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Releases: googlevr/gvr-unity-sdk

GVR SDK for Unity v1.110.0

08 Nov 19:23
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Breaking changes

  • The ScrollingUIDemo has been removed from the SDK. It is still available via Daydream Elements, and will continue to be maintained there.


Behavioral changes

  • No longer print a build time error message when building for Android when a non-GVR VR SDK is included in Player Settings > Android > Virtual Reality SDKs.

Other changes

  • Auto API updater no longer needed to update UnityEngine.VR to UnityEngine.XR when using Unity 2017.2 or later.
  • Consolidated various "cardboard" and "daydream" string constants into GvrSettings.VR_SDK_{CARDBOARD|DAYDREAM}.
  • Bundled lib GVR for Android v1.101.0.

Bug fixes

  • Moved all demo code to their own namespaces to avoid naming conflicts with developer code. Fixed issue #734.
  • Fixed a bug in the Arm Model where the torso direction wouldn't be reset to the gaze direction when a recenter occurs -or- the GvrArmModel's OnEnable() is called.
  • Fixed an editor bug where GvrEditorEmulator would be updated in the middle of a frame, meaning it was non-deterministic when a recenter would be applied to the editor head rotation.
  • Fixed an editor bug where the neck model would not be applied until one frame after the recenter event.
  • Fixed an editor bug where GvrArmModel would throw an exception in OnDrawGizmosSelected when placed at the root of the scene hierarchy.
  • Fixed several issues with the GvrRecenterOnlyController script.
    • Fixed an issue where recentering would cause the controller's laser to point in the wrong direction.
    • Orientation changes are now handled using localRotation so that this won't clobber the initial rotation on any parent objects.
    • Orientation changes are now relative, so the initial rotation of the transform will be maintained through re-center events.
  • Fixed an Instant Preview bug (gvr-instant-preview issue 11) where disabling and enabling cameras would unnecessarily create new eye cameras.
  • Fixed cube room texture import settings for iOS and Standalone. Shrunk texture image down to save 1.5MB.
  • Fixed Instant Preview version inconsistencies which caused the apk to be constantly reinstalled. New version of plugin and apk is 1.1.0 for both Windows and OSX.
  • Fixed a bug where requesting permissions would display the app's name inside a box for a second before popping up the permission request.
  • Fixed a bug in GvrHeadset that would prevent Standalone (6DoF) APIs from working.

GVR SDK for Unity v1.100.1

13 Oct 19:31
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Bug fixes

  • Fixes "MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'GvrTrackedController' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it." error caused by GvrTrackedController registering a callback for GvrControllerInput.OnStateChanged twice, while only disconnecting once.

GVR SDK for Unity v1.100.0

07 Oct 02:16
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Breaking changes

  • The broken GvrFPS prefab and script have been removed. See issue 674.
    Daydream app developers are encouraged to use Performance HUD instead.


  • GvrControllerInput's Recentering property has been deprecated. This property will be removed in an upcoming release. Note, this property has already been returning false for some time.

Behavioral changes

  • The default raycast mode is now Hybrid, instead of Camera.
    • With Hybrid raycast mode, introduced in v1.70, the laser is only fully shown when the reticle intersects with something closer than maxLaserDistance.
    • Hybrid raycast mode avoid mismatches between the laser and the reticle when using a camera based ray. It smoothly transitions between Camera and Direct modes, shrinking the laser towards the reticle, based on the angle between the actual reticle position, and the forward direction of the pointer. The laser shrinking behavior is controlled by the shrinkLaser property of GvrLaserVisual. The raycast mode is controlled by GvrLaserPointer.
    • The GvrLaserPointer inspector view provides Hybrid, Camera, and Direct mode buttons which update the laser to the recommended settings for each raycast mode.
  • When using the mouse or trackpad to emulate head or controller momevement, the mouse cursor is locked, so it doesn't escape the Game view. Based on PR 738.
  • The controller state is updated at the start of each frame, rather than at the end. This should reduce input and controller latency, as well as guarantee that input state remains consistent during a frame.
  • Improved GvrEventSystem's touchpad scroll sensitivity. Touch direction threshold is now per-axis, so it is easier to scroll in only one direction, without accidentally scrolling in the perpendicular direction.
  • Removed the dummy camera from GvrControllerPointer prefab. Instead, GvrPointerGraphicRaycaster automatically adds a dummy camera at runtime if required.

Other changes

  • Instant Preview in now included as part of the SDK. Simply add the new GvrInstantPreviewMain prefab to your scene and attach your Android development phone to preview your Daydream app on your phone, while your app runs in the editor.

