This module includes persistence related functionality: Liquibase migration scripts and MyBatis mapper interfaces\xml.
Create an empty PostgreSQL database. Name of the created database should be identical in these places:
maven properties
(see ws module configuration) -
java property
in application.yml -
java property
in application-test.yml
Update database manually by liquibase-maven-plugin (use values for db.url, db.username, db.password):
mvn liquibase:update -Dliquibase.url=<db.url> -Dliquibase.username=<db.username> -Dliquibase.password=<db.password>
Run script under registry-persistence directory.
In case of exception:
Error setting up or running Liquibase: liquibase.exception.SetupException: liquibase/some-changelog.xml does not exist
run the following maven command:
mvn process-resources
DB on the environments (dev, uat, prod) are updated automatically on application startup.
Each changeset should contain rollback section:
<changeSet id="testRollback" author="programmer">
<createTable tableName="user">
<column name="id" type="int"/>
<column name="username" type="varchar(36)"/>
<column name="age" type="integer"/>
<dropTable tableName="user"/>
in order to be able to rollback changes automatically in case of exception.
Rollback may be also performed manually. There are several ways to do that.
By count:
mvn liquibase:rollback -Dliquibase.rollbackCount=1 -Dliquibase.url=<db.url> -Dliquibase.username=<db.username> -Dliquibase.password=<db.password>
is a parameter which defines how many changeset will be rolled back.
or by date:
mvn liquibase:rollback "-Dliquibase.rollbackDate=Oct 18, 2020" -Dliquibase.url=<db.url> -Dliquibase.username=<db.username> -Dliquibase.password=<db.password>
is a parameter which defines date; any changeset executed after that day will be rolled back (including the date).