diff --git a/5/css/normalize.css b/5/css/normalize.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e49565 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/css/normalize.css @@ -0,0 +1,427 @@ +/*! normalize.scss v0.1.0 | MIT License | based on git.io/normalize */ + +/** + * 1. Set default font family to sans-serif. + * 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling + * user zoom. + */ + +html { + font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */ + -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ + -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Remove default margin. + */ + +body { + margin: 0; +} + +/* HTML5 display definitions + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9. + * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11 + * and Firefox. + * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11. + */ + +article, +aside, +details, +figcaption, +figure, +footer, +header, +hgroup, +main, +menu, +nav, +section, +summary { + display: block; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9. + * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. + */ + +audio, +canvas, +progress, +video { + display: inline-block; /* 1 */ + vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls. + * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices. + */ + +audio:not([controls]) { + display: none; + height: 0; +} + +/** + * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10. + * Hide the `block-borderlate` element in IE 8/9/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22. + */ + +[hidden], +block-borderlate { + display: none; +} + +/* Links + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10. + */ + +a { + background-color: transparent; +} + +/** + * Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers. + */ + +a:active, +a:hover { + outline: 0; +} + +/* Text-level semantics + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome. + */ + +abbr[title] { + border-bottom: 1px dotted; +} + +/** + * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome. + */ + +b, +strong { + font-weight: bold; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome. + */ + +dfn { + font-style: italic; +} + +/** + * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article` + * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome. + */ + +h1 { + font-size: 2em; + margin: 0.67em 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 8/9. + */ + +mark { + background: #ff0; + color: #000; +} + +/** + * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers. + */ + +small { + font-size: 80%; +} + +/** + * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers. + */ + +sub, +sup { + font-size: 75%; + line-height: 0; + position: relative; + vertical-align: baseline; +} + +sup { + top: -0.5em; +} + +sub { + bottom: -0.25em; +} + +/* Embedded content + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10. + */ + +img { + border: 0; +} + +/** + * Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11. + */ + +svg:not(:root) { + overflow: hidden; +} + +/* Grouping content + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari. + */ + +figure { + margin: 1em 40px; +} + +/** + * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers. + */ + +hr { + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + box-sizing: content-box; + height: 0; +} + +/** + * Contain overflow in all browsers. + */ + +pre { + overflow: auto; +} + +/** + * Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers. + */ + +code, +kbd, +pre, +samp { + font-family: monospace, monospace; + font-size: 1em; +} + +/* Forms + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited + * styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set. + */ + +/** + * 1. Correct color not being inherited. + * Known issue: affects color of disabled elements. + * 2. Correct font properties not being inherited. + * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome. + */ + +button, +input, +optgroup, +select, +textarea { + color: inherit; /* 1 */ + font: inherit; /* 2 */ + margin: 0; /* 3 */ +} + +/** + * Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11. + */ + +button { + overflow: visible; +} + +/** + * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`. + * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values. + * Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera. + * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox. + */ + +button, +select { + text-transform: none; +} + +/** + * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio` + * and `video` controls. + * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS. + * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type + * `input` and others. + */ + +button, +html input[type="button"], /* 1 */ +input[type="reset"], +input[type="submit"] { + -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ + cursor: pointer; /* 3 */ +} + +/** + * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements. + */ + +button[disabled], +html input[disabled] { + cursor: default; +} + +/** + * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+. + */ + +button::-moz-focus-inner, +input::-moz-focus-inner { + border: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/** + * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in + * the UA stylesheet. + */ + +input { + line-height: normal; +} + +/** + * It's recommended that you don't atblock-bordert to style these elements. + * Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width. + * + * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10. + * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10. + */ + +input[type="checkbox"], +input[type="radio"] { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain + * `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the + * decrement button to change from `default` to `text`. + */ + +input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, +input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { + height: auto; +} + +/** + * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome. + * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome + * (include `-moz` to future-proof). + */ + +input[type="search"] { + -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */ + box-sizing: content-box; +} + +/** + * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X. + * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has + * padding (and `textfield` appearance). + */ + +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { + -webkit-appearance: none; +} + +/** + * Define consistent border, margin, and padding. + */ + +fieldset { + border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; + margin: 0 2px; + padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11. + * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets. + */ + +legend { + border: 0; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11. + */ + +textarea { + overflow: auto; +} + +/** + * Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above). + * NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X. + */ + +optgroup { + font-weight: bold; +} + +/* Tables + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove most spacing between table cells. + */ + +table { + border-collapse: collapse; + border-spacing: 0; +} + +td, +th { + padding: 0; +} diff --git a/5/css/style.css b/5/css/style.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db02f03 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/css/style.css @@ -0,0 +1,1431 @@ +/* Общие стили. Каркас + ========================================================================== */ + +@font-face { + font-family: "Open Sans"; + src: url("../fonts/OpenSansCondensed-Bold.woff2") format("woff2"), + url("../fonts/OpenSansCondensed-Bold.woff") format("woff"); + font-weight: 700; + font-style: normal; + font-display: swap; +} + +@font-face { + font-family: "Open Sans"; + src: url("../fonts/OpenSans-Regular.woff2") format("woff2"), + url("../fonts/OpenSans-Regular.woff") format("woff"); + font-weight: 400; + font-style: normal; + font-display: swap; +} + +*, +*::before, +*::after { + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; +} + +body { + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 400; + font-size: 14px; + line-height: 20px; + color: #ffffff; + text-transform: uppercase; + + background-color: #232321; +} + +main { + position: relative; +} + +.content-box-component { + -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; + box-sizing: content-box; +} + +.container { + width: 1360px; + margin: 0 auto; +} + +.modal-open { + height: 100vh; + overflow: hidden; +} + + +/** + * Кнопка закрытия модального окна + */ + +.cancel { + display: block; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + + width: 42px; + height: 42px; + + font-size: 0; + + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); + background-image: url("../img/icon-cross.svg"); + background-position: center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + + border: 0; + border-radius: 2px; + + opacity: 0.6; +} + +.cancel:hover, +.cancel:focus { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + opacity: 1; +} + +.cancel:active { + -webkit-transform: translateY(1px); + -ms-transform: translateY(1px); + transform: translateY(1px); +} + + +/** + * Оверлей под экранами + */ + +.overlay { + position: fixed; + top: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 2; + + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; + + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + padding-top: 60px; + overflow: auto; + + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); +} + + +/* Блок с фильтрами изображений других пользователей + ========================================================================== */ + +.img-filters { + padding: 20px 0; + + display: -webkit-box; + display: -ms-flexbox; + display: flex; + + -webkit-box-pack: center; + -ms-flex-pack: center; + justify-content: center; +} + +.img-filters--inactive { + opacity: 0; +} + +.img-filters__button { + padding: 5px 15px; + + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 18px; + line-height: auto; + text-transform: uppercase; + + cursor: pointer; + background-color: #232321; + border: none; +} + +.img-filters__button:active, +.img-filters__button--active { + color: #ff4e4e; + + background-color: #ffffff; + border-radius: 2px; +} + +.img-filters__label { + padding: 5px 15px; + + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 18px; + line-height: auto; + + cursor: pointer; +} + +.img-filters__radio:focus + .img-filters__label { + outline: auto 5px highlight; +} + +.img-filters__radio:checked + .img-filters__label { + color: #ff4e4e; + text-decoration: none; + + background-color: #ffffff; + border-radius: 2px; +} + + +/* Блок, в котором размещаются фотографии других пользователей + ========================================================================== */ + +.pictures { + display: -ms-grid; + display: grid; + grid-gap: 10px; + + -ms-grid-columns: (1fr)[7]; + grid-template-columns: repeat(7, 1fr); +} + +.picture { + position: relative; + line-height: 0; +} + +.picture__img { + max-width: auto; + width: 100%; + height: auto; +} + +.picture__info { + display: none; + + margin: 0; + padding: 15px; + position: absolute; + bottom: 10px; + left: 50%; + + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); + border-radius: 5px; + + -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); + -ms-transform: translateX(-50%); + transform: translateX(-50%); +} + +.picture:hover .picture__info, +.picture:focus .picture__info { + display: -webkit-box; + display: -ms-flexbox; + display: flex; +} + +.picture__comments, +.picture__likes { + padding-left: 30px; + position: relative; + + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 400; + color: #ffffff; +} + +.picture__comments { + margin-right: 10px; +} + +.picture__comments::before, +.picture__likes::before { + content: ""; + position: absolute; + left: 5px; + top: -7px; + + background-image: url("../img/sprite.png"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; +} + +.picture__comments::before { + width: 20px; + height: 16px; + + background-position: -5px -5px; +} + +.picture__likes::before { + width: 20px; + height: 16px; + + background-position: -5px -31px; +} + + +/* Поле для загрузки нового изображения + ========================================================================== */ + +.img-upload { + -ms-grid-column: 3; + -ms-grid-column-span: 3; + grid-column: 3 / span 3; + + -ms-grid-row: 1; + -ms-grid-row-span: 3; + grid-row: 1 / span 3; +} + +.img-upload__wrapper { + margin: 0 auto; + padding-bottom: 60px; + width: 582px; + + text-align: center; +} + +.img-upload__form { + position: relative; + min-height: 569px; + + background-color: #eed21e; + background-image: url("../img/logo-background-1.jpg"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center; + + border: none; +} + +.img-upload__start { + position: relative; + + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + min-height: 569px; + + background-image: url("../img/logo-mask.png"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center; + + border: none; +} + +.img-upload__label { + position: absolute; + + top: 194px; + left: 203px; + + width: 180px; + height: 181px; + + font-size: 0; + + background-image: url("../img/upload-button-bg.png"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center; + + cursor: pointer; +} + +.img-upload__label::after { + content: ""; + position: absolute; + + top: 32px; + left: 47px; + + width: 86px; + height: 114px; + + background-image: url("../img/upload-button.svg"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center; + + -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px #943106); + filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px #943106); +} + +.img-upload__label:hover::after, +.img-upload__label:active::after { + -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px #622104); + filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px #622104); + + -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); + -ms-transform: scale(1.1); + transform: scale(1.1); +} + +.img-upload__input:focus + .img-upload__label { + outline: auto 5px highlight; +} + + +/* Окно для редактирования изображения + ========================================================================== */ + +.img-upload__overlay { + position: fixed; + top: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 2; + + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; + + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + + padding-top: 60px; + overflow: auto; + + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); +} + +.img-upload__preview-container { + position: relative; + margin-bottom: 30px; +} + + +/** + * Кнопки изменения масштаба изобраения + */ + +.img-upload__scale { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 50%; + z-index: 1; + + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 400; + + -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); + -ms-transform: translateX(-50%); + transform: translateX(-50%); +} + +.scale { + margin: 0; + padding: 10px; + + font-size: 0; + border: 0; +} + +.scale__control { + position: relative; + + width: 33px; + height: 33px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + + text-align: center; + vertical-align: middle; + + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + border: 0; +} + +.scale__control:hover, +.scale__control:focus { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); +} + +.scale__control:active { + -webkit-transform: translateY(1px); + -ms-transform: translateY(1px); + transform: translateY(1px); +} + +.scale__control--smaller { + border-radius: 50% 0 0 50%; +} + +.scale__control--smaller::before { + content: "–"; + position: absolute; + top: 50%; + left: 50%; + + font-size: 20px; + line-height: 0; + color: #ffffff; + + -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); + -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); + transform: translate(-50%, -50%); +} + +.scale__control--value { + width: 60px; + + font-size: 16px; + color: #ffffff; + + border: solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); + border-width: 0 2px; +} + +.scale__control--bigger { + border-radius: 0 50% 50% 0; +} + +.scale__control--bigger::before { + content: "+"; + position: absolute; + top: 50%; + left: 50%; + + font-size: 20px; + line-height: 0; + color: #ffffff; + + -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); + -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); + transform: translate(-50%, -50%); +} + + +/** + * Превью изображения + */ + +.img-upload__preview { + display: -webkit-box; + display: -ms-flexbox; + display: flex; + -webkit-box-align: center; + -ms-flex-align: center; + align-items: center; + -webkit-box-pack: center; + -ms-flex-pack: center; + justify-content: center; + + width: 600px; + height: 600px; + + background-color: #ffffff; +} + +.img-upload__preview img { + display: block; + max-width: 600px; + max-height: 600px; +} + + +/** + * Шкала регулирования глубины фильтра + */ + +.effect-level { + position: absolute; + bottom: 9px; + left: 50%; + + padding: 7px 11px 0; + + width: 495px; + height: 34px; + + font-size: 12px; + text-align: center; + color: #ffffff; + white-space: nowrap; + + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + border-radius: 34px; + + -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); + -ms-transform: translateX(-50%); + transform: translateX(-50%); +} + +.effect-level .noUi-target { + border-radius: 16px; +} + +.effect-level .noUi-connects { + border-radius: 13px; +} + +.effect-level .noUi-connect { + background: #ffe753; +} + +.effect-level__value { + display: none; +} + + +/** + * Блок с эффектами, которые можно применить к изображению + */ + +.effects { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + margin-bottom: 30px; + border: none; +} + +.effects__list { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + + display: -webkit-box; + display: -ms-flexbox; + display: flex; + + -webkit-box-pack: center; + -ms-flex-pack: center; + justify-content: center; + + list-style: none; + text-align: center; +} + +.effects__item { + margin-right: 5px; +} + +.effects__label { + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 700; + + cursor: pointer; +} + +.effects__label:hover, +.effects__label:focus, +.effects__radio:checked + .effects__label { + color: #ffe753; +} + +.effects__preview { + display: block; + width: 70px; + height: 70px; + margin-bottom: 5px; + + overflow: hidden; + + font-size: 0; + + background-color: #314359; + background-image: url("../img/upload-default-image.jpg"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center; + background-size: 100% auto; + + border: solid 5px transparent; + border-radius: 5px; +} + +.effects__preview:last-of-type { + margin-right: 0; +} + +.effects__radio:checked + .effects__label .effects__preview { + border: 5px solid #ffe753; +} + +.effects__radio:focus + .effects__label .effects__preview { + outline: auto 5px highlight; +} + +.effects__preview--chrome { + -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); + filter: grayscale(1); +} + +.effects__preview--sepia { + -webkit-filter: sepia(1); + filter: sepia(1); +} + +.effects__preview--marvin { + -webkit-filter: invert(100%); + filter: invert(100%); +} + +.effects__preview--phobos { + -webkit-filter: blur(3px); + filter: blur(3px); +} + +.effects__preview--heat { + -webkit-filter: brightness(3); + filter: brightness(3); +} + + +/** + * Блок добавления хэштегов и комментария к изображению + */ + +.text { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + margin-bottom: 30px; + + text-align: center; + border: none; +} + +.text__hashtags { + width: 450px; + + margin: 0 auto; + margin-bottom: 20px; + padding: 5px 10px; + + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 400; + color: #000000; + + border-radius: 5px; +} + +.text__description { + width: 450px; + height: 100px; + + margin: 0 auto; + padding: 15px 10px; + + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 400; + color: #000000; + + border-radius: 5px; +} + +.img-upload__field-wrapper--error { + background-color: #fd4d4b; + color:#ffffff; + font-size: 12px; + margin-top: -20px; + z-index: 10000; + position: relative; +} + + +/** + * Кнопка для отправки изображения + */ + +.img-upload__submit { + padding: 10px 20px; + + color: #ffe753; + text-align: center; + text-transform: uppercase; + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 700; + + background-color: rgba(255, 231, 82, 0.2); + + border: 0; + border-radius: 4px; +} + +.img-upload__submit:hover, +.img-upload__submit:focus { + background-color: rgba(255, 231, 82, 0.4); +} + +.img-upload__submit:active { + -webkit-transform: translateY(1px); + -ms-transform: translateY(1px); + transform: translateY(1px); +} + +.img-upload__submit:disabled, +.img-upload__submit--disabled { + opacity: 0.3; +} + + +/* + * Кнопка для закрытия окна редактирования изображения + */ + +.img-upload__cancel { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 610px; +} + +.img-upload__cancel:active { + -webkit-transform: translateY(1px); + -ms-transform: translateY(1px); + transform: translateY(1px); +} + + +/* Окно полноэкранного просмотра изображения + ========================================================================== */ + +.big-picture__preview { + position: absolute; + top: 60px; + left: 50%; + + max-width: 600px; + min-height: 600px; + + padding-bottom: 60px; + + -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); + -ms-transform: translateX(-50%); + transform: translateX(-50%); +} + +.big-picture__img img { + display: block; +} + +.social { + display: -webkit-box; + display: -ms-flexbox; + display: flex; + + -webkit-box-orient: vertical; + -webkit-box-direction: normal; + -ms-flex-direction: column; + flex-direction: column; + + max-width: 600px; + + color: #000000; + font-family: "Open Sans", "Arial", sans-serif; + font-weight: 400; + text-transform: none; + + background-color: #ffffff; +} + + +/* + * Подпись к изображению + */ + +.social__header { + padding: 15px 15px; + + display: -webkit-box; + display: -ms-flexbox; + display: flex; + + -webkit-box-pack: start; + -ms-flex-pack: start; + justify-content: flex-start; + + -webkit-box-align: center; + -ms-flex-align: center; + align-items: center; + + border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; +} + +.social__picture { + display: block; + -ms-flex-negative: 0; + flex-shrink: 0; + margin-right: 15px; +} + +.social__caption { + margin: 0; + margin-right: 15px; +} + +.social__likes { + margin: 0; + margin-left: auto; + min-width: 125px; +} + +.likes-count { + position: relative; + padding-left: 30px; + + color: #f48181; + + cursor: pointer; +} + +.likes-count:hover { + color: #e90000; +} + +.likes-count::before { + content: ""; + position: absolute; + + top: 3px; + left: 5px; + + width: 20px; + height: 18px; + + background-image: url("../img/sprite.png"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + + background-position: -5px -56px; + opacity: 0.5; +} + +.likes-count:hover::before, +.likes-count:focus::before { + opacity: 1; +} + +.likes-count:active::before, +.likes-count--active::before { + opacity: 1; + background-position: -5px -81px; +} + + +/* + * Комментарии к изображению + */ + +.social__comments { + -ms-flex-preferred-size: 100%; + flex-basis: 100%; + + list-style: none; + + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + padding-top: 20px; +} + +.social__comment { + padding-left: 15px; + padding-right: 15px; + padding-bottom: 20px; + + display: -webkit-box; + display: -ms-flexbox; + display: flex; + + -webkit-box-align: center; + -ms-flex-align: center; + align-items: center; +} + +.social__comment-count { + padding-top: 20px; + padding-left: 65px; +} + +.social__comments-loader { + padding: 0; + padding-left: 65px; + padding-bottom: 20px; + position: relative; + + text-align: left; + color: #3b77c0; + + background: none; + border: none; +} + +.comments-loader { + text-align: left; + color: 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100644 index 0000000..bca9111 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/avatar-3.svg @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/5/img/avatar-4.svg b/5/img/avatar-4.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65e32ae --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/avatar-4.svg @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/5/img/avatar-5.svg b/5/img/avatar-5.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71f30ee --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/avatar-5.svg @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/5/img/avatar-6.svg b/5/img/avatar-6.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77233fd --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/avatar-6.svg @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/5/img/htmla-logo.svg b/5/img/htmla-logo.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d16aef1 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/htmla-logo.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/5/img/icon-arrow.png b/5/img/icon-arrow.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..140753c Binary files /dev/null and b/5/img/icon-arrow.png differ diff --git a/5/img/icon-cross.svg b/5/img/icon-cross.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5430645 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/icon-cross.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/5/img/icon-warning.svg b/5/img/icon-warning.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbb0ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/icon-warning.svg @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + + + + + + + ! + + diff --git a/5/img/logo-background-1.jpg b/5/img/logo-background-1.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d46046 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/img/logo-background-1.jpg differ diff --git a/5/img/logo-background-2.jpg b/5/img/logo-background-2.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0da4894 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/img/logo-background-2.jpg differ diff --git a/5/img/logo-background-3.jpg b/5/img/logo-background-3.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..339050b Binary files /dev/null and b/5/img/logo-background-3.jpg differ diff --git a/5/img/logo-mask.png b/5/img/logo-mask.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..706b8bf Binary files /dev/null and b/5/img/logo-mask.png differ diff --git a/5/img/spinner-blue.svg b/5/img/spinner-blue.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8a3100 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/spinner-blue.svg @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/5/img/spinner.svg b/5/img/spinner.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf250a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/spinner.svg @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/5/img/sprite.png b/5/img/sprite.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d0e7df Binary files /dev/null and b/5/img/sprite.png differ diff --git a/5/img/upload-button-bg.png b/5/img/upload-button-bg.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b1a852 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/img/upload-button-bg.png differ diff --git a/5/img/upload-button.svg b/5/img/upload-button.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b561256 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/img/upload-button.svg @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/5/img/upload-default-image.jpg b/5/img/upload-default-image.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba56046 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/img/upload-default-image.jpg differ diff --git a/5/index.html b/5/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e4f618 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + Кекстаграм + + + + +
+ +

Фильтр фотографий

+ + + +
+ + +

Фотографии других пользователей

+ + +

Загрузка фотографии

+ + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/5/js/functions.js b/5/js/functions.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd71eef --- /dev/null +++ b/5/js/functions.js @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +const checkLength = (string, length) => string.length <= length; + +checkLength('проверяемая строка', 18); + + +const isPalindromeString = (string) => { + const newString = string.replaceAll(' ','').toLowerCase(); + + let invertedString = ''; + for(let i = newString.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ + invertedString += newString[i]; + } + + return newString === invertedString; + +}; + +isPalindromeString('Лёша на полке клопа нашёл '); + +const getNumber = (string) => { + const replacedString = string.replaceAll(' ',''); + let numberString = ''; + + for(let i = 0; i <= replacedString.length - 1; i++){ + if(!isNaN(replacedString[i])){ + numberString += replacedString[i]; + } + } + + return parseInt(numberString, 10); +}; + +getNumber('ECMAScript 2022'); diff --git a/5/js/main.js b/5/js/main.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..becfbf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/js/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import { getPhotos } from './modules/photo-desc'; + +getPhotos(); diff --git a/5/js/modules/comments.js b/5/js/modules/comments.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2bfd1f --- /dev/null +++ b/5/js/modules/comments.js @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import { getRandomInteger, getId} from './util.js'; + + +const AVATAR_COUNT_FROM = 1; +const AVATAR_COUNT_TO = 6; + +const getCommentId = getId(); + +const NAMES = ['София', 'Артем', 'Ева', 'Амина', 'Давид', 'Максим', 'Дарина', 'Алия', 'Амелия', 'Дамир', 'Арслан']; +const MESSAGES = [ + 'Всё отлично!', + 'В целом всё неплохо. Но не всё.', + 'Когда вы делаете фотографию, хорошо бы убирать палец из кадра. В конце концов это просто непрофессионально.', + 'Моя бабушка случайно чихнула с фотоаппаратом в руках и у неё получилась фотография лучше.', + 'Я поскользнулся на банановой кожуре и уронил фотоаппарат на кота и у меня получилась фотография лучше.', + 'Лица у людей на фотке перекошены, как будто их избивают. Как можно было поймать такой неудачный момент?!' +]; + + +const getComments = () => { + const comment = { + id:getCommentId(), + avatar:`img/avatar-${getRandomInteger(AVATAR_COUNT_FROM, AVATAR_COUNT_TO)}`, + message:MESSAGES[getRandomInteger(0, MESSAGES.length - 1)], + name:NAMES[getRandomInteger(0, NAMES.length - 1)] + }; + return comment; +}; + +export {getComments}; diff --git a/5/js/modules/photo-desc.js b/5/js/modules/photo-desc.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72c9d60 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/js/modules/photo-desc.js @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +import { getRandomInteger, getId} from './util.js'; +import { getComments } from './comments.js'; + +const PHOTO_PUBLISHED_COUNT = 25; +const PHOTO_DESCRIPTION = 'Моменты, которые запечатлены навсегда'; + +const LIKES_COUNT_FROM = 15; +const LIKES_COUNT_TO = 200; + +const COMMENTS_COUNT_FROM = 0; +const COMMENTS_COUNT_TO = 30; + + +const getPhotoId = getId(); + +const getPhotoDescription = () => { + const id = getPhotoId(); + return { + id: id, + url:`photo/${id}.jpg`, + description:PHOTO_DESCRIPTION, + likes:getRandomInteger(LIKES_COUNT_FROM,LIKES_COUNT_TO), + comments: Array.from({length:getRandomInteger(COMMENTS_COUNT_FROM, COMMENTS_COUNT_TO)}, getComments) + }; +}; + +const getPhotos = (photoCount = PHOTO_PUBLISHED_COUNT) => Array.from({length:photoCount}, getPhotoDescription); + +export {getPhotos}; diff --git a/5/js/modules/util.js b/5/js/modules/util.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73fae91 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/js/modules/util.js @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +const getRandomInteger = (a, b) => { + const lower = Math.ceil(Math.min(a, b)); + const upper = Math.floor(Math.max(a, b)); + const result = Math.random() * (upper - lower + 1) + lower; + return Math.floor(result); +}; + + +const getId = () => { + let currentId = 0; + return () => ++currentId; +}; + +export {getRandomInteger, getId}; diff --git a/5/photos/1.jpg b/5/photos/1.