  • Removed GvrBaseControllerVisual class.

  • Removed GvrFollowControllerPose and merged its functionality into GvrTrackedController.

  • GvrLaserVisual has been updated:

    • Reticle functionality has been separated into the new GvrControllerReticleVisual class.
    • Fixed a bug where the reticle wasn't visible if the laser LineRenderer was turned off, which casued OnWillRenderObject to not be called.
    • Fixed a bug where the reticle was being incorrectly rotated/scaled when explicitly calling Camera.Render() for special effects.
    • Exposed new Size Meters and Is Size Based On Camera Distance tuning properties to make it easier to control the size of the reticle.
  • GvrTrackedController exposes a new IsDeactivatedWhenDisconnected property which is settable at runtime via script.

  • Improved controller rendering performance by updating shader to use vertex colors and saturate, so it is branchless.

  • Cardboard reticle maxReticleDistance property is now tunable.

  • Some files in the GoogleVR/Prefabs and GoogleVR/Scripts directories have been moved for better plugin organization.

  • Added new GvrHeadset class to support Daydream standalone VR headsets. Includes a basic logging-only example in the GVRDemo scene.

  • You can now set GvrVideoPlayerTexture to render to an object other than the one that the script is attached to.

  • In GvrVideoPlayerTexture, Aspect Ratio, Width, and Height are now exposed.

  • Changes to GvrArmModel:

    • Fixed a bug where the elbow position was too far back.
    • Implementation has been refactored to be more extensible.
    • There is now an actual controller joint, separate from the wrist joint, so that the controller visual does not need to be offset forward.
    • Removed Gaze Behaviour and Use Accelerometer properties.
    • Removed PointerPositionFromController and PointerRotationFromController from GvrArmModel. Position and rotation of the laser are now in the prefab, which makes it possible to simply move the laser relative to the controller.
    • Previously private tuning properties are now exposed:
Tuning property Description
elbowRestPosition Position of the elbow joint relative to the head before the arm model is applied.
wristRestPosition Position of the wrist joint relative to the elbow before the arm model is applied.
controllerRestPosition Position of the controller joint relative to the wrist before the arm model is applied.
armExtensionOffset Offset applied to the elbow position as the controller is rotated upwards.
elbowBendRatio Ratio of the controller's rotation to apply to the rotation of the elbow. The remaining rotation is applied to the wrist's rotation.
fadeControllerOffset Offset in front of the controller to determine what position to use when determing if the controller should fade. This is useful when objects are attached to the controller.
fadeDistanceFromHeadForward Controller distance from the front/back of the head after which the controller disappears (meters).
fadeDistanceFromHeadSide Controller distance from the left/right of the head after which the controller disappears (meters).
tooltipMinDistanceFromFace Controller distance from face after which the tooltips appear (meters).

Bug fixes

  • GvrControllerInput Up / Down events are now based on the difference between the previous and current frame, which guarantees Up and Down events will be paired, and there will always be at least one frame between Up and Down events.
  • GVREditorEmulator now ignores disabled cameras.
  • Fixed a bug where the inherited serialized field maximumAlpha was not exposed in the GvrControllerVisual inspector view.
  • Fix for "DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'gvr': The specified module could not be found" (issues 621, PR 622) when calling GvrCardboardHelpers.Recenter() or GvrCardboardHelpers.SetViewerProfile().
  • Fixed GvrControllerInput.Gyro values when using mouse controller emulation.
  • Fixed crashes when calling GvrCardboardHelpers.Recenter() or GvrCardboardHelpers.SetViewerProfile() while the "Cardboard" VR SDK isn't active (usually when VRSettings.enabled = false or VRSettings.loadedDeviceName != 'cardboard') or VRDevice.GetNativePtr() == IntPr.Zero.
  • Fixes a bug (issue 666) where GvrReticlePointer was set to the wrong raycast mode, causing the "GvrPointerGraphicRaycaster requires GvrPointer to have a Camera when in Direct mode" error message to be displayed continuously in the console.
  • GvrArmModel and GvrLaserVisual now use unscaledDeltaTime, to support Time.timeScale != 1.0f.
  • GvrBaseControllerVisual automatically multiplies PreferredAlpha by maximumAlpha, so the subclass doesn’t need to do it.
  • Fixes a bug in GvrVideoPlayerTexture that would cause portrait videos to be rendered incorrectly.
  • Improved GvrControllerMain prefab instantiation time.

