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Scanner templates

Skyper edited this page Nov 29, 2018 · 7 revisions

The Infection Monkey agent has two steps before attempting to exploit a victim, scanning and fingerprinting, it's possible to customize both steps in the configuration files.


Currently there are two scanners, PingScanner and TcpScanner both inheriting from HostScanner.

The sole interface required is the is_host_alive interface, which needs to return True/False.

TcpScanner is the default scanner and it checks for open ports based on the tcp_target_ports configuration setting.

PingScanner sends a ping message using the host OS utility ping.


Fingerprinters are modules that collect server information from a specific victim. They inherit from the HostFinger class and are listed under finger_classes configuration option.

Currently implemented Fingerprint modules are:

  1. SMBFinger - Fingerprints target machines over SMB. Extracts computer name and OS version.
  2. SSHFinger - Fingerprints target machines over SSH (port 22). Extracts the computer version and SSH banner.
  3. PingScanner - Fingerprints using the machines TTL, to differentiate between Linux and Windows hosts.
  4. HTTPFinger - Fingerprints over HTTP/HTTPS, using the ports listed in HTTP_PORTS in the configuration. Returns the server type and if it supports SSL.
  5. MySQLFinger - Fingerprints over MySQL (port 3306). Extracts MySQL banner info - Version, Major/Minor/Build and capabilities.
  6. ElasticFinger - Fingerprints over ElasticSearch (port 9200). Extracts the cluster name, node name and node version.

Adding a scanner/fingerprinter

To add a new scanner/fingerprinter, create a new class that inherits from HostScanner or HostFinger (depending on the interface). The class should be under the network module and should be imported under network/

To be used by default, two files need to be changed - and example.conf to add references to the new class.

At this point, the Monkey knows how to use the new scanner/fingerprinter but to make it easy to use, the UI needs to be updated. The relevant UI file is (not to be confused with the prior