All the code is located at the root level of the project.
There are multiple header and .cpp files, your implementation will go into the following file:
: Implement the sequential algorithm for nqueen problem, the master and worker functions for parallel nqueen according to the function declarations insolver.h
Other files containing code that you should not change are:
: Declares the nqueen functions.utils.h
: Implements common utility functions.main.cpp
: Implements code for the main executablenqueen
. This does input/output reading and calling of the actual functions.
In order to compile everything, simply run
For running on local system, do:
mpirun -np <num_procs> ./nqueen <n> <k>
For running on the PACE cluster, do:
qsub -v p=<num_procs>,n=<number_of_queens>,k=<k> pbs_script.pbs