Requires to run python with -u
flag to turn on binary stdio.
Expected stdin format:
- Intensity raster: 32x32x3 = 3072 float (each 4 bytes)
- Distance raster: 32x32x1 = 1024 float (each 4 bytes)
- Normals raster: 32x32x3 = 3072 float (each 4 bytes)
- Intensity normalization value: 1 float
- Distance normalization value: 1 float
Expected stdout format:
- Intensity raster: 32x32x3 = 3072 float (each 4 bytes)
- Magic characters sequence: 'x' '\n'
Expected stdin format:
- Intensity raster: 32x32x3 = 3072 float (each 4 bytes)
- Normals raster: 32x32x3 = 3072 float (each 4 bytes)
- Distance raster: 32x32x1 = 1024 float (each 4 bytes)
The order of each raster is a 2D array (height, width)
Each data is a numpy array with shape (channels, height, width), so typically it would be (7, 32, 32).
The channels order is
- Intensity R
- Intensity G
- Intensity B
- Normals X
- Normals Y
- Normals Z
- Distance
The data that the C++ process sends to main_stdio_net is already transformed and normalized and does not require additional processing.
The output of the main_stdio process does not apply the upstream transformations, as those are handled by the C++ process.
- 0-3 No flip
- 4-7 Vertical flip
- 8-11 Horizontal flip
- 12-15 Both flip
Each group has 4 indexes for rotations of 0 90 180 270 degrees
Full time from C++: 51ms/iteration
Full time from C++, optimized writes: 48ms/iteration
Full time from C++, optimized read and writes: 47ms/iteration
NN evaluation time: 27ms/iteration
NN evaluation from/to random numpy arrays: 27ms/iteration
NN evaluation with all transforms: 34ms/iteration
Before optimization
time pbrt scene.pbrt --iileDirect=1 --iileIndirect=8 out.exr
real 0m36.624s
After optimization
real 0m30.438s
1 thread
real 0m23.856s
2 threads
real 0m26.131s
Optimizing Transforms
Before optimization caching: 85 examples / second
After optimization caching: 2700 examples / second
Optimizing interpolation vectors to arrays
Using vectors
real 1m0.896s
user 1m34.794s
sys 0m0.437s
gj@gj-ub-4770 ~/git/pbrt-v3-custom-scenes/chairbed1 (master) $ time pbrt --iileIndirect=16 --iileDirect=1 scene.pbrt out.exr
Using arrays
real 0m59.865s
user 1m33.841s
sys 0m0.320s
In PBRT, images coordiantes X and Y:
- X from left to right
- Y from bottom to top
But the saved images follow
- Y from top to bottom
In the datasets:
- d - uses PBRT exporter
- n - uses custom exporter, Y is reversed
- z - uses custom exporter, Y is reversed
- p - uses PBRT exporter, Y is reversed
The IntensityFilm object handles the Y direction in the same way as PBRT, maintaining consistency with the training dataset. Therefore once an IntensityFilm object is obtained, there is no need to handle manual transformations. Normals and Distance keep their inverted axis, the neural network handles the axes automatically.
Location of
file which contains the python program to evaluate the neural network. Used by PBRT to start the child process. The environment variable is set up by the pbrt launcher.
Initial radius.
Radius update multiplier.
Radius interval samples.
Initial RNG seed.
Overrides the Path integrator's sampler to use Sobol at the specified samples per pixel
One render thread. It includes the main loop logic.
Requires shared objects:
- IISPTIntegrator
- IisptScheduleMonitor
- IisptFilmMonitor (includes sample density information)
It creates its own instance of:
- IISPTdIntegrator
- IisptNnConnector (requires
) - RNG
The render loop works as follows
- Obtain current radius from the ScheduleMonitor. The ScheduleMonitor updates its internal count automatically
- Use the RNG to generate 2 random pixel samples. Look up the density of the samples and select the one that has lower density
- Obtain camera ray and shoot into scene. If no intersection is found, evaluate infinite lights
- Create auxCamera and use the dIntegrator to render a view
- Use the NnConnector to obtain the predicted intensity
- Set the predicted intensity map on the auxCamera
- Create a filmTile in the radius section
- For all pixels within radius and whose intersection and materials are compatible with the original intersection, evaluate Li and update the filmTile
- Send the filmTile to the filmMonitor
Maintains the schedule of influence radius and radius update interval.
The radius schedule uses 2 parameters:
- Initial radius. Defaults to 50, overridden by
- Update multiplier. Defaults to 0.90, overridden by
When radius is <= 1, only the original pixel is affected.
The radius update interval is the number of IISPT samples generated after the radius changes. A sample is considered to be generated at each call to get_current_radius().
Defaults to 500, overridden by IISPT_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL
Represents the full rendering film used by IISPT.
All the coordinates in the public API are absolute x and y coordinates, and are converted to internal film indexes automatically.
Holds a 2D array of IisptPixel.
TODO This replaces the old IisptFilmMonitor class
Public methods:
- constructor(Bounds2i)
- add_sample(int x, int y, Spectrum s)
- get_density(int x, int y)
An IisptPixel has:
- x, y, z color coordinates
- sample_count number of samples obtained at the current location
The new render algorithm uses a regular grid of hemispheric samples, and interpolates between them. The rendering frame is subdivided into smaller rectangular chunks, and each pass will first obtain all the hemispheric samples, and then evaluate all the relevant pixels.
There are some simple flags that can be used to make it easier to control multiprocessing in reference generation mode.
defaults to 1
defaults to 0
The pixel index is modded by the MOD value, and the process will only render the reference pixel if the match value equals.
With the default values, every pixel is rendered.
- per scene normalization
- batch normalization ON
- rprop LR=0.0001
- per scene normalization
- batch normalization ON
- rprop LR=0.00005
- mean + standard deviation normalization
- batch normalization ON
- rprop LR=0.00003
- per frame: log, normalization into [0-1], gamma
- backwards: gamma-1, normalization-1 with saved value, log-1
- comparison level: lowest (gamma corrected level)
Downstream Full (left): log, normalize positive, gamma
Downstream Half (right): Divide by mean, Log, Log
Upstream: InvLog, InvLog, Multiply by mean
Distance Downstream: Add 1, Sqrt, Normalize positive, Gamma
Similar to 06, but the downstream half use the mean to normalize to 0.1, effectively using 10*mean as ratio.
Use TanH instead of ReLU for many of the layers.
Changing normal representation to camera-based instead of world-based.
ELU activation function.
Paper on ELU:
Convolutional NN
Input data format: Numpy array of shape (depth, height, width)
Input depth is 7: Intensity RGB, Normals RGB, Distance.
0 R
1 G
2 B
3 n.X
4 n.Y
5 n.Z
6 D
Output depth is 3: Intensity RGB
This data type is called ConvNpArray
The corresponding output version with 3 channels is a ConvOutNpArray
Define the new weight based on closeness in world-coordinates and on normals affinity.
D is the overall distance P is the normalized position distance N is the normalized normals distance
D = P * N + P
When Position is at closest, D is 0.
When Position is at farthest, D is maximal.
Weight = max(0, 1-D) + eps
Makes sure the weight is positive
When D is 0, weight is 1 + eps
When D is 1, weight is 0 + eps
When D is 1.5, weight is 0 + eps
To compute the normalized position distance:
P(a, b) = dist(a, b) / tileDistance
To compute a normalized normals distance:
N(a, b) =
dt = Dot(a, b)
if dt < 0:
return 1
return 1 - dt
When dot product is 1, distance is 0
When dot product is negative, distance is maximal
Position weight value is computed as the inverse ratio of the distance among the four points
wi = (dtt - di) / dtt
Where di is one individual distance. dtt is the tile-to-tile minimum distance in world positions. Taken the 4 influence points, calculate the smallest 3D distance among any pair.
Normals weight are computed using the dot product. If the dot product is negative, 0 is used as weight.
The final weight is
Weight_i = DistanceWeight_i * NormalWeight_i + eps
XXX is an integer for the exposure gain. GUI->CPP
Output indirect component
Output direct component
Output combined component
XXX is the current indirect task being processed
XXX is the total number of indirect tasks
Signals that rendering has finished
- 2 PBRT executable path (nodejs version)
- 3 input .pbrt file
- 4 indirect tasks
- 5 direct samples
Example execution
node_modules/electron/dist/electron main.js /home/gj/git/pbrt-v3-IISPT/bin/pbrt /home/gj/git/pbrt-v3-scenes-extra/cornell-box/scene.pbrt 16 16
Blender export to OBJ/MTL with Y forward -Z up
/home/gj/git/build-pbrt-v3-IISPT-Desktop-Default/obj2pbrt exp.obj exp.pbrt
/home/gj/git/build-pbrt-v3-IISPT-Desktop-Default/pbrt --toply exp.pbrt > scene.pbrt
In the scenefile add
Integrator "path"
Sampler "sobol" "integer pixelsamples" 1
Scale -1 1 1
Rotate 112 0.725 0.506 -0.467
Translate 0 12 0
Camera "perspective" "float fov" 49
Camera translation
X -> X Y -> -Y
Blender Y becomes PBRT -Y
Blender Z becomes PBRT Z
Blender export command
bpy.ops.export_scene.obj(filepath="/home/gj/git/pbrt-v3-scenes-custom/cbox/cobx.obj", axis_forward="Y", axis_up="-Z", use_materials=True)
Statistics collection completed
P value L1 gaussian-predicted 4.364805995204919e-189
P value Ss gaussian-predicted 4.8917089088066696e-107
P value L1 low-predicted 0.0
P value Ss low-predicted 1.4126296280156113e-298
Make more scenes for training and validation
add options for IILE quality in scenefile
GUI: add console output
Make more same-time path vs OSR. See bookmarks in firefox for blendswap interior scenes to be converted.
Direct lighting integrator should use 'one' instead of 'all' lights sampling to scale better to large scenes.
White room daytime
Extra bedroom
Veach ajar