This document provides a comprehensive list of all the software that gets installed by the Ansible playbook in this repository. The software is categorized based on whether it's installed on macOS, Ubuntu, or both.
Customization: If you need to customize the list of software, you can edit the respective role files in the
directory. -
Dependencies: Some software requires other dependencies that are automatically managed by the playbook.
For more details on the tasks involved in installing this software, please refer to the respective role files in the roles
In some cases, I may have deferred to using community maintained and defined Ansible Galaxy roles rather than rolling my own. Please review the requirements.yml file for this.
Lastly, feel free to click on the links below for explanations or more information about the software used prior to installing.
Installed on both macOS and Ubuntu
- Ansible - (installed by the script)
- autoconf
- Docker compose
- Firefox
- Git
- go
- Google Chrome
- gpg
- iperf
- nmap
- Oh My Zsh
- pv
- Python3
- Signal
- sqlite
- Terraform
- Visual Studio Code with extensions & plugins
- github.copilot
- github.copilot-chat
- ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers
- ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack
- ms-vscode.remote-server
- shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced
- tomoki1207.pdf
- ue.alphabetical-sorter
- yzane.markdown-pdf
- yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
- wget
- yamllint
- zsh-history-substring-search
Installed only on macOS
- Amethyst (window manager)
- Docker for Mac (Docker)
- dockutil
- Using geerlingguy Ansible module
- Handbrake
- Homebrew
- iTerm2
- Xcode Command Line Tools - tools for software developers that run on the command line, in the Terminal application.
Installed only on Ubuntu
- build-essential
- Docker
- System76 Pop-OS Pop Shell
- zsh (default shell on macOS)