Background on Cone Coordinates and mechanics of the underlying ideas behind Reuleaux.
For the math and detailed implementation information, check out the derivation.
An interpretation of Yedlin's approach to image formation is:
- Start from interpolated catches, i.e., no colorimetric fit matrix.
- Apply manufacturer log transfer function or shaper.
- Form chromaticity with nonlinear but broad fittings of film data in a cylindrical/spherical model to offload complexity, allowing full invertibility to be possible or simpler.
- Attenuate.
- Apply per-channel lookup, where each channel is a unique interpolation of film data.
The major unknown in imitating this process is the model itself. That Cone Coordinates is not "perceptually uniform" and best resembles HSV quickly became clear, but its workings remained a mystery. Along came the rediscovery of...
A spherical coordinate model by Chen et al. scaled to domain
Conical (2018) | Spherical Coordinates |
However, it does not match the model demonstrated in the Display Prep Demo Followup (2019). With
Cone Coordinates (2019) | Spherical Coordinates |
In another plot from late 2017, the shell has intricate Spherical Coordinates-like petals that would be smooth edges in Reuleaux and likely Cone Coordinates (2019) because of their intensity measure.
WIP Conical (2017) | Spherical Coordinates | Reuleaux |
These discrepancies suggest two separate versions.
Both HSV and Cone Coordinates (2019) have flat positive faces with comparable 2D curvature, indicating that they may use the same measure.
Cone Coordinates (2019) | HSV | Spherical Coordinates |
Modifying Spherical/Cylindrical Coordinates to use HSV's value component,
Cone Coordinates | Cone Coordinates-like |
The mechanics and implications of the max are surprisingly difficult to grasp when the scope is the entire chain. Following is its obvious benefits mixed in with plenty of speculation. A mean is used for comparison, but its advantages apply against most other measures.
For an arbitrary pure-ish mixture, e.g.,
Using the previous example triplet, with
An increase in radial distance changes RGB ratios only in relation to the max. Purity increases "downward", theoretically much like rigid emission film. Likewise, purity decreases "upward" toward metaphoric full transmission.
Another facet is that purity holds no weight in the first place; maximum purity equals maximum intensity:
The max is not differentiable at intersections.
Input | Max | Result |
Large distance adjustments can result in perceived spatial fringing at those near-intersection extremes, as the spikes remain fixed while values below move. It is possible to significantly lessen this effect by approximating the max, however there are several disadvantages to doing so. In practice this rarely seems to be an issue.
As an attenuation factor, most other measures will leave behind high purity because of the aforementioned "pollution", whereas the max unwaveringly hits all purities:
Mean | Mid | Max |
In the context of image forming:
Mean | Max |
Notice the corners.
Reuleaux uses normalized cylindrical coordinates instead of spherical and replaces the Euclidean norm with the max.
HSV is very similar, using the same intensity measure. However, Reuleaux has several advantages: simplicity and consistency of implementation, ease of understanding and a direct trigonometric definition.
Reuleaux does not try to be "perceptually uniform". It's merely a different representation of existing stimulus models that by happenstance exposes attribute-in-effect components.
Plots are mostly identical.
Cone Coordinates | Reuleaux |
Using "purity" very loosely in the sense of a display, less so chromaticity. ↩