GVR SDK for Unity v1.70.0

24 Jul 18:52
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Breaking Changes

  • Refactored Controller classes:
    • Deprecated GvrPointerManager. Its functionality has been moved to
    • GvrArmModel is no longer a singleton and has been moved to the
      GvrControllerPointer prefab.
    • Renamed GvrController to GvrControllerInput. GvrController still
      exists for backwards compatibility.
    • GvrArmModelOffsets has been replaced by GvrFollowControllerPose.
      GvrArmModelOffsets still exists for backwards compatibility.
    • GvrControllerVisualManager has been replaced by
      GvrTrackedController. GvrControllerVisualManager still exists for
      backwards compatibility.
    • GvrLaserPointer has been de-coupled from the laser/reticle rendering
      code (which is now handled by GvrLaserVisual).
    • Tooltips have been removed from the GvrControllerPointer prefab.
      There are now prefabs for just tooltips.
    • Prefabs can be dynamically added to the controller visual by listing
      them in the attachmentPrefabs property on the GvrControllerVisual
    • RaycastMode is now set per-pointer instead of per-raycaster.


  • You can now simulate the controller in the Unity editor using the mouse.
    • Hold the shift key with the game view in focus to use the mouse.
      The controls are as follows:
      • Shift + move mouse: Change orientation.
      • Shift + left-click: ClickButton
      • Shift + right-click: AppButton
      • Shift + Middle mouse button: HomeButton/Recenter
      • Shift + Ctrl: IsTouching
      • Shift + Ctrl + Move Mouse: Change TouchPos
  • Added the ability to anchor the arm model to the local position of the
    head. This will be used for the standalone headsets so the arm model doesn't
    break with positional tracking.
  • Introduced a new experimental Hybrid raycast mode that combines
    Camera and Direct modes to make the Daydream controller work better
    in more complex scenes that include objects at many different depths and
    locomotion. The default raycast mode is still Camera.


  • We've updated the controller visualization. The new controller visual is
    both higher fidelity and more performant.
    • Removed the touch point and battery indicator.
    • Replaced controller assets and textures.
    • Added new simple tooltips.
  • The battery status UI is only displayed when the required library is available.
    Unity includes the required library as of Unity 5.6.2p1.
  • The GvrDaydreamApi.LaunchVrHome() API no longer requires that you first
    call GvrDaydreamApi.Create(). However, the Create() method still exists
    to give developers precise control over when the (expensive) instance creation
    happens. The Dispose() method remains as well, to allow developers to clean
    up unneeded memory. However, Dispose() is now called automatically upon
    OnApplicationPause(true). See class comments in GvrDaydreamApi for
    additional details.
  • Change DemoInputManger's default message to be less confusing when
    viewing its message canvas when the app is not running.
  • Included a few different improvements to scrolling in the GVR SDK for Unity:
    • GvrPointerScrollInput no longer directly accesses GvrControllerInput.
      Instead, input is piped through GvrBasePointer just like it is for
      GvrPointerInputModule. This makes it possible for the scroll events to
      work cross-platform with custom GvrBasePointer implementations.
    • Added the ability to respond to Scroll Events globally in
    • Added the ability to override scroll inertia settings on a per-GameObject
      basis by either implementing IGvrScrollSettings or using the script
  • Optimized GvrFps display by removing Canvas and replacing the Text component.
    • Renamed GvrFPSCanvas.prefab to GvrFPSDisplay.prefab.
  • Removed (unused) GvrDistortion.cginc.
  • GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster no longer allocates memory every frame. It now
    uses RaycastNonAlloc/SphereCastNonAlloc. The size of the buffer for raycast
    hits is determined by the new serialized property maxRaycastHits.
  • It's now possible to use the pointer system with no main camera. A camera
    can be (optionally) specified on the overridePointerCamera field on
  • GvrDaydreamApi.LaunchVrHome() and Create() have new method signatures
    to communicate asynchronous implementation and to provide the caller with
    a way to know when the call has completed:
    GvrDaydreamApi.LaunchVrHomeAsync(Action<bool> callback),
    CreateAsync(Action<bool> callback).
  • Exposed TouchPosCentered, which remaps touchpad input from (-1, 1),
    centered on 0, and magnitude <= 1 (e.g. clamped to the circular touchpad)
  • Moved the Plugins folder underneath the GoogleVR folder so that future
    SDK upgrades are easier since the top level Plugins folder will no longer
    contain non-GVR and GVR content.
  • GVRVideoPlayerTexture no longer copies SurfaceTextures into Unity textures,
    but rather renders SurfaceTextures directly into the scene, optimizing it
    to use much less memory and GPU.
  • GVR Video Demo OBB sample video is now a stereo version of Big Buck Bunny.


