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119 lines (65 loc) · 4.19 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (65 loc) · 4.19 KB

Program structure

  1. create corpus.txt file with space delimeted sentences which are delimited by newlines, using

  2. create pickled data files that are needed for training using

    • params: --ngrams --unk "|" --rand_window
  3. run to traing the word embeddings

    • params: --ngrams --n_negs 5 --weights --ss_t "1e-5"

    • use additional params for batch size (--mb), epochs (--epoch) as you like

Run without --ngrams to train reference model.

What does do?

  • convert method generates a skipgram for each word:

    • owords is the context from left to right

      • padded with <|> before and after if not present, since the fixed window is taken into account.
  • this is then saved into binaries.

What are the iwords and owords?

loaded pairs from PermutatedSubsampledCorpus -> already like that from file.

  • iword: current word $w_t$

  • owords:: context words $w_c$ with $c \in \mathcal{C}_t$

Required adjustments:

some effort

  • window -> must sample uniformly between 1 and 5 instead of just using a fixed size

    • I'll keep it fixed, else batching becomes unnecessarily difficult... usign a window of size 3 instead.
  • „probability proportional to the square root of the uni-gram frequency”

    • can specify weights when initialising SGNS! adjust the function there.
      • done.
  • Implementation of the n-grams and the adjusted scoring function:

    • preprocessing

      • Additional step to compute the n-grams and adding them to the dictionary; Hashing, building representation...
        • done, but not using hashing
    • training

      • instead of just retrieving for current word and context from Word2Vec during loss computation:

        • retrieve all n-gram vectors and context

        • compute loss based on those

Still todo (maybe)

  • „When building the word dictionary, we keep the words that appear at least 5 times in the training set“

    • need to reduce that threshold, depending on our corpus. The words are set to unknown (<|>) and will have no effect on the computation of the embeddings vector. It might be a better approach to use a different character, thought. Or, in the case of tagged corpora and if the same tags could be assigned for new sentences on which the embeds are used, to use the tags.
  • „we solve our optimization problem by performing SGD“ „we use a linear decay on the step size”

    • currently using Adam.
  • use logistic loss function $l:x ↦ \log(1+e^{-x})$ instead of LogSigmoid!

  • do not compute gradient on the unknown char!

    • Actually, this is already implemented. Passing a padding_idx to an nn.Embedding has exactly that effect.

just a parameter

  • ss_t: 1e-4 (rejection threshold)

  • n_negs: 5

First impressions Takes a very long time to train. One iteration needs approximately 25 seconds vs 9-10 iterations/sec when using the reference implementation. Will try to optimise a bit by sorting the corpus.

Unfortunately, this didn't help much. In fact's it's not speeding up the training at all!

FIXED - problem was a for-loop over the forward passes to the embeddings layer. Building the Index-Tensor for the whole batch instead made the training faster.

NOTE: It's important that the first entry of index 0 is the unknown/ nonexistent character!!!

  • And it shouldn't be trained...

  • And the vector should be initialised as zero-vector...

** Development notes**

computation of loss:

 # what exactly do I want???
 # 1. for each word w_t, t ∈ batch_size:
 #      compute the sum over scores for each context VEC (oloss) / negative word VEC (nloss):
 #        where the score is sum (over all n-gram-vec) of the DOT product between the n-gram-vec and that VEC
 #        -> already have these 59 values.
 # -> and return the mean of the whole thing. Need to unsqueeze if just one element.

„Imagine a distribution of words based on how many times each word appeared in a corpus, denoted as $U(w)$ (this is called unigram distribution).” -