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aed4903 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/1.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/10.jpg b/5/photos/10.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8886cd Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/10.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/11.jpg b/5/photos/11.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e560511 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/11.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/12.jpg b/5/photos/12.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7daab9 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/12.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/13.jpg b/5/photos/13.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67de24e Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/13.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/14.jpg b/5/photos/14.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f698c4e Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/14.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/15.jpg b/5/photos/15.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d74a50b Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/15.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/16.jpg b/5/photos/16.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85ca467 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/16.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/17.jpg b/5/photos/17.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebb0a86 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/17.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/18.jpg b/5/photos/18.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddf8171 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/18.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/19.jpg b/5/photos/19.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70af453 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/19.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/2.jpg b/5/photos/2.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d2cd4a Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/2.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/20.jpg b/5/photos/20.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba92d0f Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/20.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/21.jpg b/5/photos/21.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77fca6c Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/21.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/22.jpg b/5/photos/22.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4022f2 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/22.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/23.jpg b/5/photos/23.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4c378b Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/23.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/24.jpg b/5/photos/24.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4856ce Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/24.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/25.jpg b/5/photos/25.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9393d0 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/25.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/3.jpg b/5/photos/3.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a24f1f2 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/3.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/4.jpg b/5/photos/4.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91e90dc Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/4.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/5.jpg b/5/photos/5.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35b440f Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/5.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/6.jpg b/5/photos/6.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84ee234 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/6.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/7.jpg b/5/photos/7.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2422c36 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/7.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/8.jpg b/5/photos/8.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f86090 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/8.jpg differ diff --git a/5/photos/9.jpg b/5/photos/9.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbf5877 Binary files /dev/null and b/5/photos/9.jpg differ diff --git a/5/vendor/nouislider/nouislider.css b/5/vendor/nouislider/nouislider.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c43ce8 --- /dev/null +++ b/5/vendor/nouislider/nouislider.css @@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ +/*! nouislider - 15.6.0 - 05/01/2022 */ +/* Functional styling; + * These styles are required for noUiSlider to function. + * You don't need to change these rules to apply your design. + */ + .noUi-target, + .noUi-target * { + -webkit-touch-callout: none; + -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -webkit-user-select: none; + -ms-touch-action: none; + touch-action: none; + -ms-user-select: none; + -moz-user-select: none; + user-select: none; + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; + } + .noUi-target { + position: relative; + } + .noUi-base, + .noUi-connects { + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + position: relative; + z-index: 1; + } + /* Wrapper for all connect elements. + */ + .noUi-connects { + overflow: hidden; + z-index: 0; + } + .noUi-connect, + .noUi-origin { + will-change: transform; + position: absolute; + z-index: 1; + top: 0; + right: 0; + height: 100%; + width: 100%; + -ms-transform-origin: 0 0; + -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0; + -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; + transform-origin: 0 0; + transform-style: flat; + } + /* Offset direction + */ + .noUi-txt-dir-rtl.noUi-horizontal .noUi-origin { + left: 0; + right: auto; + } + /* Give origins 0 height/width so they don't interfere with clicking the + * connect elements. + */ + .noUi-vertical .noUi-origin { + top: -100%; + width: 0; + } + .noUi-horizontal .noUi-origin { + height: 0; + } + .noUi-handle { + -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; + backface-visibility: hidden; + position: absolute; + } + .noUi-touch-area { + height: 100%; + width: 100%; + } + .noUi-state-tap .noUi-connect, + .noUi-state-tap .noUi-origin { + -webkit-transition: transform 0.3s; + transition: transform 0.3s; + } + .noUi-state-drag * { + cursor: inherit !important; + } + /* Slider size and handle placement; + */ + .noUi-horizontal { + height: 18px; + } + .noUi-horizontal .noUi-handle { + width: 34px; + height: 28px; + right: -17px; + top: -6px; + } + .noUi-vertical { + width: 18px; + } + .noUi-vertical .noUi-handle { + width: 28px; + height: 34px; + right: -6px; + bottom: -17px; + } + .noUi-txt-dir-rtl.noUi-horizontal .noUi-handle { + left: -17px; + right: auto; + } + /* Styling; + * Giving the connect element a border radius causes issues with using transform: scale + */ + .noUi-target { + background: #FAFAFA; + border-radius: 4px; + border: 1px solid #D3D3D3; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px #F0F0F0, 0 3px 6px -5px #BBB; + } + .noUi-connects { + border-radius: 3px; + } + .noUi-connect { + background: #3FB8AF; + } + /* Handles and cursors; + */ + .noUi-draggable { + cursor: ew-resize; + } + .noUi-vertical .noUi-draggable { + cursor: ns-resize; + } + .noUi-handle { + border: 1px solid #D9D9D9; + border-radius: 3px; + background: #FFF; + cursor: default; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px #FFF, inset 0 1px 7px #EBEBEB, 0 3px 6px -3px #BBB; + } + .noUi-active { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px #FFF, inset 0 1px 7px #DDD, 0 3px 6px -3px #BBB; + } + /* Handle stripes; + */ + .noUi-handle:before, + .noUi-handle:after { + content: ""; + display: block; + position: absolute; + height: 14px; + width: 1px; + background: #E8E7E6; + left: 14px; + top: 6px; + } + .noUi-handle:after { + left: 17px; + } + .noUi-vertical .noUi-handle:before, + .noUi-vertical .noUi-handle:after { + width: 14px; + height: 1px; + left: 6px; + top: 14px; + } + .noUi-vertical .noUi-handle:after { + top: 17px; + } + /* Disabled state; + */ + [disabled] .noUi-connect { + background: #B8B8B8; + } + [disabled].noUi-target, + [disabled].noUi-handle, + [disabled] .noUi-handle { + cursor: not-allowed; + } + /* Base; + * + */ + .noUi-pips, + .noUi-pips * { + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; + } + .noUi-pips { + position: absolute; + color: #999; + } + /* Values; + * + */ + .noUi-value { + position: absolute; + white-space: nowrap; + text-align: center; + } + .noUi-value-sub { + color: #ccc; + font-size: 10px; + } + /* Markings; + * + */ + .noUi-marker { + position: absolute; + background: #CCC; + } + .noUi-marker-sub { + background: #AAA; + } + .noUi-marker-large { + background: #AAA; + } + /* Horizontal layout; + * + */ + .noUi-pips-horizontal { + padding: 10px 0; + height: 80px; + top: 100%; + left: 0; + width: 100%; + } + .noUi-value-horizontal { + -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 50%); + transform: translate(-50%, 50%); + } + .noUi-rtl .noUi-value-horizontal { + -webkit-transform: translate(50%, 50%); + transform: translate(50%, 50%); + } + .noUi-marker-horizontal.noUi-marker { + margin-left: -1px; + width: 2px; + height: 5px; + } + .noUi-marker-horizontal.noUi-marker-sub { + height: 10px; + } + .noUi-marker-horizontal.noUi-marker-large { + height: 15px; + } + /* Vertical layout; + * + */ + .noUi-pips-vertical { + padding: 0 10px; + height: 100%; + top: 0; + left: 100%; + } + .noUi-value-vertical { + -webkit-transform: translate(0, -50%); + transform: translate(0, -50%); + padding-left: 25px; + } + .noUi-rtl .noUi-value-vertical { + -webkit-transform: translate(0, 50%); + transform: translate(0, 50%); + } + .noUi-marker-vertical.noUi-marker { + width: 5px; + height: 2px; + margin-top: -1px; + } + .noUi-marker-vertical.noUi-marker-sub { + width: 10px; + } + .noUi-marker-vertical.noUi-marker-large { + width: 15px; + } + .noUi-tooltip { + display: block; + position: absolute; + border: 1px solid #D9D9D9; + border-radius: 3px; + background: #fff; + color: #000; + padding: 5px; + text-align: center; + white-space: nowrap; + } + .noUi-horizontal .noUi-tooltip { + -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0); + transform: translate(-50%, 0); + left: 50%; + bottom: 120%; + } + .noUi-vertical .noUi-tooltip { + -webkit-transform: translate(0, -50%); + transform: translate(0, -50%); + top: 50%; + right: 120%; + } + .noUi-horizontal .noUi-origin > .noUi-tooltip { + -webkit-transform: translate(50%, 0); + transform: translate(50%, 0); + left: auto; + bottom: 10px; + } + .noUi-vertical .noUi-origin > .noUi-tooltip { + -webkit-transform: translate(0, -18px); + transform: translate(0, -18px); + top: auto; + right: 28px; + } diff --git a/5/vendor/nouislider/nouislider.js b/5/vendor/nouislider/nouislider.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98863fb --- /dev/null +++ b/5/vendor/nouislider/nouislider.js @@ -0,0 +1,2255 @@ +/*! nouislider - 15.6.0 - 05/01/2022 */ +(function (global, factory) { + typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : + typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : + (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.noUiSlider = {})); +})(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; + + exports.PipsMode = void 0; + (function (PipsMode) { + PipsMode["Range"] = "range"; + PipsMode["Steps"] = "steps"; + PipsMode["Positions"] = "positions"; + PipsMode["Count"] = "count"; + PipsMode["Values"] = "values"; + })(exports.PipsMode || (exports.PipsMode = {})); + exports.PipsType = void 0; + (function (PipsType) { + PipsType[PipsType["None"] = -1] = "None"; + PipsType[PipsType["NoValue"] = 0] = "NoValue"; + PipsType[PipsType["LargeValue"] = 1] = "LargeValue"; + PipsType[PipsType["SmallValue"] = 2] = "SmallValue"; + })(exports.PipsType || (exports.PipsType = {})); + //region Helper Methods + function isValidFormatter(entry) { + return isValidPartialFormatter(entry) && typeof entry.from === "function"; + } + function isValidPartialFormatter(entry) { + // partial formatters only need a to function and not a from function + return typeof entry === "object" && typeof entry.to === "function"; + } + function removeElement(el) { + el.parentElement.removeChild(el); + } + function isSet(value) { + return value !== null && value !== undefined; + } + // Bindable version + function preventDefault(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + } + // Removes duplicates from an array. + function unique(array) { + return array.filter(function (a) { + return !this[a] ? (this[a] = true) : false; + }, {}); + } + // Round a value to the closest 'to'. + function closest(value, to) { + return Math.round(value / to) * to; + } + // Current position of an element relative to the document. + function offset(elem, orientation) { + var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); + var doc = elem.ownerDocument; + var docElem = doc.documentElement; + var pageOffset = getPageOffset(doc); + // getBoundingClientRect contains left scroll in Chrome on Android. + // I haven't found a feature detection that proves this. Worst case + // scenario on mis-match: the 'tap' feature on horizontal sliders breaks. + if (/webkit.*Chrome.*Mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { + pageOffset.x = 0; + } + return orientation ? rect.top + pageOffset.y - docElem.clientTop : rect.left + pageOffset.x - docElem.clientLeft; + } + // Checks whether a value is numerical. + function isNumeric(a) { + return typeof a === "number" && !isNaN(a) && isFinite(a); + } + // Sets a class and removes it after [duration] ms. + function addClassFor(element, className, duration) { + if (duration > 0) { + addClass(element, className); + setTimeout(function () { + removeClass(element, className); + }, duration); + } + } + // Limits a value to 0 - 100 + function limit(a) { + return Math.max(Math.min(a, 100), 0); + } + // Wraps a variable as an array, if it isn't one yet. + // Note that an input array is returned by reference! + function asArray(a) { + return Array.isArray(a) ? a : [a]; + } + // Counts decimals + function countDecimals(numStr) { + numStr = String(numStr); + var pieces = numStr.split("."); + return pieces.length > 1 ? pieces[1].length : 0; + } + // http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/#add_class + function addClass(el, className) { + if (el.classList && !/\s/.test(className)) { + el.classList.add(className); + } + else { + el.className += " " + className; + } + } + // http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/#remove_class + function removeClass(el, className) { + if (el.classList && !/\s/.test(className)) { + el.classList.remove(className); + } + else { + el.className = el.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\b)" + className.split(" ").join("|") + "(\\b|$)", "gi"), " "); + } + } + // https://plainjs.com/javascript/attributes/adding-removing-and-testing-for-classes-9/ + function hasClass(el, className) { + return el.classList ? el.classList.contains(className) : new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b").test(el.className); + } + // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollY#Notes + function getPageOffset(doc) { + var supportPageOffset = window.pageXOffset !== undefined; + var isCSS1Compat = (doc.compatMode || "") === "CSS1Compat"; + var x = supportPageOffset + ? window.pageXOffset + : isCSS1Compat + ? doc.documentElement.scrollLeft + : doc.body.scrollLeft; + var y = supportPageOffset + ? window.pageYOffset + : isCSS1Compat + ? doc.documentElement.scrollTop + : doc.body.scrollTop; + return { + x: x, + y: y, + }; + } + // we provide a function to compute constants instead + // of accessing window.