgiving Day - unnamedDefault: "[unnamed]" - SelectFileModal: - cancel: Abbrechen - ok: OK - ServerSettings: - awsSetup: Anleitungen um OTP Deployment Server auf AWS aufzusetzen - confirmDelete: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Server-Eintrag löschen möchten? - confirmTermination: 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %count% Instanz(en) beenden möchten?\n\n - ACHTUNG: Dies wird OTP Dienste aller auf diesem Server gestarteten Deployments - beenden.' - deployment: - otpServers: - new: Server hinzufügen - refresh: Aktualisieren - serverPlaceholder: Servername - title: Deployment Server Verwaltung - instructions: Anleitungen - noServers: Keine Server angelegt - save: Speichern - title: Einstellungen - ServerSpecialFields: - confirmTermination: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese EC2-Instanz beenden möchten? - Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden und entfernt diese Instanz - aus dem Load Balancer. - noEC2Instances: Keine mit diesem Server assoziierten EC2-Instanzen. - projectSpecific: Project spezifisch? - projectSpecificPlaceholder: Weisen Sie ein Projekt zu oder lassen Sie es das Feld - leer für beliebige Projekte - terminateEC2: EC2-Instanzen beenden - useELB: Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) verwenden? - ShowAllRoutesOnMapFilter: - fetching: Abruf läuft... - noShapes: Für dieses Feed wurden noch keine Routenformen erstellt. - showAllRoutesOnMap: Zeige alle Routen - tooManyShapeRecords: große shapes.txt können Performance beeinträchtigen - Sidebar: - about: Über diese Applikation - account: Konto - serverJobs: Server Jobs - serverVersion: 'Server Version:' - settings: Einstellungen - uiDeployedAt: 'UI deployed:' - uiVersion: 'UI Version:' - unknown: Unbekannt - SnapshotItem: - active: Aktiv - confirmDelete: Dies wird den Schnappschuss dauerhaft löschen. Alle damit gespeicherten - Date können nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren - möchten? - confirmLoad: Dies wird alle aktiven GTFS Editor Daten dieser Feed-Quelle mit den - Daten dieser Version überschreiben. Wenn Sie im Editor ungespeicherte Änderungen - behalten möchten, müssen Sie für diese Daten zuerst einen Schnappschuss erstellen. - Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten? - createFromScratch: Erstelle leeres GTFS - created: erstellt - date: Datum - delete: Löschen - download: Herunterladen - feed: Feed - load: Zur Bearbeitung laden - loadLatest: Lade aktuellste Version zur Bearbeitung - name: Name - noVersions: (Keine Versionen) - noVersionsExist: Für diese Feed-Quelle existieren noch keine Versionen. - of: von - publish: Veröffentlichen - restore: Wiederherstellen - snapshot: Schnappschuss - title: Schnappschüsse - version: Version - StarButton: - star: Favorisieren - unstar: Favorisieren aufheben - Status: - CREATED_SNAPSHOT: - body: Neuer Schnappschuss "%payload%" erstellt. Er wird vom "Schnappschüsse" - Reiter in der Feed-Quelle-Seite aus zugänglich sein. - title: Schnappschuss erstellt - CREATING_SNAPSHOT: Erstelle Schnappschuss... - DELETING_AGENCY: Lösche Betreiber... - DELETING_FEEDVERSION: Lösche Feed-Version... - DELETING_SNAPSHOT: Lösche Schnappschuss... - DELETING_TRIPS_FOR_CALENDAR: Lösche Trips... - FETCHING_ALL_JOBS: Rufe Jobs ab... - LOADING_FEEDVERSION_FOR_EDITING: Lade Version in Editor... - PUBLISHING_GTFSPLUS_FEED: Veröffentlichte GTFS+ Feed... - RENAMING_FEEDVERSION: Benenne Feed-Version um... - REQUEST_RTD_ALERTS: Lade Alerts... - REQUESTING_AGENCIES: Lade Betreiber... - REQUESTING_DEPLOYMENT: Lade Deployment... - REQUESTING_DEPLOYMENTS: Lade Deployments... - REQUESTING_FEEDSOURCE: Lade Feed... - REQUESTING_FEEDSOURCES: Lade Feeds... - REQUESTING_FEEDVERSION_ISOCHRONES: Berechne Zugangszeiten... - REQUESTING_FEEDVERSIONS: Lade Feed-Versionen... - REQUESTING_GTFSEDITOR_SNAPSHOTS: Lade Schnappschuss... - REQUESTING_GTFSPLUS_CONTENT: Lade GTFS+ Daten... - REQUESTING_NOTES: Lade Kommentare... - REQUESTING_ORGANIZATIONS: Lade Organisationen... - REQUESTING_PROJECT: Lade Projekt... - REQUESTING_PROJECTS: Lade Projekte... - REQUESTING_PUBLIC_FEEDS: Lade öffentliche Feeds... - REQUESTING_ROUTES: Lade Routes... - REQUESTING_STOPS: Lade Haltestellen... - REQUESTING_SYNC: Synchronisiere Feeds... - REQUESTING_TRIPS_FOR_CALENDAR: Lade Trips... - REQUESTING_USERS: Lade Nutzer... - REQUESTING_VALIDATION_ISSUE_COUNT: Lade Validatierungs-Ergebnisse... - RESTORING_SNAPSHOT: Stelle Schnappschuss wieder her... - RUNNING_FETCH_FEED_FOR_PROJECT: Aktualisiere Feeds für Projekt... - SAVING_AGENCY: Speichere Betreiber... - SAVING_DEPLOYMENT: Speichere Deployment... - SAVING_FEEDSOURCE: Speichere Feed... - SAVING_PROJECT: Speichere Projekt... - RUNNING_FETCH_FEED: Lade Feed... - SAVING_ROUTE: Speichere Route... - SAVING_STOP: Speichere Haltestelle... - UPDATING_SERVER: Speichere Server... - UPDATING_USER_DATA: Aktualisiere Nutzerkonto... - UPLOADING_FEED: Lade Feed hoch... - UPLOADING_GTFSPLUS_FEED: Speichere GTFS+ Daten... - VALIDATING_GTFSPLUS_FEED: Aktualisiere GTFS+ Validierung... - StatusModal: - close: Schließen - login: Anmelden - reload: Seite neu laden - relock: Feed zur Bearbeitung sperren - relockingFailed: - body: Erneutes Sperren ist nur erlaubt, wenn eine andere Bearbeitung-Sitzung - durch Sie im Gange ist (nicht für andere Nutzende). Sie können es später erneut - versuchen, oder den/die aktuelle Bearbeiter*in kontaktieren, dass sie die - Sitzung beendet. - title: Versuch, Bearbeitung zu übernehmen, ist fehlgeschlagen! - TimetableEditor: - choosePattern: Trip-Muster auswählen. - createNew: Erstelle neues - deleteSelectedTrip: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den ausgewählten Trip permanent - lösche möchten? - deleteSelectedTrips: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die %count% ausgewählten Trips - permanent lösche möchten? - deleteTrips: Lösche Trips - deleteTripsQuestion: Trips löschen? - TimetableHeader: - addBlankTrip: Add blank trip - advancedSettings: Advanced settings - backToRoute: Back to route - calendarName: "%truncatedCalendarName% calendar" - cellNumber: "Cell %cellId%" - createTripSeries: Create trip series - deleteTrips: Delete trips - duplicateTrips: Duplicate trips - frequencyEditor: Frequency editor - hideDepartureTimes: " Hide departure times" - hideDepartureTimesTooltip: "Hiding departure times will keep arrival and departure times in sync. WARNING: do not use if arrivals and departures differ." - numValidationIssues: "%errorCount% validation issue(s) found!" - patternsOn: "%truncatedPatternName% on " - saveChanges: Save changes - selectCalendar: "[select calendar]" - selectPattern: "[select pattern]" - shiftClickToSubtract: Shift-click to subtract - showShortcuts: Show keyboard shortcuts - timetableEditor: Timetable editor - tripsFor: "trips for " - undoChanges: Undo changes - useSeconds: Use seconds in offset - useSecondsToolTip: Toggling the use of seconds allows more precision in the trip offset and trip series creation tools. - validationIssues: Validation issues - TimetableHelpModal: - close: Schließen - pressQuestionmark: Drücken Sie ? um Tastatur-Shortcuts anzusehen - shortcuts: - modify: - desc: - - Lösche ausgewählte Trip(s) - - Neuer Trip - - Klone ausgewählte(n) Trip(s) - - Wert von benachbarter Zelle (links) übernehmen - - Wert von Zelle oberhalb übernehmen - title: Ändere Trips - navigate: - desc: - - Voriger/nächter Trip - - Voorige/nächste Spalte - - Wähle Trip - - Alle Trips auswählen - - Alle Trips abwählen - title: Navigatieren und Trips auswählen - offset: - desc: - - Verschiebe Abfahrtszeiten des ausgewählten Trips durch Addieren eines Zeitversatzes - - Verschiebe Abfahrtszeiten des ausgewählten Trips durch Subtrahieren eines - Zeitversatzes - - Verschiebe nur Zeit der aktiven Zelle durch Addieren eines Zeitversatzes - - Verschiebe nur Zeit der aktiven Zelle durch Subtrahieren eines Zeitversatzes - - Reduziere Zeitversatz um 1 Minute - - Reduziere Zeitversatz um 10 Minuten - - Erhöhe Zeitversatz um 1 Minute - - Erhöhe Zeitversatz um 10 Minuten - title: Zeiten verschieben - title: Abfahrtszeiten-Editor Tastatur-Shortcuts - TimezoneSelect: - placeholder: Zeitzone auswählen... - TransformationsViewer: - columnsAdded: "Custom columns added: %columns%" - noTransformationApplied: No transformations applied. - rowsAdded: "Rows added: %rows%" - rowsDeleted: "Rows deleted: %rows%" - rowsUpdated: "Rows updated: %rows%" - tableModified: Table Modified - tableAdded: Table Added - tableReplaced: Table Replaced - tableDeleted: TableDeleted - transformationsTitle: Transformations - UserAccount: - account: - title: Konto - billing: - title: Rechnung - notifications: - methods: Benachrichtigungs-Methoden - subscriptions: Ihre Subskriptionen - title: Benachrichtigungen - unsubscribeAll: Von allen abmelden - organizationSettings: Organisations-Einstellungen - organizations: - title: Organisationen - personalSettings: Persönliche Einstellungen - profile: - profileInformation: Profil-Information - title: Profil - title: Meine Einstellungen - UserAccountInfoPanel: - hello: Hallo - profile: Profil - roles: - applicationAdmin: Applikations-Admin - organizationAdmin: Organisations-Admin - standardUser: Standard-Nutzer*in - UserButtons: - admin: Verwaltung - logout: Abmelden - myAccount: Mein Konto - UserHomePage: - authDisabledInfo: >- - You are running %appTitle% without user authentication enabled. - Features such as user management, account management and feed activity watching are unavailable. - createFirst: Erstelle mein erstes Projekt - help: - content: Ein Projekt dient dazu, GTFS-Feeds zu gruppieren. Zum Beispiel können - die Feeds eines Projekts alle zur gleichen Region gehören oder sie definieren - zusammen ein Planungs-Szenario. - title: Was ist ein Projekt? - new: Neues Projekt - noProjects: Sie haben derzeit noch keine Projekte. - recentActivity: Letzte Aktivitäten - recentActivityNone: Keine aktuellen Aktivitäten für Ihre Subskriptionen. - table: - name: Projekt Name - title: Projekte - userDocs: Benutzungs-Dokumentation - welcomeTo: Willkommen zu - UserList: - filterByOrg: Filtere nach Org. - headings: - accountType: Typ - lastLogin: Letzte Anmeldung - projects: Projekte - user: Konto - noResults: (Keine anzuzeigenden Ergebnisse) - of: von - perPage: Konten pro Seite - search: Suche nach Kontoname - showing: Angezeigt werden Nutzer*innen - title: Nutzer*innen-Verwaltungen - UserRow: - appAdmin: App-Admin - cancel: Abbrechen - delete: Löschen - deleteConfirm: Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Konto dauerhaft löschen möchten? - edit: Bearbeiten - missingProject: unbekannt - noProjectsFound: Keine Projekte - orgAdmin: Organisation-Admin - save: Speichern - unknownAccount: Unbekannt - UserSettings: - admin: - description: Applikations-Admininistrator*innen haben vollen Zugriff auf alle - Projekte. - title: Applikations-Admininistrator*in - application: Applikations-Einstellungen - cancel: Abbrechen - delete: Löschen - edit: Bearbeiten - noProjects: Keine Projekte verfügbar - org: - admin: Organisations-Administrator*in - billing: Rechungsstellung-Admin - description: Organisations-Administratoren haben vollen Zugriff auf Projekte - dieser Organisation. - project: - admin: Admin - custom: Benutzerdefiniert - noAccess: Kein Zugriff - save: Speichern - Validation: - agencyRequired: Field must be populated for feeds with more than one agency. - conflictingServiceId: Service ID already exists in a standard calendar! - customServiceId: Custom service ID - dateServiceIdCombinationDuplicate: Date (%exceptionDate%) and Service ID (%serviceId%) combination cannot appear more than once for all exceptions. - idMustBeUnique: Identifier must be unique. - idRequired: Identifier is required if more than one agency exists. - invalidEmail: Field must contain valid email address. - invalidLatitude: Field must be valid latitude. - invalidLongitude: Field must be valid longitude. - invalidRouteType: Field must be a valid route type. - invalidUrl: Field must contain valid URL. - latLonRequired: Latitude and Longitude are required for your current location type. - mustBePositiveInteger: Field must be a positive integer. - mustBePositiveNumber: Field must be a positive number. - mustBeValidNumber: Field must be a valid number. - nameAlreadyUsed: "%name% is already used in another exception." - serviceRequired: Calendar must have service for at least one day. - stopNameRequired: Stop name is required for stop, station, and entrance location types. - requiredFieldEmpty: Required field must not be empty. - VersionButtonToolbar: - confirmDelete: Sind Sie sicher, dass sie diese Version endgültig löschen möchten? - confirmLoad: Dies wird alle aktiven GTFS Editor Daten dieser Feed-Quelle mit den - Daten dieser Version überschreiben. Wenn Sie im Editor ungespeicherte Änderungen - behalten möchten, müssen Sie für diese Daten zuerst einen Schnappschuss erstellen. - Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten? - delete: Löschen - download: Herunterladen - feed: Feed - load: Laden - noVersionsExist: Für diese Feed-Quelle existieren keine Versionen. - status: Status - timestamp: Datei-Zeitstempel - version: Version - VersionComparisonDropdown: - compareToVersion: Vergleich mit Version %version% - compareVersions: Vergleiche Versionen - exit: Vergleichsmodus verlassen - loadAnother: Andere Version laden um zu vergleichen - selectVersion: Version zum Vergleich auswählen - VersionSelectorDropdown: - noVersions: Keine Versionen verfügbar - WatchButton: - emailVerificationConfirm: Um EMail-Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten, müssen Sie - zuerst Ihre EMail-Adresse bestätigen. Möchten Sie die Email-Bestätigungs-Nachricht - für Ihr Konto erneut versenden lassen? - unwatch: Nicht weiter verfolgen. - verificationSendError: Beim Versenden der EMail-Überprüfung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten! - verificationSent: Bitte prüfen Sie Ihr Posteingangsfach und bestätigen Sie Ihre - Email-Adresse durch Klick auf den Bestätigen-Links. Sie müssen dann diese Seite - aktualisieren und den 'Verfolgen'-Button klicken, um sich für Benachrichtigungen - zu registrieren. - watch: Beobachten - WrapComponentInAuthStrategy: - adminTestFailed: Sie haben versucht, eine eingeschränkt sichtbare Seite aufzurufen, - verfügen jedoch nicht über die erforderlichen Rechte. - CustomCSVForm: - numLines: "%numLines% lines." - csvInvalid: CSV ungültig! - uploading: Uploading... - FeedTransformationErrors: - csvMissingName: Custom CSV must have a name. - csvNameContainsTxt: Custom CSV name cannot contain .txt - undefinedCSVData: CSV data must be defined. - undefinedTable: Table must be defined - PatternStopCard: - PatternStopContents: - defaultDwellTime: Default dwell time - defaultTravelTime: Default travel time - firstStopTravelTime: Travel time for first stop must be zero - stopHeadsignPlaceholder: Outbound - stopHeadsignText: Stop headsign - stopHeadsignTitle: Headsign that overrides trip headsign between stops. - timepoint: Timepoint? - travelTimeHelp: Define the default time it takes to travel to this stop from - the previous stop. - PickupDropOffSelect: - available: Available (0) - continuousDropOffTitle: Indicates whether a rider can alight from the transit - vehicle at any point along the vehicle's travel path. - continuousPickupTitle: Indicates whether a rider can board the transit vehicle - anywhere along the vehicle's travel path. - continuousServiceDefault: (Inherit from route) - dropOffTitle: Define the dropff method/availability at this stop. - mustCoordinate: Must coordinate with driver to arrange (3) - mustPhoneAgency: Must phone agency to arrange (2) - notAvailable: Not available (1) - pickupDropOffDefault: (Default - Available) - pickupTitle: Define the pickup method/availability at this stop. - TripSeriesModal: - alternateEvery: "Alternate every: " - automaticallyUpdateBlockIds: Automatically assign Block IDs for trips created in series? - automaticallyUpdateTripIds: Automatically update Trip IDs for trips created in series? - blockIdPrefixPlaceholder: Block ID prefix - blockIncrementPlaceholder: inc. by - close: Close - createTripSeriesBody: Enter the start and end time for the trip series (24 hour time) and headway between trips. Click generate to create the series of trips. - createTripSeriesQuestion: Create a series of trips - disabledTooltip: There is an issue with the input data - endTime: "End Time:" - formatExplanation: "* Block IDs will be formatted as {prefix}-{alternating number}, e.g. 'WEEKDAY-1' then 'WEEKDAY-2', etc.'" - generateTrips: Generate Trips - headway: "Headway:" - incrementAmountPlaceholder: Increment amount - incrementBy: inc. by - incrementStartPlaceholder: Increment start (default 0) - prefixPlaceholder: Trip ID prefix (optional) - startTime: "Start Time:" - tripsStartingWith: "trip(s), starting with:" - diff --git a/i18n/polish.yml b/i18n/polish.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f3e9f8e05..000000000 --- a/i18n/polish.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1606 +0,0 @@ -_id: pl -_name: Polski -components: - Actions: - error: Error making %method% request to %url% - errorGraphQL: Error fetching GTFS entities via GraphQL - errorWithStatus: Error (%status%) making %method% request to %url% - networkError: Network error (%status%)!