if you write koaton
koaton -h
in your terminal you will get this output.
Install the especified driver adapter.
-h --help Show the help for this command
-l --list Show the adapters installed in the current application. koaton adapter -l
-u --uninstall Removes the driver
-g --generate Creates an adapter template for the especified driver
--host <hostname> Default is localhost. Use this with -g
--port <port> Default driver port. Use this with -g
--user <username> User to connect to database default is ''. Use this with -g
--db <databse> Database name for the connection default is ''. Use this with -g
--pass <password> Password to login in your database default is ''. Use this with -g
Bulds whatever your system needs to build. (bundles, nginxConf, emberapps)
-h --help Show the help for this command
--nginx Builds nginx config only
--bundles Builds bundles only
--apps Builds ember apps only
--images Comprees all the images
--static Copy Static files
Creates a new ember app with the especified named.
-h --help Show the help for this command
-l --list Shows all the ember apps of the project
-f --force Overrides the current app.
-u --use <ember_addon> Install the especified addon in the especified app.
-m --mount <path> (Default: /) Sets the mounting path in the koaton app. Can be used with -n or alone.
-b --build <env> [ development | production] Builds the especified ember app in the Koaton app.
--subdomain <subdomain> (Default: www) Sets the subdomain to mount the application.
--port <port> port to build
SetUps a recent clonned proyect. (root/Administrator permission needed to work with nginx)
-h --help Show the help for this command
Creates a new model. fields must be sourrounded by "". Fields syntax: field_name:type [ point | number | integer | float | double | real | boolean | string | text | json | date | email | password | blob ] example: koaton model User 'active:integer name email password note:text created:date' koaton model User hasmany Phone as Phones koaton model User hasmany Phone phones phoneId
-h --help Show the help for this command
-e --ember <app> Generates the model also for the app especified.
-f --force Deletes the model if exists.
-r --rest Makes the model REST enabled.
Run the needed commands to
-h --help Show the help for this command
Creates a new koaton aplication.
-h --help Show the help for this command
-d --db <driver> A value from [ mongoose | mysql | postgres | redis | sqlite3 | couchdb | neo4j | riak | firebird | tingodb | rethinkdb | mongo | couch | mariadb ]
-e --view-engine <engine> A value from [ handlebars | nunjucks ]
-f --force Overrides the existing directory.
-n --skip-npm Omits npm install
helps bind the server to nginx
-h --help Show the help for this command
-i --install creates and install the .conf in your nginx path.
makes a relation betwen two models linkmode: hasMany|belongsTo
-h --help Show the help for this command
-re --relation-property Selects the relation property
-fe --foreing-key Selects the foreing key to use
-e --ember <app> Generates the model also for the app especified.
-f --force Deletes the model if exists.
-r --rest Makes the model REST enabled.
Creates or run seed in your project.
-h --help Show the help for this command
-g --generate Generete a seed file for the specified model.
Runs your awsome Koaton applicaction especially for development
-h --help Show the help for this command
-n --nginx Copy the project .conf in nginx
-s --skip-build
-p --production Runs with NODE_ENV = production
--port <port> Run on the especified port (port 80 requires sudo).
Translate your localization files
-h --help Show the help for this command
-l --list Show a list of languages