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Level creation guide

kyleconroy edited this page Jun 8, 2012 · 26 revisions

To create a level, you'll first need to fork and clone this repository.

All levels in Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne are created using Tiled, a tile map editor. Levels are saved as .tmx files and located in the src/maps directory. Once you've downloaded and installed Tiled, you should be able to open up the maps and look around

Anatomy of a Level

Levels are broken into layers. There are two types of layers: tile layers and object layers. Tile layers are non-interactive and create the look and feel of the level. Object layers define abritrary interactive objects, such as doors.

A level can have any number of layers, but it must have these two object layers:

  • locations
  • solid


This layer defines your entrances and exits for a level. You must have a single object of type entrance. You can have multiple objects of type exit. Exit objects must have a tmx property that points to a valid .tmx file in the maps directory


This layer defines your floor, walls, and ledges. You should have at least on large object of type floor. This object will be the surface the character walks on.

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