\n\n(%method% request on %url%) - noFile: No file to upload! - AddCustomFile: - addCustomCsvData: Add the custom CSV data. - customFileName: Custom file name - saveCsvAndFileName: Save CSV and file name - AdminPage: - applicationLogs: Application logs - backToDashboard: Back to dashboard - deploymentServers: Deployment servers - noAccess: You do not have sufficient user privileges to access this area. - organizations: Organizations - title: Administration - userManagement: User Management - ApplicationStatusView: - actions: Actions - columns: - id: ID - name: Name - path: Path - status: Status - time: Time - user: User - feed: - filterByLabels: Filter feeds by labels - isPublic: Is Public - lastFetched: Last Time Data Fetched from Feed URL - lastUpdated: Last Updated - lastApiRequests: Last API requests by User - lastUpdatedAt: last updated at - latestValidation: - endDate: 'Latest Version: End Date' - errorCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Issues' - routeCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Routes' - startDate: 'Latest Version: Start Date' - stopCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Stops' - stopTimesCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Stop Times' - tripCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Trips' - name: Name - noDataText: No active jobs in progress. - refresh: Refresh - serverJobs: Active Server Jobs - sortBy: Sort By - unauthenticated: (unauthenticated) - url: Feed download URL - userLogs: User Authentication Logs - viewUserLogs: View user logs on - Brand: - dataTools: Data Tools - Breadcrumbs: - deployments: Wdrożenia - projects: Projekty - root: Eksploruj - CalendarSelect: - exceptionBasedCalendar: (Exception based calendar) - selectCalendar: " Select calendar..." - ConfirmModal: - cancel: Cancel - ok: OK - CreateProject: - new: Create New Project - CreateSnapshotModal: - cancel: Anuluj - description: Migawki to zapisywanie punktów, na które możesz powrócić do powrotu - do Edytowanie paszy GTFS. Do Auto-Publikuj nowy plik GTFS (i proces jako Nowa - wersja pliku danych, stwórz migawkę za pomocą opcji poniżej. - fields: - comment: - label: Komentarz - placeholder: Dodatkowe informacje (opcjonalnie) - confirmPublishWithUnapproved: - label: Potwierdź publikację z niezatwierdzonymi trasami - name: - label: Nazwa - placeholder: Nazwa migawki (wymagana) - publishNewVersion: - label: Publikuj migawkę jako nowa wersja pliku - publishProprietaryFiles: - helpText: Proprietary files allow you to maintain certain Datatools features, such as pattern names, when re-importing a feed. - label: Publish new feed version with proprietary (extra) Datatools files. - missingNameAlert: Migawce należy nadać prawidłową nazwę! - ok: OK - title: Utwórz nową migawkę - unapprovedRoutesDesc: 'Trasy te nie zostaną uwzględnione w danych wyjściowych:' - unapprovedRoutesHeader: 'Następujące trasy nie są akceptowane:' - CreateUser: - email: - label: Email Address - placeholder: Enter email - new: Utwórz użytkownika - password: - label: Password - placeholder: Enter password for new user - title: Create User - CustomCSVForm: - numLines: "%numLines% lines." - csvInvalid: CSV ungültig! - uploading: Uploading... - DatatoolsNavbar: - account: Moje konto - alerts: Alerty - editor: Edytor - guide: Przewodnik - login: Logowanie - logout: Wylogowanie - manager: Manager - resetPassword: Reset hasła - signConfig: eTID Config - users: Użytkownicy - DeploymentConfirmModal: - alert: - alreadyDeployed: is already deployed to this server at the same router. (Deploying - would evict the current graph.) - boundsTooLarge: Bounds are much too large to successfully deploy to OpenTripPlanner. - Deployment is disabled. - expiredFeeds: The following feeds have expired (all scheduled trips are for - past dates) - missingBounds: There are no bounds defined for the set of feeds. Deployment - is disabled. - missingFeeds: There are no feeds defined for this deployment. Deployment is - disabled. - success: Deployment successfully deployed. - cancel: Anuluj - close: Zamknij - danger: Uwaga! - deploy: Wdrożenie - invalidBounds: Granice są nieprawidłowe! - success: Sukces! - to: do - warning: Ostrzeżenie! - DeploymentConfirmModalAlert: - danger: Uwaga! - success: Sukces! - warning: Ostrzeżenie! - DeploymentSettings: - boundsPlaceholder: min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat - buildConfig: - elevationBucket: - accessKey: Access Key - bucketName: S3 Bucket Name - secretKey: Secret Key - fares: Taryfy - fetchElevationUS: Fetch Elevation - save: Zapisz - stationTransfers: Transfery na stacji - subwayAccessTime: Godziny otwarcia metra - title: Build Config - clear: Wyczyść - manageServers: Manage deployment servers - osm: - bounds: Custom Extract Bounds - custom: Use Custom Extract Bounds - gtfs: Use GTFS-Derived Extract Bounds - title: Wyciąg z OSM - routerConfig: - brandingUrlRoot: Branding URL Root - carDropoffTime: Car Dropoff Time - numItineraries: '# of itineraries' - requestLogFile: Request log file - stairsReluctance: Stairs Reluctance - title: Router Config - updaters: - $index: - defaultAgencyId: Domyślny ID przewoźnika - frequencySec: Częstotliwość (w sekundach) - sourceType: Rodzaj źródła - type: Typ - url: URL - new: Add updater - placeholder: Updater name - title: Real-time updaters - walkSpeed: Walk Speed - save: Zapisz - title: Wdrożenie - DeploymentVersionsTable: - dateRetrieved: Data pozyskania - errorCount: Licznik błędów - expires: Wygasa - loadStatus: Załadowany prawidłowo - name: Nazwa - routeCount: Licznik linii - stopTimesCount: Licznik czasów przystankowych - tripCount: Licznik kursów - validFrom: Ważny od - version: Wersja - DeploymentViewer: - addFeedSource: Dodaj źródło kanału - allFeedsAdded: Dodano wszystkie kanały - deploy: Wdrażaj - download: Pobierz - noServers: Brak zdefiniowanych serwerów - search: Szukaj według nazwy - table: - dateRetrieved: Data pozyskania - errorCount: Licznik błędów - expires: Wygasa - loadStatus: Załadowany prawidłowo - name: Nazwa - routeCount: Licznik linii - stopTimesCount: Licznik czasów przystankowych - tripCount: Licznik kursów - validFrom: Ważny od - version: Wersja - to: do - versions: Wersje kanałów - DeploymentsList: - delete: Remove deployment - new: New Deployment - search: Search for deployments - table: - creationDate: Utworzony - deployedTo: Wdrożony do - feedCount: '# of feeds' - lastDeployed: Ostatnio wdrożony - name: Nazwa - testDeployment: Test? - title: Wdrożenia - DeploymentsPanel: - autoDeploy: - deployWithErrors: - checklabel: Deploy even if some feed versions have critical errors - help: | - If this is unchecked, an auto-deployment will halt if any of the feed versions in the deployment have at least one critical error - title: Critical Errors Handling - help: | - A deployment will automatically be kicked off (assuming there are no critical errors) whenever one of the above-defined events occurs. - label: Auto-deploy events - placeholder: Specify auto-deploy events - title: Auto-deployment - types: - ON_FEED_FETCH: A new version is fetched - ON_PROCESS_FEED: A new version is processed - config: - body: | - Deployments can use project-level configurations (e.g., for build or router config files) or be configured individually. - editSettings: Edit deployment settings - manageServers: Manage deployment servers - title: Configuring deployments - delete: Remove deployment - new: New Deployment - pinnedDeployment: - help: Pin a deployment (and deploy to a server at least once) to enable auto-deployment. - label: Pinned deployment - placeholder: Select a deployment to pin - search: Search for deployments - table: - creationDate: Utworzony - deployedTo: Wdrożony do - feedCount: '# kanałów' - lastDeployed: Ostatnio wdrożony - name: Nazwa - testDeployment: Test? - title: Wdrożenia - EC2InstanceCard: - aws: AWS - confirmTermination: Are you sure you want to terminate this EC2 instance? This - action cannot be undone and will remove this instance from the load balancer. - log: log - noPublicIP: No public IP - notApplicable: N/A - status: - booting: Booting up. - running: Running as server. - terminated: Terminated. - terminatedAt: Terminated %moment% - terminate: Terminate instance - view: View deployment - EditableTextField: - invalidInput: Must provide a valid input. - none: (none) - EditorFeedSourcePanel: - active: Aktywny - availableSnapshots: Available snapshots - confirmDelete: Spowoduje to trwałe usunięcie tego zrzutu. Zapisane tutaj dane - nie mogą być odzyskane. Jesteś pewien, że chcesz kontynuować? - confirmLoad: Spowoduje to zastąpienie wszystkich aktywnych danych edytora GTFS - dla tego źródła kanału danymi z tej wersji. Jeśli w Edytorze jest niezapisana - praca, którą chcesz zachować, musisz najpierw