* as soon as the module needs it + // so that we do not compute anything if not needed + function getActions() { + // Determine the events to bind. IE11 implements pointerEvents without + // a prefix, which breaks compatibility with the IE10 implementation. + return window.navigator.pointerEnabled + ? { + start: "pointerdown", + move: "pointermove", + end: "pointerup", + } + : window.navigator.msPointerEnabled + ? { + start: "MSPointerDown", + move: "MSPointerMove", + end: "MSPointerUp", + } + : { + start: "mousedown touchstart", + move: "mousemove touchmove", + end: "mouseup touchend", + }; + } + // https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/gh-pages/explainer.md + // Issue #785 + function getSupportsPassive() { + var supportsPassive = false; + /* eslint-disable */ + try { + var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { + get: function () { + supportsPassive = true; + }, + }); + // @ts-ignore + window.addEventListener("test", null, opts); + } + catch (e) { } + /* eslint-enable */ + return supportsPassive; + } + function getSupportsTouchActionNone() { + return window.CSS && CSS.supports && CSS.supports("touch-action", "none"); + } + //endregion + //region Range Calculation + // Determine the size of a sub-range in relation to a full range. + function subRangeRatio(pa, pb) { + return 100 / (pb - pa); + } + // (percentage) How many percent is this value of this range? + function fromPercentage(range, value, startRange) { + return (value * 100) / (range[startRange + 1] - range[startRange]); + } + // (percentage) Where is this value on this range? + function toPercentage(range, value) { + return fromPercentage(range, range[0] < 0 ? value + Math.abs(range[0]) : value - range[0], 0); + } + // (value) How much is this percentage on this range? + function isPercentage(range, value) { + return (value * (range[1] - range[0])) / 100 + range[0]; + } + function getJ(value, arr) { + var j = 1; + while (value >= arr[j]) { + j += 1; + } + return j; + } + // (percentage) Input a value, find where, on a scale of 0-100, it applies. + function toStepping(xVal, xPct, value) { + if (value >= xVal.slice(-1)[0]) { + return 100; + } + var j = getJ(value, xVal); + var va = xVal[j - 1]; + var vb = xVal[j]; + var pa = xPct[j - 1]; + var pb = xPct[j]; + return pa + toPercentage([va, vb], value) / subRangeRatio(pa, pb); + } + // (value) Input a percentage, find where it is on the specified range. + function fromStepping(xVal, xPct, value) { + // There is no range group that fits 100 + if (value >= 100) { + return xVal.slice(-1)[0]; + } + var j = getJ(value, xPct); + var va = xVal[j - 1]; + var vb = xVal[j]; + var pa = xPct[j - 1]; + var pb = xPct[j]; + return isPercentage([va, vb], (value - pa) * subRangeRatio(pa, pb)); + } + // (percentage) Get the step that applies at a certain value. + function getStep(xPct, xSteps, snap, value) { + if (value === 100) { + return value; + } + var j = getJ(value, xPct); + var a = xPct[j - 1]; + var b = xPct[j]; + // If 'snap' is set, steps are used as fixed points on the slider. + if (snap) { + // Find the closest position, a or b. + if (value - a > (b - a) / 2) { + return b; + } + return a; + } + if (!xSteps[j - 1]) { + return value; + } + return xPct[j - 1] + closest(value - xPct[j - 1], xSteps[j - 1]); + } + //endregion + //region Spectrum + var Spectrum = /** @class */ (function () { + function Spectrum(entry, snap, singleStep) { + this.xPct = []; + this.xVal = []; + this.xSteps = []; + this.xNumSteps = []; + this.xHighestCompleteStep = []; + this.xSteps = [singleStep || false]; + this.xNumSteps = [false]; + this.snap = snap; + var index; + var ordered = []; + // Map the object keys to an array. + Object.keys(entry).forEach(function (index) { + ordered.push([asArray(entry[index]), index]); + }); + // Sort all entries by value (numeric sort). + ordered.sort(function (a, b) { + return a[0][0] - b[0][0]; + }); + // Convert all entries to subranges. + for (index = 0; index < ordered.length; index++) { + this.handleEntryPoint(ordered[index][1], ordered[index][0]); + } + // Store the actual step values. + // xSteps is sorted in the same order as xPct and xVal. + this.xNumSteps = this.xSteps.slice(0); + // Convert all numeric steps to the percentage of the subrange they represent. + for (index = 0; index < this.xNumSteps.length; index++) { + this.handleStepPoint(index, this.xNumSteps[index]); + } + } + Spectrum.prototype.getDistance = function (value) { + var distances = []; + for (var index = 0; index < this.xNumSteps.length - 1; index++) { + distances[index] = fromPercentage(this.xVal, value, index); + } + return distances; + }; + // Calculate the percentual distance over the whole scale of ranges. + // direction: 0 = backwards / 1 = forwards + Spectrum.prototype.getAbsoluteDistance = function (value, distances, direction) { + var xPct_index = 0; + // Calculate range where to start calculation + if (value < this.xPct[this.xPct.length - 1]) { + while (value > this.xPct[xPct_index + 1]) { + xPct_index++; + } + } + else if (value === this.xPct[this.xPct.length - 1]) { + xPct_index = this.xPct.length - 2; + } + // If looking backwards and the value is exactly at a range separator then look one range further + if (!direction && value === this.xPct[xPct_index + 1]) { + xPct_index++; + } + if (distances === null) { + distances = []; + } + var start_factor; + var rest_factor = 1; + var rest_rel_distance = distances[xPct_index]; + var range_pct = 0; + var rel_range_distance = 0; + var abs_distance_counter = 0; + var range_counter = 0; + // Calculate what part of the start range the value is + if (direction) { + start_factor = (value - this.xPct[xPct_index]) / (this.xPct[xPct_index + 1] - this.xPct[xPct_index]); + } + else { + start_factor = (this.xPct[xPct_index + 1] - value) / (this.xPct[xPct_index + 1] - this.xPct[xPct_index]); + } + // Do until the complete distance across ranges is calculated + while (rest_rel_distance > 0) { + // Calculate the percentage of total range + range_pct = this.xPct[xPct_index + 1 + range_counter] - this.xPct[xPct_index + range_counter]; + // Detect if the margin, padding or limit is larger then the current range and calculate + if (distances[xPct_index + range_counter] * rest_factor + 100 - start_factor * 100 > 100) { + // If larger then take the percentual distance of the whole range + rel_range_distance = range_pct * start_factor; + // Rest factor of relative percentual distance still to be calculated + rest_factor = (rest_rel_distance - 100 * start_factor) / distances[xPct_index + range_counter]; + // Set start factor to 1 as for next range it does not apply. + start_factor = 1; + } + else { + // If smaller or equal then take the percentual distance of the calculate percentual part of that range + rel_range_distance = ((distances[xPct_index + range_counter] * range_pct) / 100) * rest_factor; + // No rest left as the rest fits in current range + rest_factor = 0; + } + if (direction) { + abs_distance_counter = abs_distance_counter - rel_range_distance; + // Limit range to first range when distance becomes outside of minimum range + if (this.xPct.length + range_counter >= 1) { + range_counter--; + } + } + else { + abs_distance_counter = abs_distance_counter + rel_range_distance; + // Limit range to last range when distance becomes outside of maximum range + if (this.xPct.length - range_counter >= 1) { + range_counter++; + } + } + // Rest of relative percentual distance still to be calculated + rest_rel_distance = distances[xPct_index + range_counter] * rest_factor; + } + return value + abs_distance_counter; + }; + Spectrum.prototype.toStepping = function (value) { + value = toStepping(this.xVal, this.xPct, value); + return value; + }; + Spectrum.prototype.fromStepping = function (value) { + return fromStepping(this.xVal, this.xPct, value); + }; + Spectrum.prototype.getStep = function (value) { + value = getStep(this.xPct, this.xSteps, this.snap, value); + return value; + }; + Spectrum.prototype.getDefaultStep = function (value, isDown, size) { + var j = getJ(value, this.xPct); + // When at the top or stepping down, look at the previous sub-range + if (value === 100 || (isDown && value === this.xPct[j - 1])) { + j = Math.max(j - 1, 1); + } + return (this.xVal[j] - this.xVal[j - 1]) / size; + }; + Spectrum.prototype.getNearbySteps = function (value) { + var j = getJ(value, this.xPct); + return { + stepBefore: { + startValue: this.xVal[j - 2], + step: this.xNumSteps[j - 2], + highestStep: this.xHighestCompleteStep[j - 2], + }, + thisStep: { + startValue: this.xVal[j - 1], + step: this.xNumSteps[j - 1], + highestStep: this.xHighestCompleteStep[j - 1], + }, + stepAfter: { + startValue: this.xVal[j], + step: this.xNumSteps[j], + highestStep: this.xHighestCompleteStep[j], + }, + }; + }; + Spectrum.prototype.countStepDecimals = function () { + var stepDecimals = this.xNumSteps.map(countDecimals); + return Math.max.apply(null, stepDecimals); + }; + Spectrum.prototype.hasNoSize = function () { + return this.xVal[0] === this.xVal[this.xVal.length - 1]; + }; + // Outside testing + Spectrum.prototype.convert = function (value) { + return this.getStep(this.toStepping(value)); + }; + Spectrum.prototype.handleEntryPoint = function (index, value) { + var percentage; + // Covert min/max syntax to 0 and 100. + if (index === "min") { + percentage = 0; + } + else if (index === "max") { + percentage = 100; + } + else { + percentage = parseFloat(index); + } + // Check for correct input. + if (!isNumeric(percentage) || !isNumeric(value[0])) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'range' value isn't numeric."); + } + // Store values. + this.xPct.push(percentage); + this.xVal.push(value[0]); + var value1 = Number(value[1]); + // NaN will evaluate to false too, but to keep + // logging clear, set step explicitly. Make sure + // not to override the 'step' setting with false. + if (!percentage) { + if (!isNaN(value1)) { + this.xSteps[0] = value1; + } + } + else { + this.xSteps.push(isNaN(value1) ? false : value1); + } + this.xHighestCompleteStep.push(0); + }; + Spectrum.prototype.handleStepPoint = function (i, n) { + // Ignore 'false' stepping. + if (!n) { + return; + } + // Step over zero-length ranges (#948); + if (this.xVal[i] === this.xVal[i + 1]) { + this.xSteps[i] = this.xHighestCompleteStep[i] = this.xVal[i]; + return; + } + // Factor to range ratio + this.xSteps[i] = + fromPercentage([this.xVal[i], this.xVal[i + 1]], n, 0) / subRangeRatio(this.xPct[i], this.xPct[i + 1]); + var totalSteps = (this.xVal[i + 1] - this.xVal[i]) / this.xNumSteps[i]; + var highestStep = Math.ceil(Number(totalSteps.toFixed(3)) - 1); + var step = this.xVal[i] + this.xNumSteps[i] * highestStep; + this.xHighestCompleteStep[i] = step; + }; + return Spectrum; + }()); + //endregion + //region Options + /* Every input option is tested and parsed. This will prevent + endless validation in internal methods. These tests are + structured with an item for every option available. An + option can be marked as required by setting the 'r' flag. + The testing function is provided with three arguments: + - The provided value for the option; + - A reference to the options object; + - The name for the option; + + The testing function returns false when an error is detected, + or true when everything is OK. It can also modify the option + object, to make sure all values can be correctly looped elsewhere. */ + //region Defaults + var defaultFormatter = { + to: function (value) { + return value === undefined ? "" : value.toFixed(2); + }, + from: Number, + }; + var cssClasses = { + target: "target", + base: "base", + origin: "origin", + handle: "handle", + handleLower: "handle-lower", + handleUpper: "handle-upper", + touchArea: "touch-area", + horizontal: "horizontal", + vertical: "vertical", + background: "background", + connect: "connect", + connects: "connects", + ltr: "ltr", + rtl: "rtl", + textDirectionLtr: "txt-dir-ltr", + textDirectionRtl: "txt-dir-rtl", + draggable: "draggable", + drag: "state-drag", + tap: "state-tap", + active: "active", + tooltip: "tooltip", + pips: "pips", + pipsHorizontal: "pips-horizontal", + pipsVertical: "pips-vertical", + marker: "marker", + markerHorizontal: "marker-horizontal", + markerVertical: "marker-vertical", + markerNormal: "marker-normal", + markerLarge: "marker-large", + markerSub: "marker-sub", + value: "value", + valueHorizontal: "value-horizontal", + valueVertical: "value-vertical", + valueNormal: "value-normal", + valueLarge: "value-large", + valueSub: "value-sub", + }; + // Namespaces of internal event listeners + var INTERNAL_EVENT_NS = { + tooltips: ".__tooltips", + aria: ".__aria", + }; + //endregion + function testStep(parsed, entry) { + if (!isNumeric(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'step' is not numeric."); + } + // The step option can still be used to set stepping + // for linear sliders. Overwritten if set in 'range'. + parsed.singleStep = entry; + } + function testKeyboardPageMultiplier(parsed, entry) { + if (!isNumeric(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'keyboardPageMultiplier' is not numeric."); + } + parsed.keyboardPageMultiplier = entry; + } + function testKeyboardMultiplier(parsed, entry) { + if (!isNumeric(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'keyboardMultiplier' is not numeric."); + } + parsed.keyboardMultiplier = entry; + } + function testKeyboardDefaultStep(parsed, entry) { + if (!isNumeric(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'keyboardDefaultStep' is not numeric."); + } + parsed.keyboardDefaultStep = entry; + } + function testRange(parsed, entry) { + // Filter incorrect input. + if (typeof entry !== "object" || Array.isArray(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'range' is not an object."); + } + // Catch missing start or end. + if (entry.min === undefined || entry.max === undefined) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: Missing 'min' or 'max' in 'range'."); + } + parsed.spectrum = new Spectrum(entry, parsed.snap || false, parsed.singleStep); + } + function testStart(parsed, entry) { + entry = asArray(entry); + // Validate input. Values aren't tested, as the public .val method + // will always provide a valid location. + if (!Array.isArray(entry) || !entry.length) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'start' option is incorrect."); + } + // Store the number of handles. + parsed.handles = entry.length; + // When the slider is initialized, the .val method will + // be called with the start options. + parsed.start = entry; + } + function testSnap(parsed, entry) { + if (typeof entry !== "boolean") { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'snap' option must be a boolean."); + } + // Enforce 100% stepping within subranges. + parsed.snap = entry; + } + function testAnimate(parsed, entry) { + if (typeof entry !== "boolean") { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'animate' option must be a boolean."); + } + // Enforce 100% stepping within subranges. + parsed.animate = entry; + } + function testAnimationDuration(parsed, entry) { + if (typeof entry !== "number") { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'animationDuration' option must be a number."); + } + parsed.animationDuration = entry; + } + function testConnect(parsed, entry) { + var connect = [false]; + var i; + // Map legacy options + if (entry === "lower") { + entry = [true, false]; + } + else if (entry === "upper") { + entry = [false, true]; + } + // Handle boolean options + if (entry === true || entry === false) { + for (i = 1; i < parsed.handles; i++) { + connect.push(entry); + } + connect.push(false); + } + // Reject invalid input + else if (!Array.isArray(entry) || !entry.length || entry.length !