##Server fist([Object options])
Creates new application instance
###* options.trustProxy='loopback'
Configuration of trusted proxies. See proxyAddr.compile documentation
var app = fist({
trustProxy: ''
###Object options.router={}
Router configuration. See Finger Rule options documentation
var app = fist({
router: {
ignoreCase: true,
appendSlash: true
###String options.root=path.dirname(require.main.filename)
Application root directory. Used to find application plugins.
var app = fist({
root: process.cwd()
###String options.implicitBase=0
Implicit base unit name. 0
is base unit name.
var app = fist({
implicitBase: 'my_base'
base: 0,
name: 'my_base',
foo: 'bar'
// will be inherited from `my_base`
name: 'index'
##Server app.route(String rule, Object data);
Assing request rule to handle with unit.
app.route('/', {name: 'index'}); // create route "index", implicitly linked to "index" unit.
app.route('/', 'index'); // same as example above, but shorter
app.route('/', {name: 'index', unit: 'foobar'}); // create route index explicitly linked to "foobar" unit.
##HttpServer app.listen(...)
Start listening incoming connections. The signature is same as Node's Server listen. Returns original server object.
##Function app.getHandler()
Returns the callback for http.createServer
function. Designed for using with custom servers.
##Promise app.ready()
Compiles application logic and starts initialization.
Note that app.ready()
will be called automatically if you call app.listen()
##Server app.unit(Object prototype)
Schedules unit initialization.
name: 'foo'
##Server app.alias(String base, String name)
Creates an alias for base
name: 'long-long-long-hard-to-type-unit-name'
app.alias('long-long-long-hard-to-type-unit-name', 'foo');
##Server app.alias(Object aliases)
Same as app.alias(String base, String name)
but supports many aliases in one time.
base_name1: 'alias_name1',
base_name2: 'alias_name2'
###Server app.plugin(Function plugin)
Adds inline anonymous plugin
app.plugin(function startDelay(app, done) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
###Server app.install(String moduleName)
Install the plugins
app.install('npm_module_name'); // install plugin as npm module
app.install('/direct/path/to/plugin.js'); // install plugin from local module
app.install('/my_plugins/**/*.js'); // install many local plugins (Glob)
###Logger app.logger
Global root logger.
app.logger.log('Starting worker');
###Object app.params
Application parameters. Implicit + explicit
var app = fist({foo: 'bar'});
app.params.foo; // "bar"
app.params.trustProxy; // "loopback"