- Late spring 2011: Pierre starts working on prototypes of Everpix
- Summer 2011: Kevin & Wayne join Pierre as co-founders
- August 2011: Incorporation of 33cube, Inc.
- September 2011: TechCrunch finalist and public presentation of early concepts of Everpix
- October 2011: Raised Convertible Note of $125,000; Everpix Alpha with Web & Mac apps
- November 2011: Raised Convertible Note of $675,000
- December 2011: First employee Jason as Web Engineer; Everpix Beta with Web & Mac apps
- February 2012: New employee Sameer as Backend Engineer; Everpix iOS app
- March 2012: New employee George as iOS Engineer; Everpix Photo Pages feature
- July 2012: Raised Series Seed for $1,000,000
- September 2012: Everpix open for business; 30 day trial subscription model ($40 / year or $4.99 / month)
- October 2012: Everpix Similar photos feature
- November 2012: Everpix Highlights feature
- December 2012: Everpix universal iOS app; Everpix Windows app
- February / March 2013: First VC tour
- March 2013: Everpix Explore feature; Freemium subscription model with Everpix Free ($49 / year or $4.99 / month)
- April 2013: Raised Bridge Note of $525,000 as an “advance" on Series A
- May 2013: Memories email feature; Memories app for Mac
- June 2013: Everpix Flashback feature; Redesigned Everpix iOS app version 2.0
- June / July 2013: Second VC tour
- July 2013: New employee Kyle as Imaging Analyst
- August 2013: Everpix Android app
- August 2013: Second and a half VC tour
- September 2013: Everpix Nearby Photos feature
- October 2013: Redesigned Everpix Web app
- November 2013: Public announcement of upcoming Everpix shutdown
- December 2013: Everpix shutdown