- PHP (v5.6 or above), see http://www.php.net/
- with SOAP extension, see https://secure.php.net/manual/en/book.soap.php
- MariaDB (v10.0 or above), see https://mariadb.org/
cd /path/to/tabt
git clone https://github.com/gfrenoy/TabT-API.git
Managing a database is outside the scope of this install guide, the below instructions assume you have created a database called tabtdb
with full access to user tabtuser
cd /path/to/tabt/TabT-API/tabt/db
mysql -utabtuser -p tabtdb < tabt-db.sql
mysql -utabtuser -p tabtdb < tabt-db-demo.sql
For your information:
- tabt-db.sql contains the schema of the TabT database
- tabt-db-demo.sql contains a fictional demo database
Copy the default configuration file (config.inc-default) to "config.inc":
cp config.inc-default config.inc
and modify the required parameters to connect to the TabT database.
cd /path/to/tabt/TabT-API
php -S
To test if your installation is successful, you may want to try:
php -r 'var_dump((new SoapClient(""))->Test());'
In any SOAP client (example SoapUI, http://www.soapui.org/), the service description to use is: