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Releases: gicentre/elm-vegalite


25 Sep 16:42
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Minor changes that add some richer examples to the API documentation.


23 Sep 15:27
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Minor changes to accommodate a few additions that appeared in Vega-Lite 5.5 and to update the API docs with richer examples.

V5.1 Additions

  • coNumberFormatType and coNormalizedNumberFormatType for configuring custom numeric formatting of axis, legend and tooltip numbers (Vega-Lite 5.4) and coTimeFormatType for custom temporal formatting (Vega-Lite 5.5).

Other Changes

  • Add number format configuration tests for new Vega-Lite 5.4 and 5.5 number and time formatting configuration options.

  • Add many examples to API docs.


07 Jan 12:43
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While this is a 'major' release, this is largely to remove deprecated functions that relate to an older Vega-Lite interaction model and to longhand measurement type functions that have had shorthand equivalents for several years. The main addition is to support Vega-Lite's new offset channels for modifying position encoding.

V5.0 Breaking Changes

  • Removed deprecated functions and types:

    • Binding and associated functions iCheckbox, iColor, iDate, iDateTimeLocal, iMonth, iNumber, iRadio, iRange, iSelect, iTel, iText, iTime, iWeek and seBind.
    • BindLegendProperty and associated functions blChannel, blEvent,blField and seBindLegend
    • hDataCondition, hSelectionCondition, mDataCondition, mSelectionCondition, oDataCondition and oSelectionCondition
    • pBand
    • seBindScales, seEmpty, seInit, seInitInterval, seMulti and seSingle
    • select, selection and selectionName.

    These mostly relate to the old interaction model superseded in Vega-Lite 5 / elm-Vegalite 4 (see 'Deprecations' in change document for elm-Vegalite 4 for details on updating any legacy interaction functions that follow the old Vega-Lite interaction model).

  • New Position types to support Vega-Lite 5.2's new offset channel: XOffset and YOffset. While technically a breaking change as it extends the Position custom type variants, these additions are unlikely to break any existing code.

  • Remove exposed Measurement type and associated functions pMType, mMType, tMType, hMType, dMType, oMType, fMType and kMType. Since elm-vegaLite V2, the preferred way to declare a measurement type has been through the more concise functions pQuant, pGeo, pTemporal, mQuant etc.

V5.0 Additions

  • Support for the new offset channel (VL 5.2) with position XOffset and position YOffset along with channel identifiers chXOffset and chYOffset, useful for grouped bar charts and jitter-plots.

  • widthStepOffset and heightStepOffset for specifying discrete step sizes (e.g. bars) for groups with a common offset. Only has an effect when specification uses a position offset channel (VL 5.2).

  • pRepeatDatum for use with position offsets and repeated encoding of multiple data fields (VL 5.2).

  • leLabelExpr for customising legend labels.

V5.0 Other Changes

  • Added further examples to gallery and tests.


09 May 13:57
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V3.1.1 ➡ V4.0.0

Major changes are the use of expression parameters (limited form of Vega signals) and a new unified parameter/selection model for interaction. Both reflect changes introduced with the major release of Vega-Lite 5.

V4.0 Breaking Changes

  • New parameter type: prClipAngle now accepts a normal numeric value rather than a Maybe. To indicate antimeridian cutting supply a 0 rather than Nothing.

  • New parameter type: leValues now takes DataValues (allowing numbers, strings, dates and Booleans) rather than a more limited set of (now removed) LegendValues. To update older code, replace leValues (leNums [1,2,3]) with leValues (nums [1,2,3]).

  • New parameter type: seToggle for determining how repeated interaction selections should behave, now takes a more typesafe TogglePredicate rather than string. See the table below for their replacements:

    Old version New version
    seToggle "false" seToggle tpFalse
    seToggle "true" seToggle tpShiftKey
    seToggle "event.shiftKey" seToggle tpShiftKey
    seToggle "event.ctrlKey" seToggle tpCtrlKey
    seToggle "event.altKey" seToggle tpAltKey
    seToggle "some expression" seToggle (tpExpr "some expression")
  • Removed exposed type: Font weight specification has been rationalised so that FontWeight type variants Bold, Bolder, Lighter, Normal, W100, W200 etc. are no longer exposed and replaced with equivalent methods fwBold, fwBolder, fwLighter, fwNormal and fwValue.