wykonać zrzut bieżących danych - Edytora. Jesteś pewien, że chcesz kontynuować? - createFromScratch: Twórz GTFS od podstaw - created: utworzony - date: Data - delete: Usuń - download: Pobierz - editFeed: Edit feed - feed: Kanał - help: - body: - "0": Migawki to punkty zapisu, do których zawsze można wrócić podczas edytowania - kanału GTFS. - "1": Migawka może reprezentować pracę w toku, scenariusz przyszłego planowania - lub nawet różne wzorce usług (np. znaczniki harmonogramu letniego). - title: Co to są migawki? - load: Wczytaj do edycji - loadLatest: Załaduj najnowszy do edycji - name: Nazwa - noOtherSnapshots: No other snapshots - noSnapshotsExist: Obecnie nie istnieją żadne zrzuty tego kanału. Migawki można - tworzyć w Edytorze. Kliknij „Edytuj kanał”, aby przejść do trybu edycji. - noVersions: (Brak wersji) - noVersionsExist: Brak wersji dla tego źródła kanału. - of: z - publish: Publikuj - restore: Przywróć - snapshot: migawka - snapshotLatest: Take snapshot of latest changes - title: Migawki - version: Wersja - EditorInput: - daysOfService: Days of service - dropImage: Drop %activeComponent% image here, or click to select image to upload. - optional: (optional) - selectAgency: Select agency... - selectDate: Please select a date - selectOption: -- select an option -- - uploadAsset: Upload %activeComponent% branding asset - EditorSidebar: - backToFeed: Back to Feed - EntityDetailsHeader: - attributes: Attributes - feedInfo: Feed Info - noValidationIssues: No validation issues - requiredField: '* denotes required field' - routeDetails: Route details - rules: Rules - saveChanges: Save changes - tripPatterns: Trip patterns - undoChanges: Undo changes - validationIssues: validation issue(s) - zoomTo: Zoom to - EntityList: - createFirst: Create first - createStop: Right-click a location on map to create a new stop - editSchedules: Edit schedules - name: Name - ExceptionCalendarSelector: - selectCalendar: Select calendar... - unnamedDefault: "[unnamed]" - ExceptionDate: - addRange: Add range - dateRemoved: ⓘ Date has been removed. Date entered is already included in an existing range or single date! - selectDate: Select date - ExceptionDateRange: - andOtherErrors: ...and %errors% other errors - deleteEndDate: Delete end date - deleteRange: Delete range - ExceptionValidationErrorsList: - andOtherErrors: ...and %errors% other errors - ExportPatternsModal: - exportPatterns: Publish version with proprietary patterns? - no: No - yes: Yes - FeedActionsDropdown: - delete: Delete - deleteFeedSource: Delete Feed Source? - deploy: Deploy - deployFeed: Deploy feed source. - deployNoPermission: You do not have permission to deploy feed - fetch: Fetch - menu: Menu - noVersions: No versions exist. Create new version to deploy feed - notDeployable: Feed source is not deployable. Change in feed source settings. - openInEditor: Open in Editor - upload: Upload - uploadFeed: Upload Feed - view: View public page - FeedFetchFrequency: - DAYS: dni - HOURS: godzin - MINUTES: minut - fetchFeedEvery: Pobieraj kanał co - FeedInfo: - autoFetch: Automatyczne pobieranie - autoPublish: Automatycznie publikuj - dateFormat: MMM D, YYYY - deployable: Rozmieszczany - edit: Edytować - lastUpdatedDate: Last updated %date% - noUpdates: No updates - private: Prywatny - public: Publiczny - FeedInfoPanel: - add: Add %id% - backToFeedSource: Back to feed source - backToProject: Back to project - editingFeed: Editing %feed% - noSnapshot: No snapshots created - restoreSnapshot: - body: Are you sure you want to restore this snapshot? - title: Restore %key%? - revert: Revert to %snapshot% - takeSnapshot: Take snapshot - toolbar: - hide: Hide toolbar - show: Show toolbar - unnamed: Unnamed - uploadShapefile: - body: 'Wybierz spakowany plik kształtu do wyświetlenia na mapie. Uwaga: służy - tylko jako pomoc wizualna.' - error: Przesłany plik musi być prawidłowym plikiem zip (.zip). - title: Prześlij plik kształtu trasy - FeedLabel: - delete: - body: Are you sure you want to delete the label %name%? This action will remove - the label from all feed sources it's assigned to. - title: Delete Label? - FeedSourceAttributes: - lastUpdated: Zaktualizowano - FeedSourcePanel: - chooseProject: '[choose project]' - chooseProjectToView: Choose a project to view feeds - createOne: Create one. - filters: - ALL: All - PRIVATE: Private - PUBLIC: Public - STARRED: Starred - forFeed: For feed - noFeedsYet: No feeds yet. - search: Wyszukaj kanały - unnamed: unnamed - FeedSourceSettings: - autoPublish: Auto-publish - feedTransformations: Feed Transformations - general: General - noPermission: You do not have permission to edit details for this feed source. - properties: properties - warning: Warning! - FeedSourceTable: - comparisonColumn: - DEPLOYED: Wdrożona wersja - PUBLISHED: Wersja opublikowana - createFirst: Utwórz pierwsze źródło kanału! - datesValid: Dates Valid - feedInfo: Feed Info - issues: Issues - latestVersion: Latest Version - status: Status - FeedSourceTableRow: - dateFormat: MMM D, YYYY - expired: Expired %duration% ago - lastUpdated: Last updated %lastVersionUpdate% ago - noUpdates: No updates yet - none: None - startingIn: Starting in %duration% - status: - active: Aktywny - all: Wszystkie - expired: Wygasłe - expiring-within-5-days: Wygasające w ciągu 5 dni - expiring-within-20-days: Wygasające w ciągu 20 dni - feedNotInDeployment: Kanały niebędące w wdrożeniu - feedNotPublished: Kanały nieopublikowane - future: W przyszłości - no-version: Brak wersji - same-as-deployed: Taki sam jak wdrożony - same-as-published: Taki sam jak opublikowany - validFor: Valid for another %duration% - FeedSourceViewer: - deploy: Wdrażaj - edit: Edytuj GTFS - gtfs: GTFS - notesTitle: Notatki - private: Widok prywatny - properties: - deployable: Do wdrożenia? - name: Nazwa - noneSelected: (Nie wybrano) - property: Właściwość - public: Publiczny? - retrievalMethod: - fetchedAutomatically: Fetched Automatically - manuallyUploaded: Manually Uploaded - producedInHouse: Produced In-house - producedInHouseGtfsPlus: Produced In-house (GTFS+) - regionalMerge: Regional Merge - servicePeriodMerge: Service Period Merge - title: Retrieval Method - versionClone: Version Clone - snapshot: Migawka edytora - title: Ustawienia - value: Wartość - snapshotsTitle: Migawki - update: Aktualizacja - upload: Upload - versions: Wersje - viewPublic: View public page - FeedTransformationDescriptions: - DeleteRecordsTransformation: - label: Delete records from %tablePlaceholder% - name: Delete records transformation - NormalizeFieldTransformation: - filePlaceholder: Choose file/table to normalize - label: Normalize field - name: Normalize field transformation - ReplaceFileFromStringTransformation: - filePlaceholder: Choose the file/table to replace - label: Replace %tablePlaceholder% from %filePlaceholder% - name: Replace file from string transformation - ReplaceFileFromVersionTransformation: - filePlaceholder: Choose the file/table to replace - label: Replace %tablePlaceholder% from %versionPlaceholder% - name: Replace file from version transformation - general: - fileDefined: below text - filePlaceholder: '[choose file]' - table: table - tablePlaceholder: '[choose table]' - version: version - versionPlaceholder: '[choose version]' - AddCustomFileTransformation: - label: Add custom file in GTFS. - name: Add custom file transformation - PreserveCustomFieldsTransformation: - filePlaceholder: Choose the file/table with custom field - label: Preserve fields in %tablePlaceholder% from %filePlaceholder% - name: Preserve custom fields transformation - FeedVersionNavigator: - confirmDelete: Are you sure you want to delete this version? This cannot be undone. - confirmLoad: This will override all active GTFS Editor data for this Feed Source - with the data from this version. If there is unsaved work in the Editor you - want to keep, you must snapshot the current Editor data first. Are you sure - you want to continue? - delete: Delete - deployFeed: Deploy feed - download: Download - editFeed: Edit feed - feed: Feed - fetch: Fetch - fromSnapshot: From snapshot - load: Load for Editing - newVersion: Create new version - next: Next - of: of - previous: Previous - selectFeed: 'Select a GTFS feed to upload:' - selectVersion: Select a version to view summary - upload: Upload - uploadFeed: Upload Feed - version: Version - zipWarning: Uploaded file must be a valid zip file (.zip). - FeedVersionTabs: - agencyCount: Agency count - daysActive: Days active - routeCount: Route count - stopCount: Stop count - stopTimesCount: Stop time count - tripCount: Trip count - validDates: Valid Dates - FeedVersionViewer: - confirmDelete: Are you sure you want to delete this version? This