  • Prevent serialized field properties in Google VR prefabs and scenes
    being set to null when editing them while build platform is not Android
    or iOS.
  • Fixed continuous calls to the Stop() method in the GvrAudioSource source.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the INTERNET permission to be added to the Android
    manifest unnecessarily when using the SDK.
  • GVRVideoPlayerTexture.SetDisplayTexture() now properly sets the display
  • GvrBuildProcessor now ignores non-Google VR target build platforms.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause GvrReticlePointer to render behind things
    with a sort order > than 0.
  • Added support for tracking all of a scene's cameras (that target at least
    one eye) in GvrEditorEmulator.
  • Fixed audio not showing up in iOS native integration builds
    (issue 618).

GVR Unity v1.60.0

07 Jun 01:14
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Known Issues

  • Some iOS developers are having issues running Cardboard projects.
    To run a Unity-built iOS Cardboard project, you must open the workspace
    containing the project (not the project itself) in XCode and build and run
    the project there. See issue 607 for more information.


  • Added GvrCardboardHelpers.SetViewerParams to set the Cardboard viewer
    parameters from a URI.


  • GvrBuildProcessor no longer warns at build time if Player Settings >
    Virtual Reality SDKs
    contains the None device. At build time, the
    following checks are currently performed:
    1. Player Settings > Virtual Reality Supported must be enabled.
    2. When the selected build platform is Android, Player Settings >
      Virtual Reality SDKs
      must include Daydream or Cardboard.
    3. When the selected build platform is iOS, Player Settings >
      Virtual Reality SDKs
      must include Cardboard.
  • If an unsupported version of Daydream Keyboard
    is installed, you will be prompted to go to the Play Store to update it.


  • Fixed a bug where the controller emulator wasn't working on the latest
    Macbook Pro due to SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceID == 0. See (issue 585).
  • Fixed a bug where GVRRecenterOnlyController did not work correctly in-editor.
  • Fixed a bug where Unity threw an exception when switching scenes.

GVR Unity v1.50.0

16 May 23:19
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Important Changes

  • Versions of Unity older than 5.6 are no longer supported.
  • GvrViewerMain will be replaced by GvrEditorEmulator.
    • The editor preview is now mono, not stereo, but will still support simulated headtracking.
    • Instances of GvrViewerMain in scenes will change to GvrEditorEmulator.
      automatically. This will not affect on-device builds.
    • Be sure to follow the Upgrade Instructions to
      ensure a clean migration.


  • Daydream Keyboard is now supported in Unity.
    • Users need to update the keyboard app via the Play Store.
    • Includes an API similar to GvrController for ease-of-use.
  • Added distance attenuation feature to GvrAudioSoundfield.
  • Added SetScheduledStartTime and SetScheduledEndTime methods to GvrAudioSource.
  • Added spatial blend to audio sources to control the contribution of distance
    attenuation and doppler effects.
  • Changed the GvrAudioSource occlusion computation method to use a cached
    list to avoid dynamic memory allocation.


  • Fixed audio spatializer plugin registration issue in runtime on iOS.
    See (issue 554).

GVR Unity v1.40.0

19 Apr 20:27
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Warning: This will be the last version compatible with all versions of Unity
from 5.2.1 to 5.6. Starting with 1.50.0 we will only support Unity 5.6 or newer.

Note: You must enable dynamic library loading in VrCore to get the latest C++
GVR Updates. To do this, go to Settings > Developer Options > Enable Library
. If Developer Options are not visible, tap 7 times on Build Version.


  • Daydream iOS development now supported in Unity 5.6.
  • Added controller battery indicator to GvrControllerPointer.
    • To use this feature dynamic library loading must be enabled and you must
      be using VrCore version 1.40 or newer.
  • Added an API to GvrController to query controller battery state.
    • Updated controller visuals to include this feature in the demo scenes.
  • Added GvrBaseControllerVisual to easily inherit controller alpha fading.
  • Added GvrDaydreamApi and a method LaunchVrHome.
    • Added to GVRDemo when running on Daydream devices.
  • Added a build-time notification dialog if the user forgets to enable
    Daydream or Cardboard in 5.6.
  • GVRDemo and VideoDemo: Added support for runtime changes between
    Daydream View and Cardboard viewer.
  • ScrollingUIDemo: Added an Object pooling system as part of the Scrolling
    UI Demo for reusing pages instead of reallocating them. The tab named
    Pooled shows how to use it.