  • Removed redundant or older deprecated legend configuration options: lecoGradientWidth and lecoGradientHeight ( replaced with lecoGradientLength); lecoEntryPadding (replaced with lecoRowPadding and lecoColPadding); lecoGradientLabelBaseline (replaced with lecoLabelBaseline); lecoShortTimeLabels (all time labels short by default).

  • Removed older deprecated scDomainMid.

  • Removed redundant sacoBarBandPaddingOuter and sacoRectBandPaddingOuter: use sacoBandPaddingOuter instead (VL5.0).

  • Removed racoSymbol for configuring default categorical symbols as it was previously incorrect (and ineffective). Use racoSymbols which takes a list of symbols instead.

V4.0 Additions

New Parameter and expression model

  • params and associated param, paBind, paBindings, paBindScales, paBindLegend, paSelect, paExpr, paValue and paValues functions for specifying top-level parameters for use within a spec (VL5.0).

  • bParam to convert a parameter value into a BooleanOp for logical composition.

Parameter Transforms

The following new functions transform a literal parameter provided to a function into one that instead evaluates a given expression to generate that parameter.

For example where you might provide

bar [ maOpacity 0.6 ]

you can provide a Vega-Lite named parameter to be evaluated instead:

bar [ maOpacity |> maNumExpr "myParam" ]
  • axBooExpr / axcoBooExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to Boolean axis properties (VL5.0).

  • axNumExpr / axcoNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric axis properties or configuration. (VL5.0).

  • axNumsExpr / axcoNumsExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to a list of numeric axis (dash) properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • axStrExpr / axcoNumsExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to string axis properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • coBooExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to Boolean top-level configuration properties (VL5.0).

  • coStrExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to string top-level configuration properties (VL5.0).

  • doNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric scale domain properties (VL5.0).

  • hdNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric facet header properties (VL5.0).

  • hdStrExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to string facet header properties (VL5.0).

  • leNumExpr / lecoNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric legend properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • leNumsExpr / lecoNumsExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to a list of numeric legend (dash) properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • leStrExpr / lecoStrExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to string legend properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • maBooExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to Boolean mark properties (VL5.0).

  • maNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric mark properties (VL5.0).

  • maNumsExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to a list of numeric mark (dash) properties (VL5.0).

  • maStrExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to string mark properties (VL5.0).

  • paNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric padding properties (VL5.0).

  • prNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric projection properties (VL5.0).

  • raNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric scale range properties (VL5.0).

  • scBooExpr / sacoBooExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to Boolean scale properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • scNumExpr / sacoNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric scale properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • tiNumExpr / ticoNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric title properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • tiStrExpr / ticoStrExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to string title properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • vbNumExpr / vicoNumExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to numeric view background properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • vbNumsExpr / vicoNumsExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to a list of numeric view background properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • vbStrExpr / vicoStrExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to Maybe String view background properties or configuration (VL5.0).

  • vicoBooExpr for providing expressions that evaluate to a Boolean view background configuration (VL5.0).

Non-literal parameter expressions

Used for providing parameter expressions that evaluate to non-literals.

For example, where you might provide

point [ maShape symSquare ]

you can provide a Vega-Lite named parameter that evaluates to an appropriate value instead:

point [ maShape (symExpr "myParam") ]
  • anExpr (text anchoring), arExpr (Aria accessibility), axLabelBoundExpr / axcoLabelBoundExpr (label boundary clipping), backgroundExpr (background colour), bmExpr (blend mode), caExpr (stroke cap style), clipRectExpr (clipping extent), cuExpr(cursor style), datumExpr / dataExpr (data from expression), doDtsExpr, doMaxDt, doMinDt (domain timestamp boundaries), fwExpr (font weight), haExpr (horizontal alignment), joExpr (stroke join style), miExpr (mark interpolation type), niExpr (nice tick intervals), osExpr (overlap strategy for axis labels), paEdgesExpr (padding on a per-edge basis), prCenterExpr (projection center), prExpr (projection type), prParallelsExpr (conic projection standard parallels), prRotateExpr (projection rotation), prTranslateExpr (projection translation), racoSymbols / racoSymbolsExpr (symbols for default scales), raExprs (range elements), scDomainExpr (domain scaling), scSchemeExpr (colour schemes), siExpr(side), symExpr (shape symbol), tdExpr(text direction), tfExpr (title frame) and titleExpr (top-level title). (VL4.16 to VL 5.1).