cannot be undone. - confirmLoad: This will override all active GTFS Editor data for this Feed Source - with the data from this version. If there is unsaved work in the Editor you - want to keep, you must snapshot the current Editor data first. Are you sure - you want to continue? - delete: Delete - download: Download - feed: Feed - load: Load - noVersionsExist: No versions exist for this feed source. - status: Status - timestamp: File Timestamp - version: version - FormInput: - buildConfig: - elevationBucket: - accessKey: Access Key - bucketName: S3 Bucket Name - secretKey: Secret Key - fares: Fares - fetchElevationUS: Fetch Elevation - stationTransfers: Sta. Transfers - subwayAccessTime: Subway Access Time - title: Build Config - deployment: - osm: - bounds: Custom Extract Bounds - custom: Use Custom Extract Bounds - gtfs: Use GTFS-Derived Extract Bounds - title: OSM Extract - title: Deployment - otpServers: - $index: - admin: Admin access only? - delete: Remove - ec2Info: - amiId: AMI ID - buildAmiId: Graph build AMI ID - buildImageDescription: New Image Description - buildImageName: New Image Name - buildInstanceType: Graph build instance type - iamInstanceProfileArn: IAM Instance Profile ARN - instanceCount: Instance count - instanceType: Instance type - keyName: Key file name - recreateBuildImage: Recreate Build Image after Graph Build? - region: Region name - securityGroupId: Security Group ID - subnetId: Subnet ID - targetGroupArn: Target Group ARN (load balancer) - internalUrl: Internal URLs - name: Name - namePlaceholder: Production - publicUrl: Public URL - role: AWS Role - s3Bucket: S3 bucket name - serverPlaceholder: Server name - title: Servers - routerConfig: - brandingUrlRoot: Branding URL Root - carDropoffTime: Car Dropoff Time - numItineraries: '# of itineraries' - requestLogFile: Request log file - stairsReluctance: Stairs Reluctance - title: Router Config - updaters: - $index: - defaultAgencyId: Default agency ID - frequencySec: Frequency (in seconds) - sourceType: Source type - type: Type - url: URL - new: Add updater - placeholder: Updater name - title: Real-time updaters - walkSpeed: Walk Speed - GeneralSettings: - autoFetch: - checkbox: Auto fetch feed source - hint: Set this feed source to fetch automatically. (Feed source URL must be - specified and project auto fetch must be enabled.) - title: Automatic Fetch - url: Feed source fetch URL - urlButton: Change URL - confirmDelete: Are you sure you want to delete this project? This action cannot - be undone and all feed sources and their versions will be permanently deleted. - dangerZone: Danger Zone - deleteFeedSource: Delete feed source - deleteFeedSourceDesc: Delete this feed source. - deleteFeedSourceHint: Once you delete a feed source, it cannot be recovered. - deleteProject: Delete Project? - deployment: - buildConfig: - elevationBucket: - accessKey: Access Key - bucketName: S3 Bucket Name - secretKey: Secret Key - fares: Fares - fetchElevationUS: Fetch Elevation - stationTransfers: Sta. Transfers - subwayAccessTime: Subway Access Time - title: Build Config - osm: - bounds: Custom Extract Bounds - custom: Use Custom Extract Bounds - gtfs: Use GTFS-Derived Extract Bounds - title: OSM Extract - otpServers: - $index: - admin: Admin access only? - delete: Remove - internalUrl: Internal URLs - name: Name - namePlaceholder: Production - publicUrl: Public URL - s3Bucket: S3 bucket name - new: Add server - serverPlaceholder: Server name - title: Servers - routerConfig: - brandingUrlRoot: Branding URL Root - carDropoffTime: Car Dropoff Time - numItineraries: '# of itineraries' - requestLogFile: Request log file - stairsReluctance: Stairs Reluctance - title: Router Config - updaters: - $index: - defaultAgencyId: Default agency ID - frequencySec: Frequency (in seconds) - sourceType: Source type - type: Type - url: URL - new: Add updater - placeholder: Updater name - title: Real-time updaters - walkSpeed: Walk Speed - title: Deployment - feedSourceName: Feed source name - general: - location: - boundingBox: Bounding box (W,S,E,N) - defaultLanguage: Default language - defaultLocation: Default location (lat, lng) - defaultTimeZone: Default time zone - title: Location - name: Project name - title: General - updates: - autoFetchFeeds: Auto fetch feed sources? - title: Updates - labels: - title: Labels - make: - private: Make private - privateDesc: Make this feed source private. - privateState: This feed source is currently private. - public: Make public - publicDesc: Make this feed source public. - publicState: This feed source is currently public. - makeDeployable: Make feed source deployable - makeDeployableHint: Enable this feed source to be deployed to an OpenTripPlanner - (OTP) instance (defined in organization settings) as part of a collection of - feed sources or individually. - rename: Rename - save: Save - title: Settings - GtfsIcons: - agency: - label: Agencies - title: Edit agencies - calendar: - label: Calendar - title: Edit calendar - fare: - label: Fares - title: Edit fares - feedinfo: - label: Feed Info - title: Edit feed info - route: - label: Routes - title: Edit routes - scheduleExceptions: - label: Schedule Exceptions - title: Edit schedule exceptions - stop: - label: Stops - title: Edit stops - GtfsValidationExplorer: - accessibilityValidation: Accessibility Explorer - table: - count: Count - file: File - issue: Issue - priority: Priority - timeValidation: Time-based Validation - title: Validation Explorer - validationIssues: Validation Issues - GtfsValidationViewer: - explorer: Validation Explorer - issues: - other: Other issues - routes: Route issues - shapes: Shape issues - stop_times: Stop times issues - stops: Stop issues - trips: Trip issues - noResults: No validation results to show. - tips: - DATE_NO_SERVICE: If the transit service does not operate on weekends, some or - all of these validation issue may be ignored. Similarly, holidays for which - there is no transit service running may appear in this list. - FEED_TRAVEL_TIMES_ROUNDED: This is a common feature of GTFS feeds that do not - use down-to-the-second precision for arrival/departure times. However, if - this precision is expected, there may be an issue occurring during feed export. - MISSING_TABLE: Missing a required table is a major issue that must be resolved - before most GTFS consumers can make use of the data for trip planning or in - other applications. - title: Validation issues - HomeProjectDropdown: - new: New Project - select: Select project - view: View %name% - InfoModal: - ok: OK - JobMonitor: - clearCompleted: Clear completed - jobs: - none: No active jobs - one: One active job - some: '%count% active jobs' - jobsCompleted: All jobs completed - serverJobs: Server Jobs - waiting: waiting - LabelPanel: - labels: Labels - new: Add a new label - noLabels: There are no labels in this project. - LanguageSelect: - placeholder: Select language... - Login: - title: Log in - ManagerHeader: - noUpdateYet: n/a - noUrl: (none) - private: This feed source and all its versions are private. - ManagerPage: - alerts: Alerts - changelog: Changelog - contact: Contact - copyright: Copyright - datatools: Data Tools - guide: Guide - home: Home - MapModal: - cancel: Cancel - ok: OK - MergeFeedsResult: - CHECK_STOP_TIMES: Some trip IDs were found in both feeds. The merged feed was - successfully created. - DEFAULT: Trip IDs were unique in the source feeds. The merged feed was successfully - created. - body: - failure: Merge failed with %errorCount% errors. - success: Merge was completed successfully. A new version will be processed/validated - containing the resulting feed. - remappedIds: 'Remapped IDs: %remappedIdCount%' - skipped: 'Skipped records:' - skippedTableRecords: '%table%: %skippedCount%' - strategyUsed: 'Strategy used: %strategy%' - title: - failure: 'Warning: Errors encountered during feed merge!' - success: Feed merge was successful! - tripIdsToCheck: 'Trip IDs to check: %tripIdCount%' - NormalizeField: - issues: - fieldUndefined: Field to normalize must be defined. - substitutionInvalid: Some substitution patterns are invalid. - substitutionUndefined: Substitution patterns must be defined. - NormalizeStopTimesModal: - close: Close - interpolateStopTimes: Interpolate stop times between timepoints? - normalizeStopTimes: Normalize stop times - normalizeStopTimesQuestion: Normalize stop times? - selectBeginningPatternStop: "Select beginning pattern stop:" - tooFewTimepoints: "You must have more than 1 timepoint to interpolate times" - usageExplanationOne: This feature is useful when the travel times for one or more - pattern stops change. Take for example a pattern - that has been re-routed along to travel