== parsed.handles + 1) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'connect' option doesn't match handle count."); + } + else { + connect = entry; + } + parsed.connect = connect; + } + function testOrientation(parsed, entry) { + // Set orientation to an a numerical value for easy + // array selection. + switch (entry) { + case "horizontal": + parsed.ort = 0; + break; + case "vertical": + parsed.ort = 1; + break; + default: + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'orientation' option is invalid."); + } + } + function testMargin(parsed, entry) { + if (!isNumeric(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'margin' option must be numeric."); + } + // Issue #582 + if (entry === 0) { + return; + } + parsed.margin = parsed.spectrum.getDistance(entry); + } + function testLimit(parsed, entry) { + if (!isNumeric(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'limit' option must be numeric."); + } + parsed.limit = parsed.spectrum.getDistance(entry); + if (!parsed.limit || parsed.handles < 2) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'limit' option is only supported on linear sliders with 2 or more handles."); + } + } + function testPadding(parsed, entry) { + var index; + if (!isNumeric(entry) && !Array.isArray(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'padding' option must be numeric or array of exactly 2 numbers."); + } + if (Array.isArray(entry) && !(entry.length === 2 || isNumeric(entry[0]) || isNumeric(entry[1]))) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'padding' option must be numeric or array of exactly 2 numbers."); + } + if (entry === 0) { + return; + } + if (!Array.isArray(entry)) { + entry = [entry, entry]; + } + // 'getDistance' returns false for invalid values. + parsed.padding = [parsed.spectrum.getDistance(entry[0]), parsed.spectrum.getDistance(entry[1])]; + for (index = 0; index < parsed.spectrum.xNumSteps.length - 1; index++) { + // last "range" can't contain step size as it is purely an endpoint. + if (parsed.padding[0][index] < 0 || parsed.padding[1][index] < 0) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'padding' option must be a positive number(s)."); + } + } + var totalPadding = entry[0] + entry[1]; + var firstValue = parsed.spectrum.xVal[0]; + var lastValue = parsed.spectrum.xVal[parsed.spectrum.xVal.length - 1]; + if (totalPadding / (lastValue - firstValue) > 1) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'padding' option must not exceed 100% of the range."); + } + } + function testDirection(parsed, entry) { + // Set direction as a numerical value for easy parsing. + // Invert connection for RTL sliders, so that the proper + // handles get the connect/background classes. + switch (entry) { + case "ltr": + parsed.dir = 0; + break; + case "rtl": + parsed.dir = 1; + break; + default: + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'direction' option was not recognized."); + } + } + function testBehaviour(parsed, entry) { + // Make sure the input is a string. + if (typeof entry !== "string") { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'behaviour' must be a string containing options."); + } + // Check if the string contains any keywords. + // None are required. + var tap = entry.indexOf("tap") >= 0; + var drag = entry.indexOf("drag") >= 0; + var fixed = entry.indexOf("fixed") >= 0; + var snap = entry.indexOf("snap") >= 0; + var hover = entry.indexOf("hover") >= 0; + var unconstrained = entry.indexOf("unconstrained") >= 0; + var dragAll = entry.indexOf("drag-all") >= 0; + var smoothSteps = entry.indexOf("smooth-steps") >= 0; + if (fixed) { + if (parsed.handles !== 2) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'fixed' behaviour must be used with 2 handles"); + } + // Use margin to enforce fixed state + testMargin(parsed, parsed.start[1] - parsed.start[0]); + } + if (unconstrained && (parsed.margin || parsed.limit)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'unconstrained' behaviour cannot be used with margin or limit"); + } + parsed.events = { + tap: tap || snap, + drag: drag, + dragAll: dragAll, + smoothSteps: smoothSteps, + fixed: fixed, + snap: snap, + hover: hover, + unconstrained: unconstrained, + }; + } + function testTooltips(parsed, entry) { + if (entry === false) { + return; + } + if (entry === true || isValidPartialFormatter(entry)) { + parsed.tooltips = []; + for (var i = 0; i < parsed.handles; i++) { + parsed.tooltips.push(entry); + } + } + else { + entry = asArray(entry); + if (entry.length !== parsed.handles) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: must pass a formatter for all handles."); + } + entry.forEach(function (formatter) { + if (typeof formatter !== "boolean" && !isValidPartialFormatter(formatter)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'tooltips' must be passed a formatter or 'false'."); + } + }); + parsed.tooltips = entry; + } + } + function testHandleAttributes(parsed, entry) { + if (entry.length !== parsed.handles) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: must pass a attributes for all handles."); + } + parsed.handleAttributes = entry; + } + function testAriaFormat(parsed, entry) { + if (!isValidPartialFormatter(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'ariaFormat' requires 'to' method."); + } + parsed.ariaFormat = entry; + } + function testFormat(parsed, entry) { + if (!isValidFormatter(entry)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'format' requires 'to' and 'from' methods."); + } + parsed.format = entry; + } + function testKeyboardSupport(parsed, entry) { + if (typeof entry !== "boolean") { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'keyboardSupport' option must be a boolean."); + } + parsed.keyboardSupport = entry; + } + function testDocumentElement(parsed, entry) { + // This is an advanced option. Passed values are used without validation. + parsed.documentElement = entry; + } + function testCssPrefix(parsed, entry) { + if (typeof entry !== "string" && entry !== false) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'cssPrefix' must be a string or `false`."); + } + parsed.cssPrefix = entry; + } + function testCssClasses(parsed, entry) { + if (typeof entry !== "object") { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'cssClasses' must be an object."); + } + if (typeof parsed.cssPrefix === "string") { + parsed.cssClasses = {}; + Object.keys(entry).forEach(function (key) { + parsed.cssClasses[key] = parsed.cssPrefix + entry[key]; + }); + } + else { + parsed.cssClasses = entry; + } + } + // Test all developer settings and parse to assumption-safe values. + function testOptions(options) { + // To prove a fix for #537, freeze options here. + // If the object is modified, an error will be thrown. + // Object.freeze(options); + var parsed = { + margin: null, + limit: null, + padding: null, + animate: true, + animationDuration: 300, + ariaFormat: defaultFormatter, + format: defaultFormatter, + }; + // Tests are executed in the order they are presented here. + var tests = { + step: { r: false, t: testStep }, + keyboardPageMultiplier: { r: false, t: testKeyboardPageMultiplier }, + keyboardMultiplier: { r: false, t: testKeyboardMultiplier }, + keyboardDefaultStep: { r: false, t: testKeyboardDefaultStep }, + start: { r: true, t: testStart }, + connect: { r: true, t: testConnect }, + direction: { r: true, t: testDirection }, + snap: { r: false, t: testSnap }, + animate: { r: false, t: testAnimate }, + animationDuration: { r: false, t: testAnimationDuration }, + range: { r: true, t: testRange }, + orientation: { r: false, t: testOrientation }, + margin: { r: false, t: testMargin }, + limit: { r: false, t: testLimit }, + padding: { r: false, t: testPadding }, + behaviour: { r: true, t: testBehaviour }, + ariaFormat: { r: false, t: testAriaFormat }, + format: { r: false, t: testFormat }, + tooltips: { r: false, t: testTooltips }, + keyboardSupport: { r: true, t: testKeyboardSupport }, + documentElement: { r: false, t: testDocumentElement }, + cssPrefix: { r: true, t: testCssPrefix }, + cssClasses: { r: true, t: testCssClasses }, + handleAttributes: { r: false, t: testHandleAttributes }, + }; + var defaults = { + connect: false, + direction: "ltr", + behaviour: "tap", + orientation: "horizontal", + keyboardSupport: true, + cssPrefix: "noUi-", + cssClasses: cssClasses, + keyboardPageMultiplier: 5, + keyboardMultiplier: 1, + keyboardDefaultStep: 10, + }; + // AriaFormat defaults to regular format, if any. + if (options.format && !options.ariaFormat) { + options.ariaFormat = options.format; + } + // Run all options through a testing mechanism to ensure correct + // input. It should be noted that options might get modified to + // be handled properly. E.g. wrapping integers in arrays. + Object.keys(tests).forEach(function (name) { + // If the option isn't set, but it is required, throw an error. + if (!isSet(options[name]) && defaults[name] === undefined) { + if (tests[name].r) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: '" + name + "' is required."); + } + return; + } + tests[name].t(parsed, !isSet(options[name]) ? defaults[name] : options[name]); + }); + // Forward pips options + parsed.pips = options.pips; + // All recent browsers accept unprefixed transform. + // We need -ms- for IE9 and -webkit- for older Android; + // Assume use of -webkit- if unprefixed and -ms- are not supported. + // https://caniuse.com/#feat=transforms2d + var d = document.createElement("div"); + var msPrefix = d.style.msTransform !== undefined; + var noPrefix = d.style.transform !== undefined; + parsed.transformRule = noPrefix ? "transform" : msPrefix ? "msTransform" : "webkitTransform"; + // Pips don't move, so we can place them using left/top. + var styles = [ + ["left", "top"], + ["right", "bottom"], + ]; + parsed.style = styles[parsed.dir][parsed.ort]; + return parsed; + } + //endregion + function scope(target, options, originalOptions) { + var actions = getActions(); + var supportsTouchActionNone = getSupportsTouchActionNone(); + var supportsPassive = supportsTouchActionNone && getSupportsPassive(); + // All variables local to 'scope' are prefixed with 'scope_' + // Slider DOM Nodes + var scope_Target = target; + var scope_Base; + var scope_Handles; + var scope_Connects; + var scope_Pips; + var scope_Tooltips; + // Slider state values + var scope_Spectrum = options.spectrum; + var scope_Values = []; + var scope_Locations = []; + var scope_HandleNumbers = []; + var scope_ActiveHandlesCount = 0; + var scope_Events = {}; + // Document Nodes + var scope_Document = target.ownerDocument; + var scope_DocumentElement = options.documentElement || scope_Document.documentElement; + var scope_Body = scope_Document.body; + // For horizontal sliders in standard ltr documents, + // make .noUi-origin overflow to the left so the document doesn't scroll. + var scope_DirOffset = scope_Document.dir === "rtl" || options.ort === 1 ? 0 : 100; + // Creates a node, adds it to target, returns the new node. + function addNodeTo(addTarget, className) { + var div = scope_Document.createElement("div"); + if (className) { + addClass(div, className); + } + addTarget.appendChild(div); + return div; + } + // Append a origin to the base + function addOrigin(base, handleNumber) { + var origin = addNodeTo(base, options.cssClasses.origin); + var handle = addNodeTo(origin, options.cssClasses.handle); + addNodeTo(handle, options.cssClasses.touchArea); + handle.setAttribute("data-handle", String(handleNumber)); + if (options.keyboardSupport) { + // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/tabindex + // 0 = focusable and reachable + handle.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); + handle.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) { + return eventKeydown(event, handleNumber); + }); + } + if (options.handleAttributes !== undefined) { + var attributes_1 = options.handleAttributes[handleNumber]; + Object.keys(attributes_1).forEach(function (attribute) { + handle.setAttribute(attribute, attributes_1[attribute]); + }); + } + handle.setAttribute("role", "slider"); + handle.setAttribute("aria-orientation", options.ort ? "vertical" : "horizontal"); + if (handleNumber === 0) { + addClass(handle, options.cssClasses.handleLower); + } + else if (handleNumber === options.handles - 1) { + addClass(handle, options.cssClasses.handleUpper); + } + return origin; + } + // Insert nodes for connect elements + function addConnect(base, add) { + if (!add) { + return false; + } + return addNodeTo(base, options.cssClasses.connect); + } + // Add handles to the slider base. + function addElements(connectOptions, base) { + var connectBase = addNodeTo(base, options.cssClasses.connects); + scope_Handles = []; + scope_Connects = []; + scope_Connects.push(addConnect(connectBase, connectOptions[0])); + // [::::O====O====O====] + // connectOptions = [0, 1, 1, 1] + for (var i = 0; i < options.handles; i++) { + // Keep a list of all added handles. + scope_Handles.push(addOrigin(base, i)); + scope_HandleNumbers[i] = i; + scope_Connects.push(addConnect(connectBase, connectOptions[i + 1])); + } + } + // Initialize a single slider. + function addSlider(addTarget) { + // Apply classes and data to the target. + addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.target); + if (options.dir === 0) { + addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.ltr); + } + else { + addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.rtl); + } + if (options.ort === 0) { + addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.horizontal); + } + else { + addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.vertical); + } + var textDirection = getComputedStyle(addTarget).direction; + if (textDirection === "rtl") { + addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.textDirectionRtl); + } + else { + addClass(addTarget, options.cssClasses.textDirectionLtr); + } + return addNodeTo(addTarget, options.cssClasses.base); + } + function addTooltip(handle, handleNumber) { + if (!options.tooltips || !options.tooltips[handleNumber]) { + return false; + } + return addNodeTo(handle.firstChild, options.cssClasses.tooltip); + } + function isSliderDisabled() { + return scope_Target.hasAttribute("disabled"); + } + // Disable the slider dragging if any handle is disabled + function isHandleDisabled(handleNumber) { + var handleOrigin = scope_Handles[handleNumber]; + return handleOrigin.hasAttribute("disabled"); + } + function removeTooltips() { + if (scope_Tooltips) { + removeEvent("update" + INTERNAL_EVENT_NS.tooltips); + scope_Tooltips.forEach(function (tooltip) { + if (tooltip) { + removeElement(tooltip); + } + }); + scope_Tooltips = null; + } + } + // The tooltips option is a shorthand for using the 'update' event. + function tooltips() { + removeTooltips(); + // Tooltips are added with options.tooltips in original order. + scope_Tooltips = scope_Handles.map(addTooltip); + bindEvent("update" + INTERNAL_EVENT_NS.tooltips, function (values, handleNumber, unencoded) { + if (!scope_Tooltips || !options.tooltips) { + return; + } + if (scope_Tooltips[handleNumber] === false) { + return; + } + var formattedValue = values[handleNumber]; + if (options.tooltips[handleNumber] !