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Uncommon packages seem to be required #201

dscotese opened this issue May 11, 2018 · 1 comment

Uncommon packages seem to be required #201

dscotese opened this issue May 11, 2018 · 1 comment


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dscotese commented May 11, 2018

Our host (Siteground) has the following Python modules installed (and does not allow us to use pip because we're using a shared server), and, while I haven't tried it yet, I believe maps4all will NOT work unless modules other than these (to which we're limited) are installed. Can this be fixed?

I suspect that we may be able to manually install the required modules and it might be worthwhile for me to learn how to do that. It would be nice if I could manually install pip and then use it. I'm pretty new to Python but I've been coding for decades.

Alchemist           audiodev            itertools           rpmUtils (package)
ArrayPrinter        audioop             ixf86config         sabayon (package)
BaseHTTPServer      audit               japanese (package)  sched
Bastion             auparse             keyword             select
CDROM               avc                 kudzu               selinux (package)
CGIHTTPServer       base64              lapack_lite         semanage
CORBA               bdb                 lcms                seobject
CacheBlackBox       binascii            ldap (package)      sepolgen (package)
Canvas              binhex              ldapurl             setroubleshoot (package)
ConfigParser        bisect              ldif                sets
Cookie              bonobo (package)    libuser             sgmllib
DLFCN               bsddb (package)     libxml2             sha
Dialog              bz2                 libxml2mod          shelve
DocXMLRPCServer     cElementTree        libxslt             shlex
FFT (package)       cPickle             libxsltmod          shm
FileBlackBox        cStringIO           linecache           shutil
FileDialog          cairo (package)     linuxaudiodev       signal
FixTk               calendar            locale              site
ForgeBlackBox       cgi                 logging (package)   smtpd
HTMLParser          cgitb               macpath             smtplib
IN                  chunk               macurl2path         snack
LinearAlgebra       cmath               mailbox             sndhdr
M2Crypto (package)  cmd                 mailcap             socket
MA (package)        code                manage              sos (package)
MLab                codecs              markupbase          sqlite (package)
Matrix              codeop              marshal             sqlitecachec
MimeWriter          collections         math                sre
Numeric             colorsys            md5                 sre_compile
ORBit               commands            mhlib               sre_constants
PortableServer      compileall          mimetools           sre_parse
Precision           compiler (package)  mimetypes           stat
Queue               config              mimify              statcache
RNG (package)       cookielib           mmap                statvfs
RandomArray         copy                modulefinder        string
ScrolledText        copy_reg            multiarray          stringold
SimpleDialog        cracklib            multifile           stringprep
SimpleHTTPServer    crypt               mutex               strop
SimpleXMLRPCServer  csv                 netrc               struct
SocketServer        curses (package)    new                 subprocess
StringIO            datetime            nis                 sunau
TYPES               dbhash              nntplib             sunaudio
Tix                 dbm                 ntpath              symbol
Tkconstants         dbus (package)      nturl2path          symtable
Tkdnd               decimal             numeric_version     sys
Tkinter             difflib             oddjob              syslog
URLBlackBox         dircache            opcode              tabnanny
UserArray           dis                 operator            tarfile
UserDict            distutils (package) optik               telnetlib
UserList            dl                  optparse            tempfile
UserString          doctest             os                  termios
_LWPCookieJar       drv_libxml2         os2emxpath          test (package)
_MozillaCookieJar   dsextras            ossaudiodev         textwrap
__builtin__         dsml                pango               this
__future__          dumbdbm             pangocairo          thread
_alchemist          dummy_thread        parser              threading
_audit              dummy_threading     parted              time
_bisect             elementtree (package) pdb                 timeit
_bsddb              email (package)     pickle              timing
_codecs             encodings (package) pickletools         tkColorChooser
_codecs_cn          errno               pipes               tkCommonDialog
_codecs_hk          exceptions          pirut (package)     tkFileDialog
_codecs_iso2022     fcntl               pkgutil             tkFont
_codecs_jp          filecmp             platform            tkMessageBox
_codecs_kr          fileinput           popen2              tkSimpleDialog
_codecs_tw          fnmatch             poplib              toaiff
_csv                formatter           posix               token
_curses             fpformat            posixfile           tokenize
_curses_panel       ftplib              posixpath           trace
_gamin              gamin               pprint              traceback
_heapq              gc                  profile             tty
_hotshot            gconf               pstats              turtle
_kudzu              gdbm                pty                 types
_lcms               getopt              pwd                 tzparse
_ldap               getpass             py_compile          umath
_locale             gettext             pyalchemist         unicodedata
_multibytecodec     glob                pyalchemist_python  unittest
_numpy              gnome (package)     pyclbr              urlgrabber (package)
_random             gnomecanvas         pydoc               urllib
_semanage           gnomevfs (package)  pyexpat             urllib2
_snack              gobject (package)   pygtk               urlparse
_socket             gopherlib           pynche (package)    user
_sqlite             grp                 pynotify (package)  uu
_sqlitecache        gtk (package)       quopri              warnings
_sre                gtkhtml2            random              wave
_ssl                gtkunixprint        ranlib              weakref
_strptime           gzip                re                  webbrowser
_symtable           heapq               readline            whichdb
_testcapi           hmac                reconvert           whrandom
_threading_local    hotshot (package)   regex               xdrlib
_tkinter            htmlentitydefs      regex_syntax        xf86config
_weakref            htmllib             regsub              xml (package)
acutil              httplib             repr                xmllib
aifc                idlelib (package)   resource            xmlrpclib
anydbm              ihooks              rexec               xxsubtype
app (package)       imageop             rfc822              yum (package)
array               imaplib             rgbimg              zipfile
arrayfns            imghdr              rhpl (package)      zipimport
asynchat            imp                 rhpxl (package)     zlib
asyncore            imputil             rlcompleter
atexit              iniparse (package)  robotparser
atk                 inspect             rpm (package)
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dscotese commented May 23, 2018

This can be closed when someone merges Pull Request #203 which updates the readme file to reflect the following:

Setting up

If you have not yet done so, visit and create an account. This will guide you through the creation of your Heroku account and the installation of the Heroku tools. To develop locally on Windows 10, we (@sbue and myself, independently) used Windows Subsystem for Linux and additionally installed Heroku CLI in Ubuntu terminal and deployed with the client.

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