a longer distance, has had a - stop added (or removed), or has had a layover introduced mid-trip. - Once you have adjusted the travel times to account for these changes, - you can normalize the stop times to bring them into alignment with the - updated travel times reflected in the pattern stops. - usageExplanationTwo: Interpolating stop times calculates the implicit speed between timepoints - based on the shape distance and the default travel times. This speed is - then applied to the shape distance traveled for each intermediate non-timepoint - stop to provide interpolated travel times. The default travel time for non-timepoint - stops will not be modified. - usageNotes: " Usage notes" - NormalizeStopTimesTip: - info: 'Tip: when changing travel times, consider using the "Normalize stop times" - button above to automatically update all stop times to the updated travel time.' - NoteForm: - adminOnly: 'TODO: Translate' - new: 'TODO: Translate' - postComment: 'TODO: Translate' - NotesViewer: - adminOnly: 'TODO: Translate' - all: All Comments - feedSource: Feed Source - feedVersion: Version - none: No comments. - refresh: Refresh - title: Comments - OrganizationList: - create: Create Organization - missingName: Must provide organization name. - new: Create org - search: Search orgs - OrganizationSettings: - extensions: Extensions - logoUrl: - label: Logo URL - placeholder: - name: - label: Name - placeholder: Big City Transit - orgDetails: Organization details - projects: Projects - subDetails: Subscription details - subscriptionBeginDate: Subscription begins - subscriptionEndDate: Subscription ends - usageTier: - high: High - low: Low - medium: Medium - title: Usage tier - PageNotFound: - homePage: home page - pageNotFound: Page Not Found. - Permissions: - approve-alert: Approve GTFS-RT Alerts - approve-gtfs: Approve GTFS Feeds - edit-alert: Edit GTFS-RT Alerts - edit-gtfs: Edit GTFS Feeds - manage-feed: Manage Feed Configuration - PreserveCustomFields: - addCsvWithCustomFields: "Add the CSV data with custom fields to preserve in the final output." - saveCsv: Save CSV - ProjectAccessSettings: - admin: Admin - cannotFetchFeeds: Cannot fetch feeds - custom: Custom - feeds: Feed Sources - noAccess: No Access - permissions: Permissions - title: Project Settings for - ProjectFeedListToolbar: - actions: Actions - all: all - any: any - comparison: - DEPLOYED: Deployed - LATEST: Latest - PUBLISHED: Published - deployedVersion: 'Deployed Version:' - deployments: Deployments - downloadCsv: Download Summary as CSV - feeds: - createFirst: Create first feed source! - new: New - search: Search by name - table: - deployable: Deployable? - errorCount: Errors - lastUpdated: Updated - name: Name - public: Public? - retrievalMethod: Retrieval Method - validRange: Valid Range - title: Feed Sources - update: Fetch all - filter: - active: Active - all: All - expired: Expired - expiring: Expiring - future: Future - filterByLabels: Filter feeds by labels - filterFeedSources: Filter feed sources on - hasDeployedVersion: Has Deployed Version? - hasLatestVersion: Has a latest version? - hasPublishedVersion: Has Published Version? - isPublic: Is Public - labelEndDate: '%labelPrefix% End Date' - labelNumberIssues: '%labelPrefix% Number of Issues' - labelNumberRoutes: '%labelPrefix% Number of Routes' - labelNumberStopTimes: '%labelPrefix% Number of StopsTimes' - labelNumberStops: '%labelPrefix% Number of Stops' - labelNumberTrips: '%labelPrefix% Number of Trips' - labelStartDate: '%labelPrefix% Start Date' - lastFetched: Last Time Data Fetched from Feed URL - lastUpdated: Last Updated - latestValidation: - endDate: 'Latest Version: End Date' - errorCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Issues' - routeCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Routes' - startDate: 'Latest Version: Start Date' - stopCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Stops' - stopTimesCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Stop Times' - tripCount: 'Latest Version: Number of Trips' - makePublic: Publish public feeds - mergeFeeds: Merge all - name: Name - noteSorting: 'Note: sorting only available on latest version data' - ofTheLabels: 'of the labels:' - publishedVersion: 'Published Version:' - settings: Settings - showFeedsWith: Show feeds with - sort: - alphabetically: - asc: A-Z - desc: Z-A - title: Alphabetically - endDate: - asc: Earliest-Latest - desc: Latest-Earliest - title: Expiration Date - lastUpdated: - asc: Stale-Recent - desc: Recent-Stale - title: Last Update - numErrors: - asc: Least-Most - desc: Most-Least - title: Number of Issues - startDate: - asc: Earliest-Latest - desc: Latest-Earliest - title: Start Date - sortBy: Sort By - sync: - mtc: Sync from MTC - transitfeeds: Sync from transitfeeds - transitland: Sync from - url: Feed download URL - version: version - ProjectSettings: - deployment: - buildConfig: - elevationBucket: - accessKey: Access Key - bucketName: S3 Bucket Name - secretKey: Secret Key - fares: Fares - fetchElevationUS: Fetch Elevation - stationTransfers: Sta. Transfers - subwayAccessTime: Subway Access Time - title: Build Config - osm: - bounds: Custom Extract Bounds - custom: Use Custom Extract Bounds - gtfs: Use GTFS-Derived Extract Bounds - title: OSM Extract - otpServers: - $index: - admin: Admin access only? - delete: Remove - internalUrl: Internal URLs - name: Name - namePlaceholder: Production - publicUrl: Public URL - r5: R5 Server? - s3Bucket: S3 bucket name - targetGroupArn: Target Group ARN - new: Add server - serverPlaceholder: Server name - title: Servers - routerConfig: - brandingUrlRoot: Branding URL Root - carDropoffTime: Car Dropoff Time - numItineraries: '# of itineraries' - requestLogFile: Request log file - stairsReluctance: Stairs Reluctance - title: Router Config - updaters: - $index: - defaultAgencyId: Default agency ID - frequencySec: Frequency (in seconds) - sourceType: Source type - type: Type - url: URL - new: Add updater - placeholder: Updater name - title: Real-time updaters - walkSpeed: Walk Speed - title: Deployment - project: - cannotFetchFeeds: Cannot fetch feeds - feeds: Feeds - permissions: Permissions - rename: Rename - save: Save - title: Settings - ProjectSettingsForm: - cancel: Cancel - confirmDelete: Are you sure you want to delete this project? This action cannot - be undone and all feed sources and their versions will be permanently deleted. - dangerZone: Danger zone - deleteProject: Delete Project? - deleteProjectAction: Delete Project - deleteThisProject: Delete this project. - deleteWarning: Once you delete an project, the project and all feed sources it - contains cannot be recovered. - fields: - localPlacesIndex: - title: Local Places Index - webhookUrl: Webhook URL - sharedStops: - title: Shared Stops - placeholder: Shared stops config CSV - location: - boundingBox: Bounding box (W,S,E,N) - boundingBoxPlaceHolder: min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat - defaultLanguage: Default language - defaultLocation: Default location (lat, lng) - defaultTimeZone: Default time zone - title: Location - name: Project name - title: General - updates: - autoFetchFeeds: Auto fetch feed sources? - title: Updates - noPermissions: You do not have permission to edit details for this feed source. - required: Required. - save: Save - selectBounds: Select project bounds - selectBoundsHint: Pretend this is a map - title: Settings - warning: Warning! - ProjectSummaryPanel: - hoursPerWeekday: hours per weekday - numberOfFeeds: 'Number of feeds:' - summary: summary - totalErrors: 'Total errors:' - totalService: 'Total service:' - ProjectViewer: - autoFetchDisabled: Auto fetch disabled - deployments: Deployments - feedSourceDesc: A feed source defines the location or upstream source of a GTFS - feed. GTFS can be populated via automatic fetch, directly editing or uploading - a zip file. - feedSourceTitle: What is a feed source? - feeds: - createFirst: Create first feed source! - new: New Feed Source - search: Search by name - table: - deployable: Deployable? - errorCount: Errors - lastUpdated: Updated - name: Name - public: Public? - retrievalMethod: Retrieval Method - validRange: Valid Range - title: Feed Sources - update: Fetch all - here: here - makePublic: Publish public feeds - mergeFeeds: Merge all - noProjectFound: No project found for - note: 'Note:' - publicViewed: "Public feeds page can be viewed " - returnToProjects: Return to list of projects - settings: Settings - ProjectsList: - createFirst: Create my first project - help: - content: A project is used to group GTFS feeds. For example, the feeds in a - project may be in the same region or they may collectively define a planning - scenario. - title: What's a project? - new: New Project - noProjects: You currently do not have any projects. - search: Search by project name - table: - name: Project Name - title: Projects - PublicFeedsTable: - country: Country - lastUpdated: Last Updated - link: Link to GTFS - name: Feed Name - region: Region - search: Search - stateProvince: State or Province - PublicFeedsViewer: - title: Catalogue - PublicLandingPage: - appLogo: App logo - copyright: Copyright - existingUsers: Existing users - here: here - learnMore: Learn more about Data Tools - signInHere: sign in here - viewDashboard: View dashboard - RegionSearch: - placeholder: Search for regions or agencies - ReplaceFileFromString: - addCsvData: "Add the CSV data to add to/replace in the incoming GTFS:" - saveCsv: Save CSV - ResultTable: - affectedIds: Affected ID(s) - description: Description - line: Line - priority: Priority - problemType: Problem Type - RetiredJob: - bug: Oh no! Looks like an error has occurred. - support: To submit an error report email a screenshot of your browser window, - the following text (current URL and error details), and a detailed description - of the steps you followed to %supportEmail%. - view: View - RouteLayout: - errorOccurred: An error occurred while trying to fetch the data - jumpToRoute: Jump to a Route - route: "Route:" - RouteRow: - patterns: "%num% Patterns" - stops: "%num% Stops" - trips: "%num% Trips" - ScheduleExceptionForm: - addDate: " Add date" - customServiceID: Custom service ID - dates: Dates - exceptionBasedService: Exception Based Service - exceptionName: Exception name* - noDatesSpecified: No dates specified - noService: No Service - onTheseDates: On these dates* - ranges: Ranges - runFollowing: "Run the following schedule:" - selectCalendar: Select calendar to run* - selectCalendarToAdd: "Select calendars to add (optional):" - selectCalendarToRemove: "Select calendars to remove (optional):" - selectExemplar: -- Select exception type -- - swapAddOrRemove: Swap, add, or remove - thanksgivingDay: Thanksgiving Day - unnamedDefault: "[unnamed]" - SelectFileModal: - cancel: Cancel - ok: OK - ServerSettings: - awsSetup: Instructions for setting up OTP deployment servers on AWS - confirmDelete: Are you sure you want to delete this server record? - deployment: - otpServers: - new: Add server - refresh: Refresh - serverPlaceholder: Server name - title: Deployment Server Management - instructions: Instructions - noServers: No servers defined - save: Save - title: Settings - ServerSpecialFields: - confirmTermination: 'Are you sure you want to terminate %count% instance(s)?\n\n - WARNING: This will kill OTP service for any deployments launched for this server.' - noEC2Instances: No EC2 instances associated with server. - projectSpecific: Project specific? - projectSpecificPlaceholder: Assign to a project or leave open for any project - terminateEC2: Terminate EC2 Instances - useELB: Use Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)? - ShowAllRoutesOnMapFilter: - fetching: Fetching - noShapes: Karma nie ma jeszcze utworzonych żadnych kształtów tras. - showAllRoutesOnMap: Show all routes - tooManyShapeRecords: large shapes.txt may impact performance - Sidebar: - about: About this app - account: Account - serverJobs: Server jobs - serverVersion: 'Server version:' - settings: Settings - uiDeployedAt: 'UI deployed at:' - uiVersion: 'UI Version:' - unknown: Unknown - SnapshotItem: - active: Active - confirmDelete: This will permanently delete this snapshot. Any data saved here - cannot be recovered. Are you sure you want to continue? - confirmLoad: This will override all active GTFS Editor data for this Feed Source - with the data from this version. If there is unsaved work in the Editor you - want to keep, you must snapshot the current Editor data first. Are you sure - you want to continue? - createFromScratch: Create GTFS from Scratch - created: created - date: Date - delete: Delete - download: Download - feed: Feed - load: Load for Editing - loadLatest: Load latest for editing - name: Name - noVersions: (No Versions) - noVersionsExist: No versions exist for this feed source. - of: of - publish: Publish - restore: Restore - snapshot: snapshot - title: Snapshots - version: Version - StarButton: - star: Star - unstar: Unstar - Status: - CREATED_SNAPSHOT: - body: New snapshot "%payload%" created. It will be accessible from the "Editor - Snapshots" tab in the main Feed Source page. - title: Snapshot Created - CREATING_SNAPSHOT: Creating snapshot... - DELETING_AGENCY: Deleting agency... - DELETING_FEEDVERSION: Deleting feed version... - DELETING_SNAPSHOT: Deleting snapshot... - DELETING_TRIPS_FOR_CALENDAR: Deleting trips... - FETCHING_ALL_JOBS: Fetching jobs... - LOADING_FEEDVERSION_FOR_EDITING: Loading version into editor... - PUBLISHING_GTFSPLUS_FEED: Publishing GTFS+ feed... - RENAMING_FEEDVERSION: Renaming feed version... - REQUEST_RTD_ALERTS: Loading alerts... - REQUESTING_AGENCIES: Loading agencies... - REQUESTING_DEPLOYMENT: Loading deployment... - REQUESTING_DEPLOYMENTS: Loading deployments... - REQUESTING_FEEDSOURCE: Loading feed... - REQUESTING_FEEDSOURCES: Loading feeds... - REQUESTING_FEEDVERSION_ISOCHRONES: Calculating access shed... - REQUESTING_FEEDVERSIONS: Loading feed versions... - REQUESTING_GTFSEDITOR_SNAPSHOTS: Loading snapshots... - REQUESTING_GTFSPLUS_CONTENT: Loading GTFS+ data... - REQUESTING_NOTES: Loading comments... - REQUESTING_ORGANIZATIONS: Loading organizations... - REQUESTING_PROJECT: Loading project... - REQUESTING_PROJECTS: Loading projects... - REQUESTING_PUBLIC_FEEDS: Loading public feeds... - REQUESTING_ROUTES: Loading routes... - REQUESTING_STOPS: Loading stops... - REQUESTING_SYNC: Syncing feeds... - REQUESTING_TRIPS_FOR_CALENDAR: Loading trips... - REQUESTING_USERS: Loading users... - REQUESTING_VALIDATION_ISSUE_COUNT: Loading validation result... - RESTORING_SNAPSHOT: Restoring snapshot... - RUNNING_FETCH_FEED_FOR_PROJECT: Updating feeds for project... - SAVING_AGENCY: Saving agency... - SAVING_DEPLOYMENT: Saving deployment... - SAVING_FEEDSOURCE: Saving feed... - SAVING_PROJECT: Saving project... - SAVING_ROUTE: Saving route... - SAVING_STOP: Saving stop... - UPDATING_SERVER: Saving server... - UPDATING_USER_DATA: Updating user... - UPLOADING_FEED: Uploading feed... - UPLOADING_GTFSPLUS_FEED: Saving GTFS+ data... - VALIDATING_GTFSPLUS_FEED: Updating GTFS+ validation... - RUNNING_FETCH_FEED: Fetching feed... - StatusModal: - close: Close - login: Log in - reload: Reload page - relock: Re-lock feed - relockingFailed: - body: Re-locking feed is only permitted if another editing session is in progress - for you (not another user). You can try again later or contact the current - editor to request that they wrap up their session. - title: Attempt to take over editing failed! - TimetableEditor: - choosePattern: Choose a trip pattern. - createNew: create a new one - deleteSelectedTrip: Are you sure you want to permanently delete %count% selected - trip? - deleteSelectedTrips: Are you sure you want to permanently delete %count% selected - trips? - deleteTrips: Delete trips - deleteTripsQuestion: Delete trips? - TimetableHeader: - addBlankTrip: Add blank trip - advancedSettings: Advanced settings - backToRoute: Back to route - calendarName: "%truncatedCalendarName% calendar" - cellNumber: "Cell %cellId%" - createTripSeries: Create trip series - deleteTrips: Delete trips - duplicateTrips: Duplicate trips - frequencyEditor: Frequency editor - hideDepartureTimes: " Hide departure times" - hideDepartureTimesTooltip: "Hiding departure times will keep arrival and departure times in sync. WARNING: do not use if arrivals and departures differ." - numValidationIssues: "%errorCount% validation issue(s) found!" - patternsOn: "%truncatedPatternName% on " - saveChanges: Save changes - selectCalendar: "[select calendar]" - selectPattern: "[select pattern]" - shiftClickToSubtract: Shift-click to subtract - showShortcuts: Show keyboard shortcuts - timetableEditor: Timetable editor - tripsFor: "trips for " - undoChanges: Undo changes - useSeconds: Use seconds in offset - useSecondsToolTip: Toggling the use of seconds allows more precision in the trip offset and trip series creation tools. - validationIssues: Validation issues - TimetableHelpModal: - close: Close - pressQuestionmark: Press ? to view shortcuts - shortcuts: - modify: - desc: - "0": Delete selected trip(s) - "1": New trip - "2": Clone selected trip(s) - "3": Copy time value from adjacent cell (the cell immediately to the left) - "4": Copy value from cell directly above - title: Modify trips - navigate: - desc: - "0": Previous/next trip - "1": Previous/next column - "2": Select