== true) { + formattedValue = options.tooltips[handleNumber].to(unencoded[handleNumber]); + } + scope_Tooltips[handleNumber].innerHTML = formattedValue; + }); + } + function aria() { + removeEvent("update" + INTERNAL_EVENT_NS.aria); + bindEvent("update" + INTERNAL_EVENT_NS.aria, function (values, handleNumber, unencoded, tap, positions) { + // Update Aria Values for all handles, as a change in one changes min and max values for the next. + scope_HandleNumbers.forEach(function (index) { + var handle = scope_Handles[index]; + var min = checkHandlePosition(scope_Locations, index, 0, true, true, true); + var max = checkHandlePosition(scope_Locations, index, 100, true, true, true); + var now = positions[index]; + // Formatted value for display + var text = String(options.ariaFormat.to(unencoded[index])); + // Map to slider range values + min = scope_Spectrum.fromStepping(min).toFixed(1); + max = scope_Spectrum.fromStepping(max).toFixed(1); + now = scope_Spectrum.fromStepping(now).toFixed(1); + handle.children[0].setAttribute("aria-valuemin", min); + handle.children[0].setAttribute("aria-valuemax", max); + handle.children[0].setAttribute("aria-valuenow", now); + handle.children[0].setAttribute("aria-valuetext", text); + }); + }); + } + function getGroup(pips) { + // Use the range. + if (pips.mode === exports.PipsMode.Range || pips.mode === exports.PipsMode.Steps) { + return scope_Spectrum.xVal; + } + if (pips.mode === exports.PipsMode.Count) { + if (pips.values < 2) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: 'values' (>= 2) required for mode 'count'."); + } + // Divide 0 - 100 in 'count' parts. + var interval = pips.values - 1; + var spread = 100 / interval; + var values = []; + // List these parts and have them handled as 'positions'. + while (interval--) { + values[interval] = interval * spread; + } + values.push(100); + return mapToRange(values, pips.stepped); + } + if (pips.mode === exports.PipsMode.Positions) { + // Map all percentages to on-range values. + return mapToRange(pips.values, pips.stepped); + } + if (pips.mode === exports.PipsMode.Values) { + // If the value must be stepped, it needs to be converted to a percentage first. + if (pips.stepped) { + return pips.values.map(function (value) { + // Convert to percentage, apply step, return to value. + return scope_Spectrum.fromStepping(scope_Spectrum.getStep(scope_Spectrum.toStepping(value))); + }); + } + // Otherwise, we can simply use the values. + return pips.values; + } + return []; // pips.mode = never + } + function mapToRange(values, stepped) { + return values.map(function (value) { + return scope_Spectrum.fromStepping(stepped ? scope_Spectrum.getStep(value) : value); + }); + } + function generateSpread(pips) { + function safeIncrement(value, increment) { + // Avoid floating point variance by dropping the smallest decimal places. + return Number((value + increment).toFixed(7)); + } + var group = getGroup(pips); + var indexes = {}; + var firstInRange = scope_Spectrum.xVal[0]; + var lastInRange = scope_Spectrum.xVal[scope_Spectrum.xVal.length - 1]; + var ignoreFirst = false; + var ignoreLast = false; + var prevPct = 0; + // Create a copy of the group, sort it and filter away all duplicates. + group = unique(group.slice().sort(function (a, b) { + return a - b; + })); + // Make sure the range starts with the first element. + if (group[0] !== firstInRange) { + group.unshift(firstInRange); + ignoreFirst = true; + } + // Likewise for the last one. + if (group[group.length - 1] !== lastInRange) { + group.push(lastInRange); + ignoreLast = true; + } + group.forEach(function (current, index) { + // Get the current step and the lower + upper positions. + var step; + var i; + var q; + var low = current; + var high = group[index + 1]; + var newPct; + var pctDifference; + var pctPos; + var type; + var steps; + var realSteps; + var stepSize; + var isSteps = pips.mode === exports.PipsMode.Steps; + // When using 'steps' mode, use the provided steps. + // Otherwise, we'll step on to the next subrange. + if (isSteps) { + step = scope_Spectrum.xNumSteps[index]; + } + // Default to a 'full' step. + if (!step) { + step = high - low; + } + // If high is undefined we are at the last subrange. Make sure it iterates once (#1088) + if (high === undefined) { + high = low; + } + // Make sure step isn't 0, which would cause an infinite loop (#654) + step = Math.max(step, 0.0000001); + // Find all steps in the subrange. + for (i = low; i <= high; i = safeIncrement(i, step)) { + // Get the percentage value for the current step, + // calculate the size for the subrange. + newPct = scope_Spectrum.toStepping(i); + pctDifference = newPct - prevPct; + steps = pctDifference / (pips.density || 1); + realSteps = Math.round(steps); + // This ratio represents the amount of percentage-space a point indicates. + // For a density 1 the points/percentage = 1. For density 2, that percentage needs to be re-divided. + // Round the percentage offset to an even number, then divide by two + // to spread the offset on both sides of the range. + stepSize = pctDifference / realSteps; + // Divide all points evenly, adding the correct number to this subrange. + // Run up to <= so that 100% gets a point, event if ignoreLast is set. + for (q = 1; q <= realSteps; q += 1) { + // The ratio between the rounded value and the actual size might be ~1% off. + // Correct the percentage offset by the number of points + // per subrange. density = 1 will result in 100 points on the + // full range, 2 for 50, 4 for 25, etc. + pctPos = prevPct + q * stepSize; + indexes[pctPos.toFixed(5)] = [scope_Spectrum.fromStepping(pctPos), 0]; + } + // Determine the point type. + type = group.indexOf(i) > -1 ? exports.PipsType.LargeValue : isSteps ? exports.PipsType.SmallValue : exports.PipsType.NoValue; + // Enforce the 'ignoreFirst' option by overwriting the type for 0. + if (!index && ignoreFirst && i !== high) { + type = 0; + } + if (!(i === high && ignoreLast)) { + // Mark the 'type' of this point. 0 = plain, 1 = real value, 2 = step value. + indexes[newPct.toFixed(5)] = [i, type]; + } + // Update the percentage count. + prevPct = newPct; + } + }); + return indexes; + } + function addMarking(spread, filterFunc, formatter) { + var _a, _b; + var element = scope_Document.createElement("div"); + var valueSizeClasses = (_a = {}, + _a[exports.PipsType.None] = "", + _a[exports.PipsType.NoValue] = options.cssClasses.valueNormal, + _a[exports.PipsType.LargeValue] = options.cssClasses.valueLarge, + _a[exports.PipsType.SmallValue] = options.cssClasses.valueSub, + _a); + var markerSizeClasses = (_b = {}, + _b[exports.PipsType.None] = "", + _b[exports.PipsType.NoValue] = options.cssClasses.markerNormal, + _b[exports.PipsType.LargeValue] = options.cssClasses.markerLarge, + _b[exports.PipsType.SmallValue] = options.cssClasses.markerSub, + _b); + var valueOrientationClasses = [options.cssClasses.valueHorizontal, options.cssClasses.valueVertical]; + var markerOrientationClasses = [options.cssClasses.markerHorizontal, options.cssClasses.markerVertical]; + addClass(element, options.cssClasses.pips); + addClass(element, options.ort === 0 ? options.cssClasses.pipsHorizontal : options.cssClasses.pipsVertical); + function getClasses(type, source) { + var a = source === options.cssClasses.value; + var orientationClasses = a ? valueOrientationClasses : markerOrientationClasses; + var sizeClasses = a ? valueSizeClasses : markerSizeClasses; + return source + " " + orientationClasses[options.ort] + " " + sizeClasses[type]; + } + function addSpread(offset, value, type) { + // Apply the filter function, if it is set. + type = filterFunc ? filterFunc(value, type) : type; + if (type === exports.PipsType.None) { + return; + } + // Add a marker for every point + var node = addNodeTo(element, false); + node.className = getClasses(type, options.cssClasses.marker); + node.style[options.style] = offset + "%"; + // Values are only appended for points marked '1' or '2'. + if (type > exports.PipsType.NoValue) { + node = addNodeTo(element, false); + node.className = getClasses(type, options.cssClasses.value); + node.setAttribute("data-value", String(value)); + node.style[options.style] = offset + "%"; + node.innerHTML = String(formatter.to(value)); + } + } + // Append all points. + Object.keys(spread).forEach(function (offset) { + addSpread(offset, spread[offset][0], spread[offset][1]); + }); + return element; + } + function removePips() { + if (scope_Pips) { + removeElement(scope_Pips); + scope_Pips = null; + } + } + function pips(pips) { + // Fix #669 + removePips(); + var spread = generateSpread(pips); + var filter = pips.filter; + var format = pips.format || { + to: function (value) { + return String(Math.round(value)); + }, + }; + scope_Pips = scope_Target.appendChild(addMarking(spread, filter, format)); + return scope_Pips; + } + // Shorthand for base dimensions. + function baseSize() { + var rect = scope_Base.getBoundingClientRect(); + var alt = ("offset" + ["Width", "Height"][options.ort]); + return options.ort === 0 ? rect.width || scope_Base[alt] : rect.height || scope_Base[alt]; + } + // Handler for attaching events trough a proxy. + function attachEvent(events, element, callback, data) { + // This function can be used to 'filter' events to the slider. + // element is a node, not a nodeList + var method = function (event) { + var e = fixEvent(event, data.pageOffset, data.target || element); + // fixEvent returns false if this event has a different target + // when handling (multi-) touch events; + if (!e) { + return false; + } + // doNotReject is passed by all end events to make sure released touches + // are not rejected, leaving the slider "stuck" to the cursor; + if (isSliderDisabled() && !data.doNotReject) { + return false; + } + // Stop if an active 'tap' transition is taking place. + if (hasClass(scope_Target, options.cssClasses.tap) && !data.doNotReject) { + return false; + } + // Ignore right or middle clicks on start #454 + if (events === actions.start && e.buttons !== undefined && e.buttons > 1) { + return false; + } + // Ignore right or middle clicks on start #454 + if (data.hover && e.buttons) { + return false; + } + // 'supportsPassive' is only true if a browser also supports touch-action: none in CSS. + // iOS safari does not, so it doesn't get to benefit from passive scrolling. iOS does support + // touch-action: manipulation, but that allows panning, which breaks + // sliders after zooming/on non-responsive pages. + // See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=133112 + if (!supportsPassive) { + e.preventDefault(); + } + e.calcPoint = e.points[options.ort]; + // Call the event handler with the event [ and additional data ]. + callback(e, data); + return; + }; + var methods = []; + // Bind a closure on the target for every event type. + events.split(" ").forEach(function (eventName) { + element.addEventListener(eventName, method, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false); + methods.push([eventName, method]); + }); + return methods; + } + // Provide a clean event with standardized offset values. + function fixEvent(e, pageOffset, eventTarget) { + // Filter the event to register the type, which can be + // touch, mouse or pointer. Offset changes need to be + // made on an event specific basis. + var touch = e.type.indexOf("touch") === 0; + var mouse = e.type.indexOf("mouse") === 0; + var pointer = e.type.indexOf("pointer") === 0; + var x = 0; + var y = 0; + // IE10 implemented pointer events with a prefix; + if (e.type.indexOf("MSPointer") === 0) { + pointer = true; + } + // Erroneous events seem to be passed in occasionally on iOS/iPadOS after user finishes interacting with + // the slider. They appear to be of type MouseEvent, yet they don't have usual properties set. Ignore + // events that have no touches or buttons associated with them. (#1057, #1079, #1095) + if (e.type === "mousedown" && !e.buttons && !e.touches) { + return false; + } + // The only thing one handle should be concerned about is the touches that originated on top of it. + if (touch) { + // Returns true if a touch originated on the target. + var isTouchOnTarget = function (checkTouch) { + var target = checkTouch.target; + return (target === eventTarget || + eventTarget.contains(target) || + (e.composed && e.composedPath().shift() === eventTarget)); + }; + // In the case of touchstart events, we need to make sure there is still no more than one + // touch on the target so we look amongst all touches. + if (e.type === "touchstart") { + var targetTouches = Array.prototype.filter.call(e.touches, isTouchOnTarget); + // Do not support more than one touch per handle. + if (targetTouches.length > 1) { + return false; + } + x = targetTouches[0].pageX; + y = targetTouches[0].pageY; + } + else { + // In the other cases, find on changedTouches is enough. + var targetTouch = Array.prototype.find.call(e.changedTouches, isTouchOnTarget); + // Cancel if the target touch has not moved. + if (!targetTouch) { + return false; + } + x = targetTouch.pageX; + y = targetTouch.pageY; + } + } + pageOffset = pageOffset || getPageOffset(scope_Document); + if (mouse || pointer) { + x = e.clientX + pageOffset.x; + y = e.clientY + pageOffset.y; + } + e.pageOffset = pageOffset; + e.points = [x, y]; + e.cursor = mouse || pointer; // Fix #435 + return e; + } + // Translate a coordinate in the document to a percentage on the slider + function calcPointToPercentage(calcPoint) { + var location = calcPoint - offset(scope_Base, options.ort); + var proposal = (location * 100) / baseSize(); + // Clamp proposal between 0% and 100% + // Out-of-bound coordinates may occur when .noUi-base pseudo-elements + // are used (e.g. contained handles feature) + proposal = limit(proposal); + return options.dir ? 100 - proposal : proposal; + } + // Find handle closest to a certain percentage on the slider + function getClosestHandle(clickedPosition) { + var smallestDifference = 100; + var handleNumber = false; + scope_Handles.forEach(function (handle, index) { + // Disabled handles are ignored + if (isHandleDisabled(index)) { + return; + } + var handlePosition = scope_Locations[index]; + var differenceWithThisHandle = Math.abs(handlePosition - clickedPosition); + // Initial state + var clickAtEdge = differenceWithThisHandle === 100 && smallestDifference === 100; + // Difference with this handle is smaller than the previously checked handle + var isCloser = differenceWithThisHandle < smallestDifference; + var isCloserAfter = differenceWithThisHandle <= smallestDifference && clickedPosition > handlePosition; + if (isCloser || isCloserAfter || clickAtEdge) { + handleNumber = index; + smallestDifference = differenceWithThisHandle; + } + }); + return handleNumber; + } + // Fire 'end' when a mouse or pen leaves the document. + function documentLeave(event, data) { + if (event.type === "mouseout" && + event.target.nodeName === "HTML" && + event.relatedTarget === null) { + eventEnd(event, data); + } + } + // Handle movement on document for handle and range drag. + function eventMove(event, data) { + // Fix #498 + // Check value of .buttons in 'start' to work around a bug in IE10 mobile (data.buttonsProperty). + // https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/927005/mobile-ie10-windows-phone-buttons-property-of-pointermove-event-always-zero + // IE9 has .buttons and .which zero on mousemove. + // Firefox breaks the spec MDN defines. + if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 9") === -1 && event.buttons === 0 && data.buttonsProperty !