- nullable option
- check is active when switching between if the else schemas
- titleInErrors: boolean
- inputAttributes option, containerAttributes, ...
- printable
- enforceConst documentation and test
- readOnly test
- complementary schema (for ui stuff)
- examples
- on change, pass editor that changed
- implement is dirty when value change
- switch alternative to checkbox
- color picker
- playground side menu for settings form
- configurable icons vs theme overwrite
- multiple instance: do not transfer values between editors
- plugin Choices
- plugin SignaturePad
- setValue(source) where source can be 'interaction' or 'api'
- fix element class jedi-error-message
- void instance/editor?
- correct ui.theme references
- input range
- input file
- publish on NPM
- getButton exports object { button, text, icon }
- compact descriptions with tooltip
- additionalItems with prefixItems validation and editing https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/array#additionalitems
- append descriptions if set and not hidden
- type hidden description
- editor hidden description
- better elements class names
- ionic theme
- integrate unevaluatedProperties "see through"
- better NOT error messages
- options can be global or scoped in schemas
- property already exist message box or disable add button
- fix/check items constrain
- error constrain property: allOf, dependentSchemas, if-then-else
- check for unused properties in code
- placeholderOption
- array copy button
- can not set value if enum and not in enum?
- aria live for multiple
- aria live for arrays
- use same invalid feedback (no alerts)
- editor method refreshDisableState() to avoid calling refreshUI when enabling / disabling editor (to avoid re-appending editors)
- anyOf, oneOf accessibility switcher (radios are better)
- position and dry of errors (not, patternProperties)
- Configurable i18n via options
- multiple error messages (oneOf, anyOf, not, any, type undefined, etc.)
- move switcher options and titles in editors and not in instances
- template / titles / descriptions as html with xss lib option
- active item after array add/move/etc. (min and max items) + test
- active item after object add/
- option hideButton labels
- drafts
- array grid
- array table
- header: false
- title: false
- documentation mode
- use names options
- plugins simplemde
- edit object values
- edit array values
- formats: https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/string#format