trip - "3": Select all trips - "4": Deselect all trips - title: Navigating and selecting trips - offset: - desc: - "0": Offset selected trips' stop times by adding offset time - "1": Offset selected trips' stop times by subtracting offset time - "2": Offset only active cell's time by adding offset time - "3": Offset only active cell's time by subtracting offset time - "4": Decrease offset time by 1 minute - "5": Decrease offset time by 10 minutes - "6": Increase offset time by 1 minute - "7": Increase offset time by 10 minutes - title: Offsetting times - title: Timetable editor keyboard shortcuts - TimezoneSelect: - placeholder: Select timezone... - TransformationsViewer: - columnsAdded: "Custom columns added: %columns%" - noTransformationApplied: No transformations applied. - rowsAdded: "Rows added: %rows%" - rowsDeleted: "Rows deleted: %rows%" - rowsUpdated: "Rows updated: %rows%" - tableModified: Table Modified - tableAdded: Table Added - tableReplaced: Table Replaced - tableDeleted: TableDeleted - transformationsTitle: Transformations - UserAccount: - account: - title: Account - billing: - title: Billing - notifications: - methods: Notification methods - subscriptions: Your subscriptions - title: Notifications - unsubscribeAll: Unsubscribe from all - organizationSettings: Organization settings - organizations: - title: Organizations - personalSettings: Personal settings - profile: - profileInformation: Profile information - title: Profile - title: My settings - UserAccountInfoPanel: - hello: Hello, - profile: Profile - roles: - applicationAdmin: Application admin - organizationAdmin: Organization admin - standardUser: Standard user - UserButtons: - admin: Admin - logout: Log out - myAccount: My account - UserHomePage: - authDisabledInfo: >- - You are running %appTitle% without user authentication enabled. - Features such as user management, account management and feed activity watching are unavailable. - createFirst: Create my first project - help: - content: A project is used to group GTFS feeds. For example, the feeds in a - project may be in the same region or they may collectively define a planning - scenario. - title: What's a project? - new: New Project - noProjects: You currently do not have any projects. - recentActivity: Recent Activity - recentActivityNone: No Recent Activity for your subscriptions. - table: - name: Project Name - title: Projects - userDocs: User Docs - welcomeTo: Welcome to - UserList: - filterByOrg: Filter by org. - headings: - accountType: Account Type - lastLogin: Last Login - projects: Projects - user: User - noResults: (No results to show) - of: of - perPage: Users per page - search: Search by username - showing: Showing Users - title: User Management - UserRow: - appAdmin: App admin - cancel: Cancel - delete: Delete - deleteConfirm: Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user? - edit: Edit - missingProject: unknown - noProjectsFound: No projects - orgAdmin: Org admin - save: Save - unknownAccount: Unknown - UserSettings: - admin: - description: Application administrators have full access to all projects. - title: Application Admininistrator - application: Application Settings - cancel: Cancel - delete: Delete - edit: Edit - noProjects: No projects available - org: - admin: Organization administrator - billing: Billing admin - description: Organization administrators have full access to projects within - the organization. - project: - admin: Admin - custom: Custom - noAccess: No Access - save: Save - Validation: - agencyRequired: Field must be populated for feeds with more than one agency. - conflictingServiceId: Service ID already exists in a standard calendar! - customServiceId: Custom service ID - dateServiceIdCombinationDuplicate: Date (%exceptionDate%) and Service ID (%serviceId%) combination cannot appear more than once for all exceptions. - idMustBeUnique: Identifier must be unique. - idRequired: Identifier is required if more than one agency exists. - invalidEmail: Field must contain valid email address. - invalidLatitude: Field must be valid latitude. - invalidLongitude: Field must be valid longitude. - invalidRouteType: Field must be a valid route type. - invalidUrl: Field must contain valid URL. - latLonRequired: Latitude and Longitude are required for your current location type. - mustBePositiveInteger: Field must be a positive integer. - mustBePositiveNumber: Field must be a positive number. - mustBeValidNumber: Field must be a valid number. - nameAlreadyUsed: "%name% is already used in another exception." - serviceRequired: Calendar must have service for at least one day. - stopNameRequired: Stop name is required for stop, station, and entrance location types. - requiredFieldEmpty: Required field must not be empty. - VersionButtonToolbar: - confirmDelete: Are you sure you want to delete this version? This cannot be undone. - confirmLoad: This will override all active GTFS Editor data for this Feed Source - with the data from this version. If there is unsaved work in the Editor you - want to keep, you must snapshot the current Editor data first. Are you sure - you want to continue? - delete: Delete - download: Download - feed: Feed - load: Load - noVersionsExist: No versions exist for this feed source. - status: Status - timestamp: File Timestamp - version: version - VersionComparisonDropdown: - compareToVersion: Comparing to version %version% - compareVersions: Compare versions - exit: Exit compare mode - loadAnother: Load another version to enable comparison - selectVersion: Select a version to compare with - VersionSelectorDropdown: - noVersions: No versions available - WatchButton: - emailVerificationConfirm: In order to receive email notification, you must first - verify your email address. Would you like to resend the email verification message - for your account? - unwatch: Unwatch - verificationSendError: There was an error sending the email verification! - verificationSent: Please check your inbox and confirm your email address by clicking - the verify link. You will then need to refresh this page after a moment or two - and re-click the Watch button to subscribe to notifications. - watch: Watch - WrapComponentInAuthStrategy: - adminTestFailed: You have attempted to view a restricted page without proper credentials - FeedTransformationErrors: - csvMissingName: Custom CSV must have a name. - csvNameContainsTxt: Custom CSV name cannot contain .txt - undefinedCSVData: CSV data must be defined. - undefinedTable: Table must be defined - PatternStopCard: - PatternStopContents: - defaultDwellTime: Default dwell time - defaultTravelTime: Default travel time - firstStopTravelTime: Travel time for first stop must be zero - stopHeadsignPlaceholder: Outbound - stopHeadsignText: Stop headsign - stopHeadsignTitle: Headsign that overrides trip headsign between stops. - timepoint: Timepoint? - travelTimeHelp: Define the default time it takes to travel to this stop from - the previous stop. - PickupDropOffSelect: - available: Available (0) - continuousDropOffTitle: Indicates whether a rider can alight from the transit - vehicle at any point along the vehicle's travel path. - continuousPickupTitle: Indicates whether a rider can board the transit vehicle - anywhere along the vehicle's travel path. - continuousServiceDefault: (Inherit from route) - dropOffTitle: Define the dropff method/availability at this stop. - mustCoordinate: Must coordinate with driver to arrange (3) - mustPhoneAgency: Must phone agency to arrange (2) - notAvailable: Not available (1) - pickupDropOffDefault: (Default - Available) - pickupTitle: Define the pickup method/availability at this stop. - TripSeriesModal: - alternateEvery: "Alternate every: " - automaticallyUpdateBlockIds: Automatically assign Block IDs for trips created in series? - automaticallyUpdateTripIds: Automatically update Trip IDs for trips created in series? - blockIdPrefixPlaceholder: Block ID prefix - blockIncrementPlaceholder: inc. by - close: Close - createTripSeriesBody: Enter the start and end time for the trip series (24 hour time) and headway between trips. Click generate to create the series of trips. - createTripSeriesQuestion: Create a series of trips - disabledTooltip: There is an issue with the input data - endTime: "End Time:" - formatExplanation: "* Block IDs will be formatted as {prefix}-{alternating number}, e.g. 'WEEKDAY-1' then 'WEEKDAY-2', etc.'" - generateTrips: Generate Trips - headway: "Headway:" - incrementAmountPlaceholder: Increment amount - incrementBy: inc. by - incrementStartPlaceholder: Increment start (default 0) - prefixPlaceholder: Trip ID prefix (optional) - startTime: "Start Time:" - tripsStartingWith: "trip(s), starting with:" -