== 0) { + return eventEnd(event, data); + } + // Check if we are moving up or down + var movement = (options.dir ? -1 : 1) * (event.calcPoint - data.startCalcPoint); + // Convert the movement into a percentage of the slider width/height + var proposal = (movement * 100) / data.baseSize; + moveHandles(movement > 0, proposal, data.locations, data.handleNumbers, data.connect); + } + // Unbind move events on document, call callbacks. + function eventEnd(event, data) { + // The handle is no longer active, so remove the class. + if (data.handle) { + removeClass(data.handle, options.cssClasses.active); + scope_ActiveHandlesCount -= 1; + } + // Unbind the move and end events, which are added on 'start'. + data.listeners.forEach(function (c) { + scope_DocumentElement.removeEventListener(c[0], c[1]); + }); + if (scope_ActiveHandlesCount === 0) { + // Remove dragging class. + removeClass(scope_Target, options.cssClasses.drag); + setZindex(); + // Remove cursor styles and text-selection events bound to the body. + if (event.cursor) { + scope_Body.style.cursor = ""; + scope_Body.removeEventListener("selectstart", preventDefault); + } + } + if (options.events.smoothSteps) { + data.handleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + setHandle(handleNumber, scope_Locations[handleNumber], true, true, false, false); + }); + data.handleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + fireEvent("update", handleNumber); + }); + } + data.handleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + fireEvent("change", handleNumber); + fireEvent("set", handleNumber); + fireEvent("end", handleNumber); + }); + } + // Bind move events on document. + function eventStart(event, data) { + // Ignore event if any handle is disabled + if (data.handleNumbers.some(isHandleDisabled)) { + return; + } + var handle; + if (data.handleNumbers.length === 1) { + var handleOrigin = scope_Handles[data.handleNumbers[0]]; + handle = handleOrigin.children[0]; + scope_ActiveHandlesCount += 1; + // Mark the handle as 'active' so it can be styled. + addClass(handle, options.cssClasses.active); + } + // A drag should never propagate up to the 'tap' event. + event.stopPropagation(); + // Record the event listeners. + var listeners = []; + // Attach the move and end events. + var moveEvent = attachEvent(actions.move, scope_DocumentElement, eventMove, { + // The event target has changed so we need to propagate the original one so that we keep + // relying on it to extract target touches. + target: event.target, + handle: handle, + connect: data.connect, + listeners: listeners, + startCalcPoint: event.calcPoint, + baseSize: baseSize(), + pageOffset: event.pageOffset, + handleNumbers: data.handleNumbers, + buttonsProperty: event.buttons, + locations: scope_Locations.slice(), + }); + var endEvent = attachEvent(actions.end, scope_DocumentElement, eventEnd, { + target: event.target, + handle: handle, + listeners: listeners, + doNotReject: true, + handleNumbers: data.handleNumbers, + }); + var outEvent = attachEvent("mouseout", scope_DocumentElement, documentLeave, { + target: event.target, + handle: handle, + listeners: listeners, + doNotReject: true, + handleNumbers: data.handleNumbers, + }); + // We want to make sure we pushed the listeners in the listener list rather than creating + // a new one as it has already been passed to the event handlers. + listeners.push.apply(listeners, moveEvent.concat(endEvent, outEvent)); + // Text selection isn't an issue on touch devices, + // so adding cursor styles can be skipped. + if (event.cursor) { + // Prevent the 'I' cursor and extend the range-drag cursor. + scope_Body.style.cursor = getComputedStyle(event.target).cursor; + // Mark the target with a dragging state. + if (scope_Handles.length > 1) { + addClass(scope_Target, options.cssClasses.drag); + } + // Prevent text selection when dragging the handles. + // In noUiSlider <= 9.2.0, this was handled by calling preventDefault on mouse/touch start/move, + // which is scroll blocking. The selectstart event is supported by FireFox starting from version 52, + // meaning the only holdout is iOS Safari. This doesn't matter: text selection isn't triggered there. + // The 'cursor' flag is false. + // See: http://caniuse.com/#search=selectstart + scope_Body.addEventListener("selectstart", preventDefault, false); + } + data.handleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + fireEvent("start", handleNumber); + }); + } + // Move closest handle to tapped location. + function eventTap(event) { + // The tap event shouldn't propagate up + event.stopPropagation(); + var proposal = calcPointToPercentage(event.calcPoint); + var handleNumber = getClosestHandle(proposal); + // Tackle the case that all handles are 'disabled'. + if (handleNumber === false) { + return; + } + // Flag the slider as it is now in a transitional state. + // Transition takes a configurable amount of ms (default 300). Re-enable the slider after that. + if (!options.events.snap) { + addClassFor(scope_Target, options.cssClasses.tap, options.animationDuration); + } + setHandle(handleNumber, proposal, true, true); + setZindex(); + fireEvent("slide", handleNumber, true); + fireEvent("update", handleNumber, true); + if (!options.events.snap) { + fireEvent("change", handleNumber, true); + fireEvent("set", handleNumber, true); + } + else { + eventStart(event, { handleNumbers: [handleNumber] }); + } + } + // Fires a 'hover' event for a hovered mouse/pen position. + function eventHover(event) { + var proposal = calcPointToPercentage(event.calcPoint); + var to = scope_Spectrum.getStep(proposal); + var value = scope_Spectrum.fromStepping(to); + Object.keys(scope_Events).forEach(function (targetEvent) { + if ("hover" === targetEvent.split(".")[0]) { + scope_Events[targetEvent].forEach(function (callback) { + callback.call(scope_Self, value); + }); + } + }); + } + // Handles keydown on focused handles + // Don't move the document when pressing arrow keys on focused handles + function eventKeydown(event, handleNumber) { + if (isSliderDisabled() || isHandleDisabled(handleNumber)) { + return false; + } + var horizontalKeys = ["Left", "Right"]; + var verticalKeys = ["Down", "Up"]; + var largeStepKeys = ["PageDown", "PageUp"]; + var edgeKeys = ["Home", "End"]; + if (options.dir && !options.ort) { + // On an right-to-left slider, the left and right keys act inverted + horizontalKeys.reverse(); + } + else if (options.ort && !options.dir) { + // On a top-to-bottom slider, the up and down keys act inverted + verticalKeys.reverse(); + largeStepKeys.reverse(); + } + // Strip "Arrow" for IE compatibility. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key + var key = event.key.replace("Arrow", ""); + var isLargeDown = key === largeStepKeys[0]; + var isLargeUp = key === largeStepKeys[1]; + var isDown = key === verticalKeys[0] || key === horizontalKeys[0] || isLargeDown; + var isUp = key === verticalKeys[1] || key === horizontalKeys[1] || isLargeUp; + var isMin = key === edgeKeys[0]; + var isMax = key === edgeKeys[1]; + if (!isDown && !isUp && !isMin && !isMax) { + return true; + } + event.preventDefault(); + var to; + if (isUp || isDown) { + var direction = isDown ? 0 : 1; + var steps = getNextStepsForHandle(handleNumber); + var step = steps[direction]; + // At the edge of a slider, do nothing + if (step === null) { + return false; + } + // No step set, use the default of 10% of the sub-range + if (step === false) { + step = scope_Spectrum.getDefaultStep(scope_Locations[handleNumber], isDown, options.keyboardDefaultStep); + } + if (isLargeUp || isLargeDown) { + step *= options.keyboardPageMultiplier; + } + else { + step *= options.keyboardMultiplier; + } + // Step over zero-length ranges (#948); + step = Math.max(step, 0.0000001); + // Decrement for down steps + step = (isDown ? -1 : 1) * step; + to = scope_Values[handleNumber] + step; + } + else if (isMax) { + // End key + to = options.spectrum.xVal[options.spectrum.xVal.length - 1]; + } + else { + // Home key + to = options.spectrum.xVal[0]; + } + setHandle(handleNumber, scope_Spectrum.toStepping(to), true, true); + fireEvent("slide", handleNumber); + fireEvent("update", handleNumber); + fireEvent("change", handleNumber); + fireEvent("set", handleNumber); + return false; + } + // Attach events to several slider parts. + function bindSliderEvents(behaviour) { + // Attach the standard drag event to the handles. + if (!behaviour.fixed) { + scope_Handles.forEach(function (handle, index) { + // These events are only bound to the visual handle + // element, not the 'real' origin element. + attachEvent(actions.start, handle.children[0], eventStart, { + handleNumbers: [index], + }); + }); + } + // Attach the tap event to the slider base. + if (behaviour.tap) { + attachEvent(actions.start, scope_Base, eventTap, {}); + } + // Fire hover events + if (behaviour.hover) { + attachEvent(actions.move, scope_Base, eventHover, { + hover: true, + }); + } + // Make the range draggable. + if (behaviour.drag) { + scope_Connects.forEach(function (connect, index) { + if (connect === false || index === 0 || index === scope_Connects.length - 1) { + return; + } + var handleBefore = scope_Handles[index - 1]; + var handleAfter = scope_Handles[index]; + var eventHolders = [connect]; + var handlesToDrag = [handleBefore, handleAfter]; + var handleNumbersToDrag = [index - 1, index]; + addClass(connect, options.cssClasses.draggable); + // When the range is fixed, the entire range can + // be dragged by the handles. The handle in the first + // origin will propagate the start event upward, + // but it needs to be bound manually on the other. + if (behaviour.fixed) { + eventHolders.push(handleBefore.children[0]); + eventHolders.push(handleAfter.children[0]); + } + if (behaviour.dragAll) { + handlesToDrag = scope_Handles; + handleNumbersToDrag = scope_HandleNumbers; + } + eventHolders.forEach(function (eventHolder) { + attachEvent(actions.start, eventHolder, eventStart, { + handles: handlesToDrag, + handleNumbers: handleNumbersToDrag, + connect: connect, + }); + }); + }); + } + } + // Attach an event to this slider, possibly including a namespace + function bindEvent(namespacedEvent, callback) { + scope_Events[namespacedEvent] = scope_Events[namespacedEvent] || []; + scope_Events[namespacedEvent].push(callback); + // If the event bound is 'update,' fire it immediately for all handles. + if (namespacedEvent.split(".")[0] === "update") { + scope_Handles.forEach(function (a, index) { + fireEvent("update", index); + }); + } + } + function isInternalNamespace(namespace) { + return namespace === INTERNAL_EVENT_NS.aria || namespace === INTERNAL_EVENT_NS.tooltips; + } + // Undo attachment of event + function removeEvent(namespacedEvent) { + var event = namespacedEvent && namespacedEvent.split(".")[0]; + var namespace = event ? namespacedEvent.substring(event.length) : namespacedEvent; + Object.keys(scope_Events).forEach(function (bind) { + var tEvent = bind.split(".")[0]; + var tNamespace = bind.substring(tEvent.length); + if ((!event || event === tEvent) && (!namespace || namespace === tNamespace)) { + // only delete protected internal event if intentional + if (!isInternalNamespace(tNamespace) || namespace === tNamespace) { + delete scope_Events[bind]; + } + } + }); + } + // External event handling + function fireEvent(eventName, handleNumber, tap) { + Object.keys(scope_Events).forEach(function (targetEvent) { + var eventType = targetEvent.split(".")[0]; + if (eventName === eventType) { + scope_Events[targetEvent].forEach(function (callback) { + callback.call( + // Use the slider public API as the scope ('this') + scope_Self, + // Return values as array, so arg_1[arg_2] is always valid. + scope_Values.map(options.format.to), + // Handle index, 0 or 1 + handleNumber, + // Un-formatted slider values + scope_Values.slice(), + // Event is fired by tap, true or false + tap || false, + // Left offset of the handle, in relation to the slider + scope_Locations.slice(), + // add the slider public API to an accessible parameter when this is unavailable + scope_Self); + }); + } + }); + } + // Split out the handle positioning logic so the Move event can use it, too + function checkHandlePosition(reference, handleNumber, to, lookBackward, lookForward, getValue, smoothSteps) { + var distance; + // For sliders with multiple handles, limit movement to the other handle. + // Apply the margin option by adding it to the handle positions. + if (scope_Handles.length > 1 && !options.events.unconstrained) { + if (lookBackward && handleNumber > 0) { + distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(reference[handleNumber - 1], options.margin, false); + to = Math.max(to, distance); + } + if (lookForward && handleNumber < scope_Handles.length - 1) { + distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(reference[handleNumber + 1], options.margin, true); + to = Math.min(to, distance); + } + } + // The limit option has the opposite effect, limiting handles to a + // maximum distance from another. Limit must be > 0, as otherwise + // handles would be unmovable. + if (scope_Handles.length > 1 && options.limit) { + if (lookBackward && handleNumber > 0) { + distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(reference[handleNumber - 1], options.limit, false); + to = Math.min(to, distance); + } + if (lookForward && handleNumber < scope_Handles.length - 1) { + distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(reference[handleNumber + 1], options.limit, true); + to = Math.max(to, distance); + } + } + // The padding option keeps the handles a certain distance from the + // edges of the slider. Padding must be > 0. + if (options.padding) { + if (handleNumber === 0) { + distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(0, options.padding[0], false); + to = Math.max(to, distance); + } + if (handleNumber === scope_Handles.length - 1) { + distance = scope_Spectrum.getAbsoluteDistance(100, options.padding[1], true); + to = Math.min(to, distance); + } + } + if (!smoothSteps) { + to = scope_Spectrum.getStep(to); + } + // Limit percentage to the 0 - 100 range + to = limit(to); + // Return false if handle can't move + if (to === reference[handleNumber] && !getValue) { + return false; + } + return to; + } + // Uses slider orientation to create CSS rules. a = base value; + function inRuleOrder(v, a) { + var o = options.ort; + return (o ? a : v) + ", " + (o ? v : a); + } + // Moves handle(s) by a percentage + // (bool, % to move, [% where handle started, ...], [index in scope_Handles, ...]) + function moveHandles(upward, proposal, locations, handleNumbers, connect) { + var proposals = locations.slice(); + // Store first handle now, so we still have it in case handleNumbers is reversed + var firstHandle = handleNumbers[0]; + var smoothSteps = options.events.smoothSteps; + var b = [!upward, upward]; + var f = [upward, !upward]; + // Copy handleNumbers so we don't change the dataset + handleNumbers = handleNumbers.slice(); + // Check to see which handle is 'leading'. + // If that one can't move the second can't either. + if (upward) { + handleNumbers.reverse(); + } + // Step 1: get the maximum percentage that any of the handles can move + if (handleNumbers.length > 1) { + handleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber, o) { + var to = checkHandlePosition(proposals, handleNumber, proposals[handleNumber] + proposal, b[o], f[o], false, smoothSteps); + // Stop if one of the handles can't move. + if (to === false) { + proposal = 0; + } + else { + proposal = to - proposals[handleNumber]; + proposals[handleNumber] = to; + } + }); + } + // If using one handle, check backward AND forward + else { + b = f = [true]; + } + var state = false; + // Step 2: Try to set the handles with the found percentage + handleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber, o) { + state = + setHandle(handleNumber, locations[handleNumber] + proposal, b[o], f[o], false, smoothSteps) || state; + }); + // Step 3: If a handle moved, fire events + if (state) { + handleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + fireEvent("update", handleNumber); + fireEvent("slide", handleNumber); + }); + // If target is a connect, then fire drag event + if (connect != undefined) { + fireEvent("drag", firstHandle); + } + } + } + // Takes a base value and an offset. This offset is used for the connect bar size. + // In the initial design for this feature, the origin element was 1% wide. + // Unfortunately, a rounding bug in Chrome makes it impossible to implement this feature + // in this manner: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=798223 + function transformDirection(a, b) { + return options.dir ? 100 - a - b : a; + } + // Updates scope_Locations and scope_Values, updates visual state + function updateHandlePosition(handleNumber, to) { + // Update locations. + scope_Locations[handleNumber] = to; + // Convert the value to the slider stepping/range. + scope_Values[handleNumber] = scope_Spectrum.fromStepping(to); + var translation = transformDirection(to, 0) - scope_DirOffset; + var translateRule = "translate(" + inRuleOrder(translation + "%", "0") + ")"; + scope_Handles[handleNumber].style[options.transformRule] = translateRule; + updateConnect(handleNumber); + updateConnect(handleNumber + 1); + } + // Handles before the slider middle are stacked later = higher, + // Handles after the middle later is lower + // [[7] [8] .......... | .......... [5] [4] + function setZindex() { + scope_HandleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + var dir = scope_Locations[handleNumber] > 50 ? -1 : 1; + var zIndex = 3 + (scope_Handles.length + dir * handleNumber); + scope_Handles[handleNumber].style.zIndex = String(zIndex); + }); + } + // Test suggested values and apply margin, step. + // if exactInput is true, don't run checkHandlePosition, then the handle can be placed in between steps (#436) + function setHandle(handleNumber, to, lookBackward, lookForward, exactInput, smoothSteps) { + if (!exactInput) { + to = checkHandlePosition(scope_Locations, handleNumber, to, lookBackward, lookForward, false, smoothSteps); + } + if (to === false) { + return false; + } + updateHandlePosition(handleNumber, to); + return true; + } + // Updates style attribute for connect nodes + function updateConnect(index) { + // Skip connects set to false + if (!scope_Connects[index]) { + return; + } + var l = 0; + var h = 100; + if (index !