New selection model

  • ipRange, ipSelect, ipCheckbox etc. for input elements as parameters.

  • fiSelectionEmpty for filtering with default empty result.

  • TogglePredicate and associated functions tpFalse, tpExpr, tpShiftKey, tpCtrlKey and tpAltKey for typesafe toggling of selections.

Simplified conditional encoding

  • mCondition (and its o, t and h equivalents) that takes a list of Predicates and associated encodings for testing. A predicate can be either a parameter or a test (via new functions prParam, prParamEmpty and prTest) (VL5.0).

Data functions

  • daConcat, dataObject, dataObjects, datumArray and dataArrays for creating typesafe nested and mixed data values (in support of the VL5 interaction model).

  • inDatumOptions / inDataOptions for non-string input options (numeric values, lists etc.)

Other new or previously missing VL functions

  • axcoOffset and axcoLabelOffset for configuring axis spacing.

  • axcoStyle for named axis configuration styles.

  • axTickBand / axcoTickBand and associated tbCenter, tbExtent and tbExpr for aligning axis ticks and grids with band scales.

  • axTickCap / axcoTickCap for axis tick capping style.

  • axTitleLineHeight for multi-line axis titles.

  • axTranslate / axcoTranslate for axis translation.

  • coLocale and associated functions loDecimal, loThousands, loGrouping, loCurrency, loNumerals, loPercent, loMinus, loNan, loDateTime, loDate, loTime, loPeriods, loDay, loShortDays, loMonths and loShortMonths for specifying locale defaults (VL5.1).

  • lecoDirection, lecoGradientLength, lecoGradientHorizontalMaxLength, lecoGradientHorizontalMinLength, lecoGradientVerticalMaxLength, lecoGradientVerticalMinLength, leGradientOpacity/lecoGradientOpacity, lecoGradientThickness, `leLabelFontS...

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06 Sep 08:10
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Patch release that uses main rather than master GitHub branch. See


04 Sep 21:57
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Minor release aligned with Vega-Lite 4.15.

V3.1 Additions

  • rgParams for extracting regression parameters in the regression transform (missed in earlier releases).

V3.1 Bug Fixes

  • cuNWSEResize now specifies the correct resizing cursor.

V3.1 Deprecations

  • lecoShortTimeLabels deprecated as short time labels are now already the default.

V3.1 Other Changes

  • Minor refactoring and removing of redundant code.


10 Aug 06:14
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Major release reflecting several version bumps of Vega-Lite to V4.14. Includes some breaking changes, but should be easy to upgrade the relatively small and rare cases where older specs no longer work.

Breaking Changes

  • axTickCount and axcoTickCount now take a ScaleNice parameter rather than Float so that time intervals may be supplied. Previous code that used axTickCount 123 should now use axTickCount (niTickCount 123) (VL.4.10).
  • New position channels Theta, Theta2, R and R2 for radial positioning (e.g. pie charts). This is technically a breaking change as they are new variants in the exposed Position type, although in practice this won't break any existing specifications unless pattern matching against all Position variants (VL4.9).
  • hdTitleFontWeight now correctly uses a FontWeight parameter (Bold, W300 etc.) rather than a string. The string version inadvertently slipped through in earlier versions. Any specifications that use a String for the weight can use the equivalent FontWeight variant.
  • rgExtent and dnExtent now take two floats as the extent values rather than DataValue types. To update previous code replace (num x0) (num x1) with the simpler x0 x1 where x0 and x1 are the minimum and maximum numeric values of the extent.
  • key now creates a field/type object. Previously this incorrectly generated a string rather than object, so while this is a breaking change, there should be no working specs with the old key type. Field name can be specified with kName and type with kQuant, kNominal etc.
  • Removed deprecated functions: axcoShortTimeLabels, axcoTickStep, axDates, axTickStep, coAxisX, coAxisY, coNamedStyle, coNamedStyles, coStack, lookupAs, sacoRangeStep, sacoTextXRangeStep, scBinLinear, scRangeStep, scSequential, vicoWidth and vicoHeight


  • raField for setting range values explicitly from a data source (VL4.14).
  • raMin and raMax for setting selected range bounds (VL4.14)
  • doMin, doMid, doMax, doMinDt and doMaxDt for setting selected bounds of a numeric or date-time domain (VL4.14)
  • oDataCondition, oSelectionCondition and oNum for conditional ordering (VL4.14).
  • Added week and dayOfYear temporal binning options (VL4.13).
  • axDomainDashOffset, axGridDashOffset, cAxGridDashOffset, axTickDashOffset and cAxTickDashOffset dash offset parameters along with their axco configuration equivalents (VL4.13 and VL4.12).
  • dayHours, dayHoursMinutes, dayHoursMinutesSeconds, monthDateHoursMinutes and monthDateHoursMinutesSeconds added as temporal binning options (VL4.12).
  • tDatum for data-space constants to be encoded with a text channel (VL4.12).
  • axDomainCap and axGridCap for controlling axis baseline and gridline end caps (VL4.12).
  • axDomainDash and axcoDomainDash for controlling axis baseline dash style (VL4.12).
  • coAria to configure the enabling/disabling ARIA support in SVG output; maAria and associated properties arEnable, arDisable and arDescription for setting ARIA support on a per mark basis. axAria / axcoAria, leAria / lecoAria and associated properties for setting ARIA support on a per axis and legend basis (VL4.12).
  • coCustomFormatTypes for enabling/disabling use of registered custom formatters (VL4.11).
  • axcoDisable and lecoDisable to disable axes and legends by default in configuration (VL4.10).
  • mBand for non-positional band encoding (VL4.10)
  • arc and text mark offset functions maThetaOffset, maTheta2Offset, maRadiusOffset and maRadius2Offset (VL4.10).
  • pDatum for specifying a literal data-driven positioning (VL.4.9).
  • mDatum for specifying a literal data-driven mark property (VL.4.9).
  • layerFields and arLayer for arranging views in layers using a repeat list of fields (VL4.9).
  • mRepeatDatum for specifying a set of literal datum values in a repeated view (VL4.9).
  • angle channel for data-driven rotation of point and text symbols (VL4.9).
  • arc mark and associated radial mark properties maInnerRadius, maOuterRadius, maTheta and maTheta2 (VL4.9).
  • maRadiusOffset for polar offsetting of text marks that have been positioned via Theta and R (VL 4.9).
  • leTitleOrient for positioning a title relative to legend content.
  • leSymbolLimit and lecoSymbolLimit for limiting the number of entries in a discrete legend (VL 4.8).

Bug Fixes

  • niInterval now correctly generates a time unit string rather than "unit":XXX.


  • scDomainMid deprecated in favour of scDomain (doMid) to provide consistency with new (VL4.14) doMin and doMax functions.

Other Changes

  • Calling dataFromRows or dataFromColumns without dataRow / dataColumn now generates an empty dataset that can be useful for creating annotation layers with literals.
  • Removed now redundant measurement type specifications that can instead rely on default measurement types (VL 4.14).
  • Minor improvements to the API documentation.
  • Additions to tests for new features added since VL 4.8.
  • Tests and examples now use vega data V2 with single path to explicit data version.
  • New gallery examples.


29 Mar 17:08
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Minor release supporting new features in Vega-Lite 4.4 to 4.8.


  • hdLabelBaseline, hdLabelExpr, hdLabelFontStyle, hdLabelFontWeight, hdLabelLineHeight, hdLabels, hdOrient, hdTitleFontStyle and hdTitleLineHeight facet header customisation options (VL 4.8).
  • coAxisXFilter and coAxisYFilter to modify axis configurations to apply only to the X or Y axes (supports changes in VL 4.7)
  • maBlend and associated bm blend mode options for specifying how overlaid colours are combined (VL 4.6).
  • vaLineTop and vaLineBottom for vertical alignment of text marks based on line height (VL 4.6).
  • axLabelLineHeight and axcoLabelLineHeight for setting axis label line height (VL 4.6).
  • opProduct for aggregation of numeric values by their product (VL 4.6).
  • axFormatAsCustom, leFormatAsCustom, hdFormatAsCustom and tFormatAsCustom for using registered text formatters (VL 4.6).
  • axTickDash and cAxTickDash for conditional tick dash styles (VL 4.6)
  • cAxLabelOffset for conditional axis label offsetting (VL 4.5)
  • coAxisDiscrete and coAxisPoint axis configuration options (VL 4.5)
  • sacoXReverse for configuring right-to-left charts and undeprecated scReverse (VL 4.5)
  • axcoLabelExpr and axcoTickCount for configuring default label transformations and tick counts (VL 4.4)
  • axLabelOffset for offsetting axis labels from their tick marks (VL 4.4).
  • axStyle and coAxisStyles for named style configuration of axis properties (VL 4.4).
  • coMarkStyles in place of previous coNamedStyles for greater naming consistency.

  • tiLineHeight for setting title line height

  • doSelectionChannel and doSelectionField for projecting selection onto a specific field or channel when scaling a domain.


  • coNamedStyle and coNamedStyles both deprecated in favour of coMarkStyles. Provides greater naming consistency with the addition of (VL 4.4) coAxisStyles.
  • coAxisX and coAxisY deprecated in favour of the more flexible coAxisXFilter and coAxisYFilter modifiers. For example, replace coAxisX [ axcoTitleColor "red" ] with coAxis [ axcoTitleColor "red" ] |> coAxisXFilter)
  • scBinLinear deprecated in favour of scLinear with binning aggregation.

Other Changes

  • maText now respects multi-line strings.
  • Simplified Likert gallery example to use multi-line text literals.
  • Providing hdTitle with an empty string now generates a JSON null value rather than empty string, to be compatible with schema.
  • Replaced now deprecated coNamedStyle and coNamedStyles with coMarkStyles in gallery examples and test.


18 Feb 07:00
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Minor release supporting new features in Vega-Lite 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.


  • doUnionWith for combining fixed and data-driven domains (VL 4.3).
  • coFont for configuring global font (VL 4.3).
  • strokeDash and associated chStrokeDash encoding channel (VL 4.2)
  • coAxisQuant and coAxisTemporal for configuring quantitative and temporal axes (VL 4.2)
  • timeUnit can now create objects parameterised with tuMAxBins and tuStep (VL 4.1).
  • maCornerRadiusEnd for rounding upper or right corners of bar rectangles (V L4.1).
  • scDomainMid for setting midpoint in a diverging continuous scale (VL 4.1).
  • cAxLabelPadding and cAxTickSize conditional axis formatting (VL 4.1).
  • smCursor for setting cursor over selection mark (VL 4.1).
  • fAlign, fCenter and fSpacing for positioning of sub-plots in faceted views (VL 4).
  • lecoUnselectedOpacity for setting opacity of unselected interactive legend items (VL 4).
  • ticoLineHeight, axcoTitleLineHeight, lecoTitleLineHeight and maLineHeight for multi-line text line height configuration (VL 4).
  • miLinearClosed interpolation to form closed polygons (missed exposing this from earlier releases).
  • vicoCursor for setting default cursor over view.
  • vaAlphabetic for baseline vertical alignment of text marks.
  • maLimit, maEllipsis and maDir with tdLeftToRight and tdRightToLeft for truncating and formatting text marks.
  • providing empty lists to the boxplot elements that appear by default (outliers, median, box and rule) now removes them.
  • \n in a tStr string literal now respects multiple-lines in text mark.

Other Changes

  • Minor corrections to the API documentation.
  • Internal refactor of transform functions that return multiple labelled specs.
  • Additions to tests for new VL4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 features
  • Amended examples and tests to conform with the changes in the VL4.1 schema.


13 Jan 23:24
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Minor release with a couple of bug fixes and missing Vega-Lite 4.0 feature.


  • naturalEarth1 map projection type.

Bug Fixes

  • Correct maxsteps parameter output of density transform (thanks @DougBurke for spotting this).
  • Correct bug in density that was incorrectly using value of dnCounts for the dnCumulative setting (thanks @DougBurke for spotting this).