#!/usr/bin/env python3
God Tier Cheatsheet https://devhints.io/bash
import requests
response = requests.get(url,params={key: value}, args)
session = requests.Session() session.max_redirects = 3 session.get(url)
Parameter | Values |
allow_redirects | Optional. A Boolean to enable/disable redirection. Default True (allowing redirects) |
auth | Optional. A tuple to enable a certain HTTP authentication. Default None |
cert | Optional. A String or Tuple specifying a cert file or key. Default None |
cookies | Optional. A dictionary of cookies to send to the specified url. Default None |
headers | Optional. A dictionary of HTTP headers to send to the specified url. Default None |
proxies | Optional. A dictionary of the protocol to the proxy url. Default None |
stream | Optional. A Boolean indication if the response should be immediately downloaded (False) or streamed (True). Default False |
timeout | Optional. A number, or a tuple, indicating how many seconds to wait for the client to make a connection and/or send a response. Default None which means the request will continue until the connection is closed |
verify | Optional. A Boolean or a String indication to verify the servers TLS certificate or not. Default True |
from pwn import *
r = remote(url, port)
r.recvuntil(delim) - Receive data until a delimiter is found recv(n) - Receive any number of available bytes recvline() - Receive data until a newline is encountered recvuntil(delim) - Receive data until a delimiter is found recvregex(pattern) - Receive data until a regex pattern is satisfied recvrepeat(timeout) - Keep receiving data until a timeout occurs clean() - Discard all buffered data
Sending data send(data) - Sends data sendline(line) - Sends data plus a newline
Processes and Basic Features Creating a process and then using it for shell
```py from pwn import * io = process('sh') io.sendline('echo Hello, world') io.recvline() # 'Hello, world\n' io.interactive() ```
client = listen(8080).wait_for_connection()
SSH from pwn import *
session = ssh('bandit0', 'bandit.labs.overthewire.org', password='bandit0') io = session.process('sh', env={"PS1":""}) io.sendline('echo Hello, world!') io.recvline() # 'Hello, world!\n'