== 0) { + l = scope_Locations[index - 1]; + } + if (index !== scope_Connects.length - 1) { + h = scope_Locations[index]; + } + // We use two rules: + // 'translate' to change the left/top offset; + // 'scale' to change the width of the element; + // As the element has a width of 100%, a translation of 100% is equal to 100% of the parent (.noUi-base) + var connectWidth = h - l; + var translateRule = "translate(" + inRuleOrder(transformDirection(l, connectWidth) + "%", "0") + ")"; + var scaleRule = "scale(" + inRuleOrder(connectWidth / 100, "1") + ")"; + scope_Connects[index].style[options.transformRule] = + translateRule + " " + scaleRule; + } + // Parses value passed to .set method. Returns current value if not parse-able. + function resolveToValue(to, handleNumber) { + // Setting with null indicates an 'ignore'. + // Inputting 'false' is invalid. + if (to === null || to === false || to === undefined) { + return scope_Locations[handleNumber]; + } + // If a formatted number was passed, attempt to decode it. + if (typeof to === "number") { + to = String(to); + } + to = options.format.from(to); + if (to !== false) { + to = scope_Spectrum.toStepping(to); + } + // If parsing the number failed, use the current value. + if (to === false || isNaN(to)) { + return scope_Locations[handleNumber]; + } + return to; + } + // Set the slider value. + function valueSet(input, fireSetEvent, exactInput) { + var values = asArray(input); + var isInit = scope_Locations[0] === undefined; + // Event fires by default + fireSetEvent = fireSetEvent === undefined ? true : fireSetEvent; + // Animation is optional. + // Make sure the initial values were set before using animated placement. + if (options.animate && !isInit) { + addClassFor(scope_Target, options.cssClasses.tap, options.animationDuration); + } + // First pass, without lookAhead but with lookBackward. Values are set from left to right. + scope_HandleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + setHandle(handleNumber, resolveToValue(values[handleNumber], handleNumber), true, false, exactInput); + }); + var i = scope_HandleNumbers.length === 1 ? 0 : 1; + // Spread handles evenly across the slider if the range has no size (min=max) + if (isInit && scope_Spectrum.hasNoSize()) { + exactInput = true; + scope_Locations[0] = 0; + if (scope_HandleNumbers.length > 1) { + var space_1 = 100 / (scope_HandleNumbers.length - 1); + scope_HandleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + scope_Locations[handleNumber] = handleNumber * space_1; + }); + } + } + // Secondary passes. Now that all base values are set, apply constraints. + // Iterate all handles to ensure constraints are applied for the entire slider (Issue #1009) + for (; i < scope_HandleNumbers.length; ++i) { + scope_HandleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + setHandle(handleNumber, scope_Locations[handleNumber], true, true, exactInput); + }); + } + setZindex(); + scope_HandleNumbers.forEach(function (handleNumber) { + fireEvent("update", handleNumber); + // Fire the event only for handles that received a new value, as per #579 + if (values[handleNumber] !== null && fireSetEvent) { + fireEvent("set", handleNumber); + } + }); + } + // Reset slider to initial values + function valueReset(fireSetEvent) { + valueSet(options.start, fireSetEvent); + } + // Set value for a single handle + function valueSetHandle(handleNumber, value, fireSetEvent, exactInput) { + // Ensure numeric input + handleNumber = Number(handleNumber); + if (!(handleNumber >= 0 && handleNumber < scope_HandleNumbers.length)) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: invalid handle number, got: " + handleNumber); + } + // Look both backward and forward, since we don't want this handle to "push" other handles (#960); + // The exactInput argument can be used to ignore slider stepping (#436) + setHandle(handleNumber, resolveToValue(value, handleNumber), true, true, exactInput); + fireEvent("update", handleNumber); + if (fireSetEvent) { + fireEvent("set", handleNumber); + } + } + // Get the slider value. + function valueGet(unencoded) { + if (unencoded === void 0) { unencoded = false; } + if (unencoded) { + // return a copy of the raw values + return scope_Values.length === 1 ? scope_Values[0] : scope_Values.slice(0); + } + var values = scope_Values.map(options.format.to); + // If only one handle is used, return a single value. + if (values.length === 1) { + return values[0]; + } + return values; + } + // Removes classes from the root and empties it. + function destroy() { + // remove protected internal listeners + removeEvent(INTERNAL_EVENT_NS.aria); + removeEvent(INTERNAL_EVENT_NS.tooltips); + Object.keys(options.cssClasses).forEach(function (key) { + removeClass(scope_Target, options.cssClasses[key]); + }); + while (scope_Target.firstChild) { + scope_Target.removeChild(scope_Target.firstChild); + } + delete scope_Target.noUiSlider; + } + function getNextStepsForHandle(handleNumber) { + var location = scope_Locations[handleNumber]; + var nearbySteps = scope_Spectrum.getNearbySteps(location); + var value = scope_Values[handleNumber]; + var increment = nearbySteps.thisStep.step; + var decrement = null; + // If snapped, directly use defined step value + if (options.snap) { + return [ + value - nearbySteps.stepBefore.startValue || null, + nearbySteps.stepAfter.startValue - value || null, + ]; + } + // If the next value in this step moves into the next step, + // the increment is the start of the next step - the current value + if (increment !== false) { + if (value + increment > nearbySteps.stepAfter.startValue) { + increment = nearbySteps.stepAfter.startValue - value; + } + } + // If the value is beyond the starting point + if (value > nearbySteps.thisStep.startValue) { + decrement = nearbySteps.thisStep.step; + } + else if (nearbySteps.stepBefore.step === false) { + decrement = false; + } + // If a handle is at the start of a step, it always steps back into the previous step first + else { + decrement = value - nearbySteps.stepBefore.highestStep; + } + // Now, if at the slider edges, there is no in/decrement + if (location === 100) { + increment = null; + } + else if (location === 0) { + decrement = null; + } + // As per #391, the comparison for the decrement step can have some rounding issues. + var stepDecimals = scope_Spectrum.countStepDecimals(); + // Round per #391 + if (increment !== null && increment !== false) { + increment = Number(increment.toFixed(stepDecimals)); + } + if (decrement !== null && decrement !== false) { + decrement = Number(decrement.toFixed(stepDecimals)); + } + return [decrement, increment]; + } + // Get the current step size for the slider. + function getNextSteps() { + return scope_HandleNumbers.map(getNextStepsForHandle); + } + // Updatable: margin, limit, padding, step, range, animate, snap + function updateOptions(optionsToUpdate, fireSetEvent) { + // Spectrum is created using the range, snap, direction and step options. + // 'snap' and 'step' can be updated. + // If 'snap' and 'step' are not passed, they should remain unchanged. + var v = valueGet(); + var updateAble = [ + "margin", + "limit", + "padding", + "range", + "animate", + "snap", + "step", + "format", + "pips", + "tooltips", + ]; + // Only change options that we're actually passed to update. + updateAble.forEach(function (name) { + // Check for undefined. null removes the value. + if (optionsToUpdate[name] !== undefined) { + originalOptions[name] = optionsToUpdate[name]; + } + }); + var newOptions = testOptions(originalOptions); + // Load new options into the slider state + updateAble.forEach(function (name) { + if (optionsToUpdate[name] !== undefined) { + options[name] = newOptions[name]; + } + }); + scope_Spectrum = newOptions.spectrum; + // Limit, margin and padding depend on the spectrum but are stored outside of it. (#677) + options.margin = newOptions.margin; + options.limit = newOptions.limit; + options.padding = newOptions.padding; + // Update pips, removes existing. + if (options.pips) { + pips(options.pips); + } + else { + removePips(); + } + // Update tooltips, removes existing. + if (options.tooltips) { + tooltips(); + } + else { + removeTooltips(); + } + // Invalidate the current positioning so valueSet forces an update. + scope_Locations = []; + valueSet(isSet(optionsToUpdate.start) ? optionsToUpdate.start : v, fireSetEvent); + } + // Initialization steps + function setupSlider() { + // Create the base element, initialize HTML and set classes. + // Add handles and connect elements. + scope_Base = addSlider(scope_Target); + addElements(options.connect, scope_Base); + // Attach user events. + bindSliderEvents(options.events); + // Use the public value method to set the start values. + valueSet(options.start); + if (options.pips) { + pips(options.pips); + } + if (options.tooltips) { + tooltips(); + } + aria(); + } + setupSlider(); + var scope_Self = { + destroy: destroy, + steps: getNextSteps, + on: bindEvent, + off: removeEvent, + get: valueGet, + set: valueSet, + setHandle: valueSetHandle, + reset: valueReset, + // Exposed for unit testing, don't use this in your application. + __moveHandles: function (upward, proposal, handleNumbers) { + moveHandles(upward, proposal, scope_Locations, handleNumbers); + }, + options: originalOptions, + updateOptions: updateOptions, + target: scope_Target, + removePips: removePips, + removeTooltips: removeTooltips, + getPositions: function () { + return scope_Locations.slice(); + }, + getTooltips: function () { + return scope_Tooltips; + }, + getOrigins: function () { + return scope_Handles; + }, + pips: pips, // Issue #594 + }; + return scope_Self; + } + // Run the standard initializer + function initialize(target, originalOptions) { + if (!target || !target.nodeName) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: create requires a single element, got: " + target); + } + // Throw an error if the slider was already initialized. + if (target.noUiSlider) { + throw new Error("noUiSlider: Slider was already initialized."); + } + // Test the options and create the slider environment; + var options = testOptions(originalOptions); + var api = scope(target, options, originalOptions); + target.noUiSlider = api; + return api; + } + var nouislider = { + // Exposed for unit testing, don't use this in your application. + __spectrum: Spectrum, + // A reference to the default classes, allows global changes. + // Use the cssClasses option for changes to one slider. + cssClasses: cssClasses, + create: initialize, + }; + + exports.create = initialize; + exports.cssClasses = cssClasses; + exports["default"] = nouislider; + + Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); + +})); diff --git a/5/vendor/pristine/pristine.min.js b/5/vendor/pristine/pristine.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75030ff --- /dev/null +++ b/5/vendor/pristine/pristine.min.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +!function(e,r){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=r():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(r):(e="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self).Pristine=r()}(this,(function(){"use strict";var e={en:{required:"This field is required",email:"This field requires a valid e-mail address",number:"This field requires a number",integer:"This field requires an integer value",url:"This field requires a valid website URL",tel:"This field requires a valid telephone number",maxlength:"This fields length must be < ${1}",minlength:"This fields length must be > ${1}",min:"Minimum value for this field is ${1}",max:"Maximum value for this field is ${1}",pattern:"Please match the requested format",equals:"The two fields do not match"}};function r(e){var r=arguments;return this.replace(/\${([^{}]*)}/g,(function(e,t){return r[t]}))}function t(e){return e.pristine.self.form.querySelectorAll('input[name="'+e.getAttribute("name")+'"]:checked').length}var n={classTo:"form-group",errorClass:"has-danger",successClass:"has-success",errorTextParent:"form-group",errorTextTag:"div",errorTextClass:"text-help"},i=["required","min","max","minlength","maxlength","pattern"],s=/^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/,a=/-message(?:-([a-z]{2}(?:_[A-Z]{2})?))?/,o="en",l={},u=function(e,r){r.name=e,void 0===r.priority&&(r.priority=1),l[e]=r};function f(t,s,u){var f=this;function c(e,r,t,n){var i=l[t];if(i&&(e.push(i),n)){var s="pattern"===t?[n]:n.split(",");s.unshift(null),r[t]=s}}function p(t){for(var n=[],i=!0,s=0;t.validators[s];s++){var a=t.validators[s],l=t.params[a.name]?t.params[a.name]:[];if(l[0]=t.input.value,!a.fn.apply(t.input,l)&&(i=!1,"function"==typeof a.msg?n.push(a.msg(t.input.value,l)):"string"==typeof a.msg?n.push(r.apply(a.msg,l)):a.msg===Object(a.msg)&&a.msg[o]?n.push(r.apply(a.msg[o],l)):t.messages[o]&&t.messages[o][a.name]?n.push(r.apply(t.messages[o][a.name],l)):e[o]&&e[o][a.name]&&n.push(r.apply(e[o][a.name],l)),!0===a.halt))break}return t.errors=n,i}function m(e){if(e.errorElements)return e.errorElements;var r=function(e,r){for(;(e=e.parentElement)&&!e.classList.contains(r););return e}(e.input,f.config.classTo),t=null,n=null;return(t=f.config.classTo===f.config.errorTextParent?r:r.querySelector("."+f.config.errorTextParent))&&((n=t.querySelector(".pristine-error"))||((n=document.createElement(f.config.errorTextTag)).className="pristine-error "+f.config.errorTextClass,t.appendChild(n),n.pristineDisplay=n.style.display)),e.errorElements=[r,n]}function d(e){var r=m(e),t=r[0],n=r[1];t&&(t.classList.remove(f.config.successClass),t.classList.add(f.config.errorClass)),n&&(n.innerHTML=e.errors.join("
"),n.style.display=n.pristineDisplay||"")}function h(e){var r=function(e){var r=m(e),t=r[0],n=r[1];return t&&(t.classList.remove(f.config.errorClass),t.classList.remove(f.config.successClass)),n&&(n.innerHTML="",n.style.display="none"),r}(e)[0];r&&r.classList.add(f.config.successClass)}return function(e,r,t){e.setAttribute("novalidate","true"),f.form=e,f.config=function(e,r){for(var t in r)t in e||(e[t]=r[t]);return e}(r||{},n),f.live=!(!1===t),f.fields=Array.from(e.querySelectorAll("input:not([type^=hidden]):not([type^=submit]), select, textarea")).map(function(e){var r=[],t={},n={};return[].forEach.call(e.attributes,(function(e){if(/^data-pristine-/.test(e.name)){var s=e.name.substr(14),o=s.match(a);if(null!==o){var l=void 0===o[1]?"en":o[1];return n.hasOwnProperty(l)||(n[l]={}),void(n[l][s.slice(0,s.length-o[0].length)]=e.value)}"type"===s&&(s=e.value),c(r,t,s,e.value)}else~i.indexOf(e.name)?c(r,t,e.name,e.value):"type"===e.name&&c(r,t,e.value)})),r.sort((function(e,r){return r.priority-e.priority})),f.live&&e.addEventListener(~["radio","checkbox"].indexOf(e.getAttribute("type"))?"change":"input",function(e){f.validate(e.target)}.bind(f)),e.pristine={input:e,validators:r,params:t,messages:n,self:f}}.bind(f))}(t,s,u),f.validate=function(e,r){r=e&&!0===r||!0===e;var t=f.fields;!0!==e&&!1!==e&&(e instanceof HTMLElement?t=[e.pristine]:(e instanceof NodeList||e instanceof(window.$||Array)||e instanceof Array)&&(t=Array.from(e).map((function(e){return e.pristine}))));for(var n=!0,i=0;t[i];i++){var s=t[i];p(s)?!r&&h(s):(n=!1,!r&&d(s))}return n},f.getErrors=function(e){if(!e){for(var r=[],t=0;t=parseInt(r)}}),u("maxlength",{fn:function(e,r){return!e||e.length<=parseInt(r)}}),u("min",{fn:function(e,r){return!e||("checkbox"===this.type?t(this)>=parseInt(r):parseFloat(e)>=parseFloat(r))}}),u("max",{fn:function(e,r){return!e||("checkbox"===this.type?t(this)<=parseInt(r):parseFloat(e)<=parseFloat(r))}}),u("pattern",{fn:function(e,r){var t=r.match(new RegExp("^/(.*?)/([gimy]*)$"));return!e||new RegExp(t[1],t[2]).test(e)}}),u("equals",{fn:function(e,r){var t=document.querySelector(r);return t&&(!e&&!t.value||t.value===e)}}),f.addValidator=function(e,r,t,n,i){u(e,{fn:r,msg:t,priority:n,halt:i})},f.addMessages=function(r,t){var n=e.hasOwnProperty(r)?e[r]:e[r]={};Object.keys(t).forEach((function(e,r){n[e]=t[e]}))},f.setLocale=function(e){o=e},f}));