Examples for Cepheus-CEP and Cepheus-Broker with a complete setup.
Rooms and Floors A first example demonstrating Cepheus-CEP
[Close Shutters](2_Close Shutters/index.md) A more complex example for Cepheus-CEP
CEP and Broker Make Cepheus-CEP interact with Cepheus-Broker
CEP and Broker and Orion Make Cepheus-CEP and Cepheus-Broker interact with Orion
Temperature Threshold Make Cepheus-CEP and Cepheus-Broker interact with IoT Agent (protocol adapter for device)
Query and Command Make Cepheus-Broker interact with Orion and IoT Agent (protocol adapter for device)
Metadata Simple example of the Cepheus-CEP metadata handling
[Date and Geo:Point](8_Date and Geo:Point) Simple example of Cepheus-CEP handling dates and geo:point attributes