Features of PastBook-Clone
Login with Facebook
Send user's Best photos from 2019 (configurable) to there email
Mail queue
Necessary Docker images to spin up the env
How to spin up PastBook-Clone
cd pastbook-clone
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose ps
docker-compose exec app composer install
Create .env
from .env.example
and generate app key.
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
Fill env specific info and clear cache. Specially supply mail configurations, other once are pre-filled.
docker-compose exec app php artisan cache:clear
docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate
Hit http://localhost:8080 and the site should be working
Additionally, you might want to give 777
permissions to storage/log
and storage/framework
PastBook-Clone functionaries
Sign in with Facebook
Check your inbox to see mail with your best photos of 2019
Limitations PastBook-Clone
Queue worker - Supervisord - is in development. So you have to do it manually
docker-compose exec app php artisan queue:work
Search query needs to be improved. For the moment there's no logic to determine the "Best" photos. For the moment it's a generic query.