Spotlight exhibits for showcasing Figgy content
- DPUL production, DPUL staging
- Github repository
- Zenhub board
- Technical liaison: Anna
- Product owner: Kim
- Technical slack channel: #figgy
- User-centered slack channel: #digital_library
Internal application for managing digital object ingest and metadata workflows and providing IIIF manifests to other applications
- Figgy production, Figgy staging
- Github repository
- Zenhub board
- Technical liaison: Trey
- Product owner: Kim
- Technical slack channel: #figgy
- User-centered slack channel: #digital_library
GeoBlacklight app for maps and geo data discovery and access
- PULMap production
- Github repository
- Zenhub board
- Technical liaison: Eliot
- Product owner: Kim
- Technical slack channel: #geo
- User-centered slack channel: #geo
Local instance of arclight
- Finding Aids production
- Github repository
- Zenhub board
- Technical liaison: Shaun
- Product owners: Faith and Christa
- Slack channel: #pulfalight
Absolute ID management Application. Generates absolute identifiers and eases barcode entry for physical items managed in aspace.
- AbID production, AbID staging
- GitHub repository
- Technical slack channel: #pulfalight-tech
- User-centered slack channel: #pulfalight
A searchable collection of scanned catalog cards
- Imagecat production, Imagecat staging
- Note both are only accessible when on VPN
- Github repository
- Technical slack channel: #figgy
- User-centered slack channel: #digital_library
Latin American Ephemera frontend
- LAE production
- Github repository
- Technical liaison: Trey, transfer to Eliot
- Technical slack channel: #figgy
- User-centered slack channel: #digital_library
We run a few services in the cloud, the following has information on where the code is and which cloud they run on.
- Production host name:
- Cloud Service: AWS
- Github repository
- Technical liaison: TBD
- Product owner: TBD
- Technical slack channel: #figgy
- User-centered slack channel: #digital_library
Amazon CDK configurations for deploying TiTiler, a map tile server
- Production host name:
- Cloud Service: AWS
- Github repository
- Technical slack channel: #geo
- User-centered slack channel: #geo
Google cloud function to check the fixity for Figgy's preserved files and report back.
- Production host name: n/a
- Cloud Service: Google
- Github repository
- Technical slack channel: #figgy
- User-centered slack channel: #digital_library
Some applications cross teams or organizations and are central to our work.
- Lux
- PULBot and Heaven - Slack bot for deployments
- Slack channels: #robots, #devs
- PUL-Solr - Central repository of solr configs for our apps
- Slack channel: #solr
- Princeton Ansible - playbooks for all of our server provisioning
- Valkyrie - samvera persistence layer on which Figgy is built
- CAS - authentication
- GeoServer - Geo data server, in production at
- Cantaloupe - IIIF image API server
- Isilon - storage
- Nginx+ - load balancer
- Kakadu - for generating JP2s
- Tesseract - OCR software
- Characterization tools