- Shutup10
- Create ideal Battery profiles. Consider:
- intel GPU power profile (between performance and battery)
- Winwows power plan
- Remote PS4 on GPD: https://www.reddit.com/r/gpdwin/comments/c43cul/updated_guide_2019_for_gpd_win_win_2_playing_ps4s/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
- Does sleeping or hibernate create issues with GPD WIN 2?
- Does dptf (Dynamic Power and Thermal Framework) needs to be disabled for GPD WIN 2? 8100Y>
- If so, for what reason?
- How to do it from windows?
- MSI afterburner
- Riva Tuner
- Battery Care
- HWInfo
- Heaven
- Big notes file: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17dfO7ww7mCN0TcX3FpK4udR_c9y-3iNE45NCNMvtf6k/edit#
- GPD discord channel: https://discordapp.com/channels/243411108940087297/444283526645284876/609501028043456514
- Intel HD Card full MHz: https://www.ntlite.com/community/index.php?threads/intel-r-hd-graphics-4600-tweak-always-full-mhz.1084/
- Set gpu frequency easier to 848Mhz. Useful?
- GeDoSaTo downsampling of resolution
- https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/8127op/cant_install_gedosato_anymore/
- Probably useless for improving performance having already HiAlgoBoost
- Increase VRAM. It shouldn't effect performance except for games that checks how much VRAM a GPU got. ref
- Does not work with new Intel drivers
- Intel PHDGD Driver now: https://youtu.be/BZG50Nm5sOM?t=192
- they don't work on the current intel GPU gen
- CPUCore
- it'snot free