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Cortical thickness with ANTsPyNet


Install a complete runnable container from Docker Hub.

For non-containerized installation (not recommended), first install the system requirements ANTs, c3d, and Then install with pip

git clone
pip install antsnetct


All users must set the environment variable TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME to a location containing the template to be used. You can use any template as long as it has both a _T1w.nii.gz file and an associated brain mask.

The default is a single thread for all operations. Multi-threading of ITK can be enabled by setting the environment variable ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS. Set ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS=0 to use all available cores, or 8 threads, whichever is smaller. Multi-threading of tensorflow operations in ANTsPyNet processes is controlled by the TF_NUM_INTRAOP_THREADS and TF_NUM_INTEROP_THREADS variables.

Configuration for docker

docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/local/templateflow:/opt/templateflow \
  -e TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/opt/templateflow \
  antsnetct:latest --help

Configuration for singularity

Because singularity does not allow the container to set its user, additional options are required.

singularity run --cleanenv --no-home --home /home/antspyuser \
  -B /path/to/local/templateflow:/opt/templateflow \
  antsnetct_latest.sif --help

Cross-sectional thickness

Basic pipeline

  • Conform to standard orientation.
  • Trim neck (optional).
  • Brain extraction (done by antspynet, or supply your own brain mask dataset, or have one in the input dataset).
  • Segmentation and bias correction. Priors can come from deep_atropos or user-supplied priors. Priors can be used as input to, or used directly as the final segmentation.
  • Denoise and bias-correct T1w using the segmentation.
  • Thickness computation. Same as
  • Warp to template - similar to
  • Generate template space derivatives, Jacobian, GMP, thickness, etc.

See antsnetct --help for current usage.

Cross-sectional output

Output is prefixed with the source entities, which uniquely identifies each T1w input. Some files have metadate stored in a JSON sidecar.

File Description
desc-biascorrbrain_T1w.nii.gz Bias-corrected and denoised image, masked with the brain mask.
desc-biascorr_T1w.nii.gz Bias-corrected and denoised image, with the skull on.
desc-brain_mask.nii.gz Binary brain mask for the T1w.
desc-preproc_T1w.nii.gz The input T1w after preprocessing but before any antsnetct processing. Currently, the only preprocessing is neck trimming.
from-{template}_to-T1w_mode-image_xfm.h5 Composite transform for warping images from the template space to the space of the T1w.
from-T1w_to-{template}_mode-image_xfm.h5 Composite transform for warping images from the T1w space to the template.
seg-antsnetct_desc-thickness.nii.gz Cortical thickness in mm.
seg-antsnetct_dseg.nii.gz Six-class brain segmentation, using BIDS common derived segmentation labels.
seg-antsnetct_label-{label}_probseg.nii.gz Probability image for each segmentation label.
space-{template}[_res-{template_res}]_desc-biascorrbrain_T1w.nii.gz Bias-corrected, denoised image in the template space.
space-{template}[_res-{template_res}]_desc-logjacobian.nii.gz Log jacobian of the nonlinear component of the warp to the template, for analysis of nonlinear volume change.
space-{template}[_res-{template_res}]_desc-thickness.nii.gz Cortical thickness in the template space.
space-ADNINormalAgingANTs_res-01_label-CGM_probseg.nii.gz Cortical gray matter probability in the template space, for VBM.

Longitudinal thickness

First run the cross-sectional (cx) pipeline on all time points.

Defaults to running all session T1w images, but user can input a custom list.

The SST is built from the processed T1w images (ie, desc-biascorr) but the longitudinal segmentation is done with the preprocessed T1w images (ie, desc-preproc), which is oriented and optionally neck-trimmed, but not denoised or bias-corrected.

Pipeline overview:

  • Build SST from the cx-processed T1w
  • Define a common brain mask from the cx sessions (basically the union of the session masks in SST space)
  • Segment SST with ANTsPyNet
  • Register SST to group template (optional)

For each session image:

  • Register to SST
  • Warp SST segmentation to each session space
  • Run denoising / N4 / Atropos on session T1w, using SST segmentation as priors.
  • Compute cortical thickness on session T1w
  • Warp derivatives to SST / group template space

See antsnetct --longitudinal --help for current usage.

Longitudinal output

Subject-level output

Under sub-subjeclabel/anat, subject-level output files are prefixed with sub-JP01. The T1w image in this folder is the single-subject template (SST).

File Description
desc-brain_mask.nii.gz Brain mask for the SST.
File Description
desc-brain_T1w.nii.gz Brain-extracted SST.
from-{template}_to-T1w_mode-image_xfm.h5 Transform from the group template to the SST.
from-T1w_to-{template}_mode-image_xfm.h5 Transform from the SST to the group template.
seg-antsnetct_dseg.nii.gz Segmentatation of the SST.
seg-antsnetct_label-{label}_probseg.nii.gz Probability images from the segmentation. These are used as priors for session-level segmentation.
T1w.nii.gz The SST image.

Session-level output

Session-level output is similar to the cross-sectional output, except that the transforms map to the SST space, not the group template space. To warp images to the group template, combine the warps, for example:

antsApplyTransforms \
    -d 3 \
    -i sub-01_ses-01_desc-biascorrbrain_T1w.nii.gz \
    -r tpl-group_T1w.nii.gz \
    -o sub-01_ses-01_space-group_desc-biascorrbrain_T1w.nii.gz \
    -t sub-01_from-T1w_to-group_template_mode-image_xfm.h5  sub-01_ses-01_from-T1w_to-sst_mode-image_xfm.h5