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In this lab we will add optimizer to the HamKaas compiler and will add some more nodes to make it possible to infer LLaMA2.

01: cuDNN optimizer

NOTE: By default, HamKaas is compiled without cuDNN support to make compilation faster. To enable cuDNN support use make debug-cudnn/make release-cudnn instead of make debug/make release. Also, you need to download cuDNN frontend to the cpp directory using git clone just like you did in the lab3.

In the lab3, we learned about the cuDNN library and how to use it to create fused kernels for GEMM and pointwise operations.

Remember, that cuDNN is capable of some graphs into the kernel but not all, so it is up to the HamKaas compiler to split the graph into the parts that can be subsequently fused by cuDNN.

Open the cudnn_optimizer.cpp file and look at the RunCudnnOptimizer. This function takes the graph as an input, and returns the graph with some nodes replaced by the TCudnnNode.

Function GetSubgraphsToFuse is already implemented for you. It runs some heuristics graph traversals to find the subgraphs such that cuDNN can fuse.

After subgraphs are found nodes are replaced in graph using ReplaceNodes function. This part is also implemented for you.

The part that is left for you is to implement the Compile method of the TCudnnNode that builds a cuDNN graph and implement EvaluateGpu method that runs it.

Here are some hints:

  • Nodes_ may have only TMatMulNode, TSumNode, THadamardProductNode, TReLUNode and TSiLUNode nodes. All of these are supported by cuDNN.
  • Be careful about the inputs of the TCudnnNode since they are not set up yet. Note, that in the Compile method you still do not know the addresses of the outputs of the input nodes. These adresses will become known in the Initialize method.
  • cuDNN graphs require memory for the intermediate results that is called workspace. You can allocate memory for the workspace using GetBufferSize/SetBuffer.
  • Remember everything you learned about cuDNN in the lab3. All tensors should have dimension 3. In the solution of the lab3 you already have 80% of the code required to finish this task.
  • Good luck!

When you are done, rebuild using make debug-cudnn and run cuDNN tests using pytest -sv -k TestCompilerCudnn. Note, that these tests are slow because of the slow cuDNN compilation. If all tests pass, congratulations!

The next step is implementing compilation cache. In many models, the same subgraphs appear many times. Compiling the same subgraph many times is a waste of time, so let's add a cache that will reuse compiled subgraphs.

The cache is the std::unordered_map<std::string, TCudnnCompilationResult>& argument that is passed to the Compile method. The key here is the trace of the graph (i.e. some text representation of the graph that describes its structure). The value is the result of the compilation. Graph is the compiled cuDNN graph, InputTensors is a map from input name to the input node descriptor and the OutputTensor is the output node descriptor.

To create a graph trace, you will need to traverse the graph and concatenate the descriptions of the nodes. Make sure to enumerate the nodes in order to store the shape in the trace.

When caching is implemented, run tests again to test if everything works correctly.

02: LLaMA

This is your final challenge. To infer the LLaMA you will need to add some new nodes to the compiler. In the frontend you will need to implement methods complex_hadamard_product, rms_norm and sliced_softmax. Here are the descriptions of the nodes:


  • Syntax: ComplexHadamardProductNode(lhs, rhs)
  • Description: interprets a tensor with shape [..., 2] as a tensor of complex numbers of shape [...] with [...][0] being the real part of a complex number and [...][1] being the imaginary part. The node computes the pointwise product of these two complex tensors (i.e. (a + bi) * (c + di) = (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i). Note that the broadcasting is supported with the similar behavior as in the HadamardProductNode.
  • Inputs: lhs and rhs are tensors of type float32 and last dimension being 2. All other axis must be compatible for broadcasting just like HadamardProductNode.
  • Output: a tensor of type float32 with the same shape as the lhs tensor.


  • Syntax: RmsNormNode(input, weights)
  • Description: computes the root mean square norm of the input tensor with given weights. Here is the reference implementation in Python.
  • Inputs: input and weights are tensors of type float32 and 1D shape [n].
  • Output: a tensor of type float32 with shape [n].


  • Syntax: SlicedSoftmaxNode(input, prefix_size)
  • Description:
    • If input is a vector of shape [n], computes the softmax of the first prefix_size elements of the vector and returns the vector of size n with the softmax of the first prefix_size elements and the rest of the elements unchanged. Here is the reference implementation of the softmax (but not sliced softmax!) in Python.
    • If input is a matrix of shape [m, n], interprets this matrix as m vectors of size n and computes the sliced softmax for each of the vectors independently.
  • Inputs: input is a tensor of type float32 and shape [n] or [m, n]. prefix_size is a constant int64 value.
  • Output: a tensor of type float32 with the same shape as the input tensor.

You will need to add the support of these nodes in multiple places. In the frontend you will need to create new node classes and serialize these nodes to script in traverse_node. In the backend you will need to parse these nodes in parser.cpp and implement new nodes in node.h/node.cpp. Note, that ComplexHadamardProductNode is a pointwise operation, so it may be derived from the TPointwiseNode.

When you are done, remove the fuse returns in test_complex_hadamard_product, test_rms_norm and test_sliced_softmax in and run all the tests using pytest -sv .

If all tests pass, congratulations! Your compiler should be now able to infer LLaMA2. To do it, you will need to run from the python directory.

This script is the fork of the by Aydyn Tairov which is based on llama2.c by Andrej Karpathy.

Note, that cuDNN is disabled by default because complitation is quite slow and inference performance improvement is not that big.

To run it, you may use instructions from the llama2.c. You can download tokenizer using wget and, for example, tinystories 15M model using and run the script using python3 stories110M.bin 0.8 256 "Donald was a little duck". If you implemented everything correctly, you should see some adequate output.

The script is fully compatible with and llama2.c, so you can use the same models including original llama2 models.

That's it. You have completed your journey from the simple CUDA kernel to running LLM on the compiler. Good job!