  • No longer supports VrCore versions earlier than 1.0.
  • Disabled reverb (room effects) cutoff at max rolloff distance for
  • Removed the minimum time between down event and click event in
    GvrPointerInputModule. This guarantees that click events will always happen
    in the same frame as GvrController.ClickButtonUp.
  • GvrPointerInputModule now supports velocity and inertia for scroll events
    generated by touching the touch pad. Look at GvrPointerScrollInput for


  • Fixed a GvrAudioSoundfield rotation bug.
    See (issue 500).
  • Fixed a GvrAudioSource bug where audible spikes occur with distance
  • Enabled spatializePostEffects for `GvrAudioSources.
    See (issue 510).
  • Fixed a bug in TiledPage that would cause the staggered animation to be
    calculated incorrectly when the page wasn't positioned in the forward
    direction relative to the origin of the scene.
  • Fixed a bug in PagedScrollRect that could put it into a bad state when it
    is disabled.

GVR SDK for Unity v1.30.0

26 Apr 19:19
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  • Fixed Unity 5.6.0b5 editor emulation. See (issue 451).
  • Fixed editor unsaved bit churning.
  • (X) now closes demo scenes.


  • Added GvrActivityHelper, a utility/helper class for Android activities.

  • Added GvrControllerVisual.AlphaValue, which allows you to control the transparency of the controller visual. This value can also be accessed through C# scripting.

  • Added GvrRecenterOnlyController.cs. This is intended for 360° apps (e.g. 360° video) that should recenter only the controller, and not the headset.
    To use it:

    • Add the script as a component to any GameObject in the scene
    • Set the Camera and controller (GvrControllerPointer > Controller) to recenter.

    The VideoDemo's Pano (360) example has been updated to use this script.


  • IGvrPointer has been removed, and its functionality has been merged with GvrBasePointer. If you were using IGvrPointer, simply use GvrBasePointer instead as their APIs are identical.
  • Deleted GazeInputModule. GvrPointerInputModule should be used instead.

GVR SDK for Unity v1.20.0

26 Apr 19:20
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  • In the editor, head pose changes from moving the mouse would be reset between scenes, which was inconsistent with how it works on device. Head pose is now maintained between scenes in both device and editor.

  • GvrPointerInputModule will now correctly call IGvrPointer.OnPointerExit when the object being pointed at was destroyed.


  • Added the GvrControllerVisualManager script to the prefab GvrControllerPointer. This script activates/deactivates its children based upon the controller connection status. This allows the controller model to be hidden when the controller is disconnected, while the top-level object of GvrControllerPointer can still be safely activated and deactivated manually.

  • Added the GvrEventSystem prefab. This includes GvrPointerInputModule and GvrPointerManager in a single prefab.

  • Moved GvrPointerManager from GvrViewerMain to GvrEventSystem.

  • GvrToolTips.cs has been replaced by GvrTooltip.cs. Tooltips are now controlled on an individual basis (i.e. one GvrTooltip script per-tooltip) instead of managed centrally from a single instance of GvrToolTips. GvrTooltip contains a drop-down menu where you can select the location of the tooltip (TouchPadInside, TouchPadOutside, AppButtonInside, AppButtonOutside). Tooltips are part of GvrControllerPointer, and can be removed or changed as desired.

  • Added the ability to change Handedness in the editor preview. This impacts multiple systems, including the arm model and tooltip rendering. The handedness setting is changed through GoogleVR > Editor Settings, or by clicking the Change Handedness button on a GvrTooltip script.

  • Added support for Scroll and Drag events in GvrPointerInputModule so that all Unity UI components will work.

  • Added GvrDropdown script, a replacement for Unity’s Dropdown UI Component which works with
    GvrPointerInputModule/GvrPointerGraphicRaycaster. The built-in Dropdown component has a hardcoded dependency on GraphicRaycaster making it incompatible with the GVR SDK.

Known issues

  • Unity 5.6.0b5: Editor emulation does not render properly. See (issue 451).

GVR SDK for Unity v1.10.0

26 Apr 19:21
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Additions and Changes

  • The included demo scenes have changed. There are now four demos:
    • GVRDemo (Daydream/Cardboard)
    • VideoDemo (Daydream/Cardboard)
    • PermissionsDemo (Daydream only)
    • ScrollingUIDemo (Daydream only)
  • Added Google VR video support to Unity, see the VideoDemo scene for example usage.
  • Added VR permissions request flow, see the PermissionsDemo scene for example usage.
  • Added GVR versions of Graphic and Physics raycasters. GvrGaze is deprecated in favor of GvrPointerGraphicRaycaster.
  • Added a Daydream controller model to provide a visual representation in the application.
  • Changed GvrControllerMain prefab to use an arm model script.
  • Changed GvrReticlePointer to use the new GVR raycaster.