This was an open discussion about how to build (internal) developer communities. Here are the notes that were taken directly in the session.
- How to create vibrant communities?
- How to foster knowledge exchange outside of meetups?
- What do you value about communities?
- How to make people join in person?
- How to create a safe space where people are not scared of asking and/or speaking?
- Friendly customers
- Early access to new features
- Knowledge sharing
People only came for presentation
- but didn't stay for networking
Attendance got less and less
Needed about 3 years to take off
- now it runs by "itself"
- presentation but also key notes and people than stay and talk
(Small company) Internal coding dojo
- whole day
- supported by management
- every 2 weeks
- changed now to also host additional things, like presentation...
DevCon once per year
- From devs for devs
- Internal and external presentations
- with prices
- but kinda slowed down
Current work/projects are more important than coder dojo and so on for company/team
- Create focus groups
- are time boxed but also over longer time, e.g. a few months
- Create focus groups
Innovation friday
- e.g. a week a year for "personal" project
Golden ticket per sprint
- 1 day to have a look at one topic he wants but he needs to present it to the team afterwards
Create a community with multiple different topics
- to ensure there is always a interesting talk/presentation available
Presentation or interactive workshops?
- Depends heavily on topic
People need/prefer different options
- provide different options so that everybody has a chance
Hybrid meetings
- good equipement
- speaker has his own microphone
- also in person attendence join the meeting over laptop (only with camera, no microphone)
- good equipement
Knowledge sharing session every 2 weeks
- got less over time
- however after new promotion from management got better again
- shows support from management
Info sessions for multiple teams
- repeat import deprecation information multiple times Suggestions:
good setup + equipment
regular meetups
- combine the guild/meetup with other team to have meetups more often
Size doesn't matter, focus more on how to make the best meetup possible with the current size
Remote wine and beer tasting :)
have food and drinks
find out why people join the meeting
- you can't force them to join
people who "drive" the meetup/guild are needed
have a code of conduct ;)
have more "private/fun" meetups
- focus on socialicing first
create breakout sessions for discussions
- or proximity chat
badge/goodie for presentars/speakers
use "raise hand" in zoom
multiple moderators
- to split responsibilities, e.g. monitor in-person and remote attendees
use tools like slido for anonymous question
keep hybrid meetings short
- Tanja Laub
- writes post about community/guild building
- DATEV - Software Craft Community
- lernOS