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OR-Tools CMake Build Instructions

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| Dependencies | C++ | Swig | Python 3 | .Net Core | Java | Integration | CI |

OR-Tools comes with a CMake based build (CMakeLists.txt) that can be used on a wide range of platforms (the "C" stands for cross-platform). If you don't have CMake installed already, you can download it for free from

CMake works by generating native Makefiles or build projects that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
You can either build OR-Tools with CMake as a standalone project or it can be incorporated into an existing CMake project.

warning: Currently OR-Tools CMake doesn't support Java nor .Net, please use the Makefile based build instead.

OR-Tools depends on severals mandatory libraries. You can compile them all at configure time using the option -DBUILD_DEPS=ON (OFF by default) or you can compile few of them using the options below.

  • Google Abseil-cpp (BUILD_absl),
  • Google Gflags (BUILD_gflags),
  • Google Glog (BUILD_glog),
  • Google Protobuf (BUILD_Protobuf),
  • COIN-OR CoinUtils (BUILD_CoinUtils),
  • COIN-OR Osi (BUILD_Osi),
  • COIN-OR Clp (BUILD_Clp),
  • COIN-OR Cgl (BUILD_Cgl),
  • COIN-OR Cbc (BUILD_Cbc),

note: You can disable the support of COIN-OR solvers (i.e. Cbc and Clp solver) by using -DUSE_COINOR=OFF.

OR-Tools also have few (ed compile time) optional solvers support (disabled by default):


warning: Since these solvers require license and are proprietary, we can't test it on public CI and support can be broken.

You should be able to integrate OR-Tools in your C++ CMake project following one of these methods.

For API/ABI compatibility reasons, if you will be using OR-Tools inside a larger C++ project, we recommend using CMake and incorporate OR-Tools as a CMake subproject (i.e. using add_sudirectory() or FetchContent).

Consuming OR-Tools in a CMake Project

If you already have OR-Tools installed in your system, you can use the CMake command find_package() to include OR-Tools in your C++ CMake Project.

note: You may need to set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in order for CMake to find your OR-Tools installation.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
project(myproj VERSION 1.0)

find_package(ortools CONFIG REQUIRED)

add_executable(myapp main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myapp ortools::ortools)

Include directories, compile definitions and compile options will be added automatically to your target as needed.

Incorporating OR-Tools into a CMake Super Project

Using add_subdirectory

The recommendations below are similar to those for using CMake within the googletest framework (

Thus, you can use the CMake command add_subdirectory() to include OR-Tools directly from a subdirectory of your C++ CMake project.
Note: The ortools::ortools target is in this case an ALIAS library target for the ortools library target.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
project(myproj VERSION 1.0)


add_executable(myapp main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myapp ortools::ortools)

Again, include directories, compile definitions and compile options will be added automatically to your target as needed.

Using FetchContent

If you have CMake >= 3.14.7 you can use the built-in module FetchContent instead. Note: The ortools::ortools target is in this case an ALIAS library target for the ortools library target.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11.4)
project(myproj VERSION 1.0 LANGUAGES CXX)

  GIT_TAG        master

# After the following call, the CMake targets defined by or-tools
# will be defined and available to the rest of the build

add_executable(myapp main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myapp ortools::ortools)

note: You may need to use the option -DBUILD_DEPS=ON to get all or-tools dependencies as well.