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Adding graphs via Mermaid

Hunter-Github edited this page Feb 13, 2016 · 8 revisions

To render beautiful diagrams and flowcharts, one can use the Mermaid library.

Required steps:

  1. Check out the latest release of Mermaid at

  2. Put mermaid.css and mermaid.min.js from the latest release (or master version, if you are feeling brave) into the presentation's directory.

  3. In the presentation's html file after a link to remark's own JavaScript (something like <script src="./remark-latest.min.js"></script>) add:

    <script src="./mermaid.min.js"></script> <script>mermaid.initialize({startOnLoad:true});</script>
  4. In any slide, add the flowchart by putting graph description (on a separate line) like this:

    .mermaid[graph LR A-->B B-->C C-->A D-->C]

  5. Enjoy!